File tree
8,794 files changed
lines changed- .github/workflows
- style
- bin
- etc/spack/defaults/darwin
- lib/spack
- docs
- _pygments
- build_systems
- env
- external
- archspec/cpu
- llnl
- util
- tty
- spack
- bootstrap
- build_systems
- cmd
- common
- modules
- compilers
- container
- writers
- detection
- environment
- hooks
- modules
- oci
- operating_systems
- platforms
- reporters
- schema
- solver
- test
- cmd
- common
- compilers
- container
- data
- config
- style
- unparse
- hooks
- llnl
- util
- tty
- modules
- oci
- util
- util
- version
- spack_installable
- var/spack/repos
- builder.test/packages
- callbacks
- custom-phases
- gmake
- gnuconfig
- inheritance
- old-style-autotools
- old-style-custom-phases
- old-style-derived
- builtin/packages
- 3dtk
- 3proxy
- 7zip
- abacus
- abduco
- abi-compliance-checker
- abi-dumper
- abinit
- abseil-cpp
- abyss
- accfft
- acct
- accumulo
- ace
- acfl
- ack
- acl
- acpica-tools
- acpid
- activeharmony
- activemq
- acts
- acts-dd4hep
- actsvg
- additivefoam
- addrwatch
- adept-utils
- adf
- adiak
- adios
- adios2
- adlbx
- admixtools
- adms
- adol-c
- advancecomp
- adwaita-icon-theme
- aegean
- aeskeyfind
- aespipe
- agile
- agrep
- aida
- akantu
- alan
- albany
- albert
- alembic
- alglib
- allpaths-lg
- alluxio
- alpaka
- alpgen
- alquimia
- alsa-lib
- aluminum
- amber
- amd-aocl
- amdblis
- amdfftw
- amdlibflame
- amdlibm
- amdscalapack
- amdsmi
- amg2013
- amg2023
- amgx
- aml
- amp
- ampl
- ampliconnoise
- ampt
- amqp-cpp
- amr-wind
- amrex
- amrfinder
- amrvis
- ams
- anaconda2
- anaconda3
- andi
- angsd
- anicalculator
- ant
- antimony
- antlr
- antlr4-complete
- antlr4-cpp-runtime
- ants
- any2fasta
- aocc
- aocl-sparse
- aocl-utils
- aoflagger
- aom
- aomp
- apachetop
- apcomp
- ape
- aperture-photometry
- apex
- apfel
- apktool
- apple-clang
- apple-gl
- apple-glu
- apple-libunwind
- apple-libuuid
- applewmproto
- appres
- apptainer
- apr
- apr-util
- aragorn
- arbor
- arborx
- arc
- archer
- argobots
- argon2
- argp-standalone
- args
- argtable
- aria2
- arm-forge
- armadillo
- armcomputelibrary
- armpl-gcc
- arpack-ng
- arrayfire
- arrow
- asagi
- ascent
- asciidoc
- asciidoc-py3
- asdcplib
- asdf-cxx
- asio
- aspa
- aspcud
- aspect
- aspell
- aspell6-de
- aspell6-en
- aspell6-es
- aspera-cli
- assimp
- astra
- astral
- astyle
- at-spi2-atk
- at-spi2-core
- atf
- athena
- atk
- atlas
- atmi
- atom-dft
- atompaw
- atop
- attr
- audacious
- audacity
- audit-userspace
- augustus
- authd
- authselect
- autoconf
- autoconf-archive
- autodiff
- autodock-gpu
- autodock-vina
- autofact
- autogen
- automaded
- automake
- avizo
- aws-ofi-nccl
- aws-ofi-rccl
- aws-parallelcluster
- aws-sdk-cpp
- awscli
- awscli-v2
- axel
- axl
- axom
- azcopy
- babelflow
- babelstream
- babeltrace
- babl
- bacio
- backupninja
- backward-cpp
- bam-readcount
- bamaddrg
- bamdst
- bamtools
- bamutil
- banner
- bannergrab
- barrnap
- bart
- barvinok
- bash
- bash-completion
- bashtop
- bat
- batchedblas
- batctl
- bats
- baurmc
- bazel
- bbcp
- bbmap
- bc
- bcache
- bcftools
- bcl2fastq2
- bdftopcf
- bdii
- bdsim
- bdw-gc
- beagle
- beakerlib
- bear
- beast-tracer
- beast1
- beast2
- beatnik
- bedops
- bedtools2
- beforelight
- benchmark
- berkeley-db
- berkeleygw
- bertini
- bfs
- bgpdump
- bib2xhtml
- bigdft-atlab
- bigdft-chess
- bigdft-core
- bigdft-futile
- bigdft-libabinit
- bigdft-psolver
- bigdft-spred
- bigdft-suite
- bigreqsproto
- bind9
- binder
- binutils
- bioawk
- biobambam2
- biobloom
- bioconductor-dupradar
- bioconductor-ebseq
- bioconductor-rsubread
- bioconductor-tximeta
- biopieces
- bird
- bismark
- bison
- bitgroomingz
- bitlbee
- bitmap
- bitsery
- blackhat
- blaspp
- blast-legacy
- blast-plus
- blast2go
- blat
- blaze
- blis
- bliss
- blitz
- blktrace
- bloaty
- blogbench
- blt
- bmake
- bmi
- bml
- bohrium
- boinc-client
- bolt
- bonniepp
- bookleaf-cpp
- boost
- boostmplcartesianproduct
- botan
- bowtie
- bowtie2
- boxlib
- bpp-core
- bpp-phyl
- bpp-phyl-omics
- bpp-popgen
- bpp-seq
- bpp-seq-omics
- bpp-suite
- bracken
- brahma
- braker
- branson
- breakdancer
- bref3
- breseq
- bricks
- bridger
- brigand
- brltty
- brotli
- brpc
- brunsli
- brynet
- bsseeker2
- btop
- bubblewrap
- bucky
- buddy
- bueno
- bufr
- bulker
- bump2version
- bumpversion
- busco
- busybox
- butter
- butterflypack
- bwa
- bwtool
- byacc
- byobu
- byte-unixbench
- byteman
- bzip2
- c
- c-ares
- c-blosc
- c-blosc2
- c-lime
- c-raft
- c3d
- ca-certificates-mozilla
- cabana
- cachefilesd
- caffe
- cairo
- cairomm
- caliper
- callflow
- callpath
- camellia
- camp
- camx
- canal
- candle-benchmarks
- cans
- cantera
- canu
- cap3
- capnproto
- capstone
- cardioid
- care
- cargs
- casacore
- cask
- casper
- cassandra
- catalyst
- catch2
- cbc
- cbench
- cbflib
- cblas
- cbtf
- cbtf-krell
- cbtf-lanl
- cc65
- ccache
- ccfits
- ccls
- ccs-qcd
- cctools
- cdbfasta
- cdd
- cddlib
- cdecimal
- cdhit
- cdo
- cdt
- ceed
- celeritas
- centrifuge
- cepgen
- cereal
- ceres-solver
- cernlib
- cfitsio
- cgal
- cgdb
- cgdcbxd
- cget
- cgl
- cgm
- cgns
- chaco
- chai
- chameleon
- changa
- channelflow
- chaparral
- chapel
- chaplin
- charliecloud
- charmpp
- chatterbug
- check
- chemfiles
- chexmix
- chgcentre
- chlorop
- chombo
- chrony
- chrpath
- cinch
- circe2
- circos
- cistem
- citcoms
- cityhash
- cjson
- ck
- clamav
- clamr
- clapack
- clara
- claw
- clblast
- cleaveland4
- cleverleaf
- clfft
- clhep
- cli11
- clinfo
- clingo
- clingo-bootstrap
- cln
- cloc
- cloog
- cloverleaf
- cloverleaf-ref
- cloverleaf3d
- clp
- clustal-omega
- clustalw
- cmake
- cmaq
- cmark
- cmdlime
- cmdstan
- cminpack
- cmocka
- cmockery
- cmor
- cni-plugins
- cnmem
- cnpy
- cntk
- cntk1bitsgd
- cnvnator
- codar-cheetah
- code-server
- codec2
- codecov
- codes
- coevp
- cohmm
- coin3d
- coinhsl
- coinutils
- collectd
- collier
- colm
- colordiff
- comd
- comgr
- commons-lang
- commons-lang3
- commons-logging
- compadre
- compiz
- composable-kernel
- compose
- compositeproto
- conda4aarch64
- conduit
- conmon
- connect-proxy
- conquest
- conserver
- console-bridge
- constype
- consul
- converge
- cool
- coordgen
- coral
- corenlp
- coreutils
- corset
- cosbench
- cosign
- cosma
- cosmoflow-benchmark
- cosmomc
- cosp2
- costa
- cotter
- countdown
- cowsay
- cp2k
- cpat
- cpio
- cplex
- cpmd
- cpp-argparse
- cpp-httplib
- cpp-logger
- cpp-termcolor
- cppad
- cppcheck
- cppcodec
- cppcoro
- cppgsl
- cpprestsdk
- cppunit
- cppzmq
- cpr
- cprnc
- cpu-features
- cpuinfo
- cqrlib
- cquery
- cracklib
- cradl
- cram
- cray-fftw
- cray-libsci
- cray-mpich
- cray-mvapich2
- cray-pmi
- creduce
- crmc
- cromwell
- cromwell-womtool
- cronie
- crosstool-ng
- crtm
- crtm-fix
- crunch
- cryptopp
- cryptsetup
- csa-c
- cscope
- csdp
- ctffind
- ctpl
- ctre
- cub
- cuba
- cube
- cube-blade
- cubelib
- cubew
- cubist
- cuda
- cuda-memtest
- cudd
- cudnn
- cufflinks
- cunit
- cupla
- cups
- curl
- cusz
- cutensor
- cutlang
- cutlass
- cvector
- cvise
- cvs
- cxx
- cxxopts
- cxxtest
- cyrus-sasl
- czmq
- daemonize
- dakota
- daligner
- dalton
- damageproto
- damaris
- damask
- damask-grid
- damask-mesh
- damselfly
- daos
- darshan-runtime
- darshan-util
- dash
- datamash
- dataspaces
- datatransferkit
- date
- dateutils
- davix
- dbcsr
- dbow2
- dbus
- dbus-glib
- dbxtool
- dcap
- dcm2niix
- dcmtk
- dd4hep
- ddd
- ddt
- dealii
- dealii-parameter-gui
- debbuild
- debugedit
- decentralized-internet
- deconseq-standalone
- dejagnu
- delly2
- delphes
- delta
- demuxlet
- denovogear
- dftbplus
- dftd3-lib
- dftd4
- dftfe
- dhpmm-f
- dhtest
- dia
- dialign
- dialign-tx
- diamond
- dicom3tools
- diffmark
- diffsplice
- diffutils
- digitrounding
- dihydrogen
- dimemas
- ding-libs
- dire
- direnv
- discotec
- discovar
- discovardenovo
- disktype
- dislin
- distbench
- distcc
- diy
- dla-future
- dlb
- dlib
- dlpack
- dmd
- dmidecode
- dmlc-core
- dmtcp
- dmxproto
- dnsmap
- dnsmasq
- dnstop
- dnstracer
- docbook-xml
- docbook-xsl
- dock
- dorado
- dorian3d-dlib
- dos2unix
- dosfstools
- dotconf
- dotnet-core-sdk
- double-batched-fft-library
- double-conversion
- doxygen
- dpcpp
- dpdk
- dpmjet
- draco
- dracut
- dramsim2
- dramsim3
- dray
- dri2proto
- dri3proto
- drill
- drishti
- dropwatch
- druid
- ds
- dsdp
- dsfmt
- dsqss
- dsrc
- dssp
- dtc
- dtcmp
- dtf
- duckdb
- duperemove
- dust
- dwz
- dxt-explorer
- dyninst
- dysco
- e2fsprogs
- e3sm-kernels
- e3sm-scorpio
- e4s-cl
- ea-utils
- eagle
- earlyoom
- easi
- easybuild
- easyloggingpp
- ebms
- ecbuild
- eccodes
- ecdsautils
- ecflow
- eckit
- eclipse-gcj-parser
- ecmwf-atlas
- ecos
- ecoslim
- ecp-data-vis-sdk
- ecp-proxy-apps
- ectrans
- ed
- editline
- editres
- edm4hep
- eem
- efivar
- egl
- eigen
- eigenexa
- elasticsearch
- elbencho
- elemental
- elfio
- elfutils
- elk
- elmerfem
- elpa
- elsd
- elsdc
- elsi
- emacs
- ember
- emblmygff3
- emboss
- embree
- enca
- enchant
- energyplus
- ensmallen
- entrezdirect
- entt
- environment-modules
- enzo
- enzyme
- eospac
- epics-base
- epics-ca-gateway
- epics-pcas
- epics-snmp
- eprosima-fastcdr
- eprosima-fastdds
- epsic
- eq-r
- er
- erfa
- erlang
- ermod
- erne
- es-shell
- esmf
- espanso
- essl
- estarlight
- esys-particle
- etcd
- ethminer
- ethtool
- etsf-io
- eve
- evemu
- everytrace
- everytrace-example
- evieext
- evtgen
- exa
- exabayes
- exaca
- exago
- examinimd
- examl
- exampm
- exasp2
- exawind
- exaworks
- exciting
- exempi
- exiv2
- exmcutils
- exodusii
- exonerate
- exonerate-gff3
- expat
- expect
- express
- extrae
- exuberant-ctags
- eza
- eztrace
- f2c
- f3d
- f77-zmq
- f90cache
- fabtests
- faircmakemodules
- fairlogger
- fairmq
- faiss
- fakechroot
- fakexrandr
- falco
- falcon
- fann
- faodel
- fargparse
- fasd
- fast-global-file-status
- fasta
- fastani
- fastdb
- fastdfs
- fastjar
- fastjet
- fastjson
- fastmath
- fastme
- fastp
- fastphase
- fastq-screen
- fastqc
- fastqvalidator
- fasttext
- fasttransforms
- fasttree
- fastx-toolkit
- faust
- fbgemm
- fca
- fcgi
- fckit
- fd
- fdb
- fds
- fdupes
- feh
- fenics
- fenics-basix
- fenics-dolfinx
- fenics-ufcx
- feq-parse
- fermi
- fermikit
- fermisciencetools
- ferret
- feynhiggs
- ffb
- ffmpeg
- ffr
- ffsb
- ffte
- fftw
- fftx
- fgsl
- fiat
- fides
- figcone
- figlet
- figtree
- file
- filebench
- filo
- filtlong
- fimpute
- findbugs
- findutils
- fio
- fipscheck
- fish
- fixesproto
- fj
- fjcontrib
- fl
- flac
- flamemaster
- flann
- flap
- flash
- flashdimmsim
- flatbuffers
- flatcc
- flcl
- flecsale
- flecsi
- flecsph
- fleur
- flex
- flexi
- flexiblas
- flibcpp
- flink
- flint
- flit
- fltk
- flume
- flux-core
- flux-pmix
- flux-sched
- flux-security
- fluxbox
- fms
- fmt
- foam-extend
- folly
- font-util
- fontcacheproto
- fontconfig
- fontsproto
- fonttosfnt
- foonathan-memory
- form
- formetis
- fortran
- fortrilinos
- fossil
- foundationdb
- fox
- fp16
- fpart
- fpc
- fpchecker
- fping
- fplll
- fplo
- fpm
- fpocket
- fpzip
- fq
- fqtrim
- fr-hit
- fraggenescan
- freebayes
- freecad
- freefem
- freeglut
- freeimage
- freeipmi
- freesasa
- freesurfer
- freetype
- freexl
- fribidi
- frontier-client
- frontistr
- fseq
- fsl
- fslsfonts
- fstobdf
- fstrack
- ftgl
- ftjam
- ftk
- ftobjectlibrary
- ftxui
- fujitsu-fftw
- fujitsu-frontistr
- fujitsu-mpi
- fujitsu-ssl2
- fullock
- funhpc
- funwave
- fuse-overlayfs
- fxdiv
- fxt
- fyba
- fzf
- g2
- g2c
- g2o
- g2tmpl
- g4abla
- g4emlow
- g4ensdfstate
- g4incl
- g4ndl
- g4neutronxs
- g4particlexs
- g4photonevaporation
- g4pii
- g4radioactivedecay
- g4realsurface
- g4saiddata
- g4tendl
- gadap
- gamess-ri-mp2-miniapp
- gams
- gapbs
- gapcloser
- gapfiller
- garfieldpp
- gasnet
- gatb-core
- gate
- gatepet2stir
- gatetools
- gatk
- gaudi
- gaussian
- gaussian-src
- gaussian-view
- gawk
- gbl
- gblocks
- gcc
- gcc-runtime
- gccmakedep
- gccxml
- gchp
- gconf
- gcta
- gdal
- gdb
- gdbm
- gdk-pixbuf
- gdl
- gdrcopy
- geant3
- geant4
- geant4-data
- geant4-vmc
- gearshifft
- gegelati
- gegl
- gemma
- gemmlowp
- genemark-et
- generax
- genesis
- genfit
- gengeo
- gengetopt
- genie
- genomefinisher
- genometools
- genomeworks
- genrich
- geode
- geoip
- geoip-api-c
- geopm
- geos
- getorganelle
- gettext
- gexiv2
- gffcompare
- gffread
- gflags
- gfsio
- gftl
- gh
- ghost
- ghostscript
- ghostscript-fonts
- giblib
- giflib
- gimp
- ginac
- ginkgo
- giraph
- git
- git-annex
- git-fat-git
- git-filter-repo
- git-imerge
- git-lfs
- gitconddb
- gl2ps
- glab
- glew
- glfmultiples
- glfw
- glib
- glib-networking
- glibc
- glibmm
- glimmer
- glm
- global
- globalarrays
- glog
- gloo
- glow
- glpk
- glproto
- gluegen
- glusterfs
- glvis
- glx
- gmake
- gmap-gsnap
- gmic
- gmime
- gmodel
- gmp
- gmsh
- gmt
- gmtsar
- gnat
- gnds
- gnina
- gnome-common
- gnuconfig
- gnupg
- gnuplot
- gnuradio
- gnutls
- go
- go-bootstrap
- go-md2man
- gobject-introspection
- goblin-hmc-sim
- goma
- google-cloud-cli
- google-crc32c
- googletest
- gosam-contrib
- goshimmer
- gotcha
- gource
- gpcnet
- gperf
- gperftools
- gpgme
- gpi-2
- gpi-space
- gplates
- gprolog
- gptl
- gptune
- gpu-burn
- gqrx
- gr-osmosdr
- grabix
- grace
- grackle
- gradle
- grads
- grafana
- grandr
- graph500
- graphblast
- graphicsmagick
- graphite2
- graphlib
- graphmap
- graphviz
- grass
- graylog2-server
- grep
- grib-api
- grib-util
- grid
- gridlab-d
- grnboost
- groff
- gromacs
- gromacs-chain-coordinate
- gromacs-swaxs
- grpc
- gsettings-desktop-schemas
- gsi-ncdiag
- gsibec
- gsl
- gsl-lite
- gslib
- gsoap
- gtk-doc
- gtkmm
- gtkorvo-atl
- gtkorvo-cercs-env
- gtkorvo-dill
- gtkorvo-enet
- gtkplus
- gtksourceview
- gts
- guacamole-client
- guacamole-server
- guidance
- guile
- gunrock
- gurobi
- gxsview
- gzip
- h2database
- h5bench
- h5cpp
- h5hut
- h5part
- h5utils
- h5z-zfp
- haccabana
- hacckernels
- hackrf-host
- hadoop
- hadoop-xrootd
- hal
- half
- halide
- hama
- hapcut2
- hapdip
- haploview
- haproxy
- hardlink
- harfbuzz
- harminv
- hashcat
- haveged
- hazelcast
- hbase
- hbm-dramsim2
- hc
- hcoll
- hdf
- hdf-eos2
- hdf-eos5
- hdf5
- hdf5-blosc
- hdf5-vfd-gds
- hdf5-vol-async
- hdf5-vol-cache
- hdf5-vol-daos
- hdf5-vol-external-passthrough
- hdf5-vol-log
- hdfview
- healpix-cxx
- heaptrack
- heasoft
- heffte
- helib
- helics
- help2man
- henson
- hepmc
- hepmc3
- hepmcanalysis
- heppdt
- heputils
- hercules
- hermes
- herwig3
- herwigpp
- hevea
- hh-suite
- hibench
- hicolor-icon-theme
- hicops
- highfive
- highway
- highwayhash
- hiop
- hip
- hip-examples
- hip-rocclr
- hip-tensor
- hipace
- hipblas
- hipcub
- hipfft
- hipfort
- hipify-clang
- hiprand
- hipsolver
- hipsparse
- hipsycl
- hiptt
- hiredis
- hisat2
- hisea
- hive
- hivex
- hmmer
- hohqmesh
- homer
- hoomd-blue
- hoppet
- hotspot
- hpcc
- hpccg
- hpcg
- hpctoolkit
- test
- hpcviewer
- hpcx-mpi
- hpddm
- hpgmg
- hping
- hpl
- hpx
- hpx-kokkos
- hpx5
- hsa-rocr-dev
- hsakmt
- hsakmt-roct
- hsf-cmaketools
- hssp
- hstr
- hto4l
- htop
- htslib
- http-get
- http-load
- http-parser
- http-ping
- http-post
- httpd
- httperf
- httpie
- httping
- httpress
- hub
- hudi
- hugo
- hunspell
- hw-probe
- hwdata
- hwloc
- hybpiper
- hybrid-lambda
- hybridsim
- hydra
- hydrogen
- hypar
- hyperfine
- hyperqueue
- hyperscan
- hyphen
- hyphy
- hypre
- hypre-cmake
- hztool
- i3
- ibm-databroker
- ibm-java
- ibmisc
- icarus
- iceauth
- icedtea
- icet
- ico
- icu4c
- id3lib
- idba
- idg
- idl
- iegenlib
- ignite
- igprof
- igraph
- igv
- igvtools
- ike-scan
- ilmbase
- ima-evm-utils
- imagemagick
- imake
- imath
- imgui
- imlib2
- imp
- impalajit
- improved-rdock
- impute2
- infernal
- influxdb
- iniparser
- inputproto
- intel
- intel-daal
- intel-gpu-tools
- intel-gtpin
- intel-ipp
- intel-llvm
- intel-mkl
- intel-mpi
- intel-mpi-benchmarks
- intel-oneapi-advisor
- intel-oneapi-ccl
- intel-oneapi-compilers
- intel-oneapi-compilers-classic
- intel-oneapi-dal
- intel-oneapi-dnn
- intel-oneapi-dpct
- intel-oneapi-dpl
- intel-oneapi-inspector
- intel-oneapi-ipp
- intel-oneapi-ippcp
- intel-oneapi-itac
- intel-oneapi-mkl
- intel-oneapi-mpi
- intel-oneapi-tbb
- intel-oneapi-vpl
- intel-oneapi-vtune
- intel-parallel-studio
- intel-pin
- intel-tbb
- intel-xed
- interproscan
- intltool
- ioapi
- ior
- iozone
- ip
- ip2
- ipcalc
- iperf2
- iperf3
- ipm
- ipopt
- iproute2
- iptraf-ng
- iq-tree
- iqtree2
- irep
- isa-l
- isa-l-crypto
- isaac
- isaac-server
- isc-dhcp
- isescan
- isl
- iso-codes
- ispc
- istio
- itensor
- itk
- itstool
- itsx
- iwyu
- jackcess
- jafka
- jags
- jali
- jansi
- jansi-native
- jansson
- jasper
- javafx
- jbigkit
- jblob
- jchronoss
- jdk
- jedi-cmake
- jellyfish
- jemalloc
- jetty-project
- jhpcn-df
- jimtcl
- jline3
- jmol
- jogl
- jose
- jpegoptim
- jq
- json-c
- json-cwx
- json-fortran
- json-glib
- jsoncpp
- jsonnet
- jstorm
- jube
- judy
- julea
- julia
- junit4
- justbuild
- jwt-cpp
- jxrlib-debian
- k8
- kadath
- kafka
- kahip
- kaiju
- kakoune
- kaks-calculator
- kaldi
- kalign
- kallisto
- karma
- kassiopeia
- kbd
- kbproto
- kcov
- kdiff3
- kea
- kealib
- keepalived
- keepassxc
- kentutils
- keyutils
- kibana
- kicad
- kim-api
- kinesis
- kineto
- kitty
- kmergenie
- kmod
- knem
- kokkos
- kokkos-kernels
- kokkos-kernels-legacy
- kokkos-legacy
- kokkos-nvcc-wrapper
- kraken
- kraken2
- krakenuniq
- krb5
- krims
- kripke
- kubectl
- kubernetes
- kumi
- kvasir-mpl
- kvtree
- kylin
- kyotocabinet
- ladot
- laghos
- lame
- lammps
- landsfcutil
- lanl-cmake-modules
- lapackpp
- last
- lastz
- laszip
- latex2html
- latte
- launchmon
- lazygit
- lazyten
- lbann
- lbfgspp
- lbxproxy
- lbzip2
- lcals
- lcc
- lcgenv
- lcio
- lcms
- lcov
- ldak
- ldc
- ldc-bootstrap
- legion
- lemon
- leptonica
- lerc
- less
- lesstif
- leveldb
- lfortran
- lftp
- lhapdf
- lhapdf5
- lhapdfsets
- libabigail
- libaec
- libaio
- libao
- libapplewm
- libapreq2
- libarchive
- libasr
- libassuan
- libatasmart
- libatomic-ops
- libbacktrace
- libbeagle
- libbeato
- libbigwig
- libbinio
- libblastrampoline
- libbsd
- libbson
- libbytesize
- libc
- libcanberra
- libcap
- libcap-ng
- libcatalyst
- libceed
- libcerf
- libcgroup
- libcint
- libcircle
- libconfig
- libconfuse
- libcroco
- libctl
- libcudf
- libcuml
- libcumlprims
- libcxxwrap-julia
- libcyaml
- libdaemon
- libdap4
- libdatrie
- libdc1394
- libde265
- libdeflate
- libdicom
- libdistributed
- libdivsufsort
- libdmx
- libdrm
- libdwarf
- libeatmydata
- libecpint
- libedit
- libefence
- libelf
- libemos
- libepoxy
- libestr
- libev
- libevdev
- libevent
- libevpath
- libexif
- libfabric
- libfastcommon
- libfastjson
- libffi
- libffs
- libfirefly
- libfive
- libflame
- libfms
- libfontenc
- libfs
- libfuse
- libfyaml
- libgain
- libgcrypt
- libgd
- libgdsii
- libgeotiff
- libgff
- libgit2
- libgpg-error
- libgpuarray
- libgridxc
- libgssglue
- libgta
- libgtextutils
- libharu
- libhbaapi
- libheif
- libhio
- libhugetlbfs
- libiberty
- libibumad
- libical
- libicd
- libice
- libiconv
- libid3tag
- libidl
- libidn
- libidn2
- libimagequant
- libimobiledevice
- libinih
- libint
- libisal
- libiscsi
- libjpeg
- libjpeg-turbo
- libjson
- libjwt
- libjxl
- libkcapi
- libkml
- libksba
- liblas
- liblbfgs
- liblbxutil
- liblockfile
- liblognorm
- liblouis
- libluv
- liblzf
- libmacaroons
- libmad
- libmatheval
- libmaus2
- libmaxminddb
- libmbim
- libmcrypt
- libmd
- libmesh
- libmetalink
- libmicrodns
- libmicrohttpd
- libmmtf-cpp
- libmng
- libmnl
- libmo-unpack
- libmodbus
- libmolgrid
- libmonitor
- libmpdclient
- libmypaint
- libnbc
- libndp
- libnet
- libnetfilter-conntrack
- libnetfilter-cthelper
- libnetfilter-cttimeout
- libnetfilter-queue
- libnetworkit
- libnfnetlink
- libnfs
- libnfsidmap
- libnftnl
- libnids
- libnl
- libnotify
- libnova
- libnrm
- libnsl
- libogg
- liboldx
- libopts
- libp11
- libpam
- libpaper
- libpcap
- libpciaccess
- libpeas
- libpfm4
- libpipeline
- libplist
- libpmemobj-cpp
- libpng
- libpostal
- libpressio
- libpressio-adios2
- libpressio-errorinjector
- libpressio-nvcomp
- libpressio-opt
- libpressio-rmetric
- libpressio-sperr
- libpressio-tools
- libpressio-tthresh
- libproxy
- libpsl
- libpsm3
- libpsml
- libpspio
- libpthread-stubs
- libpulsar
- libqglviewer
- libqrencode
- libquo
- libraqm
- libraw1394
- librdkafka
- librelp
- libreproc
- libressl
- libristra
- librmm
- librom
- librsb
- librsvg
- librtlsdr
- librttopo
- libsakura
- libsamplerate
- libseccomp
- libsecret
- libsharp
- libshm
- libsigcpp
- libsignal-protocol-c
- libsigsegv
- libslirp
- libsm
- libsndfile
- libsodium
- libsolv
- libspatialindex
- libspatialite
- libspiro
- libsplash
- libspng
- libssh
- libssh2
- libstdcompat
- libsvm
- libszip
- libtar
- libtasn1
- libtermkey
- libthai
- libtheora
- libtiff
- libtirpc
- libtlx
- libtomlc99
- libtommath
- libtool
- libtorrent
- libtree
- libuecc
- libunistring
- libunwind
- liburing
- libusb
- libusbmuxd
- libuser
- libuuid
- libuv
- libuv-julia
- libvdwxc
- libverto
- libvips
- libvorbis
- libvori
- libvpx
- libvterm
- libwebp
- libwebsockets
- libwhich
- libwindowswm
- libwmf
- libx11
- libxau
- libxaw
- libxaw3d
- libxc
- libxcb
- libxcomposite
- libxcrypt
- libxcursor
- libxdamage
- libxdmcp
- libxevie
- libxext
- libxfixes
- libxfont
- libxfont2
- libxfontcache
- libxft
- libxi
- libxinerama
- libxkbcommon
- libxkbfile
- libxkbui
- libxml2
- libxmu
- libxp
- libxpm
- libxpresent
- libxprintapputil
- libxprintutil
- libxrandr
- libxrender
- libxres
- libxscrnsaver
- libxshmfence
- libxslt
- libxsmm
- libxstream
- libxt
- libxtrap
- libxtst
- libxv
- libxvmc
- libxxf86dga
- libxxf86misc
- libxxf86vm
- libyaml
- libyogrt
- libzip
- libzmq
- liggghts
- lighttpd
- ligra
- likwid
- linaro-forge
- linkphase3
- linktest
- linsys-v
- linux-headers
- linux-pam
- lis
- listres
- lizard
- lksctp-tools
- llvm-amdgpu
- llvm-doe
- llvm-openmp-ompt
- builtin.mock/packages
- a
- adios2
- archive-files
- ascent
- attributes-foo
- attributes-foo-app
- autotools-conditional-variants-test
- autotools-config-replacement
- b
- boost
- both-link-and-build-dep-a
- both-link-and-build-dep-b
- both-link-and-build-dep-c
- bowtie
- brillig
- build-env-compiler-var-a
- build-env-compiler-var-b
- build-error
- build-warnings
- bzip2
- c
- callpath
- canfail
- client-not-foo
- cmake
- cmake-client
- cmake-client-inheritor
- cmake-conditional-variants-test
- conditional-constrained-dependencies
- conditional-provider
- conditional-values-in-variant
- conditional-variant-pkg
- conditional-virtual-dependency
- conditionally-patch-dependency
- configure-warning
- conflict
- conflict-parent
- conflicting-dependent
- corge
- cumulative-vrange-bottom
- cumulative-vrange-middle
- cumulative-vrange-root
- cvs-test
- define-cmake-prefix-paths
- dep-diamond-patch-mid1
- dep-diamond-patch-mid2
- dep-diamond-patch-top
- dep-with-variants
- dep-with-variants-if-develop
- dep-with-variants-if-develop-root
- depb
- dependency-foo-bar
- dependency-install
- dependent-install
- dependent-of-dev-build
- depends-on-define-cmake-prefix-paths
- depends-on-develop
- depends-on-openmpi
- depends-on-run-env
- deprecated-versions
- dev-build-test-dependent
- dev-build-test-install
- dev-build-test-install-phases
- develop-branch-version
- develop-test
- develop-test2
- diamond-link-bottom
- diamond-link-left
- diamond-link-right
- diamond-link-top
- direct-mpich
- dla-future
- dt-diamond
- dt-diamond-bottom
- dt-diamond-left
- dt-diamond-right
- dtbuild1
- dtbuild2
- dtbuild3
- dtlink1
- dtlink2
- dtlink3
- dtlink4
- dtlink5
- dtrun1
- dtrun2
- dtrun3
- dttop
- dtuse
- dyninst
- e
- ecp-viz-sdk
- extendee
- extends-spec
- extension1
- extension2
- external-buildable-with-variant
- external-common-gdbm
- external-common-openssl
- external-common-perl
- external-common-python
- external-non-default-variant
- externalmodule
- externalprereq
- externaltest
- externaltool
- externalvirtual
- fail-test-audit
- failing-build
- failing-empty-install
- fake
- fetch-options
- fftw
- find-externals1
- flake8
- flatten-deps
- garply
- gcc
- git-svn-top-level
- git-test
- git-test-commit
- git-top-level
- git-url-svn-top-level
- git-url-top-level
- gmake
- gmt
- gnuconfig
- hash-test1
- hash-test2
- hash-test3
- hash-test4
- hdf5
- hg-test
- hg-top-level
- hpcviewer
- hwloc
- hypre
- impossible-concretization
- indirect-mpich
- installed-deps-a
- installed-deps-b
- installed-deps-c
- installed-deps-d
- installed-deps-e
- intel-oneapi-compilers
- intel-parallel-studio
- invalid-github-patch-url
- invalid-gitlab-patch-url
- invalid-selfhosted-gitlab-patch-url
- leaf-adds-virtual
- libdwarf
- libelf
- libtool-deletion
- libtool-installation
- licenses-1
- low-priority-provider
- maintainers-1
- maintainers-2
- maintainers-3
- many-virtual-consumer
- middle-adds-virtual
- mirror-gnu
- mirror-gnu-broken
- mirror-sourceforge
- mirror-sourceforge-broken
- mirror-sourceware
- mirror-sourceware-broken
- mirror-gnu-broken
- mirror-xorg
- mirror-xorg-broken
- missing-dependency
- mixedversions
- modifies-run-env
- module-long-help
- module-manpath-append
- module-manpath-prepend
- module-manpath-setenv
- module-path-separator
- module-setenv-raw
- mpi
- mpich
- mpich2
- mpileaks
- multi-provider-mpi
- multimethod
- multimethod-base
- multimethod-diamond
- multimethod-diamond-parent
- multimethod-inheritor
- multimodule-inheritance
- multivalue-variant
- mvapich2
- mvdefaults
- needs-relocation
- needs-text-relocation
- netlib-blas
- netlib-lapack
- netlib-scalapack
- ninja
- non-existing-conditional-dep
- nosource
- nosource-bundle
- nosource-install
- noversion
- noversion-bundle
- old-external
- old-sbang
- openblas
- openblas-with-lapack
- openmpi
- optional-dep-test
- optional-dep-test-2
- optional-dep-test-3
- othervirtual
- override-context-templates
- override-module-templates
- parent-foo
- parent-foo-bar
- patch
- patch-a-dependency
- patch-inheritance
- patch-several-dependencies
- patchelf
- perl
- perl-extension
- preferred-test
- printing-package
- py-extension1
- py-extension2
- py-extension3
- py-pip
- py-test-callback
- py-wheel
- python
- quantum-espresso
- quux
- raiser
- requires-virtual
- requires_clang
- requires_clang_or_gcc
- root
- root-adds-virtual
- shell-a
- shell-b
- simple-inheritance
- simple-standalone-test
- singlevalue-variant
- singlevalue-variant-dependent
- singlevalue-variant-dependent-type
- some-virtual-mv
- some-virtual-preferred
- splice-a
- splice-h
- splice-t
- splice-vh
- splice-z
- sticky-variant
- sticky-variant-dependent
- svn-test
- svn-top-level
- symly
- test-build-callbacks
- test-dep-with-imposed-conditions
- test-dependency
- test-error
- test-fail
- test-install-callbacks
- transitive-conditional-virtual-dependency
- trigger-external-non-default-variant
- trivial-install-test-package
- trivial-pkg-with-valid-hash
- trivial-smoke-test
- unconstrainable-conflict
- unsat-provider
- unsat-virtual-dependency
- url-list-test
- url-only-override
- url-only-override-with-gaps
- url-test
- url_override
- v1-consumer
- v1-provider
- variant-on-dependency-condition-a
- variant-on-dependency-condition-b
- variant-on-dependency-condition-root
- vdefault-or-external
- vdefault-or-external-root
- vendorsb
- version-test-dependency-preferred
- version-test-pkg
- version-test-root
- view-dir-dir
- view-dir-file
- view-dir-symlinked-dir
- view-not-ignored
- virtual-with-versions
- vtk-m
- when-directives-false
- when-directives-true
- with-constraint-met
- wrong-variant-in-conflicts
- wrong-variant-in-depends-on
- zlib
- zmpi
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
8,794 files changed
lines changedOriginal file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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23 | 23 |
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24 | 24 |
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25 | 25 |
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26 |
| - | |
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27 | 27 |
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28 | 28 |
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29 | 29 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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159 | 159 |
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160 | 160 |
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161 | 161 |
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162 |
| - | |
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163 | 163 |
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164 | 164 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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57 | 57 |
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58 | 58 |
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59 | 59 |
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61 | 61 |
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63 | 63 |
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113 | 113 |
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114 | 114 |
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| - | |
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119 | 119 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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17 | 17 |
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18 | 18 |
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22 | 22 |
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23 | 23 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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1 |
| - | |
| 1 | + | |
2 | 2 |
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3 |
| - | |
4 |
| - | |
5 |
| - | |
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6 | 6 |
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7 |
| - | |
| 7 | + |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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66 | 66 |
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67 | 67 |
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68 | 68 |
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69 |
| - | |
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70 | 70 |
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71 | 71 |
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72 | 72 |
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117 | 117 |
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118 | 118 |
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119 | 119 |
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120 |
| - | |
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123 | 123 |
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184 | 184 |
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| - | |
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| - | |
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251 |
| - | |
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253 | 253 |
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254 | 254 |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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28 | 28 |
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29 | 29 |
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30 | 30 |
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31 |
| - | |
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33 | 33 |
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34 | 34 |
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47 | 47 |
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49 | 49 |
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50 |
| - | |
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53 | 53 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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18 | 18 |
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19 | 19 |
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20 | 20 |
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21 |
| - | |
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22 | 22 |
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23 | 23 |
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24 | 24 |
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42 | 42 |
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44 | 44 |
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45 |
| - | |
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48 | 48 |
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66 | 66 |
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67 | 67 |
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68 | 68 |
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69 |
| - | |
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70 | 70 |
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71 | 71 |
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72 | 72 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
31 | 31 |
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32 | 32 |
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33 | 33 |
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34 |
| - | |
35 |
| - | |
36 |
| - | |
37 |
| - | |
38 |
| - | |
39 |
| - | |
40 |
| - | |
| 34 | + | |
| 35 | + | |
| 36 | + | |
| 37 | + | |
| 38 | + | |
| 39 | + | |
| 40 | + | |
| 41 | + | |
| 42 | + | |
| 43 | + | |
| 44 | + | |
41 | 45 |
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42 | 46 |
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43 | 47 |
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71 | 75 |
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72 | 76 |
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73 | 77 |
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74 |
| - | |
| 78 | + | |
75 | 79 |
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76 | 80 |
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77 | 81 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
1 | 1 |
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2 | 2 |
| |
3 |
| - | |
| 3 | + | |
4 | 4 |
| |
5 | 5 |
| |
6 | 6 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
1 |
| - | |
| 1 | + | |
2 | 2 |
| |
3 |
| - | |
4 |
| - | |
5 |
| - | |
6 |
| - | |
7 |
| - | |
8 |
| - | |
9 |
| - | |
10 |
| - | |
| 3 | + | |
| 4 | + | |
| 5 | + | |
| 6 | + | |
| 7 | + | |
| 8 | + | |
| 9 | + | |
| 10 | + | |
| 11 | + | |
| 12 | + | |
| 13 | + | |
| 14 | + | |
| 15 | + | |
| 16 | + | |
| 17 | + | |
| 18 | + | |
| 19 | + | |
| 20 | + | |
| 21 | + | |
| 22 | + | |
| 23 | + | |
| 24 | + | |
| 25 | + | |
| 26 | + | |
| 27 | + | |
| 28 | + | |
| 29 | + | |
| 30 | + | |
| 31 | + | |
11 | 32 |
| |
12 | 33 |
| |
13 | 34 |
| |
| |||
66 | 87 |
| |
67 | 88 |
| |
68 | 89 |
| |
69 |
| - | |
70 |
| - | |
| 90 | + | |
71 | 91 |
| |
72 | 92 |
| |
| 93 | + | |
| 94 | + | |
73 | 95 |
| |
74 | 96 |
| |
75 | 97 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
1 |
| - | |
| 1 | + | |
2 | 2 |
| |
3 | 3 |
| |
4 | 4 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
1 | 1 |
| |
2 | 2 |
| |
3 |
| - | |
| 3 | + | |
4 | 4 |
| |
5 | 5 |
| |
6 | 6 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
1 | 1 |
| |
2 | 2 |
| |
3 | 3 |
| |
4 |
| - | |
| 4 | + | |
5 | 5 |
| |
6 | 6 |
| |
7 | 7 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
1 | 1 |
| |
2 | 2 |
| |
3 |
| - | |
| 3 | + | |
4 | 4 |
| |
5 | 5 |
| |
6 | 6 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
1 |
| - | |
| 1 | + | |
2 | 2 |
| |
3 | 3 |
| |
4 | 4 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
1 |
| - | |
| 1 | + | |
2 | 2 |
| |
3 | 3 |
| |
4 | 4 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
1 |
| - | |
| 1 | + | |
2 | 2 |
| |
3 | 3 |
| |
4 | 4 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
50 | 50 |
| |
51 | 51 |
| |
52 | 52 |
| |
53 |
| - | |
| 53 | + |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
1 |
| - | |
| 1 | + | |
2 | 2 |
| |
3 | 3 |
| |
4 | 4 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
1 |
| - | |
| 1 | + | |
2 | 2 |
| |
3 | 3 |
| |
4 | 4 |
| |
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