- Remove Android dependency from processor, this resolves problems with the Jetifier, see #56
- Migrated dependencies to AndroidX
- Sort elements by name to make processor deterministic, see #57 (Thanks @DSteve595)
- Fix compile error with generic inner classes and kapt, see #54 (Thanks @janbina)
- Avoid obfuscating the class name if the class contains a field annotated with
, see #43 - Don't use the serializable type for parcelable arrays, see #53
- Support incremental annotation processing, see #48
- Omit the type for private inner classes when using reflection, see #44
- Fix an issue with kapt where a class cannot be found, see #42
- Fix problems with the Proguard rules and allow better obfuscation, see #43
- Add the option to automatically save the instance state of all activities and fragments from the support library
- Support Kotlin in Lint checks
- Don't crash when the license header file cannot be read, see #35
- Handle generics in bundlers properly, see #32
- Add a small optimization, if the object doesn't contain any state variable, see #31
- Fix potential
, see #30 - Serialize
if it containsSerializable
elements, see #29
- Fix wrong handling of properties in Kotlin in Hungarian notation, see #26
- Fix nullable lists containing
elements in Kotlin, see #25
- Add a Proguard rule to keep the class name if the class contains a
orStateReflection annoation
, see #23 - Handle a generic
properly, see #24
- Remove unnecessary Proguard rules prevent proper obfuscation, see #15
- Add new annotation
to properly support obfuscation even though reflection is being used, see #15 - Bundle library classes in annotation processor, see #13
- Detect correct getter and setter for boolean properties with a "is" prefix in Kotlin, see #18
- Add a Lint check to find matching save and restore calls to ensure a proper usage of the library
- Fix inner classes in Kotlin, see #11
- Add a license header to each generated file, see #10
- Fix a Stackoverflow error when using Kotlin generics, see #9
- Fix a Stackoverflow error when using Kotlin enums, see #8
- Provide some
implementations for lists, see #4 - Add a workaround for the Jack compiler where the package name is always "package", may fix #5
- Erase generics of extended classes, fixes #6
- NOT AVAILABLE because of Maven Central sync issues
- Insert missing casted type for
getters - Allow
as getter prefix for boolean getters
- Initial release