To download from the F-Droid open source repository:
apkeep -a org.mozilla.fennec_fdroid -d f-droid .
More advanced options for this download source can be passed with the -o
option. For instance, to use an F-Droid mirror:
apkeep -a org.mozilla.fennec_fdroid -d f-droid -o repo= .
In addition to specifying a mirror, a wholly separate F-Droid repo can be specified along with its fingerprint:
apkeep -a -d f-droid -o repo= .
If a repo supports the new entry point specification, you can specify that be used instead of the older (v1) package index. This may become the default behavior in the future, but can be specified by use of the use_entry
apkeep -a -d f-droid -o repo=,use_entry=true .
A special option can also be used to skip verification of the repository index. Only use for debugging purposes:
apkeep -a -d f-droid -o repo=,verify-index=false .
It is also possible to download a specific architecture variant of an app with the arch=
apkeep -a org.videloan.vlc@3.5.4 -d f-droid -o arch=arm64-v8a .
To list what versions are available, use -l
apkeep -l -a org.mozilla.fennec_fdroid -d f-droid
To output the list in json, use the output_format=json
apkeep -l -a org.mozilla.fennec_fdroid -d f-droid -o output_format=json