The codes are based on CBN (ECCV 2020) and JVTC (ECCV 2020).
We use Camera-based Batch Normalization baseline for direct transfer and supervised fine-tuning experiments.
1. Clone this repo and change directory to CBN
git clone
cd UnrealPerson/CBN
2. Download Market-1501, DukeMTMC-reID, MSMT17, UnrealPerson data and organize them as follows:
. +-- data | +-- market | +-- bounding_box_train | +-- query | +-- bounding_box_test | +-- duke | +-- bounding_box_train | +-- query | +-- bounding_box_test | +-- msmt17 | +-- train | +-- test | +-- list_train.txt | +-- list_val.txt | +-- list_query.txt | +-- list_gallery.txt | +-- unreal_vX.Y | +-- images | +-- unreal_vX.Y | +-- images + -- other files in this repo
3. Install the required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
4. Put the official PyTorch ResNet-50 pretrained model to your home folder: '~/.torch/models/'
5. Train a ReID model with our synthesized data
Reproduce the results in our paper:
python train --trainset_name unreal --datasets='unreal_v1.1,unreal_v2.1,unreal_v3.1,unreal_v4.1,unreal_v1.2,unreal_v2.2,unreal_v3.2,unreal_v4.2,unreal_v1.3,unreal_v2.3,unreal_v3.3,unreal_v4.3' --save_dir='unreal_4678_v1v2v3_cambal_3000' --save_step 15 --num_pids 3000 --cam_bal True --img_per_person 40
We also provide the trained weights of this experiment in the data download links above.
When trainset_name
is unreal, datasets
contains the directories of unreal data that will be used. num_pids
is the number of humans and cam_bal
denotes the camera balanced sampling strategy is adopted. img_per_person
controls the size of the training set.
More configurations are in
6.1 Direct transfer to real datasets
python test --testset_name market --save_dir='unreal_4678_v1v2v3_cambal_3000'
6.2 Fine-tuning
python train --trainset_name market --save_dir='market_unrealpretrain_demo' --max_epoch 60 --decay_epoch 40 --model_path pytorch-ckpt/current/unreal_4678_v1v2v3_cambal_3000/model_best.pth.tar
python test --testset_name market --save_dir='market_unrealpretrain_demo'
We use joint visual and temporal consistency (JVTC) framework. CBN is also implemented in JVTC.
1. Clone this repo and change directory to JVTC
git clone
cd UnrealPerson/JVTC
2. Prepare data
Basicly, it is the same as CBN, except for an extra directory bounding_box_train_camstyle_merge
, which can be downloaded from ECN. We suggest using ln -s
to save disk space.
. +-- data | +-- market | +-- bounding_box_train | +-- query | +-- bounding_box_test | +-- bounding_box_train_camstyle_merge + -- other files in this repo
3. Install the required packages
pip install -r ../CBN/requirements.txt
4. Put the official PyTorch ResNet-50 pretrained model to your home folder: '~/.torch/models/'
5. Train and test
(Unreal to MSMT)
python --gpu_ids 0,1,2 --src unreal --tar msmt --num_cam 6 --name unreal2msmt --max_ep 60
python --gpu_ids 1 --weights snapshot/unreal2msmt/resnet50_unreal2market_epoch60_cbn.pth --name 'unreal2msmt' --tar market --num_cam 6 --joint True
The unreal data used in JVTC is defined in list_unreal/list_unreal_train.txt. The CBN codes support generating this file (see CBN/io_stream/datasets/
More details can be seen in JVTC.
[1] Rethinking the Distribution Gap of Person Re-identification with Camera-Based Batch Normalization. ECCV 2020.
[2] Joint Visual and Temporal Consistency for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Person Re-Identification. ECCV 2020.
If you find our work useful in your research, please kindly cite:
title={UnrealPerson: An Adaptive Pipeline towards Costless Person Re-identification},
author={Tianyu Zhang and Lingxi Xie and Longhui Wei and Zijie Zhuang and Yongfei Zhang and Bo Li and Qi Tian},
If you have any questions about the data or paper, please leave an issue or contact me: