We assume in this section that you have installed kedro-mlflow
in your virtual environment and you have configured your project with a mlflow.yml
configuration file and hooks declaration.
Mlflow is composed of four modules which are described in the introduction section. The main module is "tracking". The goal of this module is to keep track of every varying parameters across different code execution (parameters, metrics and artifacts). The following schema describes how this modules operates under the hood:
Basically, this schema shows that mlflow separates WHERE the artifacts are logged from HOW they are logged inside your code. You need to setup your mlflow tracking server separately from your code, and then each logging will send a request to the tracking server to store the elements you want to track in the appropriate location. The advantage of such a setup are numerous:
- once the mlflow tracking server is setup, there is single parameter to set before logging which is the tracking server uri. This makes configuration very easy in your project.
- since the different storage locations are well identified, it is easy to define custom solutions for each of them. They can be database or even local folders.
The rationale behind the separation of the backend store and the artifacts store is that artifacts can be very big and are duplicated across runs, so they need a special management with extensible storage. This is typically cloud storage like AWS S3 or Azure Blob storage.
The mlflow.yml
file contains all configuration you can pass either to kedro or mlflow through the plugin. Note that you can duplicate mlflow.yml
file in as many environments (i.e. conf/
folders) as you need. To create a mlflow.yml
file in a kedro configuration environment, use kedro mlflow init --env=<your-env>
. You 'll get the following result:
# SERVER CONFIGURATION -------------------
# `mlflow_tracking_uri` is the path where the runs will be recorded.
# For more informations, see https://www.mlflow.org/docs/latest/tracking.html#where-runs-are-recorded
# kedro-mlflow accepts relative path from the project root.
# For instance, default `mlruns` will create a mlruns folder
# at the root of the project
# All credentials needed for mlflow must be stored in credentials .yml as a dict
# they will be exported as environment variable
# If you want to set some credentials, e.g. AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
# > in `credentials.yml`:
# your_mlflow_credentials:
# > in this file `mlflow.yml`:
# credentials: mlflow_credentials
mlflow_tracking_uri: null # if null, will use mlflow.get_tracking_uri() as a default
mlflow_registry_uri: null # if null, mlflow_tracking_uri will be used as mlflow default
credentials: null # must be a valid key in credentials.yml which refers to a dict of sensitive mlflow environment variables (password, tokens...). See top of the file.
request_header_provider: # this is only useful to deal with expiring token, see https://github.com/Galileo-Galilei/kedro-mlflow/issues/357
type: null # The path to a class : my_project.pipelines.module.MyClass. Should inherit from https://github.com/mlflow/mlflow/blob/master/mlflow/tracking/request_header/abstract_request_header_provider.py#L4
pass_context: False # should the class be instantiated with "kedro_context" argument?
init_kwargs: {} # any kwargs to pass to the class when it is instantiated
# You can specify a list of pipeline names for which tracking will be disabled
# Running "kedro run --pipeline=<pipeline_name>" will not log parameters
# in a new mlflow run
pipelines: []
name: {{ python_package }}
restore_if_deleted: True # if the experiment`name` was previously deleted experiment, should we restore it?
id: null # if `id` is None, a new run will be created
name: null # if `name` is None, pipeline name will be used for the run name. You can use "${km.random_name:}" to generate a random name (mlflow's default)
nested: True # if `nested` is False, you won't be able to launch sub-runs inside your nodes
flatten: False # if True, parameter which are dictionary will be splitted in multiple parameters when logged in mlflow, one for each key.
recursive: True # Should the dictionary flattening be applied recursively (i.e for nested dictionaries)? Not use if `flatten_dict_params` is False.
sep: "." # In case of recursive flattening, what separator should be used between the keys? E.g. {hyperaparam1: {p1:1, p2:2}} will be logged as hyperaparam1.p1 and hyperaparam1.p2 in mlflow.
long_params_strategy: fail # One of ["fail", "tag", "truncate" ] If a parameter is above mlflow limit (currently 250), what should kedro-mlflow do? -> fail, set as a tag instead of a parameter, or truncate it to its 250 first letters?
# UI-RELATED PARAMETERS -----------------
port: "5000" # the port to use for the ui. Use mlflow default with 5000.
host: "" # the host to use for the ui. Use mlflow efault of "".
If no ``mlflow.yml`` file is found in the environment, ``kedro-mlflow`` will still work and use all ``mlflow.yml`` default values as configuration.
If the kedro run is started in a process where a mlflow run is already active, ``kedro-mlflow`` will ignore all the configuration in ``mlflow.yml`` and use the active run. The mlflow run will NOT be closed at the end of the kedro run. This enables using ``kedro-mlflow`` with an orchestrator (e.g airflow, AzureML...) which starts the mlflow run itself.
needs the tracking uri of your mlflow tracking server to operate properly. The mlflow.yml
file must have the mlflow_tracking_uri
key with a valid mlflow_tracking_uri associated value. The mlflow.yml
default have this keys set to null
. This means that it will look for a MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI
environment variable, and if it is not set, it will create a mlruns
folder locally at the root of your kedro project. This enables you to use the plugin without any setup of a mlflow tracking server.
Unlike mlflow, `kedro-mlflow` allows the `mlflow_tracking_uri` to be a relative path. It will convert it to an absolute uri automatically and prefix it with `file:///`.
mlflow_tracking_uri: mlruns # or http://path/your/server
You can also specify the registry uri:
mlflow_registry_uri: sqlite:///path/to/registry.db
Unlike the ``mlflow_tracking_uri``, the ``mlflow_registry_uri`` must be an *absolute* path prefixed with the [database dialect](https://mlflow.org/docs/latest/tracking.html#backend-stores) of your database, likely ``sqlite:///`` for a local database.
You can also specify some environment variables needed by mlflow (e.g AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
) in the credentials and specify them in the mlflow.yml
. Any key specified will be automatically exported as environment variables.
Your credentials.yml
will look as follows:
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: <your-key>
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: <your-secret-key>
and your can supply the credentials key of the mlflow.yml
credentials: my_mlflow_credentials
For security reasons, the credentials will not be accessible within `KedroMlflowConfig` objects. They will be exported as environment variables *on the fly* when running the pipeline.
Mlflow can be deployed with OAuth2.0. authentication method : in this case, secured MLflow instances require HTTP requests to have the Authorization: Bearer <token>
header. Mlflow exposes a RequestHeaderProvider
abstract class to mange this use case. If you need kedro-mlflow to use a custom header provider, you can configure your mlflow.yml
as follow:
# mlflow.yml
type: path.to.your.class.CustomRequestHeaderProvider
pass_context: True # if you want to pass context. it must be named ``kedro_context`` in the ``__init__`` method of your custom ``request_header_provider``)
my_kwarg: 1
This will automatically register in the mlflow entrypoint the CustomRequestHeaderProvider(kedro_context=<kedro-context>, my_kwarg=1)
request header when running a kedro pipeline.
logs every run parameters in mlflow. You may want to avoid tracking some runs (for instance while debugging to avoid polluting your mlflow database, or because some pipelines are not ml related and it does not makes sense to log their parameters).
You can specify the name of the pipelines you want to turn off:
- <pipeline-name>
Notice that it will stop autologging parameters but also any Mlflow<Artifact/Metrics/ModelTracking>Dataset
you may have in these deactivated pipelines.
Mlflow enable the user to create "experiments" to organize his work. The different experiments will be visible on the left panel of the mlflow user interface. You can create an experiment through the mlflow.yml
file with the experiment
name: <your-experiment-name> # by default, the name of your python package in your kedro project
restore_if_deleted: True # if the experiment`name` was previously deleted experiment, should we restore it?
Note that by default, mlflow crashes if you try to start a run while you have not created the experiment first. kedro-mlflow
has a create
key (True
by default) which forces the creation of the experiment if it does not exist. Set it to False
to match mlflow default value.
When you launch a new kedro
run, kedro-mlflow
instantiates an underlying mlflow
run through the hooks. By default, we assume the user want to launch each kedro run in separated mlflow run to keep a one to one relationship between kedro runs and mlflow runs. However, one may need to continue an existing mlflow run (for instance, because you resume the kedro run from a later starting point of your pipeline).
The mlflow.yml
accepts the following keys:
id: null # if `id` is None, a new run will be created
name: null # if `name` is None, pipeline name will be used for the run name
nested: True # # if `nested` is False, you won't be able to launch sub-runs inside your nodes
If you want to generate a random name for each run (like mlflow's default), you can use the built-in ``km.random_name`` resolver:
name: ${km.random_name:} # don't forget the trailing ":" at the end !
- If you want to continue to log in an existing mlflow run, write its id in the
key. - If you want to enable the creation of sub runs inside your nodes (for instance, for model comparison or hyperparameter tuning), set the
key toTrue
You may sometimes encounter an mlflow failure "parameters too long". Mlflow has indeed an upper limit on the length of the parameters you can store in it. This is a very common pattern when you log a full dictionary in mlflow (e.g. the reserved keyword parameters
in kedro, or a dictionnary conaining all the hyperparameters you want to tune for a given model). You can configure the kedro-mlflow
hooks to overcome this limitation by "flattening" automatically dictionaries in a kedro run.
The mlflow.yml
accepts the following keys:
flatten: False # if True, parameter which are dictionary will be splitted in multiple parameters when logged in mlflow, one for each key.
recursive: True # Should the dictionary flattening be applied recursively (i.e for nested dictionaries)? Not use if `flatten_dict_params` is False.
sep: "." # In case of recursive flattening, what separator should be used between the keys? E.g. {hyperaparam1: {p1:1, p2:2}} will be logged as hyperaparam1.p1 and hyperaparam1.p2 in mlflow.
long_params_strategy: fail # One of ["fail", "tag", "truncate" ] If a parameter is above mlflow limit (currently 250), what should kedro-mlflow do? -> fail, set as a tag instead of a parameter, or truncate it to its 250 first letters?
If you set flatten
to True
, each key of the dictionary will be logged as a mlflow parameters, instead of a single parameter for the whole dictionary. Note that it is recommended to facilitate run comparison.
The long_parameters_strategy
key enable to define different way to handle parameters over the mlflow limit (currently 250 characters):
: no special management of characters above the limit. They will be send to mlflow and as a result, in some backend they will be stored normally (e.g. for FileStore backend) and for some others logging will fail.truncate
: All parameters above the limit will be automatically truncated to a 250-character length to make sure logging will pass for all mlflow backend.tag
: Any parameter above the limit will be registered as a tag instead of a parameter as it seems to be the recommended mlflow way to deal with long parameters.
You can configure mlflow user interface default params inside the mlflow.yml
port: null # the port to use for the ui. Find a free port if null.
host: null # the host to use for the ui. Default to "localhost" if null.
The port and host parameters set in this configuration will be used by default if you use kedro mlflow ui
command (instead of mlflow ui
) to open the user interface. Note that the kedro mlflow ui
command will also use the mlflow_tracking_uri
key set inside mlflow.yml
In kedro>=0.19.0
, it is possible to overwrite configuration at runtime with the runtime_params
``mlflow.yml`` is handled exactly as Kedro native configuration files, so anything which is possible within ``catalog.yml`` or ``parameters.yml`` should work within ``mlflow.yml``
For instance, assume you want to specify the run name through the CLI, you can configure your mlflow.yml
as follows:
# mlflow.yml
name: ${runtime_params:mlflow_run_name, null} # mlflow_run_name can be any name you want
And then pass mlflow_run_name
runtime param through the CLI:
kedro run --params mlflow_run_name="my-awesome-name"
The ``, null`` part of above configuration is the default value which will be used if ``mlflow_run_name`` is not specified at runtime. In this case, ``kedro-mlflow`` will use the pipeline name as a run name.
You can nest resolvers, so the following config will default to a random name if the ``mlflow_run_name`` is not specified at runtime:
# mlflow.yml
name: ${runtime_params:mlflow_run_name, ${km.random_name:}}