The tidy UCR HAR summary.txt
file is a summary data set of the full data set from the Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones project.
The subjects of this study were 30 volunteers aged 19-48. While wearing the smartphones on their waists, the subjects performed six activities, during which the embedded accelerometer and gyroscope took measurements.
activity One of the 6 activities listed below:
- laying
- sitting
- standing
- walking
- walking upstairs
- walking downstairs
subjectId A unique integer identifier for each of the subjects in the study, from 1-30.
variable The variable (or feature) being measured. All names start with "mean" since we have computed the mean for all variables. Variables are either measured over time or frequency.
Variables ending in "-X", "-Y" or "-Z" are measures on different coordinate axes.
Truncated parts of variable names in the original data file were expanded to be more readable. i.e. "Acc" -> "Acceleration", "Mag" -> "Magnitude" and "Gyro" -> "Gyroscope".
value The value of the variable for the given subject/activity on the row. All values in this data set are in fact a mean of the original variable values from the the UCR HAR study.