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8.1) Built in Predicates
All built-in predicates act like user-defined predicates as described in the previous section: they have one Input variable ?
and one Output variable .
. However, built-in predicates also have a subscript, which is an additional parameter which can change the behavior of the predicate.
For example, the built-in predicate +
, by default, applies the constraint that the sum of the elements of ?
must result in .
. In that case, the input is necessarily a list. However, the built-in predicate +₁
, with subscript ₁
, applies the constraint that ? + 1 = .
(i.e. incrementation).
It is possible to indicate that a value of ?
must be used as a subscript for the predicate, using ₍
and ₎
(first and last). For example, in ["test",2]∋₎
, 2
(the last element of the Input) will be used as subscript for ∋
A lack of subscript means that the predicate uses its default behavior (which may be the same as the behavior for a specific subscript, see the list below).
Symbol | Name | Subscript | Description |
≤ |
Less-equal | Default=0 1 |
? ≤ . ? is a non-decreasing list |
≥ |
Greater-equal | Default=0 1 |
? ≥ . ? is a non-increasing list |
∈ |
Contains | Default I
. contains ? . contains ? at index I
∋ |
In | Default I
. is an element of ? . is the I th element of ?
⊆ |
Superset | Default=0 |
? is an ordered subset of .
⊇ |
Subset | Default=0 |
. is an ordered subset of ?
↔ |
Reverse | Default=0 |
. is the reverse of ?
↕ |
Default | ||
↰ |
Call predicate | Default I
Call the current predicate recursively Call the I th predicate |
↺ |
Cyclically permute counterclockwise |
Default=1 I
Cyclically permute ccw once Cyclically permute ccw I times |
↻ |
Cyclically permute clockwise |
Default=1 I
Cyclically permute cw once Cyclically permute cw I times |
√ |
Root | Default=2 I
Square root I th root |
⌉ |
Ceil | Default=0 1 |
. is the max of ? . = ceil(?)
⌋ |
Floor | Default=0 1 |
. is the min of ? . = floor(?)
⟦ |
Range ascending | Default=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 |
. = [0, …, ?] . = [1, …, ?] . = [?⌋, …, ?⌉] . = [?⌋, …, ?⌉ - 1] . = [?⌋ + 1, …, ?⌉] . = [0, …, ? - 1] . = [1, …, ? - 1]
⟧ |
Range descending | Default=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 |
. = [?, …, 0] . = [?, …, 1] . = [?⌉, …, ?⌋] . = [?⌉ - 1, …, ?⌋] . = [?⌉, …, ?⌋ + 1] . = [? - 1, …, 0] . = [? - 1, …, 1]
ℕ |
Natural integer | Default=0 I
? = . ≥ 0 ? = . ≥ I
ℤ |
Integer | Default I
? = . is any integer ? = . ≤ -I
ℝ |
Float | Default I
? = . is a float Convert ? from int to float .
∅ |
Empty | Default |
? = [] ∨ "" ∨ 0 ∨ 0.0 . . ignored |
≠ |
Different | Default | All elements of ? = . are different |
≡ |
Identity | Default | . = ? |
÷ |
Integer division | Default=0 I
? = [A,B] , . = floor(A/B) . = floor(?/I)
× |
Multiply | Default I
. is the product of element of ? . = ? × I
% |
Modulo | Default=0 I
? = [A,B] , . = A mod B . = ? mod I
* |
Exp | Default=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 |
. = exp(?) . = ln(?) . = cos(?) . = sin(?) . = tan(?) . = arccos(?) . = arcsin(?) . = arctan(?) . = cosh(?) . = sinh(?) . = tanh(?) . = arcosh(?) . = arsinh(?) . = artanh(?)
+ |
Plus | Default=0 I
. is the sum of elements of ? . = ? + I
- |
Minus | Default=0 I
. is the difference of elements of ? . = ? - I
/ |
Divide | Default=0 1 I
? = [A,B] , . = A/B . = 1/? . = ?/I
< |
Less | Default=0 1 |
? < . ? is an increasing list |
= |
Equal | Default X
All elements of ? are equal All elements of ? are X
> |
Greater | Default=0 1 |
? > . ? is a decreasing list |
\ |
Transpose | Default=0 | . = ?ᵀ |
^ |
Power | Default I
? = [A,B] , . = A^B . = ?^I
a |
Adfix | Default 0 1 |
. is an adfix of ? . is a prefix of ? . is a suffix of ?
b |
Behead | Default=1 I
. = ? minus the head . = ? minus the first I elements |
c |
Concatenate | Default=0 I
Concatenate ? into . Concatenate ? into . , length(?) = I
d |
Duplicates | Default=0 |
. is ? without duplicates |
e |
Default | ||
f |
Factors | Default |
. is the list of factors of ?
g |
Group | Default=1 I
. = [?] . = […[?]…] (nested I times) |
h |
Head | Default=1 I
. is the first element of ? . is the first I elements of ?
i |
Index | Default 1 |
. = [E,I] , E is the I th element of ? Same as default but 1-indexed |
j |
Juxtapose | Default=2 I
. is ? concatenated with ? . is ? concatenated I times |
k |
Knife | Default=1 I
. = ? minus the tail . = ? minus the last I elements |
l |
Length | Default I
. is the length of ? . = ? has length I
m |
Default | ||
n |
Default | ||
o |
Order | Default=0 1 |
. is ? sorted in ascending order . is ? sorted in descending order |
p |
Permute | Default=0 |
. is a permutation of ?
q |
Default | ||
r |
Default | ||
s |
Substring | Default I
. is a sublist of consecutive elements of ? . is a sublist of I consecutive elements of ?
t |
Tail | Default=1 |
. is the last element of ?
u |
Default | ||
v |
Default | ||
w |
Write | Default=0 1 |
Write ? to STDOUT . . ignored ? = [A,B] , write A with format B
x |
Xterminate | Default=0 |
? = [H|T] , . is H with elements of T removed |
y |
Default | ||
z |
Zip | Default 0 1 |
. is elements of ? zipped together, cycles on elements shorter than the longest one . is elements of ? zipped together, stops once the shortest element is depleted . is elements of ? zipped together, does not cycle on short elements |
ạ |
To codes | Default |
. is the list of char codes of string ?
ḅ |
Blocks | Default |
. concatenated is ? . All elements of elements of . are equal |
ḍ |
Dichotomize | Default=2 I
. is ? splitted in half . is ? splitted in I equal parts |
ẹ |
Elements | Default |
. is the list of elements of ? . Automatically vectorizes |
ḥ |
Default | ||
ị |
To number | Default |
. is the number represented by the string ?
ḳ |
Default | ||
ḷ |
Lowercase | Default |
. is ? lowercased |
ṃ |
Default | ||
ṇ |
Split lines | Default 1 2 3 |
. is the list of lines in the string ? . is ? splitted on spaces . is ? splitted on spaces and lines ? ṇṇ₁ᵐ .
ọ |
Occurences | Default |
. is a list of couples [E∈?, number of E in ?]
ṛ |
Random element | Default |
. is a random element of ?
ṣ |
Shuffle | Default |
. is a random permutation of ?
ṭ |
Default | ||
ụ |
Uppercase | Default |
. is ? uppercased |
ṿ |
Default | ||
ẉ |
Writeln | I |
Like w followed by a linebreak |
ỵ |
Default | ||
ẓ |
Default | ||
ȧ |
Absolute value | Default | . = abs(?) |
ḃ |
Base | Default=2 I
. is the list of digits of ? in base 2 . is the list of digits of ? in base I
ċ |
Coerce | Default 1 2 |
.= ? is a list . = ? is an integer . = ? is a string |
ḋ |
Prime decomposition | Default |
. is the list of prime factors of ?
ė |
Default | ||
ḟ |
Factorial | Default |
. is the factorial of ?
ġ |
Groups | Default I |
. is ? splitted into groups of equal length (except maybe the last one) . is ? splitted into groups of length I (except maybe the last one) |
ḣ |
Default | ||
ṁ |
Matrix | Default I
. = ? is a square matrix . = ? is a I×I matrix |
ṅ |
Negate | Default | . = -I |
ȯ |
Default | ||
ṗ |
Prime | Default |
. = ? is a prime number |
ṙ |
Random number | Default 1 2 |
. is a random number in [0, ?] . is a random number in [0, 1] . is a random number in [A,B] = ?
ṡ |
Sign | Default |
. is the sign of ?
ṫ |
To string | Default |
. is the number ? cast as a string |
ẇ |
Default | ||
ẋ |
Default | ||
ẏ |
Default | ||
ż |
Default | ||
≜ |
Label | Default=0 1 |
Affects an integer to . = ? (or their elements) that matches their constraints Same as Default but in a random order. |