This is the official changelog index of Shopware 6. Here you find a registry of all Shopware 6 releases with a reference to the detailed changelog of each version. If you want to know more about how the changelog is created have a look here.
- NEXT-21255 - Update design of header and footer for order documents
- NEXT-9933 - Implement documents display company address
- NEXT-21916 - Add active state icon sales channel configuration selects and add preview slot for selects (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-22591 - Add customer custom fields to cart transformation (Axel Guckelsberger)
- NEXT-20792 - Fix displaying of variant groups, if there are more then 100 groups (Dominik Mank)
- NEXT-18530 - Add TypeScript support for Storefront JavaScript
- NEXT-22182 - Remove inactive and deleted products from cart (Micha Hobert)
- NEXT-22356 - make used HttpCache-class customizable (Sven Herrmann)
- NEXT-17544 - Main variant visualisation
- NEXT-22353 - fix Exception::__construct() in TreeBuildingNavigationRoute.php (Private)
- NEXT-21968 - Remove core dependencies from ProductCombinationFinder
- NEXT-22404 - Not found cache
- NEXT-22469 - Fix custom field sorting in admin view (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-22566 - Ensure the directory to generate JWT public / private keys is, does exist.# (Johannes Przymusinski)
- NEXT-18505 - Adjust entity single select search
- NEXT-22394 - Fix UI is broken in documents when unchecked display line items.
- NEXT-22233 - Add block to sw-flow-detail
- NEXT-12801 - Fix invalid review author item
- NEXT-22495 - Fix missing language domain on context switch
- NEXT-21626 - Initialize associations in custom entities
- NEXT-22201 - Update administration dependencies
- NEXT-22312 - Update Percy SDK
- NEXT-20076 - Add info message box to seo urls
- NEXT-17325 - Improve seo indexer performance
- NEXT-17181 - Prevent redirect-route caching
- NEXT-22028 - Add block to show custom bulk action in order line item for plugin
- NEXT-22145 - Fix shipping costs and nested line item position in document displays incorrectly
- NEXT-21163 - Add sw-help-center component
- NEXT-22546 - Fix line break in invoice.html.twig (Fabian Blechschmidt)
- NEXT-22595 - Add input delay for offcanvas quantity fields
- NEXT-19272 - Disable auto-save when moving blocks in the CMS sidebar
- NEXT-22584 - Fix test-class usage in Defaults.php
- NEXT-22059 - Logging for MailErrorEvent
- NEXT-22576 - Mark http cache as stale instead deleting
- NEXT-21194 - Mark symfony bundles as internal
- NEXT-22222 - Refactor filter options for plugin
- NEXT-22669 - Better compatibility with extensions that display notification bars in admin (Alexander Menk)
- NEXT-22613 - Allow autowiring of
type - NEXT-22244 - Fix query signing for plugins
- NEXT-22271 - All (even non-closable) offcanvases close on window resize due to OffCanvasAccountMenu._onViewportHasChanged method
- NEXT-22672 - Add scheduled task should run
- NEXT-22723 - Add missing snippets in delivery times
- NEXT-16780 - Implement order document number to be searchable
- NEXT-22725 - Remove flags other than those of default languages (de-DE, en-GB)
- NEXT-22691 - Add block supports for Flow Export on commercial plugin
- NEXT-22603 - Descriptive text in payment sorting modal is too long
- NEXT-22358 - fix PromotionRedemptionUpdater handling of unexpected customer count
- NEXT-20062 - Theme configuration - config fields incorrect representation
- NEXT-22774 - Add cancelable event to csrf handler
- NEXT-22797 - Add compilerpass for demodata generator
- NEXT-22246 - Add elasticsearch aware to criteria
- NEXT-22769 - Add event to modify order criteria in SalesChannelContextRestorer (Stefan Poensgen)
- NEXT-22446 - Extending the open api schema
- NEXT-21194 - Move installer into core
- NEXT-20721 - Error placeholder within notifications is not translated
- NEXT-19784 - Fix documents template changes are not applied correctly
- NEXT-22775 - Add app timeout
- NEXT-22730 - CMS element data resolving mismatch
- NEXT-22675 - Add normal component rendering to locations
- NEXT-22385 - The column for the company name is missing
- NEXT-22892 - Add twig blocks for image to the product box card template (joschka)
- NEXT-22339 - Remove the Markets step in the First Run Wizard
- NEXT-20299 - Fix display ampersand in checkout process and cart
- NEXT-22701 - Hide CMS internal components
- NEXT-22310 - Fix form loading spinner plugin form validation
- NEXT-22950 - Fix unstable sort order in
which might lead to duplicate or missing entries - NEXT-22912 - Norwegian language in installer (Kurt Inge Smådal)
- NEXT-22935 - Performance of CheapestPriceUpdater for many variants (Julian Krzefski)
- NEXT-22760 - Add deprecation eslint rules to administration
- NEXT-21088 - Sorting country in Installer configuration by alphabetical order
- NEXT-22931 - Show shipping costs in next page if items per page is reached
- NEXT-15740 - Add generics to collections
- NEXT-21580 - Add option to dump env vars to env.local.php file
- NEXT-18116 - Adjust field errors according to design system
- NEXT-22410 - Check for Runtime fields in Criteria
- NEXT-22760 - Fix eslint rule for TypeScript
- NEXT-21532 - Allow
shorthand prefix for custom entities - NEXT-22958 - Fix link to payment overview
- NEXT-22338 - Limit product association loading
- NEXT-22937 - Don't validate plugin requirements for plugins managed by composer
- NEXT-22997 - Improve error handling of rule settings
- NEXT-20062 - Theme configuration - config fields incorrect representation
- NEXT-23122 - Improve translations in storefront presentation settings
- NEXT-6944 - Assign newly created layout automatically
- NEXT-17314 - Showing more entities on the bulk edit confirmation modal
- NEXT-17780 - Advanced price rule in the bulk edit
- NEXT-18072 - Confirm before leaving bulk edit
- NEXT-18077 - Order bulk edit fails when changing states
- NEXT-17486 - Generate order documents in bulk edit
- NEXT-19318 - Allow sending email about status change and document
- NEXT-19366 - Allow downloading documents from bulk edit
- NEXT-21016 - Fix pagination of reviews for variant products (Max)
- NEXT-20212 - Add advance selection to rule assignments
- NEXT-20935 - Add new payment method overview
- NEXT-17708 - Rework Document Generator
- NEXT-20937 - Payment methods settings order modal
- NEXT-21620 - Display warning in bulk edit documents
- NEXT-17235 - Implement meteor-icon-kit
- NEXT-21686 - Add default folder to sw-media-field (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-21670 - Get latest order status after saving changes
- NEXT-21757 - Disable sending document types if needed
- NEXT-22321 - Add read and write protection to entity schema (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-21188 - Fix affiliate and campaign code filter is missing in order and customer overview
- NEXT-15584 - Add countryState association to mail and document generation
- NEXT-21862 - Make cms element data unique for the same entity (Michiel Kalle)
- NEXT-22008 - Added option to skip assets compilation to system:update:finish command. (Andreas Allacher)
- NEXT-19593 - Fix display wrong amount of pages in order documents
- NEXT-21933 - Amend API exceptions type check during error container inspection (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-21958 - Refactor delivery time units
- NEXT-21050 - Implement resolve listing ids event
- NEXT-21959 - Allowing all .twig files
- NEXT-17261 - Deprecate OrderDocumentApiService create method
- NEXT-20784 - Discourage adding inactive categories and products as internal-link
- NEXT-20503 - Promotions created in non-default language cannot be saved
- NEXT-21089 - Add Flat struct to flow
- NEXT-22049 - Google Product Feed - set shipping fee to 0.00 if this product.shippingFree checkbox is set. (wolf128058)
- NEXT-20544 - Fixed toolbar closing results in JS error
- NEXT-21658 - Correct ISO code in language listing
- NEXT-21813 - Fix custom fields listing
- NEXT-21650 - Scheduled task still run when sales channel is disabled
- NEXT-22056 - Change static template configuration (Max)
- NEXT-22054 - Fix extension list in administration during Shopware Community Store API communication issues (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-21032 - Fix Send mail action change document order version id
- NEXT-22045 - Fix using standard symfony rate limiter on shopware default definitions (Stephan Niewerth)
- NEXT-22044 - Remove deprecated annotation for final
- NEXT-18418 - Deprecate dependencies
- NEXT-22085 - Fixed src/Core/Framework/DataAbstractionLayer/Dbal/Common/RepositoryIterator.php::fetchIds() with propertyName instead of storageName
- NEXT-21371 - Fix inactive category as breadcrumb
- NEXT-21967 - Remove core dependencies from AuthController
- NEXT-21967 - Remove core dependencies from CartLineItemController
- NEXT-21967 - Remove core dependencies from CountryStateController
- NEXT-19158 - Allow unescaped output of string template renderer
- NEXT-19429 - Fix scssphp deprecation
- NEXT-21887 - Cookie Consent "deny" button touchstart event triggers underneath elements on mobile
- NEXT-22124 - Fix cancellation document page displays wrong title
- NEXT-22123 - Fix the deletion of customer account with csrf mode set to ajax
- NEXT-22122 - Fix the deletion of customer account with csrf mode set to ajax
- NEXT-22153 - Fix state count bug in the flow-builder (Daniel Wolf)
- next-22163 - Optimize Delete queries on cart and version tables (Micha Hobert)
- NEXT-22127 - Fix addresses salutation display is not correct in order detail
- NEXT-21967 - Remove core dependencies from ContextController
- NEXT-22156 - Fix info text on SQL to Redis migration (Micha Hobert)
- NEXT-22164 - Fix typo in default english HTML version of the password change email
- NEXT-21945 - Only fetch order state of live version
- NEXT-22154 - Update tiny-slider package version
- NEXT-22183 - Add blocks to the grid of sw-mail-template-list (Stefan Poensgen)
- NEXT-22203 - Allow order address custom fields changes (Alessandro Aussems)
- NEXT-21789 - Fix sw-tree drag&drop
- NEXT-22228 - Fix admin stylelint
- NEXT-20349 - Fix color-picker index
- NEXT-21809 - Add customer email index
- NEXT-22051 - Admin sort payments alphabetically in sales channels.
- NEXT-22118 - Deprecation of unused storefront plugins
- NEXT-20611 - Help Text in theme config on "type": "media" is behind context menu
- NEXT-21360 - Implement Dynamic URL Field
- NEXT-20501 - Media limit association loading
- NEXT-20782 - Variant properties for internal links
- NEXT-22334 - Add missing method typehints to
s (Max) - NEXT-18928 - Delete shop logos are still in the storefront for certain viewports
- NEXT-17228 - Fix icons in component library
- NEXT-21802 - Hide "Load More" when all Elements are loaded
- NEXT-21871 - Reactivate modal closing transition
- NEXT-22326 - Fix component library icons
- NEXT-22244 - Add query signing to SDK urls
- NEXT-21968 - Remove core dependencies from ProductPageLoader
- NEXT-22384 - Fix missing saleschannel icon
- NEXT-22322 - Update storefront npm dependencies
- NEXT-20062 - Theme configuration - config fields incorrect representation
- NEXT-22504 - Fix button style issue in media upload component
- NEXT-22343 - Add action icon needs to be improved
- NEXT-22504 - Fix administration icon sizes
- NEXT-22504 - Remove unnecessary tree item action nesting
- NEXT-13602 - Add create order button in customer order list
- NEXT-19595 - Allow plugin configurations as scss variables
- NEXT-17916 - Newsletter Email does not change when Customer changes his Email
- NEXT-20974 - Fix missing updated cookies when accepting all cookies (Max)
- NEXT-18368 - Bootstrap v5 OffCanvas markup and CSS
- NEXT-21326 - Load administration snippets from all bundles (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-21421 - No login error if more than one inactive customer is found (Max)
- NEXT-20467 - Fix Theme Config inheritance toggle (Rafael Kraut)
- NEXT-21711 - Add loadMediaFileStream to MediaService and FileLoader (JoshuaBehrens)
- NEXT-21408 - Fix many and huge custom-field-sets by loading the fields asynchronous (Robert Schönthal)
- NEXT-21703 - Add parameter validation for extension listing items to identify data issues easier (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-15592 - Fix sw-colorpicker to convert color value between different mode
- NEXT-20815 - Only a maximum of 25 folders in the media area
- NEXT-21598 - Fix inconsistent webpack built for storefront JS
- NEXT-21706 - 2022-05-19-Refresh-button-within-the-event-log-in-Admin (Alexander Pankow)
- NEXT-21024 - Bootstrap v5 OffCanvas JavaScript implementation
- NEXT-21562 - Re-styling for disabled actions in Flow Builder
- NEXT-21092 - Require users to log into their Shopware Account if token has expired
- NEXT-20708 - sw-text-editor shift paste without format
- NEXT-20396 - Deprecate store-api proxy in storefront
- NEXT-21281 - Improve search behavior in text snippet module
- NEXT-21456 - Internal repositories
- NEXT-20726 - Fix error on checkout page when on IE 11
- NEXT-21758 - Small performance improvement (Sebastian)
- NEXT-21224 - Implement new statistics chart design
- NEXT-21323 - Add headline and paragraph to App Flow Action
- NEXT-21793 - Fixed Structured Data for Breadcrumbs
- NEXT-21800 - Fix typos in DocumentGeneratorController
- NEXT-20255 - Add extension twig block for delay block
- NEXT-21845 - Fix default salutation in contact form (Stephan Franck)
- NEXT-20441 - Serverside searching for properties
- NEXT-21838 - Optimize performance of CartScopeDiscountPackager (Max)
- NEXT-9423 - Switch input type on high quantity
- NEXT-21846 - Added og:url meta to Storefront (SimonNitzsche)
- NEXT-21866 - Add cash rounding data to order fixture
- NEXT-21568 - Add button size to flyout
- NEXT-21867 - Add missing coverId to ElasticsearchProductDefinition (Michiel Kalle)
- NEXT-21846 - Fix og:url by providing canonical URL or fallback
- NEXT-21913 - Show cross-selling titles in mobile view
- NEXT-21918 - Fix sales channel variable in produxt-export preview
- NEXT-18736 - Fixed the use of the configured currency in the product export
- NEXT-20027 - Criteria string total-count-mode
- NEXT-21621 - Change HTML lang to snippet set language (Thomas Aschauer)
- NEXT-21781 - Flow builder action list not sorted correctly
- NEXT-21987 - Fix double cart prefix on delete in redis cache adapter (Micha Hobert)
- NEXT-22044 - Remove deprecated annotation for final
- NEXT-18950 - Create app flow action DAL
- NEXT-19083 - Update app manifest xsd for flow action.
- NEXT-19345 - Refactor flow builder core
- NEXT-18951 - Update AppLifecycle element for flow action
- NEXT-18949 - Frontend Implement generate actions and modal for app flow actions
- NEXT-19012 - Update FlowExecutor to dispatch Webhook event
- NEXT-18876 - Add service for determining delta of app permissions and domains
- NEXT-21608 - Allow using the current database during for tests (Alexander Menk)
- NEXT-19997 - New nested line items
- NEXT-17283 - VAT-ID validation is missing for customer account
- NEXT-20573 - Changed position of media empty content block
- NEXT-14675 - URL not deleted even if available Sales Channel is removed
- NEXT-13585 - account-type is missing in administration
- NEXT-18753 - Add force transition in set order state
- NEXT-20962 - Adding more default values for search configuration
- NEXT-21315 - Prevent assignment of sales channel context to customer if permissions are set (Nils Evers)
- NEXT-21040 - Make Order shipping- and billing adress EntityWrittenEvents hookable
- NEXT-18543 - Unifed refund handler
- NEXT-20977 - Add dynamic positioning on link flyout
- NEXT-20963 - Admin search performance improvements
- NEXT-21006 - Implement sorting by association count
- NEXT-21175 - Changed highlighting in sw-media-upload-v2 when image fields are disabled (Rafael Kraut)
- NEXT-20808 - Improve loading behavior of media in variant overview
- NEXT-20415 - Update type of department in customer and order
- NEXT-21181 - Implement Criteria Load Event for CrossSellings (Björn Herzke)
- NEXT-20001 - add plural snippets to rule builder operators
- NEXT-20418 - Allow Apps to require additional privileges
- NEXT-21236 - Fix promotion custom fields (Elias Lackner)
- [NEXT-20283 - Save categories after exiting layout-assignment modal](/changelog/release-6-4-12-0/2022-04-19-save-categories-after-exiting-layout-assignment
- NEXT-16890 - Fixing bug table product_keyword_dictionary gets bigger and bigger
- NEXT-18634 - Save changes modal when having unsaved changes
- NEXT-20229 - Correct payment status in order listing
- NEXT-21336 - Remove warning for loading not yet released Shopware 6.5 migrations (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-21011 - Use popover for sw-media-field
- NEXT-19353 - Ask for renewed consent affirmation if app requires new permissions
- NEXT-20617 - Translate javascript services from sw-extension into TypeScript
- NEXT-21337 - Removed rich snippet availability from price offers (Max)
- - - Added normalizer support for HappyPathValidator (Pascal Jonasson)
- NEXT-20874 - Added commands to synchronise cart from sql to redis
- NEXT-17540 - Delete all flow actions before update the app
- NEXT-9096 - Disable default cookie notification
- NEXT-21287 - Missing german translation within Bulk Edit Modal for packaging unit
- NEXT-21319 - sort by price in product prices (Huzaifa Mustafa)
- NEXT-20617 - Fetch logininformation from store
- NEXT-21288 - Fix order of cached shipping methods when one selected
- NEXT-21011 - Take childLineItem label as it is (Dominik Mank)
- NEXT-20971 - Added REDIS_PREFIX env variable
- NEXT-20767 - Allow more related entities for custom field sets in apps
- NEXT-19668 - Change customer status dropdown text highlighting
- NEXT-21312 - Duplicated SalesChannel entries when creating new products
- NEXT-20216 - Fix method changes on checkout confirm page
- NEXT-20757 - Move index config to symfony config
- NEXT-21320 - Parse all hosts from app manifest files
- NEXT-173312 - Improve HreflangLoader performance
- NEXT-21370 - Only load active app scripts (Max)
- NEXT-21365 - Add nix-dir-env support
- NEXT-19860 - Added app script conditions
- NEXT-21305 - Fix sw-card for safari
- NEXt-20981 - Fix cart settings item icon
- NEXT-20399 - Fix custom fields card cannot show in bulk edit
- NEXT-21389 - Fix publishing datasets from same component
- NEXT-21126 - Replaced link in payment warning on sales channel detail page to point to payment settings instead of payment detail page
- NEXT-20944 - Added number range and auto increment in search result
- NEXT-18260 - Allow nested associations in the product comparison templates
- NEXT-20367 - Consistent deprecation handling in core
- NEXT-21353 - Disable source maps in admin build
- NEXT-9642 - Content of custom fields is not being adopted to other languages
- NEXT-20908 - Update Administration npm dependencies
- NEXT-21458 - Filter inactive root categories
- NEXT-19055 - Improve custom entities schema updater exception message
- NEXT-21234 - Elasticsearch custom field mapping using config
- NEXT-21515 - Fix typo in FromScrollToInvalidFieldPlugin import
- NEXT-21453 - Fix modal title line height
- NEXT-21330 - Fix store api translations
- NEXT-19173 - internal-classes
- NEXt-21328 - Bulk edit for product variants improvements
- NEXT-19788 - Change component type of field option of custom field content flow builder
- NEXT-21221 - Fetch rules when restore customer sales channel context
- NEXT-20020 - Consider closeout visibility of products in sitemap generation
- NEXT-21539 - check deliveries for length (pkeil)
- NEXT-20390 - Documents - move assignment card to the top
- NEXT-19403 - Preview entity does nothing on listing page layouts
- NEXT-21526 - Add domainId to
- NEXT-4953 - Add template prio
- NEXT-21573 - Fix apps breaking extension listing in administration
- NEXT-21596 - Fix locale code provider on inherited locale code
- NEXT-21284 - Group actions in flow builder
- NEXT-20975 - Correct mail template delivery state shipped subject
- NEXT-21579 - Fix DisableExtensionsCompilerPass
- NEXT-21393 - Fix rule builder custom field active switch
- NEXT-21494 - Remove psalm
- NEXT-21613 - Remove category external link from sitemap (Marcin Kaczor)
- NEXT-20300 - Fix media folder child count
- NEXT-21559 - Provide SDK capability for module information and router push
- NEXT-21565 - Fix button behind off-canvas still clickable on mobile
- NEXT-18117 - Added BaseAppUrl to apps and plugins as entry point for AdminExtensionAPI
- NEXT-19247 - Auto-detect local AdminExtensionAPI entry points in plugins
- NEXT-18126 - Add permissions to extensions
- NEXT-21237 - Add allowed hosts to apps
- NEXT-21763 - Pass unmodified app path when updating app scripts
- NEXT-21569 - Revert string field break
- NEXT-18634 - Fix display warning alert
- NEXT-21868 - Additional privileges InfoController
- NEXT-21899 - Fix npm peer dependencies
- NEXT-21300 - Saving variant bulk edit action "Add" and "Overwrite" for advanced pricing not possible
- NEXT-19367 - Adding the new filter for product variants modal
- NEXT-9292 - Fix image cover jump in product detail
- NEXT-16790 - Added tag administration
- NEXT-19645 - Tax of the products is not re-calculated when changing tax of bulk edit
- NEXT-19412 - Trigger admin worker message consumption on import export start
- NEXT-20073 - Add possibility for default cms media
- NEXT-18284 - Default CMS Media assignment
- NEXT-11600 - Dispatch BeforeDeleteEvent before delete entities
- NEXT-15799 - Bug fixing product comparison does not work
- NEXT-16225 - Integrate custom entities
- NEXT-12535 - Replace AjaxModalExtensionUtil with AjaxModalPlugin (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-18498 - Implement extension sdk datahandling
- NEXT-20311 - Add help-text to dashboard turnover chart
- NEXT-19744 - Add varnish clear to cache:clear
- NEXT-19473 - Fix state field only shown if available states for country
- NEXT-20432 - Implement cache lock
- NEXT-9461 - Fixed level-4 entries of sidebar navigation disappearing
- NEXT-17481 - Improvement validate with white space
- NEXT-15014 - Move route specific annotation to route defaults
- - Use parameters to display cache information in admin. (Andreas Allacher)
- NEXT-20517 - Allow tokens to be adjusted via environment (Moritz Pietzschke)
- NEXT-20173 - Fix empty operator of customer zip code rule conditions
- NEXT-20438 - Use current time from rule scope in time based conditions
- NEXT-19099 - Add active column in customer overview
- NEXT-20273 - Assign data to rule before getting constraints in price field serializer
- NEXT-12411 - Entity select advanced selection implemented
- NEXT-18411 - Fix html and implement icon cache filter
- NEXT-20372 - Update cypress to version 9.5.2
- NEXT-20450 - Add Flow builder to Rule assignments
- NEXT-20766 - Fix order generation in demodata (Maximilian Ruesch)
- NEXT-20502 - sw-custom-field-set-renderer
- NEXT-20547 - Bug fixing remove inheritance of Properties for product variants not working
- NEXT-20638 - Fix line item children smooth collapse (Melvin Achterhuis)
- NEXT-20694 - Fix issue when the same placeholder for the CSRF token is used more than once in a template (Alexander Schneider)
- NEXT-20695 - Pass criteria sorting property to call in sw-entity-many-to-many-select (Christian Sayenko)
- NEXT-20525 - Add app integration id header
- NEXT-20678 - Add cache for twig_escape_filter
- NEXT-20689 - Don't perform queries in
if criteria.limit = 0 - NEXT-19387 - Bulk edit for variants
- NEXT-20644 - Price amount will be reset when click bulk edit checkbox
- NEXT-20692 - Remove leading colons in DBAL parameters
- NEXT-20254 - Show variant properties in order items
- NEXT-20690 - Skip cart processors & collectors if cart is empty
- NEXT-11227 - update dynamic product groups purchase prices snippets
- NEXT-20436 - Add info text for meta title & description in admin
- NEXT-20693 - Add
to reuse existing Redis connection - NEXT-20682 - Add reverse proxy state header
- NEXT-20771 - Check for null in tax detector (Moritz Pietzschke)
- NEXT-17463 - Fixed total of storno bill positive
- NEXT-18665 - Flow builder - add send mail to every event.
- NEXT-20728 - Json schema config
- NEXT-20687 - Optimize initial state id loading
- NEXT-19766 - Optimize variant indexing behavior
- NEXT-20672 - Redis cart persister
- NEXT-20508 - Add position field to shipping method
- NEXT-20758 - Adjusted sw-cms-toolbar styling
- NEXT-20691 - Fix context hash for logged in customers
- NEXT-20746 - Fix mapping of one-to-many association if entity has no parent (Fabian Boensch)
- NEXT-16891 - Hide link on last name column when customer edit mode is off
- NEXT-17359 - Improve promotion redemption updater performance
- NEXT-20691 - Skip the calculation and rendering of the checkout info widget if the cart is empty
- NEXT-20799 - Add block component_payment_method_description_text (Max)
- NEXT-20591 - Add popover directive to category tree field
- NEXT-20688 - cache id env
- NEXT-19249 - Clearer Status for Customer
- NEXT-20763 - Fix toolbar layout in cards
- NEXT-20696 - Better profiling
- NEXT-20624 - Fixed storing of the title when registering a new customer ([Huy Truong]( Truong))
- NEXT-20550 - Implement multi deleting variants
- NEXT-20705 - Alow more versions for sw-version
- NEXT-20744 - Change sw-page title row dynamically
- NEXT-20854 - Fix database connection without password.
- NEXT-20653 - Fix flyout display issues
- NEXT-20811 - Load language locale association in ProductExportPartialGenerationHandler
- NEXT-12900 - Specify Translation overwrites in write payloads
- NEXT-20845 - Bug fixing clear fields in bulk edit working wrong
- NEXT-20852 - Disable extensions per env variable
- NEXT-20457 - missing state in flow builder
- NEXT-20599 - Refactor design of the modal
- NEXT-20896 - Salutation missing in email template (Marcin Kaczor)
- NEXT-18964 - Fix admin cookies for subdomains
- NEXT-20885 - Fix async webhook dispatching for app lifecycle events
- NEXT-20943 - Fix documents same dateformat (Thomas Wunner)
- NEXT-20946 - Fix Google analytics tracking of gclid (Max)
- NEXT-18118 - State in flow builder sometimes uppercase, sometimes lowercase
- NEXT-20627 - Fix Customer filter does not work with paging
- NEXT-20509 - Display the position of shipping methods in the Administration
- NEXT-20951 - Fix app installation if
acl role exist - NEXT-20932 - Fix some component library issues
- NEXT-17913 - Converted
to typescript - NEXT-20511 - Display shipping methods by position in the checkout
- NEXT-20673 - Refactor number ranges to be faster
- NEXT-17913 - Convert
to TypeScript - NEXT-20851 - Disable extensions by env
- NEXT-16922 - Tax calculation on credit note for customer group with net prices is wrong
- NEXT-18979 - Avoid accidental closing of modals
- NEXT-21019 - Fix bundle load order
- NEXT-18115 - NEXT-18115 - implement new slot "header-right" for sw-card
- NEXT-20964 - Media library folder search does not include subfolders
- NEXT-20683 - Add fastly support
- NEXT-21086 - Fix AppUrlChangedModal if no apps are installed
- NEXT-20683 - Fix empty cookie set
- NEXT-21122 - Fix execution of store-api scripts over GET requests
- NEXT-19667 - Show option label in custom field dropdown list
- NEXT-20418 - Allow Apps to require additional privileges
- NEXT-21287 - Missing german translation within Bulk Edit Modal for packaging unit
- NEXT-21288 - Fix order of cached shipping methods when one selected
- NEXT-21312 - Duplicated SalesChannel entries when creating new products
- NEXT-21389 - Fix publishing datasets from same component
- NEXT-20399 - Fix custom fields card cannot show in bulk edit
- NEXT-18689 - Sort recent updated media files to be on top
- NEXT-19459 - Search ranking is inconsistent between grid and bubble cont
- NEXT-13772 - Add options criteria to product seo generation
- NEXT-19439. - Flow builder insert record to log_entry
- NEXT-19702 - Remove overwrite select dropdown for purchase price
- NEXT-19905 - Allow to set permissions on sales channel proxy (Nils Evers)
- NEXT-19262 - Change default promotion codes import/export profile
- NEXT-20004 - Allow multiple buttons in the form loading indicator (Max)
- NEXT-17446 - Add a tooltip for Item in category rule condition
- NEXT-19647 - Fix back button on search bar works incorrectly
- NEXT-18684 - Unify listing page naming
- NEXT-20123 - Add finish page criteria event (Marcin Kaczor)
- NEXT-20113 - CookieManager takes app active state into account
- NEXT-19624 - Use clone API for sections and blocks
- NEXT-19532 - Custom document types in the flow builder generate document action
- NEXT-20136 - Add category path to the DPG condition
- NEXT-20191 - Removing duplicate DOM IDs from pagination (SkaveRat)
- NEXT-19514 - Fixed dropdown in PDP product configurator
- NEXT-18930 - Google Product Feed - handle Articles without an Image (wolf128058)
- NEXT-11979 - Add global anchor tag styling
- NEXT-20202 - Allow AppScript endpoints as valid target URL for ActionButtons
- - Changed system config memoization to use separate service. (Andreas Allacher)
- NEXT-20222 - Fix 'Plugin ACL' bug (Rune Laenen)
- NEXT-19704 - Fixed refresh error list in cms listing layout
- NEXT-17913 - Translate filter.factory to Typescript
- NEXT-19696 - Add "save and duplicate" function to DPG detail page
- NEXT-20343 - Decode URL-encoded values from database URL in maintenance commands (Martin Helmich)
- NEXT-20167 - Fix wishlists on checkout pages
- NEXT-20237 - slider dots aligned center in mobile device (Dhruv Patel)
- NEXT-19900 - Add "save and duplicate" function to rule builder detail page
- NEXT-20255 - Add twig block extension for flow builder
- NEXT-15229 - Migrate missing utility classes to Bootstrap v5
- NEXT-20208 - Add deprecation handling for App Scripts
- NEXT-19798 - Changed order of content block and empty content block
- NEXT-19996 - CMS listing loading performanced optimized
- NEXT-19522 - Fixed pre-selection in has cover image filter of dynamic product groups
- NEXT-18415 - Implement lighthouse storefront tests to CI
- NEXT-20227 - Improve expired async payment token behavior
- NEXT-20097 - Handle unauthenticated app registration failure
- NEXT-11048 - Improve media search to include sub folders
- NEXT-18115 - Update the card design
- - Added option to skip JWT keys generation to system:install command. (Andreas Allacher)
- NEXT-15229 - Deprecate IE11 polyfills
- NEXT-20340 - Fix delete of orders without customer_id
- NEXT-19582 - Price indication regulation Guideline
- NEXT-20046 - rule-builder-placeholder-for-operator-select
- NEXT-18824 - Added configurable minimal search length for product suggestions (Melvin Achterhuis)
- NEXT-16034 - Added language switches to missing places
- NEXT-19799 - Changed styling for link to the search configuration
- NEXT-20398 - Fix reset of config values on updating an deactivated plugin
- NEXT-16074 - Add Primary replica config
- NEXT-18553 - Account/order displays all payment methods ever selected and a lot of floating commas
- NEXT-20160 - Changed styling of cookie consent buttons
- NEXT-11407 - Added sorting to mapping popup
- NEXT-20031 - Calculation of Turnover for Customer should not include cancelled Orders
- NEXT-20451 - Transition to typescript
- NEXT-20253 - Add
to stateful services. - NEXT-19410 - Add css class field to cms page
- NEXT-20454 - Extract Entity and EntityCollection to Extension SDK
- NEXT-19554 - Adjust text-editor link flyout
- NEXT-20563 - Allow to specify the number of demodata rules (Max)
- NEXT-15229 - Fix account order design in Bootstrap v5
- NEXT-20578 - Fixed the error handler callback of the CLI Updater to be PHP8 compatible (Felix von WIRDUZEN)
- NEXT-20568 - Fix pagination for reviews of products with shopping experience layout (Max)
- NEXT-19771 - Fixed dashboard stats not responding to selected timezone
- NEXT-20515 - Return cloned line item when quantity is the same
- NEXT-20564 - Simplify template for the product slider configuration (Max)
- NEXT-17040 - Add custom fields to landing page on front-end (Melvin Achterhuis)
- NEXT-20600 - Changed empty h5 to div.h5 for seo purpose (Melvin Achterhuis)
- NEXT-19689 - Fix review display in cms product detail page
- NEXT-19804 - Loosen tight connection between list and regulation price
- NEXT-20783 - Fix category links made in text-editor via link flyout
- NEXT-19461 - Frequently used and Recently searched should work for all bubbles
- NEXT-17164 - Prepared payment add pre-order call
- NEXT-15229 - Update Storefront to Bootstrap 5
- NEXT-17740 - Create handler for set custom field action
- NEXT-17740 - Set value of an entity inside a flow
- NEXT-16802 - Added slots for additional description in select result list
- NEXT-17975 - Add change customer group action
- NEXT-18193 - Add change customer status action
- NEXT-18219 - Simplify custom field rule field selection
- NEXT-17156 - Prepared payment handler interface
- NEXT-17157 - Add payment method handler runtime fields
- NEXT-11674 - Added product image in order confirmation mail template
- NEXT-18558 - Added migration to copy sales channel ids to the user config
- NEXT-18066 - re-evaluate rules in order context
- NEXT-17914 - Multiple select generate document in flow builder.
- NEXT-18082 - Add an affiliate and campaign code action
- NEXT-18280 - Added sales-channel sorting options in the sales channel list
- NEXT-17093 - Add condition grouping
- NEXT-19035 - Use additional description for group of properties in DPG filter
- NEXT-19003 - Changed variant name and active state of a product variant which inherited incorrectly
- NEXT-19646 - Allow form submit buttons outside the form (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-17162 - Prepared payment add pre-order call
- NEXT-19485 - Reset data grid of order detail after reloading
- NEXT-18627 - Add group single select component
- NEXT-17468 - Added admin components for import identifier mapping
- NEXT-19604 - Dashboard not showing correct order sum
- NEXT-10255 - Change storefront tab styling
- NEXT-19581 - Correct the words for singular nouns and plural nouns in bulk edit
- NEXT-19843 - plugin-container-configuration-for-test-environment (scriptibus)
- NEXT-19364 - Recompile all dependent themes on change
- NEXT-12695 - Fixed checkout offcanvas close button jumping
- NEXT-19573 - Pagination and design error on the layout selection page
- NEXT-20061 - Scheduled tasks stuck in queued despite never dispatched (Benny Poensgen)
- NEXT-17094 - Add equalsAll filter to dynamic product groups
- NEXT-19487 - Add writer to custom endpoint AppScripts
- NEXT-18123 - Extension SDK Action Buttons
- NEXT-19181 - Fix line break for date time based conditions
- NEXT-19859 - Add rel="noopener noreferrer" to flyout navigation (Simon Nitzsche)
- NEXT-19617 - Add shopware version and app information to context for extension SDK
- NEXT-17344 - Replace sw-loader with GPU variant
- NEXT-16783 - Changed SwInclude Node
- NEXT-19863 - Fix allow product label overwrites (Nils Evers)
- NEXT-16423 - Fix product cover association
- NEXT-18051 - Implement lighthouse performance tests to CI
- NEXT-19781 - Sort plugins during installation
- NEXT-18514 - Add sw-skeleton and sw-skeleton-bar component
- NEXT-7208 - Fix links for folders in sidebar
- NEXT-14707 - Improve LineItemRule and LineItemWithQuantityRule to check on product parent id
- NEXT-18515 - Add and improve listing skeletons
- NEXT-19840 - Add min order quantity error (Nils Evers)
- NEXT-18774 - Add new LineItemActualStockRule rule condition
- NEXT-19568 - Add storefront endpoints for app scripts
- NEXT-19868 - Fix EntitySearchResult page for zero offset (Max)
- NEXT-19835 - Fix 'Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded' Error
- NEXT-19869 - Consider Advanded Prices for OpenGraph price (tinect)
- NEXT-19898 - Add Brand type to brand schema (Sebastian König)
- NEXT-18520 - Add gallery and media skeleton
- NEXT-18686 - Add new CartTaxDisplay rule condition
- NEXT-18518 - Add skeleton to tree
- NEXT-19892 - Added possibility to use transformers for environment variables used by the EnvironmentHelper utility. (Andreas Allacher)
- NEXT-19924 - Fix checkout on Windows
- NEXT-16146 - Improve spacing in address book
- NEXT-19939 - Set robot tag to noindex for AJAX cookie routes (Max)
- NEXT-19878 - Add locking during version merge
- NEXT-7947 - Fix admin worker
- NEXT-19950 - Fix active ShippingMethod in Offcanvas-Cart
- NEXT-18517 - Implement skeleton loading to all modules
- NEXT-18925 - Add loading spinner on edit order page
- NEXT-19942 - Added events to SystemConfigService to easily allow encrypting and decrypting of stored configuration values in combination with decorating the SystemConfigLoader. (Andreas Allacher)
- NEXT-19989 - Fix task scheduler using wrong storage DateTime format when retrieving scheduled tasks. (Andreas Allacher)
- NEXT-19979 - Remove meta of product-card (Sebastian König)
- NEXT-9036 - Resize the icons for media with no preview
- NEXT-19999 - added logging to swallowed exceptions (Dominik Mank)
- NEXT-15787 - Bump node version
- NEXT-10177 - Display Blockname in category layout assignment
- NEXT-18513 - Implement dashboard skeleton
- NEXT-19378 - Fix validation of nested JsonFields
- NEXT-18519 - Add skeleton to category detail page
- NEXT-16717 - Add vue/no-boolean-default rule
- NEXT-20092 - Add wishlist events (Marcin Kaczor)
- NEXT-19549 - Added error highlighting
- NEXT-20011 - Implement extension skeleton
- NEXT-19812 - Add caching for script endpoints
- NEXT-20128 - No JS error when plugin is registered for non existing element (Max)
- NEXT-19276 - Fixed exception on missing theme field value
- NEXT-20106 - Fixed theme config field custom renderer
- NEXT-19732 - rule-builder-ui-fixes-with-multiple-lines
- NEXT-10807 - Fix pagination on Product Detail Page
- NEXT-19563 - Adjust category tree styles
- NEXT-20075 - Adjust cms error styling
- NEXT-20151 - Added new route events
- NEXT-20149 - Remove cache compress/uncompress from CachedRuleLoader
- NEXT-19855 - Add app lifecycle scripts
- NEXT-20167 - Fix wishlists on checkout pages
- NEXT-20340 - Fix delete of orders without customer_id
- NEXT-20309 - Fix cache control
- NEXT-20348 - Remove session from cache
- NEXT-20305 - Secure proxy route to switch customer with ACL
- NEXT-19820 - Improve session invalidate
- NEXT-19276 - Add filtering to product and promotion codes
- NEXT-20091 - Fixed exception on missing theme field value
- NEXT-20106 - Fixed theme config field custom renderer
- NEXT-12608 - Add Appstore
- NEXT-19537 - Remove price-specific values from range-filter template (Sven Lauer)
- NEXT-12614 - Add shopware account login to extension manager
- NEXT-12612 - Add upload button to extension manager
- NEXT-13260 - Add apps to license violation issue: NEXT-13260
- NEXT-12901 - The apps and themes tab in the extension store are now working
- NEXT-13261 - Check app compatibility on auto update
- NEXT-7754 - Fix thumbnail generation when physical file is missing and refactor GenerateThumbnailsHandler to distinguish between message types
- NEXT-16038 - Write variants from string in product import
- NEXT-15904 - Create profile general tab
- next-16043 - add-special-fields-for-entity-mapping-in-import-module
- NEXT-16041 - Assign and create categories by path in product import
- NEXT-15948 - Replace sidebar media component by media modal
- NEXT-16186 - Merchants can define profiles import behaviour
- NEXT-16184 - Add import export profile types
- NEXT-16187 - Added import dry runs and rollback on error in CLI
- NEXT-16308 - Change the design of searching results
- NEXT-15987 - Entity type filter bubble rework
- NEXT-16036 - Use own identifiers for import
- NEXT-16485 - Implement searching for module and function
- NEXT-16621 - Add possibility to mark entities as export or import only
- NEXT-16170 - Add default search configurations for each module
- NEXT-16170 - Add query scores into criteria for search ranking purpose
- NEXT-16905 - Log elasticsearch issues in any case (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-16713 - Change searching empty state
- NEXT-15903 - Add search preferences to user profile module
- NEXT-15926 - Prioritize user search preference in search query builder
- NEXT-16803 - Rework import export summary modal
- NEXT-16926 - Deprecated composite search, use administration search instead
- NEXT-17082 - Implement frequently used module & action
- NEXT-16084 - Implement empty csv file creation for profile
- NEXT-17089 - Implement not mapped selection for import export mapping
- NEXT-17015 - Show name of variant products in admin search
- NEXT-17396 - Improve search preferences
- NEXT-17141 - Empty Search Results through user configuration
- NEXT-17088 - Reerange the order of mappings
- NEXT-16083 - Implement new profile from CSV wizard
- NEXT-15869 - App can send notifications to the administration
- NEXT-17125 - Align modal ui with desings
- NEXT-16574 - Implement recently search entities
- NEXT-17591 - New API to allow users to read and update their own configuration
- NEXT-17315 - Implement bulk edit for customer module
- NEXT-15986 - Create search preferences modal
- NEXT-17083 - Display frequently used and recently searched
- NEXT-17705 - Remove confirmation modal
- NEXT-17034 - Update rule assignment appearance
- NEXT-17890 - Bug fix Rule Builder not checked
- NEXT-17909 - Implement advanced prices change for bulk edit of products
- NEXT-17637 - Add theme config inheritance
- NEXT-18251 - Add order to csv templates
- NEXT-18248 - Added app scripts
- NEXT-18234 - Separate generic errors in import summary
- NEXT-17902 - Add Customer entity when order is in context on Flow builder
- NEXT-10802 - Fix discounts in Variants
- NEXT-18180 - Prefill product stock
- NEXT-18464 - Improve inventory-related empty states
- NEXT-19653 - Check selector for better dom-selector in plugin registration (tinect)
- NEXT-18177 - Implement default price improvement
- NEXT-18706 - Added default import-export profile for promotion discounts
- NEXT-18240 - Sign outgoing requests of action buttons
- NEXT-18798 - Show all x matching results senseless when still all results listed
- NEXT-18772 - Turn off filter dropdown menu in search bar
- NEXT-18916 - Add blocks to sw-product-list name column (Max)
- NEXT-16893 - Add copy of suffix to copied layout name
- NEXT-17454 - Add required fields automatically
- NEXT-18304 - Custom fields in import-export
- NEXT-18809 - Searching properties doesnt work
- NEXT-15249 - Error notification on failed product stream delete
- NEXT-16887 - Improve app commands
- NEXT-18794 - Selecting a search area loses mouse focus
- NEXT-18917 - Throw exception for requests in broken test environment (Andreas Fernandez)
- NEXT-17968 - Allow changes of action order in sequence
- NEXT-18719 - Fix product variant title truncation
- NEXT-18911 - Add command to change sales channel domain
- NEXT-18869 - Splitted feature flags from config
- NEXT-18120 - Add support for a html page in plugins
- NEXT-10149 - CMS listing will now save user settings + user settings mixin
- NEXT-19100 - bin/console plugin:list machine readable
- NEXT-13145 - Prevent app & share icon to override the favicon
- NEXT-18154 - Use parentId in product stream filters
- NEXT-18125 - Add notification support for the ExtensionAPI
- NEXT-18959 - Add the possibility for non-array parameter in product-stream-condition-service
- NEXT-19006 - Allow target attribute in snippets (Max)
- NEXT-17856 - Allow skip theme compile on plugin install or theme change
- NEXT-18999 - Always remove required before saving
- NEXT-17712 - Fix order generation in demodata (Maximilian Ruesch)
- NEXT-18796 - Keyboard navigation doesn't work in the search
- NEXT-19060 - Added translations for showing more or less information of lineItem children (Dominik Mank)
- NEXT-19016 - Fix annotation for component library (RokkuCode)
- NEXT-19034 - Made the evaluation of Criteria object more robust. (Ulrich Thomas Gabor)
- NEXT-19180 - MediaService.php Content-Type check (Samuel Lembke)
- NEXT-19103 - Add decode option to system:config:set command (Catalin Ionut Titov)
- NEXT-19048 - Fix media resolution in themes
- NEXT-15291 - Add form plugin to push to browser history before submitting
- NEXT-19088 - Allow special chars in DB passwords during installation
- NEXT-19046 - Apply stricter IPv6 validation
- NEXT-18604 - Correct cheapest price accessor hydration and product stream preview
- NEXT-17324 - Fix the Elasticsearch Query Parser for OneToMany-Relations in an MultiFilter
- NEXT-19101 - Fix typos in Administration (modal notifications)
- NEXT-19085 - Improved error handling in "My extensions"
- NEXT-9661 - Theme create naming enforcement
- NEXT-19239 - Add filter event to modify the sitemap header (Max)
- NEXT-19077 - Admin search for product variant
- NEXT-18354 - Fix paginating for sw-single-select in zoomed browsers
- NEXT-13781 - Remove usage of JSON_EXTRACT in SalesChannelContextPersister
- NEXT-17153 - Use cheapestPrice.percentage in dynamic product groups
- NEXT-10628 - Automatically unblocking of cart for storefront
- NEXT-19166 - Track orders on finish page using the order number as transaction id (Max)
- NEXT-18901 - Added price field config support
- NEXT-17465 - Changed theme refresh command that no media will be deleted from a dublicated theme
- NEXT-18576 - Fixed language context of customer group registraion accepted/declined according to customer language
- NEXT-17806 - Implement scroll up if section gets deleted
- NEXT-18801 - Improve behavior in search setting
- NEXT-18929 - Replace unavailable mail template vars with working ones
- NEXT-19234 - Fix determination of product id and name of GA plugin (Max)
- NEXT-19161 - deprecate changelog
- NEXT-16348 - Price filter does not work for zero value
- NEXT-19177 - Fix shipping method tracking url translation (Christoph Pötz)
- NEXT-19237 - Changed version constraint for aws/aws-sdk-php dependency. (Andreas Allacher)
- NEXT-17007 - Storefront language selection sorting
- NEXT-18327 - Adjust GTC page texts to be consistent
- NEXT-19197 - Error message should be removed
- NEXT-19036 - Fix pre selection image of product detail page cover image
- NEXT-19037 - Fix sorting of media elements in sw-product-variants-overview
- NEXT-19052 - Restructure section duplication
- NEXT-19195 - Show extension name on config page
- NEXT-18987 - Add new promotion rule condition and improve MatchAllLineItemsRule
- NEXT-9215 - Fix layout_head_javascript_tracking block on checkout confirm
- NEXT-18990 - Add rule for promotion code of type rule
- NEXT-17984 - Added block save, when creating additional sections
- NEXT-6758 - Layout assignment for category as list
- NEXT-19241 - Remove version join, to improve read performance of versioned entities
- NEXT-19255 - Allow min_search_length to be set to 1 (Alexander Menk)
- NEXT-19152 - Added option to abort imports or exports in progress
- NEXT-18862 - Expand first level of categories
- NEXT-19080 - Search ranking is inconsistent between product grid and bubble
- NEXT-18861 - sw-tree-items do not hide actions anymore
- NEXT-19181 - Fix line break in date time fields of conditions
- NEXT-16646 - Add priorities to promotions
- NEXT-18988 - Add rule condition for promotion count in cart
- NEXT-19365 - Add WebP support for ThumbnailService (Simon Nitzsche)
- NEXT-18444 - Search Term "Add new [entity name]" should be possible
- NEXT-18989 - Add promotion value rule condition
- NEXT-114571 - Added new save action for theme administration
- NEXT-15445 - Changed inline notification message for invalid payments in
- NEXT-19222 - Symfony 5.4 Upgrade
- NEXT-19350 - Add RetryableTransactions return value (Ulrich Thomas Gabor)
- [NEXT-19351 - Added block to
to make it possible to easily/robustly add filters to the storefront](/changelog/release-6-4-8-0/2021-12-18-added-block-to-filter-panel.html.twig to make filter list (Sven Lauer) - NEXT-18945 - Add conflict package
- NEXT-19189 - Fix line item type check for wishlist
- NEXT-19034 - Remove dot (
) syntax handling for associations - NEXT-19379 - Fix loading of CountryStates for AccountLoginPage (Ulrich Thomas Gabor)
- NEXT-17775 - Fix score query aggregation
- NEXT-19317 - Fixed sales channel rule name longer than 500 characters
- NEXT-18179 - Add Entity Creation Option to Entity Single Select
- NEXT-19354 - Change typechecking for admin builds only for the core
- NEXT-18176 - Add configuration option to set a default tax rate
- NEXT-17775 - Make handlerIdentifier of PaymentMethod available over API and twig
- NEXT-18129 - Add extension capability to cards to the extension api
- NEXT-18354 - Added lower bound to Range-Filter
- NEXT-19191 - Fix product property option search
- NEXT-17643 - Remove feature flag FEATURE_NEXT_12608
- NEXT-18129 - Add ExtensionAPI for tabs
- NEXT-17807 - Improve import export grids
- NEXT-18745 - WYSIWYG copying and fix text-editor toolbar position
- NEXT-19448 - Add feature flag support for Storefront SCSS
- NEXT-19182 - Add price/list price percentage rule condition
- NEXT-19170 - Fix wording and add animated truncation
- NEXT-18129 - Add position identifier to cards and tabs
- NEXT-18278 - Make written events for
entity hookable - NEXT-18430 - Remove unnecessary rule specifier in dynamic product groups
- NEXT-18069 - Update property option search
- NEXT-16321 - Deprecate refactored StoreApiService methods
- NEXT-19428 - Fix alphanumeric zipcode rules
- NEXT-19437 - Update admin dependencies
- NEXT-13472 - Add isGuestCustomer rule condition
- NEXT-18119 - Added automatic detection of extension html files in plugins in watcher
- NEXT-19224 - implement cms error collection
- NEXT-18121 - Implement sw-admin-menu extension
- NEXT-19152 - Fix download of invalid records after aborting import
- NEXT-18616 - Update cypress to version 9
- NEXT-19688 - Add memory limit to admin worker
- NEXT-19601 - Consider Storefront validation flag when sending recovery mail
- NEXT-19470 - Add cart position price rule condition
- NEXT-18121 - Add settings item capability extension sdk
- NEXT-13561 - Added option to duplicate product streams in administration
- NEXT-18901 - Added price field support in custom fields
- NEXT-19634 - Allow building only extensions in Administration compile
- NEXT-18122 - Extension SDK main modules
- NEXT-18179 - Improve entity creation option in sw-single-select
- NEXT-19656 - Improve parsing of XML values
- NEXT-19583 - Install assets of apps
- NEXT-11486 - Product card border cut off from the left in a product slider.
- NEXT-19502 - Add translator to AppScripts
- NEXT-19674 - Added MailAware to OrderPaymentMethodChangedEvent
- NEXT-18128 - Implement modal functionality for Extension SDK
- NEXT-19779 - Timezone Settings in user profile missing
- NEXT-19953 - Update twig
- NEXT-18101 - Improve clickabilty of sw-tabs (Enzo Volkmann)
- NEXT-18173 - Better output format for system-config-get (Max)
- NEXT-15558 - Add api flow action list
- NEXT-17813 - Use environment STOREFRONT_ASSETS_PORT for hot reload (Manuel Selbach)
- NEXT-17322 - Add missing data-form-csrf-handler to delete product from wishlist (Adam Sprada)
- NEXT-16408 - Added relative time filters for dates in product streams
- NEXT-18662 - Add EntityIndexingMessage::addSkip to add skipped contents more easily (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-18166 - Change Scroll-Up-Button to be called just on click (Sebastian König)
- NEXT-17694 - Fix Product detail product:price meta tags for OpenGraph (Max)
- NEXT-17895 - Add data mapping handling for custom fields
- NEXT-17686 - Changed the product export default interval
- NEXT-17979 - Adjust and format dateTimes in administration (Ioannis Pourliotis)
- NEXT-18271 - Removing a set Google tracking-ID in SalesChannel analytics tab (Ioannis Pourliotis)
- NEXT-16704 - Import with update by mapping
- NEXT-14833 - added-sw-category-tree-field-in-sw-category-link-settings
- NEXT-14809 - Gallery image aspect ratio zoom config (tall images fix) and magnifier over gallery config
- NEXT-11925 - Added criterias to the dashboard statistics
- NEXT-17994 - Fix
calls of components that extend components that have overrides (Hannes Wernery) - NEXT-18059 - It's not possible to edit existing user without setting up a new password when browser remembers it (Chrome)
- NEXT-16649 - Improve validation of sw-url-field
- NEXT-18157 - Allow HTML in Mail subject and content (Vitalij Mik)
- NEXT-18265 - Make StateMachineEntity name nullable (Vitalij Mik)
- NEXT-18075 - Remove double class (Vitalij Mik)
- NEXT-18266 - Allow to use an empty password in the
command (Max) - NEXT-5966 - Fix order of slots in category cms edit tab
- NEXT-18100 - Prevent deleting active addresses via store-api
- NEXT-16805 - Show shipping costs discount in offcanvas cart
- NEXT-16511 - Add fallback to category cms config
- NEXT-16361 - Fix wrong cover position on product save
- NEXT-15280 - Sold out variants should be grayed out
- NEXT-17701 - Fix alignment issue in sw-product-price-form component
- NEXT-17659 - Fix shipping price matrix incrementation
- NEXT-15827 - Fixed broken search in sw-promotion-v2-sales-channel-select.html.twig
- NEXT-18060 - Cookie Consent misbehaviour
- NEXT-17047 - Improve handling of disabled associations of Sales Channels
- NEXT-13720 - Added newsletter recipient rule and indexer
- NEXT-18275 - Only check for valid UUID if values are strings in theme configuration (Max)
- NEXT-17785 - Adjustment content on mail template modal
- NEXT-15913 - product-three-column product-visibilty
- NEXT-18273 - Add timestamp to synchronous webhook payload
- NEXT-12796 - Fix missing table styling
- NEXT-17764 - Improve address salutation and countryState loading
- NEXT-18145 - Increase number range for custom documents
- NEXT-16787 - Update product comparison templates
- NEXT-5439 - Remove character
in restricted characters when validating filename - NEXT-17342 - Fix document payment method
- NEXT-17953 - Fix order transaction selection in order edit
- NEXT-16880 - Bug fixing product page image gallery not mapped in Shopping experiences
- NEXT-18137 - Fix auto-close of grid settings on outside click
- NEXT-17938 - Fix browser back behavior on Storefront logged in routes
- NEXT-16361 - Fix reset issue of listPrices on inheritance removal
- NEXT-17311 - Bug fixing max characters limit is not displayed in landing pages
- NEXT-17805 - Cross-selling twig condition shifted as filter to the for loop (Sebastian Aschenbach)
- NEXT-18458 - Fix usage of immutable response (Hans Ott)
- NEXT-18067 - Improve text editor behavior
- NEXT-18678 - Add Alt- and Title-Attributes from media to thumbnails (Sebastian König)
- NEXT-18230 - Added import export worker notifications
- NEXT-15611 - Bug fixing vertical image align does not work correctly in CMS
- NEXT-18677 - Sort todays orders in dashboard descending (Sebastian König)
- NEXT-18092 - Bug fixing usage of media does not display for Shopping experiences
- NEXT-16985 - Allow more space in input fields for quantities with more than three digits
- NEXT-18586 - Fix links to legal pages on registration form
- NEXT-16234 - Added delete unused guest customer command and task
- NEXT-17111 - Corrected default variant of sw-button in sw-extension-permissions-modal
- NEXT-10784 - Exchanged single entity select with category tree select in sales channel details
- NEXT-13935 - Fix unique ids in address modal
- NEXT-18350 - Support php syntax in twig
- NEXT-18675 - Add ignorable-tables system:dump option, ignore dead_message by default and use --hex-blob dump (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-18600 - Fixed CheapestPriceUpdater when parent products are inactive
- NEXT-16649 - Update sw-url-input validation
- NEXT-18233 - Add label sorting to import / export profile dropdowns
- NEXT-16611 - Fix recovery help text language
- NEXT-17372 - Added abstraction for message_queue_stats
- NEXT-11106 - Added default import-export profile for advanced prices
- NEXT-18651 - Increased session cookie lifetime in the installer (Dennis König)
- NEXT-18643 - Revert cms struct api break
- NEXT-18667 - Update spaceless filter in storefront title tag (Fabian Blechschmidt)
- NEXT-18657 - Add new EventListener for UpdatePostFinishEvent
- NEXT-18316 - Fix Checkout Order Payment method changed does not return order
- NEXT-18236 - Ignore required fields of update only import/export profiles
- NEXT-18682 - Remove the router of adding new theme
- NEXT-18268 - Reset selection after removing grid items
- NEXT-17781 - Trigger is useless when has no action
- NEXT-18711 - Pass request data to app pay and finalize call
- NEXT-14709 - Multiple product media import export
- NEXT-18549 - Separate storage of First Run Wizard token and Store token
- NEXT-18555 - Fix event factory with collection
- NEXT-18709 - Remove unnecessary searches when loading associations
- NEXT-18897 - Add new BuildValidationEvent to NewsletterSubscribeRoute (Philipp von Wedel)
- NEXT-17255 - Disallow guest sessions to write reviews
- NEXT-18611 - Unset existing price field percentage if list price is removed
- NEXT-4376 - Rename Product-EAN to GTIN
- NEXT-18273 - Add timestamp to synchronous webhook payload
- NEXT-18709 - Remove unnecessary searches when loading associations
- NEXT-17527 - Add fix for web cache poisoning
- NEXT-18944 - Conflict symfony process 5.3.11
- NEXT-15108 - Create the module flow builder
- NEXT-15107 - Implement base code for trigger flow builder
- NEXT-15110 - Create flow and flow sequence DAL for flow builder
- NEXT-15742 - Improvement performance for trigger flow
- NEXT-15155 - create-handler-for-add-tag-action
- NEXT-15159 - Create handler for remove tag action.
- NEXT-15154 - Create handler for send mail action.
- NEXT-15106 - Migrate data from Business events to Flow builder
- NEXT-15157 - Create handler for set order state
- NEXT_15156 - Create handler for generate document
- NEXT-13795 - Implement rate limiter
- NEXT-16555 - Improvement flow builder for BE
- NEXT-16412 - Add deprecated info for business event module
- NEXT-16604 - Implement Flow Generator
- NEXT-17980 - Hide cheapest price in product listing ajax loading (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-15694 - Implement flow builder UI
- NEXT-16977 - Added
option for thetheme:change
command (Enzo Volkmann) - NEXT-8225 - Implement cached flow loader
- NEXT-17186 - Fix js crash on unknown viewport (Rune Laenen)
- NEXT-17522 - Prevent context changes affect outside of the sync service usage (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-17523 - Handle malformed options in the
method ofProductController
- NEXT-17052 - Deprecate line rule
- NEXT-13167 - Correct edit line item when update order
- NEXT-8057 - Added rule that matches line item is in a product stream
- NEXT-16716 - Fix-cache-keys-for-associations (Jonas Søndergaard)
- NEXT-17331 - Add try-catch on loading cmsElements when cms element type is not registered (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-17330 - Added
argument toStateMachineApiService
methods (Enzo Volkmann) - NEXT-17030 - Allow wildcard use in alphanumerical values of zip code rules
- NEXT-16562 - fix-tooltip-in-thememanager
- NEXT-9448 - Add sales channel assignment to theme detail page
- NEXT-13724 - Enable up to 500 Saleschannels as condition for promotions (Alexander Kreissl)
- NEXT-17070 - Prevent of downloading export file in processing state
- NEXT-17417 - 2021-09-19-Remove-Composer-Version-Warning-In-Plugin-Refresh-Command ([Edip Aydin]( Aydin))
- NEXT-17416 - Add inline edit for position in property options (mynameisbogdan)
- NEXT-17382 - Fix payment changeable in account order history with cancelled order
- NEXT-14005 - Generating individual voucher codes
- NEXT-16570 - Add basic PHP 8.1 support
- NEXT-9499 - Drop messages after max retry of 3 times
- NEXT-17460 - Make service
public in container (Manuel Kress) - NEXT-7921 - Prevent wrong profile mapping for import / export
- NEXT-17472 - Move SalesChannelProductEntity logic into sales_channel.product.loaded event (Max)
- NEXT-15661 - Fix Create API for Mapping Definitions
- NEXT-15842 - Fix store api proxy error handling
- NEXT-17257 - Remove button Use as cover when doing bulk edit
- NEXT-17662 - Skip updating stock and inheritance in indexing message when already done (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-17308 - Adjusted extension store snippets
- NEXT-17497 - Use isset for null check of typed property (Max)
- NEXT-17218 - Unify setup scripts
- NEXT-17328 - Fix Creation of EntityLoadedEvents for toManyEntities in extensions
- NEXT-17448 - Fix order of product media on Product Detail Page cms element
- NEXT-16381 - Allow use CancelToken from HttpClient
- NEXT-17607 - Bugfix: show all orders in storefront history (Marcel Tams)
- NEXT-17444 - delete additional elements after creating a category
- NEXT-17514 - Improve saving bulk edit for order
- NEXT-17429 - Prevent Webhooks from wrapping event data multiple times
- NEXT-16666 - Set shipping costs to 0 for admin order
- NEXT-17506 - Fix language not working correctly
- NEXT-16392 - Fix variant sorting
- NEXT-17588 - Hint SyncServiceInterface in ImportExport subscribers
- NEXT-17849 - Factory to build Seo Url Twig Environment (Björn Herzke)
- NEXT-17654 - Remove unused method getThemeConfigPath from ThemeCreateCommand::getBootstrapTemplate() (mynameisbogdan)
- NEXT-17685 - Add new inner block to order list bulk slot (Ioannis Pourliotis)
- NEXT-17684 - Add total amount to newsletter recipients list page headline (Ioannis Pourliotis)
- NEXT-17683 - Replace Twig LineItem types with constants (Ioannis Pourliotis)
- NEXT-17681 - Add customer into CustomerAccountRecoverRequestEvent
- NEXT-17728 - Fix datetime after clone (Vitalij Mik)
- NEXT-7479 - Improve property cache invalidation queries
- NEXT-10606 - Add LanguageLocaleProvider
- NEXT-17728 - Add missing remote addr (Michiel Kalle)
- NEXT-16457 - Fix up down navigation for cms sidebar navigation
- NEXT-17713 - Use view from event (Rune Laenen)
- NEXT-12165 - Don't perform search before read inside EntityRepository for empty criteria
- NEXT-17884 - Return productId in switch variant (Max)
- NEXT-17733 - Update composer dependency
- NEXT-17673 - Add not available in method fields in cart
- NEXT-17335 - Added DPG empty filter for product cover image
- NEXT-17744 - Fix category.cmsPage.locked error
- NEXT-17882 - Fix loading indicator in search suggest (Sebastian König)
- NEXT-17707 - Fix the number of the selected categories is not correct
- NEXT-13113 - Keep the filter parameters on the url after changing currency or language
- NEXT-17677 - Show cart errors in Offcanvas cart
- NEXT-17055 - Add toISODate() filter
- NEXT-16231 - Add validatePaymentState to SetPaymentOrderRoute
- NEXT-17639 - Added date range selection to dashboard statistics
- NEXT-17874 - Allow bulking update for Customer Group Registration Api
- NEXT-17955 - Extract property-whitelist into constant for easier comprehension of code relation (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-17956 - Introduce core.cart.paymentFinalizeTransactionTime configuration to allow admin user change the duration of payment finalization (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-17948 - Load additional bundles in order (Joshua Behrens)
- next-17937 - Remove check of variable storageExists in CartWidgetPlugin (Sebastian König)
- NEXT-17603 - Removed CMS PDP layout api recursion
- NEXT-16456 - Disable duplicate of unduplicable elements
- NEXT-16862 - Fix link breaking in CMS
- NEXT-8609 - Fix small thumbnails in checkout
- NEXT-17934 - Login guests with their ID
- NEXT-17958 - Fix SalesChannel Maintenance IP Whitelist data type (Carsten Pfeifer)
- NEXT-17910 - Promotion adjustments for external plugins
- NEXT-17851 - Set privacyUrl and tosUrl correctly (Robert Nowotny)
- NEXT-17908 - Add trigger flows switch in bulk edit
- NEXT-17700 - Delete links from the editor not possible
- NEXT-17397 - Remove feature flag for Flow Builder
- NEXT-17899 - Remove method in customer deleted event.
- NEXT-17940 - Remove slot config overriding template config bug
- NEXT-17992 - Add block for additional tabs in product detail page
- NEXT-17698 - Fix JsonFieldSerializer for invalid UTF8 characters
- NEXT-11578 - Fix image zoom disabled state
- NEXT-17298 - Update aws library
- NEXT-14082 - Adds the RetryableTransaction to prevent database deadlocks (Hannes Wernery)
- NEXT-15011 - Cms Page Translation Name Nullable (Rune Laenen)
- NEXT-14944 - Selected product items confirmation
- NEXT-14296 - Selected order items confirmation
- NEXT-16627 - Remove duplicated Class
(Florian Krohmer – Seidemann Web GmbH) - NEXT-15266 - Add Bulk Edit Service
- NEXT-14946 - Bulk edit for basic information of the product
- NEXT-15507 - Product bulk edit processing
- NEXT-16521 - Fix ES indexing behaviour with variants (Pascal Josephy)
- NEXT-15448 - Implement UI for order status bulk editing
- NEXT-16629 - Check mixed case SQL keywords in master slave check (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-15495 - Prevent inconsistent sales channel language list
- NEXT-16502 - Grid columns order was not restored (Pascal Josephy)
- NEXT-14954 - Bulk edit for advanced information of the product
- NEXT-15661 - Order bulk edit processing
- NEXT-11545 - Select all across sw-data-grid pages
- NEXT-8874 - Show warning modal when re-assigning a Sales Channel in a mail-header-footer template
- NEXT-15518 - disabled drag and drop in category tree while create a category
- NEXT-16635 - Removed feature flag for custom CMS block support from apps
- NEXT-16077 - Correct copy-paste variables function
- [NEXT-15893 - Displaying issue, when selecting a sales channel](/changelog/release-6-4-5-0/2021-08-16-displaying-issue-when
- NEXT-16756 - Fix-cache-keys-for-associations (Jonas Søndergaard)
- NEXT-16695 - Layout broken when filtering the variant list
- NEXT-16444 - Remind admin order payments
- NEXT-15005 - Show login form when Guest reviews product
- NEXT-14710 - Update existing cover product media on product import
- NEXT-15168 - Fix billing address disabled after activating
- NEXT-15786 - Fix excluded search terms with capital letters do not work
- NEXT-17075 - Fix template inheritance in
(Pascal Josephy) - NEXT-11672 - Display delimiter warning when import succeeded with 0 records
- NEXT-16831 - Fix company tax free detection with disabled vat id check (Max)
- NEXT-15738 - Fixed associated product save in category cms pages
- NEXT-8170 - Prevent duplicated urls in sales channel domains
- NEXT-16331 - Show selected categories in admin products filter
- NEXT-16763 - WYSIWYG Editor Inline toolbar modal closes on click
- NEXT-16430 - Add check for deleted products in Admin order edit
- NEXT-16770 - Add the slot's name to the class list
- NEXT-16064 - Add user timezone to date filter
- NEXT-16819 - Adjust default product visibility
- NEXT-8458 - Check for theme variables not an array when compile scss
- NEXT-16166 - Consider shopware.api.max_limit in store api
- NEXT-16188 - Fixed today not showing in admin dashboard statistics if there is no order yet
- NEXT-16622 - Right ShippingMethod for after order process
- NEXT-16897 - Add fields to
(Pascal Josephy) - NEXT-7954 - Change media import error handling
- NEXT-10733 - Fix async thumbnail generation
- NEXT-15775 - Fix sw-extensions search bar
- NEXT-16830 - Fix theme path in ThemeRefresh command
- NEXT-14808 - Import and export in message queue
- NEXT-15629 - Improve integration of filters in rule builder
- NEXT-16662 - Rearrange fields in new customer modal in order module
- NEXT-16770 - Sanitize App CMS block preview
- NEXT-9812 - Added language rule
- NEXT-16859 - Fix inconsistent user module settings in product detail tabs
- NEXT-16770 - Fix JSON structure of App CMS blocks
- NEXT-16748 - Make custom fields from customer available in rule builder
- NEXT-12525 - Update product title from product seo input
- NEXT-15838 - Add locale code to every app request
- NEXT-16772 - Add relative time format component
- NEXT-16067 - Deprecate datetime-local in datepicker
- NEXT-14649 - Fix generate keywords with special character
- NEXT-16505 - Fix promotion not setup correctly after promotion code import
- NEXT-16913 - A default purchasePrices for products
- NEXT-16977 - Added
option for thetheme:change
command (Enzo Volkmann) - NEXT-11765 - Added import export log cleanup task
- NEXT-15353 - Fix sitemap generation with same domain using multiple schemes and same language
- NEXT-15805 - Improved data consistency (Ulrich Thomas Gabor)
- NEXT-16068 - Add indexer skip support to sync api and indexer api call
- NEXT-16966 - Always return plain object from SystemConfigService
- NEXT-16789 - Fix registration not working when settings business account and corrected duplicate email address
- NEXT-16806 - Fix adding products with search term in entity multi id select
- NEXT-16928 - Fix Elasticsearch indexer usage of unused languages
- NEXT-14993 - Fix extension column export
- NEXT-16669 - Fix media order in product variant overview
- NEXT-16349 - Fix time date type formatting in datepicker
- NEXT-16968 - Pin symfony/translation to 5.3.4
- NEXT-16981 - Add TestBootstrapper class to ease unit test bootstrapping for plugins
- NEXT-16886 - Added empty operator for line litem list price rule
- NEXT-15698 - Added rule condition for line item stock
- NEXT-16976 - Added street data to newsletter recipients
- NEXT-12940 - Fix snippet:validate search paths
- NEXT-16935 - Import variants with product configurator settings
- NEXT-16371 - Refactor webpack build process to webpack-multi-compiler in the administration
- NEXT-8572 - Remove Storefront dependency from Core
- NEXT-16974 - Add salutation association to newsletter mail template data
- NEXT-15227 - Added rule condition for cart and line item volume
- NEXT-17010 - Changed command "feature:dump" to use Kernel::getProjectDir() (mynameisbogdan)
- NEXT-13497 - deprecated availability block in buy widget
- NEXT-16924 - Fix line breaks in contact form message email
- NEXT-16595 - Fix media folder configuration indexing
- NEXT-17000 - Fix production creation when no sales channel has been selected
- NEXT-16223 - Remove CORS header from storefront
- NEXT-16757 - Remove Elasticsearch refresh call on any index operation
- NEXT-16380 - Add Shopware as an external to the webpack configuration
- NEXT-17045 - Fix placeholderVisible state depending on isEmpty on mode switch (Wolfgang Kreminger)
- NEXT-16632 - Fixed csrf error and language switch error on 404 pages
- NEXT-17018 - Only recompile touched themes if theme is updated
- NEXT-17106 - Use question helper for passwords in commands (mynameisbogdan)
- NEXT-14999 - Added rule condition for customer email address
- NEXT-17058 - Bugfix autowiring type+name for already defined repositories (mynameisbogdan)
- NEXT-17069 - Fix skipped import export notification
- NEXT-13485 - Improve ChildCountUpdater performance
- NEXT-13641 - Prevent MySQL race condition in CartPersister
- NEXT-16969 - Reboot kernel with plugins after before UpdatePostFinishEvent
- NEXT-16841 - Update league/oauth2-server dependency
- NEXT-16065 - Add timezone hint to datepicker
- NEXT-7602 - Deprecation of fallback customer group in sales channel context
- NEXT-17186 - Fix js crash on unknown viewport (Rune Laenen)
- NEXT-17059 - Fixed Theme Inheritance
- NEXT-17122 - Updated axios to 0.21.4
- NEXT-17137 - Fix bug with redirecting to detail page in bulk edit modals
- NEXT-13430 - Fix translator always translates to default locale
- NEXT-17072 - Fixed PriceFieldSerializer percentage calculation
- NEXT-13680 - Fixed Required()-Flag check for DateTimeField and DateField
- NEXT-16473 - Implement error boundaries
- NEXT-16940 - Removed feature flag cache invalidation
- NEXT-17123 - Update Vue to 2.6.14
- NEXT-187000 - Add first sales channel default selection for products to First Run Wizard
- NEXT-17170 - Add missing context to CartVerifyPersistEvent
- NEXT-17213 - Added default delivery template block (Ulrich Thomas Gabor)
- NEXT-16236 - Checkout register create guest account default
- NEXT-17207 - Fix floating number equality comparison in DeliveryCalculator (David Lochner)
- NEXT-17105 - Fixed EntitySearcher for PrimaryKeys other than
- NEXT-17332 - Allow removal of .js-search-toggle-btn without exception in storefront (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-17081 - Add Tag & Custom field cards to bulk edit of Order
- NEXT-13167 - Correct edit line item when update order
- NEXT-8057 - Added rule that matches line item is in a product stream
- NEXT-15775 - Admin "My Extensions" search is now persistent
- NEXT-14201 - Add listing for sales channels
- NEXT-16986 - Remove non-existent Extension Store API route
- NEXT-17275 - Resolve Template Inheritance only in renderView for Storefront
- NEXT-15987 - Add dynamic disabled to datepicker
- NEXT-17331 - Add try-catch on loading cmsElements when cms element type is not registered (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-16879 - Improve Symfony Asset
- NEXT-17330 - Added
argument toStateMachineApiService
methods (Enzo Volkmann) - NEXT-16562 - fix-tooltip-in-thememanager
- NEXT-17288 - Add required privilege for order viewer
- NEXT-17070 - Prevent of downloading export file in processing state
- NEXT-17417 - 2021-09-19-Remove-Composer-Version-Warning-In-Plugin-Refresh-Command ([Edip Aydin]( Aydin))
- NEXT-17416 - Add inline edit for position in property options (mynameisbogdan)
- NEXT-17382 - Fix payment changeable in account order history with cancelled order
- NEXT-14005 - Generating individual voucher codes
- NEXT-16570 - Add basic PHP 8.1 support
- NEXT-9499 - Drop messages after max retry of 3 times
- NEXT-17460 - Make service
public in container (Manuel Kress) - NEXT-7921 - Prevent wrong profile mapping for import / export
- NEXT-15661 - Fix Create API for Mapping Definitions
- NEXT-15842 - Fix store api proxy error handling
- NEXT-17257 - Remove button Use as cover when doing bulk edit
- NEXT-17308 - Adjusted extension store snippets
- NEXT-17497 - Use isset for null check of typed property (Max)
- NEXT-16381 - Allow use CancelToken from HttpClient
- NEXT-15675 - Improve file download
- NEXT-17058 - Bugfix autowiring type+name for already defined repositories (mynameisbogdan)
- NEXT-17059 - Fixed Theme Inheritance
- NEXT-17072 - Fixed PriceFieldSerializer percentage calculation
- NEXT-17170 - Add missing context to CartVerifyPersistEvent
- NEXT-17105 - Fixed EntitySearcher for PrimaryKeys other than
- NEXT-16588 - Add support for .well-known/change-password (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-16516 - Sidebar flash on cookie accept all (Rune Laenen)
- NEXT-14824 - Adding default visibility setting option for product
- NEXT-15017 - Pre-select sales channels from the default visibility settings
- NEXT-14826 - Implement showing products in sales channel
- NEXT-14827 - Assign products to sales channel by single products
- NEXT-14828 - Assign product to sales channel from categories
- NEXT-14829 - Assign products to the sales channel by dynamic product groups
- NEXT-15102 - Implement showing product properties listing
- NEXT-15614 - Fix email variables cannot be copied
- NEXT-15485 - Display number of products are going to be assigned to the sales channel
- NEXT-15857 - Save carts with persistent data but no line items. (Andreas Allacher)
- NEXT-16519 - Use updatedAt during cart cleanup task. (Andreas Allacher)
- NEXT-14021 - Implement adding product properties
- NEXT-15991 - Fix definition for NumberRangeType (Nils Evers)
- NEXT-15788 - Change flow adding products via dynamic product groups
- NEXT-15970 - Allow assignement of products by category with entry point as root
- NEXT-15798 - Add FallbackPluginLoader to build administration without database
- NEXT-12242 - Fix dev dependencies for php8.0
- NEXT-16039 - Import visibilities by sales channel name
- NEXT-16089 - Limit total visible for individual products pagination
- NEXT-16198 - Custom product detail pages causes design issues with cross selling
- NEXT-16010 - Fix empty states in modules
- NEXT-10315 - Optimize export performance
- NEXT-16178 - Remove unused variant characteristics placeholder in storefront.
- NEXT-12232 - Implement clearable icon and button in single selects
- NEXT-15802 - Allow theme compiling without database
- NEXT-16079 - Improve SHIFT + Tab on select fields
- NEXT-16276 - Add JS service and store for marketing campaigns
- NEXT-15177 - Add new rule to query strike price in dynamic product group
- NEXT-16522 - Allow null name from delivery time translation (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-16479 - Change SQL logger environment check from dev-only to non-prod (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-16228 - Show correct order transaction in account overview
- NEXT-15940 - Sorting of selected payment methods on account order edit page
- NEXT-14840 - The property of the variant does not update after updating the parent product
- NEXT-8196 - Added customer import export profile
- NEXT-13300 - Improve storefront security defaults
- NEXT-16207 - New address in checkout will now be selected
- NEXT-16714 - Add Danish as an allowed default language in the Shopware installer (Thomas Holm Thomsen)
- NEXT-8349 - Add greater than and lower than to condition in billing zipcode rule
- NEXT-16185 - Add inclusive-language eslint rule to admin
- NEXT-16301 - Deprecated entity indexer registry flags
- NEXT-16314 - Fix CMS block moving, deleting, duplication in navigator
- NEXT-12466 - Add event for payment method change of order
- NEXT-16357 - Make Order and SalesChannelDomain EntityWrittenEvents hookable
- NEXT-16035 - Update npm packages
- NEXT-16515 - Fix Elasticsearch CriteriaParser (Pascal Josephy)
- NEXT-10568 - Added domain sorting in the sales channel module
- NEXT-15824 - Allow apps to provide error message when installation fails
- NEXT-16434 - Html Purifier respect umask (Ingo Walther)
- NEXT-16215 - Old app roles are visible in the admin after the app was soft deleted
- NEXT-16458 - Fix babel-loader and eslint-loader includes (Carl Kittelberger)
- NEXT-16215 - Fix mailto/fax/tel links in WYSIWYG editor (Rune Laenen)
- NEXT-16277 - Create dashboard banner component
- NEXT-15733 - Duplicate rule should reset created_at
- NEXT-16427 - Fixed duplicate shipping costs display in documents
- NEXT-7683 - Unnecessary transitions won't fail any more
- NEXT-16406 - Add typescript declaration bindings for the third party interface
- NEXT-16278 - Added promise for finished view initialization
- NEXT-16281 - Fix country state translations
- NEXT-8170 - Add duplicated domain check when adding a new domain
- NEXT-16453 - Add login via id to AccountService
- NEXT-16094 - Add subroutes for settings
- NEXT-11442 - Delete system config when deleting a sales channel
- NEXT-16031 - Fix base breakpoints
- NEXT-14997 - AppSystem: replace sequences in manifest schema
- NEXT-16524 - Fix the date range rule in the rule builder (Manuel Kress)
- NEXT-16122 - Fix filterable products listing in categories
- NEXT-14172 - Remove outdated payment blocked errors in recalculation
- NEXT-15806 - Unify hmac signature AppSystem client
- NEXT-16229 - Authorized transaction state allows payment method change
- NEXT-16377 - Delete app configuration when the app is deleted
- NEXT-10079 - Implement promotion codes import profile
- NEXT-16181 - Use en-GB as fallback locale if no db connection is available
- NEXT-16543 - Fix breadcrumb structured data (Pascal Josephy)
- NEXT-15069 - Fix breadcrumb with variants and multiple categories
- NEXT-16500 - Fix handling for mail template variables without template data
- NEXT-13071 - Fix special characters in mail subject not display correctly
- NEXT-16489 - Add toggle for time zone support in DateHistogram
- NEXT-16566 - Fixed entity exists and not validators work correctly with composite constraints. (Andreas Allacher)
- NEXT-16520 - Fixes z-index of meteor page
- NEXT-16529 - Removed double external link icons
- NEXT-13002 - Enable the editing of promotions in existing orders
- NEXT-16315 - Fixed country selection if only one country is available
- NEXT-16526 - Fixes nullable return type for OAuth/ScopeRepository (Rico Neitzel)
- NEXT-15872 - Support the global flag for custom fields provided by apps
- NEXT-12946 - use selected sales channel languages as available domain languages
- NEXT-16645 - Wrong birthday selected if empty (Stephan Franck)
- NEXT-16127 - Fix EntitySearcher to return field property name
- NEXT-16620 - Make sure access key generation for user uses right access point (Jisse Reitsma)
- NEXT-16600 - Order Placed Criteria Event (Konstantin Kiritsenko)
- NEXT-16295 - Use sales channel currencies as available currencies for domains
- NEXT-16483 - Added campaign banner methods and XSD for general types
- NEXT-10045 - Add order export
- NEXT-15906 - Filter main menu flyout entries if the user has no privilege to view them
- NEXT-14515 - Update scssphp
- NEXT-13601 - Add new "Unconfirmed" Order Transaction State
- NEXT-16635 - Removed feature flag for custom CMS block support from apps
- NEXT-12609 - Make store request options exchangeable
- NEXT-16001 - Allow exclusion of exceptions to be logged
- NEXT-12167 - Change mpn
- NEXT-16529 - Excluded sw-internal-link from global external link stylings
- NEXT-16475 - Fixed order date being changed when recalculating
- NEXT-16280 - Fix forwarding to promotion not working
- NEXT-16265 - Product variant name is not displayed in the rule assignments
- NEXT-16401 - Removed ApiAware flag from App in AppPaymentMethod
- NEXT-16447 - Fix links in WYSIWYG editor
- NEXT-16484 - Fixed OrderRoute with incorrect DeepLinkCode
- NEXT-16702 - Update es dsl
- NEXT-16425 - Add a11y ESLint rule to administration app
- NEXT-146064 - Add timezone field
- NEXT-13245 - Deprecated unused newsletter classes
- NEXT-8419 - Fix import and export of list price
- NEXT-15295 - Fixed value of discount surcharge option in line item of type condition
- NEXT-16463 - ImportExportTest refactoring
- NEXT-16623 - Fix selects not working in text-editor link modal
- NEXT-16754 - Improve handling of card labels in rule assignments
- NEXT-14064 - Add missing mobile filter on search page
- NEXT-11961 - Fixed theme config with multi-select values
- NEXT-8170 - Prevent duplicated urls in sales channel domains
- NEXT-16710 - Prevent empty criteria ids
- NEXT-13550 - Save preload file to a known folder
- NEXT-16770 - Add the slot's name to the class list
- NEXT-16819 - Adjust default product visibility
- NEXT-16830 - Fix theme path in ThemeRefresh command
- NEXT-16770 - Sanitize App CMS block preview
- NEXT-16770 - Fix JSON structure of App CMS blocks
- NEXT-16968 - Pin symfony/translation to 5.3.4
- NEXT-14114 - Add the new field is tax-free from to table currency and country.
- NEXT-14118 - Add VAT id required to each country setting
- NEXT-14117 - Handling tax-free in storefront
- NEXT-14599 - Handling tax-free dependent values
- NEXT-14605 - Ui change for brexit changes.
- NEXT-12482 - Add more isEmpty condition for Shipping postal cost
- NEXT-15172 - Sanitize HTML contents of fields and CMS text elements
- NEXT-14362 - ACLs for app system
- NEXT-15526 - Added configurable administration path name (mynameisbogdan)
- NEXT-15377 - Removed legacy VAT field in address form
- NEXT-15568 - Reload rules on order payment change
- NEXT-15403 - Popover is not inside viewport
- NEXT-15647 - Strengthen database migrations
- NEXT-15713 - Add current item to inline-edit-assign event of Data Grid component (Cuong Huynh)
- NEXT-15823 - Allow newsletter resubscribe after opt-out (Jannik Zschiesche)
- NEXT-15366 - Added progress bar for indexing
- NEXT-15730 - fix zoom and swipe in product lightbox
- NEXT-14949 - Add a new Order total amount rule to Rule Builder
- NEXT-15739 - Added skip option to dal:refresh:index
- NEXT-15790 - Prevent persisting incomplete custom field sorting criterias
- NEXT-15812 - Reduce elasticsearch refresh amount
- NEXT-15656 - Show correct navigation sidebar on product detail page
- NEXT-15687 - Upgrade to Symfony 5.3
- NEXT-15870 - Add E2E test for manufacturer filter ([Roland Golla, Tobias Struckmeier, Priyanka Kore, Ramona Schwering](, tobmaster, piyukore06, leichteckig))
- NEXT-15717 - Added sales channel context cleanup task
- NEXT-15027 - Dynamic Product Group Cannot filter with boolean field
- NEXT-15640 - Improve property search
- NEXT-15792 - Product Slider selected products missing checkmark
- NEXT-11787 - Fix wysiwyg in Safari browser
- NEXT-15765 - Show labels for product visibilities in product stream filters
- NEXT-15946 - Fixed search not working on administration newsletter recipient module #1943 (David Lochner)
- NEXT-15858 - Update flysystem
- NEXT-15825 - A warning should be created when the category used as navigation wants to be deleted
- NEXT-15895 - Add event for Sales Channel process criteria
- NEXT-15902 - Improve error message for write operations with executeQuery (Fabian Blechschmidt)
- NEXT-15358 - Change routeMiddleware handling for plugins
- NEXT-15918 - Move category detail criteria from state to page
- NEXT-10599 - Fix price calculation in variants
- NEXT-15731 - Keep order of two column text element slots
- NEXT-15809 - Prevent setting company field as required in shipping address with personal account type
- NEXT-11927 - Use sync service in admin repository
- NEXT-11699 - Add robots-tag to widget controllers
- NEXT-15851 - Allow sorting by exclusive price of currency
- NEXT-11390 - Fix import export profile profile labels in different language then system language
- NEXT-15252 - Make mail links configurable
- NEXT-15974 - Add extension support for moving blocks in cms
- NEXT-15752 - Add timezone to DateHistogram
- NEXT-15941 - Custom Field single select safe option labels
- NEXT-15990 - Add reminder checkbox to cms navigator prompt
- NEXT-15764 - Fix customer data cannot be changed manually
- NEXT-15977 - Fix expand of category tree item after position drag
- NEXT-16160 - Fix operator precedence (Pascal Josephy)
- NEXT-15851 - Use consistent naming scheme for products in cross selling association
- NEXT-15747 - Change
component to support valid URLs - NEXT-16019 - Fix image slider cannot scroll down smoothly on mobile
- NEXT-12857 - Large gap in GallerySliderPlugin
- NEXT-16002 - Remove duplicated twig blocks in administration
- NEXT-15586 - Use admin interface language for extension information
- NEXT-15554 - Docs webhooks event reference
- NEXT-15976 - Image assignment for variants display issue
- NEXT-11376 - Make attributes bindable to
component - NEXT-15650 - Propagate the slot label
- NEXT-15985 - Update mail template for contact form
- NEXT-15860 - Remove duplicate request when deleting a product property
- NEXT-15631 - Fix can't send mails with a default billing address in the customer registration email template
- NEXT-12338 - Fix-Import-Export-Profile-Duplication
- NEXT-16104 - Support arguments on captcha Annotation
- NEXT-16011 - Add short time caching for identical requests
- NEXT-16139 - Fix order.created_by_id constraint
- NEXT-15779 - Use initial order transaction state for processing payments
- NEXT-16004 - Add external link styling to global css
- NEXT-16042 - Added cross-selling import-export profile
- NEXT-15921 - Fix too large image size for thumbnails on large viewports
- NEXT-16100 - Updated snippets
- NEXT-5646 - Fix VersionStrategy application of ThemeAssetPackage
- NEXT-16005 - Change sw-alert component styling
- NEXT-15978 - Check ACL read privilege for user on export
- NEXT-16195 - Fix empty breadcrumb element
- NEXT-16175 - Fix AppDeletedEvent Webhook signature
- NEXT-16203 - Fix style for blank target button links
- NEXT-9705 - Implement preventCombination promotion field
- NEXT-16213 - Snippet fixes in settings module
- NEXT-15541 - remove clone in entity searched event
- NEXT-16241 - Updated snippets
- NEXT-15170 - Add strict mode for list fields
- NEXT-16024 - Document creation button disable
- NEXT-16397 - Add compatibility layer for breaking change in Doctrine annotation parser
- NEXT-14277 - Change the design product variants filter
- NEXT-15197 - Improve-customer-validation-factory (bpesch)
- NEXT-14119 - Showing product variants images in the variant listing
- NEXT-15383 - Fix limit of fetched property groups in product listing filter
- NEXT-14313 - Reworked nested line item handling for checkout
- NEXT-14314 - Nested line item support for order in admin
- NEXT-14312 - Reworked nested line item handling for account
- NEXT-14507 - Reworked nested line item handling for offcanvas cart
- NEXT-14601 - display image assignment for variants in the modal
- NEXT-14493 - Fixed the display of max purchase quantity with purchase steps greater than one
- NEXT-14120 - Implement uploading and assigning variant images
- NEXT-14623 - Show warning modal about unsaved data on leaving
- NEXT-9148 - add custom fields to condition in dynamic product group
- NEXT-15293 - Move sw-cms-list criteria to seperate function (Rune Laenen)
- NEXT-14800 - Variants can not inherit seo url category from parent
- NEXT-15292 - Fixed field definition for order line items description field (Peter Roj)
- NEXT-14121 - Implement preview image modal
- NEXT-8349 - Add greater than and lower than to condition in shipping zipcode rule
- NEXT-15212 - Added pagination for account orders overview
- NEXT-14798 - Fix wishlist display in custom buy box element which assigned with an variant
- NEXT-15087 - Generate context with order language id for document generation
- NEXT-15290 - Fix typos in Administration and Storefront snippets
- NEXT-15283 - Allow saving of seo settings if there are no entities to generate previews for
- NEXT-15026 - Exclude categories of type folder from seo url generation
- NEXT-15071 - Fix dashboard statistics in other languages than default
- NEXT-15352 - Bump doctrine-inflector to 1.4.4 for PHP 8 compatibility
- NEXT-10750 - Remove CORS issue on storefront hot proxy
- NEXT-13973 - Add methods to OrderTransactionStateHandler
- NEXT-14657 - Configure Symfony translator in MailSendSubscriber
- NEXT-12114 - Create non-inherited configuration for media sub-folders
- NEXT-14876 - Fix test mails for inherited languages
- NEXT-15288 - Allow only store-api routes on StoreApiProxyController
- NEXT-13172 - Empty states for properties and property values overlay each other
- NEXT-15473 - Fixes calculating an equivalent ChangeSet for multiple WriteResults
- NEXT-15399 - Improve the performance of calculating the exact total count of a query
- NEXT-7205 - Make path relative in bundle:dump
- NEXT-15343 - Sorting variants by price ends in infinity loading
- NEXT-14973 - Prepare several methods to be native typed
- NEXT-6850 - Able to show zero value in condition of rule builder
- NEXT-15396 - Changed RequestTransformer to work with seo urls in subfolder
- NEXT-12215 - Add ESLint rules to vue templates
- NEXT-14935 - E2E tests for nested line item support
- NEXT-15235 - Fixed after oder payments
- NEXT-14935 - Fixed
tooltip - NEXT-15343 - Grid columns never get updated anymore
- NEXT-15025 - Order that contain inactive product can not be edited
- NEXT-15461 - Update composer lcobucci/jwt
- NEXT-15477 - Make use of abstraction of the ContextSwitchRoute (Steffen Beisenherz)
- NEXT-15488 - Add-additional-check-for-stale-app-url-changes
- NEXT-8425 - Add non default language support for cross selling in product module
- NEXT-14406 - Add-percy-integration-on-mr-basis
- NEXT-14739 - Added payment token invalidation
- NEXT-15364 - Credit note total amounts reflect sums of credit line items
- NEXT-15467 - Escape hyphenated JSON properties in DAL accessor build
- NEXT-15522 - Fix type hints in StateMachineTransitionEntity (Hannes Wernery)
- NEXT-15525 - Symfony command constants (Ben Pesch)
- NEXT-15301 - Text link breaks inline
- NEXT-15599 - fix-language-inheritance-for-seo-urls
- NEXT-9687 - Create new rule to count number of products in basket
- NEXT-6356 - Allow Payment without Storefront
- NEXT-15514 - Enable page variables for cross selling templates
- NEXT-15503 - Fix elasticsearch update error
- NEXT-14894 - Make CMS cross selling element behave identical on mobile as on product detail
- NEXT-15488 - sync-the-app-url-outdated-state-on-shopid-read
- NEXT-15406 - Add gtag purchase event parameters
- NEXT-15546 - Bump up dependencies for further PHP 8.0 support
- NEXT-15255 - Fix default sorting input field in system-config renderer in the listing module
- NEXT-15585 - No none canonical URL in sitemap for variants (Sebastian Diez)
- NEXT-15527 - Fix cors options request
- NEXT-14646 - URL encode config param for document preview endpoint
- NEXT-15529 - Fix default category layout not used for a new category
- NEXT-14961 - Cross-selling tab console errors
- NEXT-13150 - Empty state Customer / Orders broken
- NEXT-15528 - Entry point marking in category tree disappears
- NEXT-15045 - Fetch storefront sales channel for SEO URL preview
- NEXT-15226 - Fix save shortcut in rich text and code editor
- NEXT-11875 - Sort order line items by position
- NEXT-11038 - Use number range start number from settings if it's higher than the current number range state
- NEXT-15549 - Add event to change product criteria during product export (Timo Helmke)
- NEXT-14585 - Allow address management for guest users
- NEXT-15404 - Fix onlyAvailable in payment and shipping route
- NEXT-10603 - Fix selectbox for payments in sales channel
- NEXT-15513 - Make category reference version fields required in sales channel definition
- NEXT-15413 - Add database ssl support
- NEXT-15499 - Add reading of env vars from the $_ENV super global as a fallback to $_SERVER
- NEXT-15389 - Check if currentUser is loaded when checking acls on dashboard
- NEXT-15659 - Fix default delay for tooltips in sw-help-text
- NEXT-15496 - Only generate sitemaps for storefront sales channels
- NEXT-15003 - Reset selected block after CMS page load
- NEXT-15688 - Fix app signature generation during app install
- NEXT-15734 - Fix error when decorating price calculator (René Hrdina)
- NEXT-15668 - FRW now show all languages
- NEXT-14222 - Get recipients from slot config of respective entity for contact form
- NEXT-14797 - Improve AppDeletion workflow
- NEXT-15649 - Sorting of order line items for invoice
- NEXT-15395 - Update browser-kit dev dependency
- NEXT-15299 - Use StoreApiException to show proper errors from API
- NEXT-14732 - Count visible children for offcanvas menu and reduce ajax requests
- NEXT-15704 - Create custom/apps dir during system update if it does not exist
- NEXT-13525 - Improve CMS FieldConfig
- NEXT-15736 - Deprecate outdated template variables (Max)
- NEXT-15651 - Clearify phone number relation in order details
- NEXT-11823 - Fix ESLint warnings and violations in Administration & Storefront
- NEXT-15699 - Fix possible null reference error in computed product title
- NEXT-15714 - Changed currencyId to CurrencyShortName (Sebastian König)
- NEXT-15648 - Fix theme add preview
- NEXT-10923 - Refactor deprecated Methods and warnings in Jest Tests for Administration
- NEXT-10476 - Fix language switch in different modules
- NEXT-15728 - Fix order detail nesting
- NEXT-15559 - Limit length of arguments for levenshtein function in PHP7
- NEXT-15797 - Simplified an internal check in
(Jannik Zschiesche) - NEXT-15578 - Maintenance mode ships pages with cache headers
- NEXT-15735 - Fix snippet set copy without function
- NEXT-11418 - Fix that the checkboxes in the category tree don´t get hidden after closing
- NEXT-15738 - Fix multi-select in product slider not correctly saved
- NEXT-15728 - Add change button to aside checkout page
- NEXT-15601 - Add event for buybox extensions
- NEXT-15751 - Respond with updated customer on registration confirm
- NEXT-14137 - Implement a new cookie entry for Google reCAPTACHAv3 in Cookie Manager
- NEXT-14111 - Implement basic captcha
- NEXT-14136 - Implement show google key inputs in admin setting basic information
- NEXT-14110 - Integrate google recaptcha client side
- NEXT-14133 - Integrate Google ReCaptcha Server side validation
- NEXT-15346 - Create api to prevalidate basic captcha
- NEXT-15345 - Add hint description for google reCAPTCHA
- NEXT-15703 - Use entity name to determine source of slot config in contact form submit
- NEXT-8225 - Upgrade information for captcha solution
- NEXT-14744 - fix visibility setting in s3 storage fs
- NEXT-15171 - validate order create discount privilege and generally in proxy endpoints
- NEXT-15022 - Added test for validation of non-entity privileges in Core
- NEXT-14883 - Preventing non-admin users from creating integrations with administrator role
- NEXT-14672 - Prevent after order address manipulation
- NEXT-15461 - Update composer lcobucci/jwt
- NEXT-15503 - Fix elasticsearch update error
- NEXT-14585 - Allow address management for guest users
- NEXT-15688 - Fix app signature generation during app install
- NEXT-13686 - Fix sorting with custom fields
- NEXT-14399 - Minify svg assets (Sebastian König)
- NEXT-13858 - Adjust indicator designating CMS layouts already in use
- NEXT-13989 - Fix removal of json-encoded app metadata during updates
- NEXT-14070 - Inconsistencies in JS data model for product inheritance
- NEXT-13979 - Variant visibility for salesChannel does not work correctly
- NEXT-15121 - Add action-modals template for order-line-items-grid (Huzaifa Mustafa)
- NEXT-13928 - Fix active property annotation in product entity
- NEXT-14492 - Add Criteria to OrderRouteRequestEvent call (Component K Corp)
- NEXT-14357 - Add app payments
- NEXT-14313 - Reworked nested line item handling for checkout
- NEXT-13764 - missing purchase prices after import
- NEXT-14169 - Translation of variant overview in the Admin
- NEXT-14314 - Cleanup for nested LineItems in order of admin
- NEXT-14520 - Fix logging of exceptions
- NEXT-14312 - Reworked nested line item handling for account
- NEXT-14003 - Removed formAjaxSubmitOptions in address-editor-modal-create-address
- NEXT-14540 - Add newsletter.unsubscribe Event
- NEXT-14507 - Reworked nested line item handling for offcanvas cart
- NEXT-14359 - Add the current sw version to all outgoing request to external apps
- NEXT-14547 - Offcanvas components to fullwidth
- NEXT-14213 - frontend Login-Registration not possible to add company for deviant delivery address
- NEXT-14561 - Show error for not supported language on sales channel in search module
- NEXT-13894 - Status mail Canceled bug
- NEXT-14479 - Additional recipients at business events are automatically removed after save and refresh
- NEXT-14550 - Parameter "editable" in theme.json does not work
- NEXT-14559 - Added new fading plugin for truncate nested line item descriptions
- NEXT-14324 - Fix the custom field name on search module
- NEXT-14669 - Honeypots can be ignored by bots since its labeled (Juri Petersen)
- NEXT-13348 - Add email validation when creating or updating a customer information in administration
- NEXT-12870 - Remove default messenger routing rules
- NEXT-13455 - Search keywords do not work for products with variants
- NEXT-13979 - Fix switch options of product detail not working
- NEXT-14708 - Create migration plugin name exact match (Rune Laenen)
- NEXT-14655 - Fix Typo in Twig Block
- NEXT-14688 - Make affected SalesChannelIds available in ThemeAssignmentException
- NEXT-14315 - Add nested line items to email templates
- NEXT-14660 - Fix offcanvas closing with backdrop click
- NEXT-13391 - Save changes modal at language switch is saving the data in the wrong language
- NEXT-13498 - Duplication of rules should open the new one instead of original rule for editing
- NEXT-14725 - Add custom fields to apps
- NEXT-14368 - Make custom fields available for all entities in administration
- NEXT-9011 - Select outside the screen
- NEXT-14061 - sorting by name/price in product overview is broken
- NEXT-14061 - Basic price information is missing on the invoice and in the order confirmation email
- NEXT-14702 - Add stylelint for admin and storefront to CI pipeline
- [NEXT-14841 - Ignore some HTTP Parameters from Cache Key generation](/changelog/release-6-4-1-0/2021-04-15-ignored_url_parameters for
- NEXT-10369 - Variant information do not show in rule builder condition
- NEXT-14706 - add daytime based personal greetings to dashboard
- NEXT-14623 - Allow clicking on search icon to search in search module
- NEXT-10277 - Dynamic product group get error when using is equal along with product's association.
- NEXT-14867 - Fullscreen modal is displayed without Bootstrap Shopware skin (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-14260 - Only dispatch message if original message class exists
- NEXT-14848 - Make sw-url-field secure prefix fully clickable (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-14647 - Fix promotion code not usable under specific conditions
- NEXT-14887 - Add help texts to product SEO form
- NEXT-14873 - Add volume shipping costs calculation
- NEXT-13140 - Fix free shipping calculation in mixed cart
- NEXT-14795 - Wishlist disabled details button doesn't make sense
- NEXT-14769 - Overlay the product name with placeholder
- NEXT-14956 - LineItemTransformer does no longer multiplicate LineItem quantities
- NEXT-14936 - Open app show blank page when not active
- NEXT-12469 - Update babel ecmascript version to 2020
- NEXT-6492 - Add default context for repository methods
- NEXT-14866 - basic price information is missing in the order confirmation email
- NEXT-14937 - Fix removal of theme data on extension uninstall
- NEXT-14837 - Fix error saving category canonical url non-default language
- NEXT-14684 - Add paratest to allow parallel unit test execution
- NEXT-15008 - Fix decrement of message queue stats by using default transport name for receiver in admin message queue
- NEXT-15044 - Fix order of cached payments when one selected
- NEXT-14842 - Fix wrong grand total price at checkout
- NEXT-11915 - Format currency based on language
- NEXT-15120 - Improve extensibility of AdvancedPackageRules
- NEXT-15169 - Update cart instead of deleting and inserting. (Andreas Allacher)
- NEXT-15058 - Update info texts in price rounding
- NEXT-15117 - Fix cart error when shipping_free is null
- NEXT-15186 - Fix CMS versionable migration
- NEXT-15178 - Overwrite recipients in business event mail send
- NEXT-15182 - Validate _sw_payment_token
- NEXT-15194 - Add new Rule CustomerLoggedInRule
- NEXT-15214 - Change ClientRepository to work with header based authentification
- NEXT-15203 - Fix-ContextSwitchRoute-decoration-inheritance (Jonas Søndergaard)
- NEXT-15176 - Fix DateTime string conversion for text cms element resolver
- NEXT-14509 - Fix last selected filter value is reset when closing filter off-canvas
- NEXT-14106 - Add icon pack definition to theme.json
- NEXT-15201 - Add missing permissions for integrations
- NEXT-12700 - Detail button in productlisting doesn't appear
- NEXT-12852 - Display master information of a shop in mail footer
- NEXT-15216 - Fix ACL role privileges
- NEXT-14870 - Add company email address to documents
- NEXT-15215 - Optimize category breadcrumb builder performance
- NEXT-13699 - Sort by role empties table
- NEXT-15059 - Fix extension store route structure
- NEXT-15260 - improve new admin welcome header
- NEXT-13813 - Add default domain for headless sales channel
- NEXT-15051 - Auto submit payment and shipping checkout form only on needed element change
- NEXT-15286 - Fix failed admin login message
- NEXT-15275 - Add a workaround for MariaDB bug MDEV-25672
- NEXT-15248 - Deprecated user_access_key.write_access
- NEXT-15362 - Add pagination to the user list
- NEXT-13348 - Fix missing NotBlank constraint in EmailField
- NEXT-15368 - Send Mails by default synchronous
- NEXT-11742 - Create cms block gallery buybox in administration
- NEXT-12967 - Implement layout assignment in Page builder
- NEXT-14417 - Add reset to default for excluded search term.
- NEXT-12507 - Promotions UI rework
- NEXT-12510 - Add new route for fixed promotion codes
- NEXT-12512 - New components for promotions v2
- NEXT-12512 - Add new promotion v2 components
- NEXT-12016 - Promotions Rework deprecations
- NEXT-12644 - Add sw-promotion-v2-cart-condition-form to sw-promotion-v2
- NEXT-14380 - Dispatch AppDeletedEvent once
- NEXT-14351 - The VAT-ID should get from orderCustomer within the order mail templates
- NEXT-13285 - Validate generated Openapi3 files
- NEXT-14436 - Added Elasticsearch debug utility commands
- NEXT-13859 - Reduce request payload of cms listing
- NEXT-14208 - Switching the content language does not work
- NEXT-14425 - Use cheapestPrice in dynamic product groups
- NEXT-14369 - Add old Filter fields to customer and order module
- NEXT-13390 - Dispatch app lifecycle webhooks for inactive apps
- NEXT-14292 - Fix cross selling preview does not show any products
- NEXT-14094 - Added cache for country route
- NEXT-14328 - Improve customer password recovery
- NEXT-14466 - Remove second install exception of extension in admin
- NEXT-14546 - Catch all SeoUrl render errors
- NEXT-14468 - Keep min height after changing display mode in image CMS element config
- NEXT-14472 - custom field card visible when none exist
- NEXT-14155 - Add cleanup task for cart table
- NEXT-14633 - Resolve Symfony 5.1 deprecations (Dominik Brader)
- NEXT-10908 - add filter criteria as URL parameters of list views
- NEXT-14814 - Fix cms product layout
- NEXT-14583 - Text field in entities should be nullable
- NEXT-14340 - Fix inheritance bugs in product detail page
- NEXT-5407 - Add custom field mapping to elasticsearch
- NEXT-14508 - Fix wishlist tries to load filter selection
- NEXT-10560 - Resolve fonts relative to the theme app.css
- NEXT-14641 - Add domains modal to extension permissions modal
- NEXT-14524 - Allow defining entrypoint for my extensions
- NEXT-14388 - Prevent installation of app when secret confirmation fails
- NEXT-14719 - Add MailSendSubscriberBridgeEvent for changing mail templates
- NEXT-14692 - Fix app update with new template files
- NEXT-14568 - fix create cross selling button disappears
- NEXT-13836 - Fix selected review state on mobile offcanvas not showing
- NEXT-14778 - Allow removing apps which has different folder name
- NEXT-14426 - Fix multi id select
- NEXT-14790 - Delete integration for app when the app gets deleted
- NEXT-14740 - fix accessing non existent dom element on pdp layout
- NEXT-14472 - Fix failing e2e test
- NEXT-14737 - HTML structure of the CMS product page not corresponding to other cms pages
- NEXT-14474 - Optimize individual code generation performance
- NEXT-14411 - Optimize thumbnail generation performance
- NEXT-14784 - Run app registration during app update if necessary
- NEXT-14801 - Overriding admin components not working
- NEXT-14705 - Change Dashboard welcome screen
- NEXT-14348 - Fix change variant price on detail page
- NEXT-11082 - Fix wrong time setting in datepicker component
- NEXT-13789 - Allow null type in ProductConfiguratorSettingEntity mediaId (Sebastian Diez)
- NEXT-13790 - Fix date time filtering on promotions (Leon Rustmeier)
- NEXT-13709 - Pagination Error on the Generate variants
- NEXT-13774 - A variant filter not working
- NEXT-10272 - Changed Store-API Response from Collection to Search Result
- NEXT-10706 - Removed Sales Channel API
- NEXT-10383 - remove deprecated verifyUserToken() method
- NEXT-11000 - Make field "name" required in product feature sets.
- NEXT-10826 - Remove deprecated blocks for read and write authorisation from user access key management
- NEXT-10063 - remove deprecations for rating refactor
- NEXT-9836 - Improved Payment Selection
- NEXT-11167 - Remove deprecations in admin menu
- NEXT-13429 - Make ProductExport respect generatedAt and interval fields (Hendrik Söbbing)
- NEXT-11308 - Add activate wishlist configuration in Administration Cart Setting
- NEXT-11190 - Fix adding product price regarding to tax status
- NEXT-10549 - Create DAL and migration database for wishlist.
- NEXT-11905 - Add list of combinations to AvailableCombinationResult (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-11350 - Automatically convert to negative value of credit item price when user enter positive value
- NEXT-9359 - Added new design for the rating filter
- NEXT-11190 - Remove deprecation in sw-order components
- NEXT-11350 - Remove deprecation in sw-order-line-items-grid
- NEXT-11751 - Update padaliyajay/php-autoprefixer (Max)
- NEXT-11308 - Add wishlist buttons and icon with counter in the header when wishlist is enabled
- NEXT-11767 - Fix data cms element ids in storefront (Sebastian König)
- NEXT-11280 - Put items to wishlist from products listing and detail pages.
- NEXT-10004 - Implement cash rounding
- NEXT-11503 - Create cms buy box element in administration
- NEXT-10402 - Increase minimum PHP version
- NEXT-8455 - Allow price fields with more digits
- NEXT-12746 - Reduce default poll-intervall of admin-worker
- NEXT-11281 - Implement wishlist page in storefront
- NEXT-11663 - Remove SalesChannelContext deprecations
- NEXT-7453 - Use custom name prefix for nested routes
- NEXT-12092 - Fix typo in form-privacy-opt-in CSS ID prefix (Alexander Menk)
- NEXT-11282 - Wishlist merge/local storage
- NEXT-11740 - Assign a product to CMS Product detail page layout
- NEXT-11661 - Remove breadcrumb deprecations
- NEXT-11740 - Assign a product to a Product Detail Page layout
- NEXT-10065 - remove deprecated numeric sort for properties
- NEXT-10734 - Remove purchase_price deprecations
- NEXT-11785 - Add Comfort Features Group and Wishlist Cookie in Cookie Provider
- NEXT-12062 - Disable the deletion of product detail page layout
- NEXT-11785 - Added wishlist cookie acceptance check before adding item into wishlist
- NEXT-11000 - Enforce required constraint for feature set name
- NEXT-12126 - Filter PDP layouts out of category layouts
- NEXT-12325 - Simplify config name pattern (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-7365 - Disable recursive loading of SCSS in plugins
- NEXT-11282 - Implemented wishlist merge local storage
- NEXT-12059 - create "Cross Selling" element
- NEXT-11502 - Initialize data mapping for product heading block
- NEXT-12060 - Create "Cross Selling" block
- NEXT-11253 - Reduce request payload of cms listing (Jannis Leifeld)
- NEXT-10665 - Remove Api Version
- NEXT-12246 - Exchange SwiftMailer with Symfony mailer
- NEXT-12246 - Prepare Exchange SwiftMailer with Symfony mailer
- NEXT-12553 - sw_extends: Use correct template inheritance order
- NEXT-12264 - Extend property select to show property group
- NEXT-12490 - Create DAL and migration database for search configuration
- NEXT-11744 - Display product name and manufacturer logo block on storefront
- NEXT-12815 - Remove country association in context factory
- NEXT-12809 - Implement wishlist page empty
- NEXT-12289 - Add a new tab in rule details to show rule assignments
- NEXT-12063 - Display Cross Selling Element on Storefront
- NEXT-11745 - Display product description and reviews element and block on Storefront
- NEXT-11886 - Show missing element modal
- NEXT-8235 - Menu behavior change
- NEXT-12942 - Add max-width to logo
- NEXT-10700 - Fix visibility configuration for private filesystems (mwoelk)
- NEXT-12864 - Display skeleton on product name when entity demo null
- NEXT-11747 - Implement cms buy box element in Storefront
- NEXT-12240 - Replace text placeholder by skeleton on Product box element
- NEXT-12808 - Implement wishlist page for guest
- NEXT-12136 - implement new data mapping posibility for text fields in CMS elements
- NEXT-12841 - Change layout assignment position
- NEXT-12064 - Display "Cross Selling" block on Storefront
- NEXT-12061 - Add cms gallery buybox block to Storefront
- NEXT-11966 - Implement new search settings module with layout building
- NEXT-11998 - Implement possibility to exclude configurable terms from the search
- NEXT-12987 - Create a standard of PDP layout
- NEXT-13963 - Use sw-rating-stars on product detail review list (Felix Gliesche)
- NEXT-12803 - Add the number of reviews to Buy box element
- NEXT-11966 - Define acl for product search module
- NEXT-12664 - Improve product search keywords analyzer.
- NEXT-12994 - Implement search settings module with api integration
- NEXT-13642 - Allow javascript to access the exposed headers in core requests (Sascha Nowak)
- NEXT-13085 - Only include direct relations in delete violation error messages
- NEXT-13055 - Processing boolean queries for Custom Search
- NEXT-12957 - Separate requests for plugin download and update
- NEXT-12992 - Create filter factory component
- NEXT-13965 - Improve responsive profile behavior (Giovanni Cascio)
- NEXT-12036 - add validation for first quantity price of advanced prices
- NEXT-13192 - Changed handling for multiple products in wishlist
- NEXT-13158 - Deletion of cookie should also clear local storage wishlist
- NEXT-12947 - Documents receive the same document number
- NEXT-12990 - Refactoring Product Detail CMS Resolvers
- NEXT-13119 - Add helptexts for product and category detail pages
- NEXT-12989 - Add inheritance for product cms page
- NEXT-13153 - Incorrect order of products in wishlist
- NEXT-13269 - Adding formviolations for additional address fields ([Alessandro Aussems]( Aussems))
- NEXT-12032 - Landing page feature
- NEXT-11384 - Add cancel buttons to sw-mail-template (Stefanos Stvakis)
- NEXT-11401 - Add correct error message on saving an product with already existing product no. (Jonas Dambacher)
- NEXT-9291 - Add Data Protection Information checkbox (Rune Laenen)
- NEXT-13262 - Add Hide On Product Detail option for properties (Rune Laenen)
- NEXT-12173 - Add missing require flags in sw-customer (Jonas Dambacher)
- NEXT-12667 - Add salutation to contact form data in contact form mails (Timo Helmke)
- NEXT-7997 - Add select display type to properties ([Sebastian Lember, Timo Boomgaarden](, timoboomgaarden))
- NEXT-12349 - Change migration system to allow grouping migrations by version
- NEXT-265 - Dispatch events when Billing Address/ Shipping Address is set as default (Shanthini Rajarathinam)
- NEXT-10679 - Set total after fetching list items (Elias Lackner)
- NEXT-7986 - Use img element for Hero Image CMS element (Rune Laenen)
- NEXT-12986 - Add layout config for layout tab of product detail
- NEXT-13733 - Correct resource path for administration javascript files of bundles
- NEXT-10126 - Date in mails in English notation
- NEXT-13151 - Fix add to cart button not working on guest wishlist page
- NEXT-13132 - Adding to wishlist does not work when changed page in listing
- NEXT-13164 - Guest wishlists are different accross different sales channels
- NEXT-11990 - Implement searchable content card
- NEXT-13102 - Remove padding of CMS blocks in PDP layout
- NEXT-13297 - Translate tax rates
- NEXT-10695 - Shipping costs tax calculation for editing order
- NEXT-13314 - Disable caching when loading wishlist producs
- NEXT-13273 - CMS entities version aware
- NEXT-12824 - Deprecated get generateDocumentLink and generateDocumentPreviewLink
- NEXT-13252 - Fix pagination setting snippet listing
- NEXT-12038 - Implement from price in storefront
- NEXT-9589 - Implement saving grid settings at user in admin ui
- NEXT-13278 - Remove deprecated columns and triggers
- NEXT-13165 - ScheduledTasks rescheduled incorrectly (wrong time)
- NEXT-13105 - Create an api for handing iterate indexer
- NEXT-12993 - Create filter panel component
- NEXT-13274 - Translations of versions are not reliable read through the DAL
- NEXT-12430 - Remove 6.4 deprecations
- NEXT-13287 - Create product specifications tab
- NEXT-7553 - Fix link to data protection regulations does not work
- NEXT-12995 - Handle multiple selection on the filter panel component
- NEXT-13524 - Fix min-height of bubble CMS blocks (Marius Faber)
- NEXT-13130 - Added security information to store-api openapi3
- NEXT-13422 - Reload page after variant selection on CMS product detail page
- NEXT-12648 - Added new properties to sw-wizard
- NEXT-12181 - Product Reviews can't be added in Chrome, if a review already exists by another user
- NEXT-13304 - Create product specifications content
- NEXT-10672 - Fix admin search for searching complete email
- NEXT-12169 - Implement new cheapest price field
- NEXT-8690 - Inform administrators about assigned themes when deactivating plugins
- NEXT-13243 - Fix double opt-in column names of customer table
- NEXT-12646 - Updated default components
- NEXT-10540 - Restructuring of category module
- NEXT-12998 - Clear filter button for filter panel component
- NEXT-13289 - Create product SEO tab
- NEXT-13477 - Fix missing error messages from sync-api
- NEXT-11993 - Implement product search config excluded terms
- NEXT-13010 - Implement searchable content with api integration
- NEXT-13309 - Add filter panel to the customer module
- NEXT-12644 - Added new properties to sw-wizard-page & refactored method changePage in sw-wizard
- NEXT-12996 - Create sw-date-filter component
- NEXT-12273 - Fix long texts in offcanvas (Sebastian König)
- NEXT-7873 - Bumped oauth2-server dependency to major version 8
- NEXT-13459 - Create sw-number-filter component
- NEXT-13563 - Exclude inactive app templates
- NEXT-13568 - Add events for wish list
- NEXT-13288 - Create product reviews tab
- NEXT-12051 - Fixed deletion of tagged customer entities
- NEXT-13387 - Fixed deletion of tagged media entities
- NEXT-13784 - Add Information about currently running Profile name
- NEXT-13305 - Switch advanced mode on the general tab
- NEXT-12158 - Change blacklist to allow list of properties in custom product groups
- NEXT-13631 - Fix bug of not being able to login to write review in Description & Review block
- NEXT-13986 - Add main module to app manifest
- NEXT-12228 - Change Elasticsearch index creation
- NEXT-13674 - Elasticsearch integration into Symfony profiler
- NEXT-13650 - fix cms page service not found
- NEXT-11967 - Implement the live search on custom search module
- NEXT-13621 - Consider translated array for api aware flag
- NEXT-13688 - Improved sorting and extensibility of sales channel domain
- NEXT-13175 - Do not open layout assignment when saving new CMS layouts
- NEXT-11994 - Implement search index in search module
- NEXT-10838 - Allow any host on admin watcher
- NEXT-14102 - Fix hot proxy server for shared instances
- NEXT-10838 - Improve storefront watcher
- NEXT-13783 - Fix sending emails did not use language chain fallback for header and footer mail templates
- NEXT-12461 - Remove deprecations along with removal of the feature flag of rule assignment tab
- NEXT-13852 - Remove entity caching in DBAL Entity Hydrator (Alexander Bachmann)
- NEXT-13746 - Update guzzle dependency
- NEXT-13887 - Add new criteria events (Jochen Manz)
- NEXT-12159 - Elasticsearch refactoring
- NEXT-13701 - Fix caching of JsonApiEncodingResult (Alexander Bachmann)
- NEXT-13614 - Fixed breadcrumbs
- NEXT-13732 - Rating filter style fixes
- NEXT-13886 - Add prefix and suffix filter to the DAL (Felix Brucker)
- NEXT-11249 - Adjust custom field snippets
- NEXT-13797 - Own admin menu entries for app modules
- NEXT-12506 - Implement promotions v2 empty state
- NEXT-13310 - Add filter panel to the Product module
- NEXT-13797 - Add parent and position field to Module
- NEXT-13817 - Fix type check in seo resolver in store-api
- NEXT-13765 - Rules consider nested line items
- NEXT-9987 - Improve Sitemap performance
- NEXT-13312 - Add filter panel to the Order module
- NEXT-11621 - Added css property object-fit for standard product image class
- NEXT-13712 - Fix bug list price per rule doesn't work with a custom layout
- NEXT-13685 - Fix the VAT number is deleted after update billing address
- NEXT-13189 - Storefront pagination and filter are not working when pressing back browser
- NEXT-13546 - Force to select a custom field when custom sorting by custom field
- NEXT-13792 - Product page layouts manufacturer links missing
- NEXT-13291 - Replace the product media sidebar by a media modal
- NEXT-13357 - Add API Expectations
- NEXT-13584 - Fix only allow company registration does not work
- NEXT-13952 - Fix theme:refresh without theme media default folder
- NEXT-13653 - Don't change the document versionId on document update
- NEXT-13084 - Update npm dependencies
- NEXT-13807 - Add vatIds to OrderCustomer
- NEXT-13630 - Custom links entry in seoUrl table
- NEXT-13794 - Fix hiding thumbnails when image slider has more than 8 images
- NEXT-13290 - Reordering content on General tab of the product module
- NEXT-13941 - Support product variants in multiple filters
- NEXT-12244 - Upgrade symfony to version 5.2.3
- NEXT-13995 - Empty state in case of nothing matching filter criteria
- NEXT-13997 - Fix filters by using cmspage instead of page (bystro)
- NEXT-13643 - Fix guest wishlist do not show product after shopping
- NEXT-14036 - Fix preview mapping of image gallery in product detail page
- NEXT-13437 - Implement ACL for Custom search and index ranking module
- NEXT-13722 - Configuration applied in category module is not used for contact form
- NEXT-13481 - Improve the performance of the stock update
- NEXT-13308 - Switch advanced mode on the specifications tab
- NEXT-13762 - Fix Product SEO keywords are not saved
- NEXT-11735 - Moved cache layer from DAL to store api
- NEXT-12997 - Store current filtering into database
- NEXT-13708 - The total in admin orders is wrong
- NEXT-13845 - Turnover dashboard report display too many digits
- NEXT-14227 - Added events for concatenated styles/scripts in theme compiler (David Neustadt)
- NEXT-14190 - Fix external image URLs in sw-image-slider (Sebastian Diez)
- NEXT-14036 - Fix losing layout config when navigating to general tab
- NEXT-14343 - Make filesystem services public in dependency injection container (Manuel Kress)
- NEXT-13890 - Error after deleting a shipping method
- NEXT-13656 - Fix number range association
- NEXT-12958 - Http Cache Reverse Proxy support
- NEXT-14129 - Integrate Shopware Markets in FRW
- NEXT-14022 - Output the Path of the Category in the Category Filter
- NEXT-14171 - Add sitemap sales channel criteria event (Sebastian Lember)
- NEXT-14211 - Enable custom sorting in systemConfig config schema (netzkollektiv)
- NEXT-14038 - Fix bug overwriting manufacturer logo config
- NEXT-14159 - Fix bug css of filter panel component
- NEXT-14226 - Fix rich snippet error in offcanvas nav (Leon Weickert)
- NEXT-14240 - Improve reactability of clear input
- NEXT-14261 - Fix icon folder-thumbnail (Sebastian König)
- NEXT-13991 - Documents Header and Line item tables broken
- NEXT-14244 - Improve UX for searchable content section of Search module
- NEXT-14243 - Move the rebuild search index to live search tab
- NEXT-13909 - Fixed wrong language on order mails
- NEXT-14187 - When uncheck checkboxes the respecting cards should be hidden
- NEXT-14234 - Fix request url in offcanvas cart
- NEXT-14284 - Fixing nested line items display
- NEXT-14275 - Remove old service definitions
- NEXT-14193 - Show active for all selected Sales Channels
- NEXT-14039 - Smoother thumbnail navigation of product image slider
- NEXT-13627 - Thumbnails generated incorrectly for images smaller than 1920px
- NEXT-14084 - Add cross selling and category route cache
- NEXT-14372 - Add twig blocks to metatag template (Rune Laenen)
- NEXT-14291 - Improve styling for product detail page
- NEXT-13939 - Improve write performance
- NEXT-12948 - Add data bag to validation events
- NEXT-14294 - Improve app system proof check
- NEXT-13834 - Parameter "editable" in theme.json does not work as intended
- NEXT-14338 - Shipping Country option also filters by Billing address
- NEXT-13475 - Use reference id in line item rules
- NEXT-13821 - Deprecate the plugin manager module
- NEXT-13821 - Remove the plugin manager from the administration
- NEXT-14418 - Component overrides now consider mixins
- NEXT-13838 - Use sql null safe equals operator
- NEXT-14498 - Remove plugin manager dependencies
- NEXT-14820 - Fix cms saving in category module
- NEXT-14845 - Use repository in global admin search
- NEXT-14896 - Remove bearerAuth cookie without domain also on logout
- NEXT-14918 - Load administration even if plugin js does not exist
- NEXT-14897 - Fix discount tab in promotions
- NEXT-14959 - Fix regression to support custom entities in TreeUpdater
- NEXT-14958 - Normalize EntityDefinition::getDefaults data
- NEXT-15049 - Add properties to product stream allowed list
- NEXT-14465 - Prevent duplicate cart alerts
- NEXT-14342 - Fix change box size of wishlist items in storefront
- NEXT-14735 - Fix image slider navigation of CMS product detail page on mobile
- NEXT-14548 - Fix missing close button of offcanvas on cms product page
- NEXT-14415 - Set local time configuration for date range rule builder
- NEXT-14417 - Add reset to default for excluded search term.
- NEXT-13710 - Added api aware flag for category tree
- NEXT-13664 - Fix session handling on logouts
- NEXT-13896 - Adding acl privileges to plugin manager
- NEXT-13861 - Validate replace configurations of plugins
- NEXT-13252 - Fix pagination setting snippet listing
- NEXT-13371 - Added api aware flag
- NEXT-13530 - Lower min version of composer package-versions-deprecated to 1.8.0
- NEXT-13247 - Expire sales channel contexts
- NEXT-13413 - Fix the Elasticsearch Query Parser for NotFilters
- NEXT-12417 - Change German translations for "valid" (Sebastian König)
- NEXT-10688 - Fix reverting data after changing and saving
- NEXT-11231 - Cronjobs can not handle interactive choice for profile name.
- NEXT-11636 - Use correct template inheritance order in sw_extends, if extending a different base file.
- NEXT-12418 - Fix German translation for "clear" (Sebastian König)
- NEXT-12276 - The currency filter can now handle undefined values in the administration (Steffen Beisenherz)
- NEXT-10559 - VAT handling for companies
- NEXT-11193 - Change VAT ID field of customer
- NEXT-11252 - Add tax free for companies
- NEXT-11263 - Apply vat id structure checked
- NEXT-11193 - Saving VAT ID to customer table when register and edit account
- NEXT-11584 - Fix bug can't create a commercial customer with shipping address
- NEXT-11964 - Mark active navigation path (Sebastian König)
- NEXT-11782 - Show the intra community delivery on receipts
- NEXT-12478 - Dispatch cart line item events (Kevin C.)
- NEXT-11389 - Category and shop page assignment in CMS layout module
- NEXT-11250 - Fix inheritance for purchase prices
- NEXT-9430 - Fixed check the validation of import profiles
- NEXT-12416 - Add a product gateway criteria event
- NEXT-6936 - Fix bug wrong total amount of custom line item
- NEXT-11803 - Fix unable to change tax value in admin order
- NEXT-11240 - Added document's comment in order document template
- NEXT-11917 - Make acl plugin privileges dynamic
- NEXT-9586 - Open categories in new tabs with right-click
- NEXT-6398 - Provide the information if the order was created manually via the admin
- NEXT-11355 - add cms listing filter settings
- NEXT-7072 - Fix search in mail templates
- NEXT-9348 - Fix URL Punycode conversion
- NEXT-12183 - Fixed check validation of reset password
- NEXT-11358 - hide filters according to CMS slot_config
- NEXT-13123 - Unavailable block type fix (Jan Schüring)
- NEXT-12405 - Add extensibility to language module
- NEXT-10663 - Fix automatic logouts in the administration (Jannis Leifeld)
- NEXT-12265 - Add method to remove items from the dynamic product groups blacklist
- NEXT-12223 - Added a webhook validator to the app system
- NEXT-11595 - Fixed promotions can be successfully applied multiple times when applying multiple promotions as once
- NEXT-10931 - Make links with target blank more secure when added inside the administrations text editor (Jannis Leifeld)
- NEXT-10907 - Fix grid URL parameters of list views in the administration
- NEXT-10785 - Fix inheritance in essential characteristics in product detail (Jannis Leifeld)
- NEXT-12457 - Replaced PaymentMethodRoute class with AbstractPaymentMethodRoute
- NEXT-12230 - Improve saving own user profile
- NEXT-12459 - Notify customers about error in the payment process
- NEXT-11133 - Add product configurator settigns id to blacklist (Jannis Leifeld)
- NEXT-12433 - Add the option to show the divergent delivery address on invoices
- NEXT-12477 - Fix api controller
- NEXT-6634 - Fix sorting in admin grid broken for specific fields
- NEXT-12481 - Only send refresh index to existing es indices
- NEXT-12251 - Add same canonical url for variants switch
- NEXT-12227 - Changed default logger rotation by configuration (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-11196 - Validate VAT ID
- NEXT-12501 - add conflict resolver for composer
- NEXT-11861 - Add storefront part to display advanced list prices
- NEXT-12081 - Added possibility to call the API without a version
- NEXT-11620 - Allow empty values in number field (Jannis Leifeld)
- NEXT-12269 - Entity Type Custom Field
- NEXT-6596 - Fix cms flicker on firefox (Jannis Leifeld)
- NEXT-11783 - Show additional information on invoice documents
- NEXT-12234 - Add empty-state for proptery search in product-listing element settings
- NEXT-12565 - Fix wrong FkField in DocumentBaseConfig
- NEXT-11252 - Update Calculate Tax For Companies When Enable Tax Free For Company Flag
- NEXT-12484 - Add missing star for gross price
- NEXT-12520 - Added a test to ensure the listing price is shown on product detail pages (Thomas Christlieb)
- NEXT-12394 - Fixed Double Opt In Registration redirect to account page even in order process
- NEXT-12003 - Add sales channel route and configuration for sw-domain-hash (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-12223 - Added more app validation to the app system
- NEXT-11921 - Fix address editing in customer module (Jannis Leifeld)
- NEXT-12139 - Fix individual promotion codes cannot generate
- NEXT-12350 - Plugin configuration not removed when disabled or uninstalled
- NEXT-12009 - skip csrf replacement on streamed responses (Alexander Menk)
- NEXT-11304 - Add a new state machine transition for order delivery from partially returned to returned
- NEXT-12277 - Add custom fields for orders
- NEXT-12797 - Adjust foreign key constraint safeguard
- NEXT-11466 - Fix plugin list actions
- NEXT-12800 - Fix select field issues
- NEXT-12507 - Marketing section changes
- NEXT-12798 - Update the background color of the login page
- NEXT-12109 - Decode URI string in file reader service (Alexander Schmidt)
- NEXT-5638 - Fix bug automatically set value for nullable product fields
- NEXT-12088 - Revert NEXT-9821 - fix padding changed to margin as set in admin
- NEXT-10590 - Customer should see his own review, even if it's not set visible
- NEXT-12850 - Fix endless loop in sitemap generation
- NEXT-12268 - Fix password field for new users is require
- NEXT-12348 - Customer controller resolver
- NEXT-12453 - Add unique check for seo url templates
- NEXT-12295 - It is not possible to select media files in the theme manager
- NEXT-12912 - Remove number truncate
- NEXT-12538 - Exclude internal routes from open api schema
- NEXT-12225 - Fix hydration of wrong json attributes
- NEXT-12805 - Fix the issues with vat hanlding for companies
- NEXT-11859 - Advanced list prices
- NEXT-6896 - Fix review admin module if customer deleted
- NEXT-8382 - Fix tax rate display of line items in documents
- NEXT-12156 - Implement dal join filter
- NEXT-10320 - Remove required flag of slot config
- NEXT-11885 - Reset main variant on product duplicate
- NEXT-12955 - Add storefront link to sales channels in admin menu
- NEXT-12706 - Fix max purchase calculation
- NEXT-13249 - Load custom field sets on category change (Rune Laenen)
- NEXT-9533 - sw-settings-snippet-list logic fixes
- NEXT-10717 - Changing customer password in admin does not clean legacyEncoder and legacyPassword values
- NEXT-12869 - Customer should stay logged in when switching between sales channel if customer scope is off
- NEXT-12956 - Fix search on customer addresses not working
- NEXT-12092 - Move input identifier declaration up one block level, to make it available in all places necessary
- NEXT-12235 - Customer Recovery Event should be assigned to every sales channel as default
- NEXT-12816 - Fix parent role will be checked when not having
- NEXT-12408 - Fix sum calculation in admin order
- NEXT-11868 - Affiliate Tracking not working
- NEXT-9589 - Add user_config entity to store configuration for administration users
- NEXT-10034 - Documents Module not reactive
- NEXT-10515 - fix save and duplicate does not save
- NEXT-13000 - Add ES parameter for debugging
- NEXT-9007 - Delete admin session after changing password
- NEXT-11832 - Fix order recalculation with promotions
- NEXT-8112 - Optimize admin worker calls
- NEXT-12090 - Reset opcache in install and update index.php
- NEXT-12951 - Sitemap does not contain the homepage
- NEXT-10654 - Ability to add modal title into modal header
- NEXT-13022 - Always call reference version field serializer
- NEXT-12340 - Consider inheritance when generating seo urls
- NEXT-12987 - Create a standard of PDP layout
- NEXT-9923 - Added option to automatically logout guest accounts after order
- NEXT-12346 - Reduce query count in address validation
- NEXT-12449 - Clear the cache of compiled routes when the cache gets cleared
- NEXT-13234 - Allow fetching created guest customer via store api (Sascha Nowak)
- NEXT-13056 - Add content block to sw-cms-slot component
- NEXT-11335 - Allow deletion of users that changed order states
- NEXT-12233 - Fix filter without results feature does not work with sidebar filter
- NEXT-12065 - improve pagination in tax-module
- NEXT-12641 - Add new default component sw-wizard
- NEXT-12514 - Added sw-confirm-modal and added sw-one-to-many-grid functionality
- NEXT-12818 - Improve performance when generating voucher code
- NEXT-12987 - Make structuring elements in breadcrumb unclickable
- NEXT-13147 - Assign featureSetId instead of featureSet per default
- NEXT-13005 - Fix keep editing in category module
- NEXT-12450 - Fix mail template timezone (Hans Höchtl)
- NEXT-11338 - Fix clearance of sw-text-editor
- NEXT-12804 - Add 'all' role for ACL privileges
- NEXT-5791 - remove snippet file deprecation
- NEXT-13149 - Add EU states as default for intra community delivery label
- NEXT-13077 - Refactoring of sw-meteor-card
- NEXT-13078 - Add some meteor components
- NEXT-13193 - Make list price nullable
- NEXT-13271 - Fix MailBeforeValidateEvent
- NEXT-13209 - Use the admin locale for the datepicker
- NEXT-12262 - Filter Close in a category at mobile view also triggers the area behind
- NEXT-13392 - fix canonical url is not displayed correctly
- NEXT-13487 - Lock symfony finder version to fix swagger generation
- NEXT-10837 - optimize route check in account site (Sebastian König)
- NEXT-10716 - After restoring cart, the cart should be recalculated and display hints.
- NEXT-10194 - Delete customer profile GDPR compliant
- NEXT-10991 - Fix country sorting in cart (Huzaifa Mustafa)
- NEXT-10527 - Restoring Cart after customer logged in
- NEXT-10973 - Register Customer separately in each sales channel
- NEXT-10976 - Customers are able to view document order from Storefront
- NEXT-10076 - Add variant modal to product list
- NEXT-11144 - Clear session data on logout setting is set to false by default for new installations
- NEXT-10974 - Implement bind customer scope in the SaleChannel
- NEXT-10973 - Add bound sales channel id column for customer
- NEXT-10826 - Remove read or write access related elements from access key management interface
- NEXT-10716 - After restoring cart, the cart should be recalculated and display hints.
- NEXT-11800 - Fix bug on merging invalid storefront plugin configuration (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-11267 - Added missing CustomFieldTypes constants (Hendrik Söbbing)
- NEXT-11532 - Explanation of strike prices
- NEXT-11824 - Add blocks to storefront address component (Rune Laenen)
- NEXT-10886 - Fix the advanced price don't apply to admin order and the product price is not recalculated when changing the sale-channel's currency
- NEXT-10538 - Hide category settings for structuring elements
- NEXT-11387 - Added events in import/export
- NEXT-11887 - Add option
to commandtheme:compile
(Hendrik Söbbing) - NEXT-11714 - Add plugin version to the plugin info (Alexander Wink)
- NEXT-11279 - Tax calculations for internationalization
- NEXT-10975 - Customer order document
- NEXT-11629 - Fix Cross Selling empty state (Rune Laenen)
- NEXT-11976 - Add clearing container cache (Sebastian König)
- NEXT-11746 - Allow ports in administration URL fields (Max)
- NEXT-11152 - Fix the breadcrumb for products assigned to multiple categories
- NEXT-11771 - Hide quantity change form for child line items (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-11749 - Reactivates foreign key checks after database import in CLI mode. (Manuel Josef)
- NEXT-11285 - Add products per page in listing setting
- NEXT-10687 - Fixed content of credit notes only show credit items
- NEXT-11500 - Create "Product Detail Page" CMS layout type
- NEXT-11598 - Fix document sending status
- NEXT-11529 - Fix type declaration in CmsPageEntity
- NEXT-11588 - Add title to account header widget (Sebastian König)
- NEXT-11637 - Fix typo in SearchRanking const (Rune Laenen)
- NEXT-11718 - Add
to Elasticsearch mapping (Hendrik Söbbintg) - NEXT-8058 - Added config to make first name, last name and phone number input optional for contact form (Claudio Bianco)
- NEXT-11619 - Deprecate direct import of module in administration
- NEXT-11258 - Show more than only one property option in product detail page
- NEXT-11137 - Add cookies accept all to the bottom cookie bar
- NEXT-10572 - Add since flag to Controllers and Entity Definitions
- NEXT-9639 - Consider inheritance for boolean config values
- NEXT-11555 - Create a new "Description & Reviews" element
- NEXT-11630 - Deprecate wrong usage of DBAL connection methods
- NEXT-11426 - Display saleschannel description in interface language
- NEXT-9784 - Fix customer groups timeout when shop has many customers
- NEXT-11340 - Optimize float handling
- NEXT-11502 - Add product name and manufacturer logo block
- NEXT-11556 - add csrf cookie to config
- NEXT-10946 - Fix stream builder
- NEXT-11756 - Optimize password label
- NEXT-11724 - Add ellipsis to product box
- NEXT-11720 - Delete app roles when app gets deleted
- NEXT-11755 - Fix theme inheritance for apps
- NEXT-11721 - fix typo in swedish currency
- NEXT-11807 - Log payment process errors
- NEXT-10222 - Remove empty box.scss import
- NEXT-11644 - Able to extends contact form and newsletter form template
- NEXT-11830 - Fix broken listings
- NEXT-11010 - Fix missing childCount update when deleting variants
- NEXT-11720 - Add config.xml for apps
- NEXT-11876 - Add foreign key constraint to theme table
- NEXT-11903 - Set correct asset urls in storefront proxy
- NEXT-11806 - Hide thumbs and dots when having too many product images
- NEXT-9359 - New rating filter in the storefront
- NEXT-11441 - Upgrade Cypress to version 5.5.0
- NEXT-8050 - Fix content deleted after block moved
- NEXT-10803 - Fix error on product property deletion
- NEXT-11926 - Introduce a new interface for events containing the SalesChannelContext
- NEXT-11743 - create "Description and Reviews" block
- NEXT-12012 - Fix app installation if system default language is not english or german
- NEXT-11989 - Fix uninstall of apps with custom field sets
- NEXT-11437 - Fix styling in custom field set renderer with inheritance and add inheritance to system config renderer
- NEXT-11275 - Fix the customer comment is disappeared after edited, added, deleted cart lineitems
- NEXT-12050 - Fix swagger compatibility issues in store-api
- NEXT-12040 - added cascade delete for mail template events
- NEXT-12026 - Admin search overlay will be shown even if user searches in listing
- NEXT-11126 - Allow creating order with customer comment and affiliate tracking via store api
- NEXT-7161 - Allow empty snippet values
- NEXT-12055 - Event for paths in OpenApiLoader
- NEXT-12027 - fix document header
- NEXT-11960 - Fix shipping method selection in cart page
- NEXT-11383 - Fix the type field is disabled in number ranges setting
- NEXT-12073 - Load app templates from filesystem on dev env
- NEXT-12095 - Added list to allowed views for action buttons
- NEXT-11034 - Fixed Category CMS Page error when dynamic group is not selected
- NEXT-10525 - Added BlueGreenDeploymentService to the Recovery app
- NEXT-11923 - Add flag check card config level
- NEXT-12103 - Allow action button on customer admin pages
- NEXT-12071 - Allow saving of empty snippets
- NEXT-12033 - Fix migration for cover id constraint in order line items
- NEXT-12118 - Fix storefront signup for commercial users
- NEXT-12153 - Fix wrong parameter shortcut for
(Hendrik Söbbing) - NEXT-12033 - Updated jurisdiction snippets
- NEXT-12172 - Added privacy policy extension for apps
- NEXT-8248 - Plugin composer.json require a extra.label property
- NEXT-11949 - Add default for app url
- NEXT-11210 - NEXT-9427 - fix-admin-user-grid (Sebastian Lember)
- NEXT-12200 - Fixed freeze on saleschannel creation on same route
- NEXT-8172 - Prevent plugin modules to create menu entries on the first level of the main menu
- NEXT-9596 - set default icons for boolean values in sw-data-grid (jones1008)
- NEXT-7394 - Fix document is deleted after deleting document logo
- NEXT-12091 - Fix multiple covers for product media
- NEXT-10398 - Fix url building in recovery route
- NEXT-12229 - Improved error handling for app lifecycle commands
- NEXT-11831 - Multi inheritance component overrides fix
- NEXT-12266 - Add sw-snippet field
- NEXT-12290 - Fixed EXIF detection during thumbnail generation for remote filesystems
- NEXT-11963 - Add the login required annotation
- NEXT-12094 - Added cookie consent support for apps
- NEXT-7384 - Fix not working password change in user module
- NEXT-12334 - Remove listeners for disabled sw-buttons
- NEXT-12345 - Adjust configuration name for the 404 page to comply with new configuration name pattern
- NEXT-12332 - Fix that CMS tab in category details disappears
- NEXT-12330 - generate http cache key when cart contains items
- NEXT-12451 - Fix multiple meta imports
- NEXT-12471 - Fix url of cms assets in administration
- NEXT-12464 - Fix layout for line item table header in cart page when using vertical tax calculation
- NEXT-11892 - Fix filter aggregation in JavaScript criteria
- NEXT-8927 - Add ACL for product stream module
- NEXT-8951 - ACL for languages
- NEXT-8955 - ACL for setting salutations module
- NEXT-8947 - ACL for customer groups module in settings
- NEXT-10543 - ACL for shopping experiences
- NEXT-10543 - Add labels to users and permissions module to cards and create a new role has a better title
- NEXT-9245 - Add possibility to categorizes the permissions with parents
- NEXT-8846 - Add tooltip for disabled select role field
- NEXT-8952 - Add ACL for settings number range module
- NEXT-9457 - Add individual sorting into administration
- NEXT-8950 - ACL for email templates module in settings
- NEXT-8962 - ACL for the Settings > Documents module
- NEXT-10487 - Improve the overall user experience in the account order overview
- NEXT-9384 - Refresh acl on plugin activate
- NEXT-8959 - ACL for custom fields
- NEXT-8922 - ACL for media
- NEXT-10607 - Add ACL to users and permissions module
- NEXT-10694 - Add product search bar to edit orders
- NEXT-10701 - expose business events
- NEXT-10702 - Extend business events
- NEXT-8958 - ACL for tax
- NEXT-10365 - Added individual sorting for cms elements
- NEXT-9457 - Added individual sorting support
- NEXT-8961 - Add ACL for settings integrations module
- NEXT-10860 - Consider background enabled property for setting items (sobyte)
- NEXT-10789 - Optimize aggregations
- NEXT-8957 - Add acl to the snippet module
- NEXT-10196 - GDPR compliant video elements
- NEXT-10765 - Added sold quantity metric
- NEXT-8309 - Add address to customer selection in add order (Alexander Batenburg)
- NEXT-9021 - Add autoscroll to listing (Sebastian König)
- NEXT-9188 - Add empty state to the sw-property-search result list (Eric Mandersloot)
- NEXT-9202 - Add keyboard shortcuts for reviews (Max)
- NEXT-7962 - Add label to availabitlity rule in shipping method detail (Muehlhans Florian)
- NEXT-9360 - Add missing order delivery state transitions (Jochen Manz)
- NEXT-10918 - Add support for autowiring of entity repositories (Hendrik Söbbing)
- NEXT-9304 - Add theme configuration field option for full width editing (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-9189 - Refactored customer-email-type (Alexander Wink)
- NEXT-10857 - Directly open product on search if there is only one result (Stefan Wild)
- NEXT-10019 - Ensure that essential characteristics sorting is saved
- NEXT-10842 - NEXT-7800 - Fix creating orders via admin REST API (Manuel Kress)
- NEXT-9716 - Fix order listing sort by customer name (Ben Weiland)
- NEXT-10041 - Fixed style for datepicker icon (Steffen Beisenherz)
- NEXT-10858 - Improve line item custom field rule execution (Uwe Kleinmann)
- NEXT-9121 - Fix maintenance page (Sebastian König)
- NEXT-8145 - Minify CSS (Max)
- NEXT-10020 - New twig block around buy button (Timo Helmke)
- NEXT-9410 - Open manufacturer links in new tab (Timo Helmke)
- NEXT-10928 - Optimise requests in LocaleToLanguageService (Hannes Wernery)
- NEXT-10848 - Pass all non-defined attributes as props in sw-button (Felix Brucker)
- NEXT-7416 - Prevent double submit in checkout (Claudio Bianco)
- NEXT-8426 - Save user settings in listing views (Clemens Brockschmidt)
- NEXT-10854 - Support custom cache folders (Yann Karl)
- NEXT-10184 - Unsupported plugins cannot be activated
- NEXT-9322 - Validate min max purchase quantity (Max)
- NEXT-10195 - Add search keyword for product
- NEXT-10882 - Added sw-image-slider component to core
- NEXT-8755 - Fixed document generation with special utf-8 characters
- NEXT-9314 - Define as inherited
- NEXT-10693 - Fix products image gallery not working
- NEXT-8334 - Removal of notification titles
- NEXT-10941 - Dispatch event after token has been changed (Kevin Chen)
- NEXT-10498 - Add administration module to control event actions
- NEXT-9981 - Allow removing of media used in orderLineItem
- NEXT-10935 - fix double click onto add integration button
- NEXT-10953 - Fix password field toggle button visibility for long passwords
- NEXT-10383 - move copied verifyUserToken() method to loginService
- NEXT-10697 - Remove price preview for product items in admin orders
- NEXT-7010 - Fix sales channel doamin currency
- NEXT-10819 - Sanitize product description on mobile tab
- NEXT-11009 - Fix Blank Page displayed when accessing login page after customer logged in
- NEXT-10960 - Fix missing arrow in breadcrumb
- NEXT-10779 - Take over the defined tax rate from the product in admin orders and edit order
- NEXT-10548 - Add Migration to fix Slovakia being called Slovenia
- NEXT-11070 - Shopware-Version supports new semantic versioning and dev-versions
- NEXT-5993 - Prevent filter combinations with no result
- NEXT-10884 - Change product search behavior in admin orders
- NEXT-10936 - Fixed an issue with dynamic product groups and the category association
- NEXT-11039 - Check sw-api-compatibility header in ApiVersionConverter
- NEXT-11075 - Do not set http cache cookies if http cache is disabled
- NEXT-10909 - Limit hot proxy integration to dev environment
- NEXT-11117 - Apply asset filter on external links of sw-image-slider
- NEXT-11046 - Menu items are hidden if no submenu item is available
- NEXT-11119 - Add ACL to dashboard cards
- NEXT-10971 - Customer addresses showing wrong on Editing order
- NEXT-11065 - Implement detailed tab in permissions role detail page
- NEXT-11118 - Storefront clients added second argument to callback
- NEXT-11132 - Add acl to essential characteristics
- NEXT-11000 - Essential characteristics name field will be non-nullable as of v6.4.0.0
- NEXT-10859 - Fix total price of product is not recalculate after adding similar product in admin order
- NEXT-10963 - Fix wrong seo title on search page
- NEXT-11218 - Add block for listing buy button (Huzaifa Mustafa)
- NEXT-11045 - Creating a new user should not be an admin by default
- NEXT-11042 - Ensure that fields will always be disabled if the user has only viewer rights
- NEXT-11167 - Fix jobtitle below username in admin menu
- NEXT-10868 - Fixed wrong currency being shown in order list in the storefront
- NEXT-11168 - Pass more attributes to subrequest in store-api proxy
- NEXT-6963 - Align price and subtotal price to the edge of Offcanvas
- NEXT-10714 - Adding ACL for Routes
- NEXT-10687 - Credit note broken in order
- NEXT-11353 - Form element config type options (Rune Laenen)
- NEXT-11465 - Only warmup active entities (Hendrik Söbbing)
- NEXT-11247 - Fix API version fallback in HTTP client factory
- NEXT-11269 - Fix entity aggregator cache
- NEXT-11244 - Fix SystemConfigService on MariaDB <10.3.22
- NEXT-10650 - Hide listing pagination when having less than two pages
- NEXT-11268 - ModuleInspector recognises correct event class
- NEXT-11205 - Reload user listing after changing the role listing in users and permissions
- NEXT-10736 - Add ACL for first run wizard and logging module
- NEXT-11297 - Add ACL for scale unit module
- NEXT-9056 - Add ACL for settings modules without CRUD operations
- NEXT-9581 - Add address validation in Checkout
- NEXT-11047 - Add error notifications for acl response errors
- NEXT-11295 - fix sw-datepicker disabled styles
- NEXT-11190 - Fix adding product price regarding to tax status
- NEXT-11307 - Fix Storefront Plugin initialization on offcanvas-cart reload
- NEXT-10984 - Hide VAT column and change price label for tax free case
- NEXT-9836 - Improve payment selection deprecations
- NEXT-9795 - Fix sorting payment status and delivery status at admin order grid
- NEXT-11367 - Refactor delivery-information template (Max)
- NEXT-11303 - Fix hover behaviour for sw-data-grid
- NEXT-11283 - Fix settings menu option needs to be hidden
- NEXT-11122 - Fix type of alert add promotion wrong
- NEXT-11278 - Add tax selection for setting shipping method
- NEXT-11350 - Automatically convert to negative value of credit item price when user enter positive value
- NEXT-11153 - Customer are automatically logged out when switching storefront sales channel
- NEXT-11373 - Deprecate settings extension block
- NEXT-10800 - Add ACL for newsletter recipients
- NEXT-11406 - Pass-through stamps in MonitoringBusDecorator
- NEXT-11296 - sw-media thumbnail settings not acl compatible
- NEXT-11211 - Add 409 Error notification
- NEXT-11209 - Add ACL support for profile module
- NEXT-10286 - Add Administration UI for app system
- NEXT-9001 - Add disabled states for missing fields in product module
- NEXT-11283 - Hide shortcut for settings page when user has no visible settings
- NEXT-7535 - Recompile Theme on Plugin deactivation
- NEXT-10861 - Validate datetime field before build score query in DAL
- NEXT-11411 - Fix notifications for missing configurations in cms
- NEXT-10286 - Release app system
- NEXT-11467 - Fix spelling in ACL module
- NEXT-11468 - Fix struct encoding of extensions
- NEXT-11260 - set admin flag to all users
- NEXT-8278 - Move Product Export from Storefront to Store-API
- NEXT-8277 - Migrating Sitemap to Store-API
- NEXT-10272 - Storefront Store-API Proxy
- NEXT-10622 - Webpack build should hard fail in production (Hans Höchtl)
- NEXT-10521 - Add property
component - NEXT-10618 - Align head cells of right-aligned columns to the right (Hannes Wernery)
- NEXT-10294 - Fix document config sales channel override
- NEXT-10292 - Fixed an infinite loop when using the repository iterator (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-10250 - Lookup technical name by theme inheritance in theme dump command
- NEXT-10641 - Locking Symfony version to minor version
- NEXT-10666 - Make changes for the tax rule type "individual states" visible
- NEXT-10477 - Consider admin order for stock update
- NEXT-10624 - Escaping search page
- NEXT-10261 - Extract AccountOrderDetailPage from AccountOrderController (Joshua Behrens)
- NEXT-10547 - Optimize foreign key resolver
- NEXT-10063 - Upgrade rating components
- NEXT-10062 - Add CustomFieldSubscriber to add snippets for storefront
- NEXT-10705 - Generic product and category route in sitemap
- NEXT-10706 - Deprecate Sales Channel API
- NEXT-10598 - Fix listing price view
- NEXT-10738 - Fixed price serializer type checking
- NEXT-10012 - Restrict account orders to current sales channel
- NEXT-9055 - Fix cut off product prices in listing
- NEXT-10386 - Added default price matrix to new shipping methods
- NEXT-10879 - Dispatch event after cart save (Kevin Chen)
- NEXT-8568 - Fix breadcrumb entry point
- NEXT-8154 - Update Jest and Vue-Test-Utils
- NEXT-6753 - Allow indicating canonical URLs with a redirect (HTTP 301) instead of a link
- NEXT-10885 - Show birthday field (sobyte)
- NEXT-10304 - Fixed the product link in an order line item in the administration (Christian Juner)
- NEXT-10070 - Stale content handling for CMS image gallery and slider
- NEXT-10713 - Fix _score sorting via API (Hannes Wernery)
- NEXT-10746 - Fix composer check for replaces on plugin requirement validation
- NEXT-10683 - Update vulnerable npm dependencies
- NEXT-10743 - Fix sales channel modal button keep moving left
- NEXT-9978 - Fix customizable link does not redirect
- NEXT-10405 - Fix error on submitting product review when href lang is active
- NEXT-10671 - Show manufacturers in alphabetical order
- NEXT-10673 - Close off-canvas elements if browser back is triggered
- NEXT-10763 - Fix clipping text for user name in account area of plugin module
- Additional changes in from legacy changelog