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bce80e7 · Feb 13, 2021


293 lines (245 loc) · 9.39 KB

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293 lines (245 loc) · 9.39 KB



  • Export toSafeSignature() to convert from TSignature to TSafeSignautre


  • BREAKING CHANGE: Command signature objects (TSignature) may now include undefined properties for type purposes
    • See the comment for TSignature for an in-depth explanation of this
    • These properties are silently ignored if actually included in the signature objects


  • Add proper method signature overloads for ``


  • Invalid option values no longer dump the entire type conversion function in the error
  • Reworded errors for invalid argument/option values


  • Improved type hints for default type helpers (string(), number(), bool(), switchOption()) and custom type helpers created with createTypeHelper()


  • New helper function: createTypeHelper()
    • This function can be used to create a helper wrapper for a parameter/option type
  • Type tests added for default parameter/option types


Version 8.0.0 comes with several changes aimed at simplifying the API and providing a better base for type inference in applications using knub-command-manager.

Breaking changes

  • You can no longer pass parameters as a string and have it implicitly parsed. Instead, use the parseSignature function.


    manager.add("foo", "<arg1> <arg2>")


    import { parseSignature as p } from "knub-command-manager"
    manager.add("foo", p("<arg1> <arg2>"))
  • Parameters are now specified as an object rather than an array.


    manager.add("foo", [
      { name: "arg1", type: "string" },
      { name: "arg2", type: "number" }


    manager.add("foo", {
      arg1: { type: t.string },
      arg2: { type: t.number }
  • Types are now specified as the type conversion function directly. This also means that the CommandManager object no longer has an internal "types" object for converting from string types to the actual function.


    manager.add("foo", {
      arg1: { type: "string" },
      arg2: { type: "number" }


    import { defaultTypeConverters as t } from "knub-command-manager";
    manager.add("foo", {
      arg1: { type: t.string },
      arg2: { type: t.number }
    • There are several helper functions for the default types.


      import { defaultTypeConverters as t } from "knub-command-manager";
      manager.add("foo", {
        arg1: { type: t.string },
        arg2: { type: t.number }


      import { string, number } from "knub-command-manager";
      manager.add("foo", {
        arg1: string(),
        arg2: number()
    • parseSignature now takes extra parameters for parameter types:

      // parseSignature(signature, types, defaultType)
      parseSignature("<foo:mytype>", { mytype: () => { /* ... */ } }, "mytype")
  • Options are no longer specified in the command's config. Instead, options are now specified as part of the command's signature:


    manager.add("foo", [], {
      options: [
        { name: "myopt", shortcut: "o", type: "string" },


    manager.add("foo", {
      myopt: string({ option: true, shortcut: "o" })

    Or with parseSignature:

    manager.add("foo", parseSignature("-myopt|o"))
  • Aliases are no longer specified in the command's config. Instead, you can now set an array as the command's trigger.


    manager.add("foo", [], { aliases: ["bar"] })


    manager.add(["foo", "bar"])
  • Overloads are no longer specified in the command's config. Instead, you can now set an array as the command's signature.


    manager.add("foo", "<foo> <bar>", {
      overloads: ["<baz>"]


    manager.add("foo", [
      p("<foo> <bar>"),
  • Deprecated CommandManager.findMatchingCommandResultHasError(). Use isError() instead.

  • IMatchedCommand now contains a values property that replaces the previous args and opts properties.

    • This interface is returned by CommandManager.findMatchingCommand() and CommandManager.tryMatchingCommand()


  • The previously-internal CommandManager.tryMatchingCommand() is now a public method. It can be used to do more granular matching than with CommandManager.findMatchingCommand().


  • You can now escape characters for argument parsing with a backslash (\ )
    • This bumps the major version since it is technically a breaking change to argument parsing (since backslashes are now effectively ignored unless also escaped)
  • Fix bug where options with quotes would be interpreted as arguments and e.g. get included in catch-all arguments


  • The original prefix of a command (i.e. like it was before it was converted to the internal regex version) is now available in CommandDefinition.originalPrefix
  • Add CommandManager.getDefaultPrefix() to get the internal regex version of the current default prefix for added commands. This is based on the prefix option passed in CommandManager options, or null if none was passed
  • Add CommandManager.getOriginalDefaultPrefix() to get the original value of the prefix option passed in CommandManager options


  • Options and their shortcuts can now be used with the same prefix, e.g. -option and -o both work by default, as do --option and --o. Previously -- was reserved for full option names and - was reserved for shortcuts. This change was made to make option usage more intuitive.
  • You can now specify which option prefixes you want to use with the optionPrefixes CommandManager config option. The default prefixes are -- and -.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Undocumented but previously-supported option combining (e.g. -abcd where a, b, c, and d are all different options) is no longer supported due to the changes above
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Undocumented but previously-supported syntax !cmd arg1 arg2 -- this is all arg3 where -- forces the rest of the arguments to be treated as if they were all one quoted argument is now deprecated. It wasn't a very well known syntax and quotes do the job well enough.


  • Add support for async type conversion functions
    • In other words, the command manager will wait for any promises returned by type conversion functions to resolve with the converted value


  • Add and export isFlagOption type guard


  • Add support for command signature overloads via new overloads property in command config
  • Rename all exported types/interfaces to have an I/T prefix (depending on whether it's a type or an interface)
    • E.g. CommandConfig -> ICommandConfig


  • Include trigger sources (i.e. as they were supplied to CommandManager.add()) in CommandDefinition.originalTriggers
    • This is an array that also includes the sources of any specified aliases


  • Add CommandManager.getAll() to get all registered commands


  • When CommandManager.findMatchingCommands() returns an error (the { error: string } return object), the definition of the last command that triggered an error will now also be returned (as the command property)


  • All types from src/types.ts are now exported from the main script


  • BREAKING CHANGE: Instead of being able to specify the type of command config directly (as the second generic type of CommandManager), you can now specify the type of an extra property in the config
  • Filter context (TFilterContext, now called TContext) is now also passed to type conversion functions as the second parameter, allowing context-aware argument/option types


  • Dev dependency updates. New release so the package.json on npm and GitHub are the same.


  • Include typings in package.json


  • Move CommandManager.parseParameterString() to a standalone function called parseParameters and export it


  • The original command config object is now accessible through the config property on the command definition object (returned by add())
  • CommandManager now has a second type you can specify: the type of the command config object. This type must extend the original CommandConfig type


  • Fix incorrect parsing of catch-all arguments as first arguments
    • The catch-all argument also included the preceding space


  • Triggers now only match if they're followed by whitespace or the end of the string. This fixes short triggers, e.g. s, matching the beginning of longer triggers, e.g. suspend.


  • Fix prefixes and triggers matching anywhere in the string


  • Export TypeConversionError


  • Deprecate TCustomProps generic type that was used to store data with commands
  • Add TFilterContext generic type to CommandManager. Setting this allows you to pass additional context data when calling findMatchingCommand(str, context) which can be accessed in filter functions as the second argument. Useful for e.g. passing the message object where the command was called from in Discord bots.


  • Split filters into pre-filters and post-filters. The old filters were equivalent to post filters
  • Options within "quoted" arguments are now ignored
  • As before, anything after -- is counted as the last argument, but now it's also considered to be "quoted" for the purposes of matching options


  • Initial release