Releases: Duet3D/RepRapFirmware
Release 3.4.1 RC1
This release fixes bugs in release 3.4.0. See for the change list.
Release 3.4.0
This release brings input shaping, heater feedforward for high flow rate extruders, thumbnail image display in Duet Web Control and on PanelDue, and many minor new features and bug fixes. Be sure to read the upgrade notes at if you are upgrading from release 3.3 or earlier!
Users of Duet with attached single board computer should upgrade using the stable feed from the Duet3D package server as usual. Users of Duet in standalone mode, use the files here. Most users can just upload the file.
Note: if you are upgrading from RRF 3.3 standalone mode and you prefer to upload just the firmware binary instead of the zip file, then you may need to upload the SDiap32 file for your Duet before the new firmware binary will install.
The DuetWiFiServer.bin file has not changed in this release, it is still version 1.26.
Release 3.4.0rc2
This release fixes bugs in 3.4.0rc1. Release notes are at
Release 3.4.0rc1
The 3.4 release series brings around 90 new features to RRF compared to release 3.3. Major new features include input shaping, thumbnail image display in Duet Web Control and on PanelDue, more control over how to react to unexpected events such filament errors and driver warnings, and heater power feedforward for tighter temperature control of high-flow-rate hot ends.
Important: please read at least the Upgrade Notes section of the release notes before upgrading!
Consolidated release notes (for those upgrading from RRF 3.3):
Incremental release notes (for those upgrading from RRF 3.4.0beta7):
User of Duet with attached Single Board Computer, please upgrade via the package server. Users of Duet in standalone mode, use the files here. Preliminary builds of PanelDueFirmware with thumbnail image support are available at
Release 3.4.0 beta 7
This beta release brings bug fixes, a major overhaul of the way unexpected events (e.g. heater faults, filament errors and driver errors) are handled, and some minor feature improvements. We hope it will be the last release before 3.4.0-RC1.
Please read the release notes at before installing, to see what changes you may need to make to your configuration and system macro files.
Users of Duet with Single Board Computer, please upgrade via the unstable feed on the Duet3D package server. Users of Duet in standalone mode, use the files here,
Release 3.4.0 beta 6
This release fixes bugs in previous 3.4.0beta releases and adds some minor new features. See for the change list.
Release 3.4.0 beta 5
This release brings Hangprinter 4 support and fixes bugs in 3.4.0beta4. See for the upgrade notes and change list.
Release 3.4.0 beta 4
This release brings bug fixes and minor feature improvements. See for details.
Users running Duet hardware in standalone mode can upgrade using the files here. Users with attached SBC, please upgrade via the unstable feed on the Duet3D package server.
Release 3.4.0 beta 3
This release includes feature improvements (including motor brake support) and bug fixes. It also introduces support for the forthcoming EXP1HCL closed loop board. For upgrade notes and details of the changes, see
Users running with attached SBC should upgrade to this release from the unstable feed of the package server. Users running in standalone mode, use the files here.
Release 3.4.0 beta 2 (excluding Duet Maestro)
This release brings input shaping and several other improvements to RepRapFirmware. The change list is at
SBC users must use the unstable package feed to update to the Beta as described here: