# Trophy Hunt Template    [](./LICENSE) Organize your trophy hunting adventures with our Notion template! Add new games to your platinum backlog, prioritize your current trophy goals, and celebrate each victory with a visual showcase. [Try it now!](https://trophy-hunt-template.vercel.app/) [](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMm_rRa7qjk "Trophy Hunt Template Promo") ## Features - #### Backlog Structuring Effortlessly structure your backlog with intuitive interface. Easily prioritize your goals using our drag-and-drop feature. Stay updated with at-a-glance status updates that let you know whether a game is in backlog, in progress, or completed. Template is designed to make managing your platinum backlog as simple and enjoyable as possible. - #### Intuitive Game Addition Quickly add new titles to your trophy backlog with our streamlined search and select feature, designed to make building your backlog a breeze. - #### Quick Status Update Mark games as Backlog, In Progress, Platinum, or 100% Completed with a simple action, making backlog updates quick and simple. ## Links - [App](https://trophy-hunt-template.vercel.app/) - [Tutorial](https://trophy-hunt-template.vercel.app/tutorial) - [Promo Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMm_rRa7qjk) - [Tutorial Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Epk6h7hdUt4)