Bookmarklets (Wikipedia) are tiny pieces of JavaScript code stored as a bookmark on your browser and executed when clicking on the bookmark. For installation examples, see Greg's instructions on how to install bookmarklets and a part my video on how to install and use the category bookmarklets
generates formatted source citations from church books at Archion (e.g. from )
generates formatted source citations from church books at
generates formatted source citations for civil records like
generates formatted source citations for records like
calls Antenati Citation Builder when being on a record like
generates formatted source citations from newspapers and magazines at
calls Canadian Census Citation Creator when being on a record like
generates formatted source citations from gravestone entries like (supports manual text selection)
generates formatted source citations from people entries like (experimentally supports manual text selection)
generates formatted source citation for Hessian civil records in LAGIS like
generates combines the citation prepared by FindAGrave with external link template for the memorial currently displayed in browser (inspired by this post by Allison Mackler)
generates formatted source citation from the ICRC Historical Archives' Prisoners of the First World War database, like
generates formatted source citations from church book duplicates at Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg (e.g. from )
generates formatted source citations from church books at Matricula (e.g. from )
generates formatted source citations from the Bundesarchiv's Memorial Book, Victims of the Persecution of Jews under the National Socialist Tyranny in Germany 1933 - 1945, e.g. (will use the English URL automatically, even if called from a German one)
generates formatted source citations from books at Porta fontium (e.g. from )
generates formatted source citations from Repertorium Academicum Germanicum (e.g. from )
generates formatted source citations from Swedish Riksarkivet (e.g. )
generates formatted source citations from Archives of Vojvodina in Novi Sad (e.g. )
generates formatted source citations from gravesearch online at Volksbund Kriegsgräberfürsorge (e.g. English entry, German entry )
opens WieWasWie formater when being on a WieWasWie detail page (e.g. )
creates Wikidata template from a Wikipedia page (e.g. {{wikidata|Q215572|de}}
generates formatted source citations from North-Rhine Westphalian newspaper pages (e.g. )
generates formatted source citations from Deutsches Zeitungsportal (e.g. )
might require manual research of the proper newspaper name, if there are multiple listed
select text from the profile / space page main text field in edit open and click bookmarklet to create a category from the selected expression
creates a category preview based on a given name and the content of the category that one has open in edit mode while triggering this bookmarklet
Creates an edit window for a cemetery category while being on the cemetery on FindAGrave (e.g. this one], also opens a window with a Google query for the cemetery name on BillionGraves. This is currently pretty and only rudimentary and probably only works properly in the US. Please get in touch, if you want proper support for other countries.
creates and inserts template code for a migration category while being on that one's edit category page (e.g. this one or this one). There is no way of guessing if the category is about a country or an entity, so both parameters are filled. Make sure you delete the inappropriate one.
generates templates code for creating a category from an Open Street Map search result that contains coordinates, e.g.
generates template code for creating a category when being on place entry in Wikidata
helps creating Banat (and Batschka) location categories in German, Serbian, Hungarian and Romanian. When you are on the Wikipedia article of a village (either in language de, en, ro, hu or hr), select one language version of the village name and click the bookmarklet, it will ask, which language you selected. Then it will show the category code for that language, which will be copied into your clipboard automatically. Afterwards it will open the category for you to insert the copied code.
generates template code for creating a category when being on place article in German Wikipedia
generates template code for present-day Germany categories while being on the place article in German Wikipedia, also tries to guess state and district. For parts of a city or villages incorporated into other onces, select the name of the place it is incorporated into (e.g. select the words "Frankfurt am Main", while being on the article about Frankfurt-Nieder-Eschbach. A popup is shown, from which you can copy the template code. If you forget it, don't bother, as it is also copied to the clipboard automatically. If you close the popup, the category edit page opens in a new tab. Now paste the source code. Please make sure, you apply the preview feature and common sense, before actually saving and creating the category.
generates template code for creating a category when being on place article in Italian Wikipedia
makes all links to wiki pages (e.g. in a contributions list) point directly to "edit profile"
marks all links containing counties in East Prussia that do not completely belong to present-day Poland as italic and adds small caps, in case they are shared with Poland.
hacky reply to G2G question about adding any WikiTree profile URL as source to FamilySearch
usage: visit page, trigger bookmarklet and fill in WikiTree URL, name and FamilySearch IDs
reverses the order of locations, e.g. Deutsches Reich, Freistaat Preußen, Provinz Hessen-Nassau, Regierungsbezirk Kassel, Kreis Marburg
turns into Kreis Marburg, Regierungsbezirk Kassel, Provinz Hessen-Nassau, Freistaat Preußen, Deutsches Reich
trying to convert FamilySearch suggested location places to something more in line with Space:Germany Project Location Field Guidelines, meanwhile also supporting a few other places like Nassau and West Virginia.
when being on a One Place Study page, this bookmarklet creates wiki code for inserting it as a row into Space:One Place Studies - Project Members
copies link to the profile to clipboard having the persons name displayed, that can be pasted in G2G directly (also works with any other website, not only profiles)
cleans a profile (currently only puts categories on top and sticker below the biography headline)
Did you ever want to take an unnamed inline reference (e.g. <ref>some very long source</ref>), give it a name, replace the current usage by <ref name="the name"/> and use it somewhere else, probably earlier in the profile? Just place the cursor inside the ref, click this bookmarklet and enter the name for the ref. Then you can copy it from the popup, while the original one is recuded to the tag with the name.
asks for a text (e.g. Germany) to only show user histograms from the official score sheet for SourceAThon and [ConnectAThon](
generates scores normalized points based on the official score sheet for SourceAThon and ConnectAThon
collects all email adresses from one page (e.g. the Trusted List of a profile) and puts them into a new email
opens a new German Wikipedia tab by using the text selected in the current tab
displays the number of descendants (per generation and in total) when being on "Descendant List" like
select a person's name on any website and search WikiTree for that name