In this section, you will find anwers to the most frequently asked questions about usage of the Docker version of the app. Most of those questions are not related to the app, but to the Docker itself. Please, before asking a question, or opening an issue, check if the answer is already here. Thank you!
Refer to the Docker documentation, specifically System requirements. It's very well explained there. Complete step by step tutorial can be found here.
By default, Docker Desktop for Windows uses the WSL 2 backend. And it's probably is not installed on your system. While you can install it and use the WSL backend, you can also switch to the Hyper-V backend, which is easier to set up. Note, that Hyper-V should be enabled on your system (check the previous question).
To do it, go to the Docker Desktop, open the Settings, then General, and switch to the Hyper-V backend. Then restart the Docker Desktop.
When working with Docker you should remember that you're working with containers. And when you running a new container, if you already downloaded the image before, it will be used from the cache. So, in that case you'll always get the old version of the software. To get the new version, you should remove the old container and image, and then run the new one. To do it, go to the Docker Desktop, open the Containers tab, select all containers, click Stop, then Remove. Then go to the Images tab and do the same. After that, you can run the new container.
Probably, it's because of the Docker Exit Code 137, which meants OOM (Out of Memory). You can increase the memory limit for the Docker Desktop in the settings if you're using Hyper-V backend. If you're using WSL backend, you can increase the memory limit in the WSL Settings.
To do it, go to the Docker Desktop, open the Settings, then Resources, and increase the memory limit. Then restart the Docker Desktop.
Note, that depending on the settings of generation (the map size, resize factors and so on), the app may work with images of enormous sizes, which require a lot of memory. For example, when you downloading the satellite images for a 4 km map, the resulting image is 20K x 20K pixels, which is 400 megapixels. And it requires a lot of memory to process it. And also, when generating mesh for backgrpound terrain, the app uses a lot of memory too. If your machine can't handle it, con sider lowering the generation settings.