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A Javascript implementation of Pulsarcast

See design and specs at


A DAG node representing an Event descriptor


A representation of an event tree for a given topic


A DAG node representing a Topic descriptor


SerializedEvent : Object

Serialized event representation

ReadableEvent : Object

Human readable event representation

SerializedTopic : Object

Serialized topic representation

ReadableTopic : Object

Human readable topic representation



CID (Content Identifier)


Libp2p node


Peer identifier object


A Javascript implementation of Pulsarcast

See design and specs at

Kind: global class

new Pulsarcast(libp2p, [options])

Create a new PulsarCast node.

Param Type Default Description
libp2p Libp2pNode
[options] object {} PulsarCast options

pulsarcast.libp2p : Libp2pNode

Local ref to the libp2p node.

Kind: instance property of Pulsarcast

pulsarcast.started : boolean

Node current status info.

Kind: instance property of Pulsarcast

pulsarcast.peers : Map.<string, Peer>

Map of peers.

Kind: instance property of Pulsarcast

pulsarcast.topics : Map.<string, TopicNode>

Map of topics.

Kind: instance property of Pulsarcast

pulsarcast.subscriptions : Set.<string>

List of our subscriptions

Kind: instance property of Pulsarcast

pulsarcast.eventTrees : Map.<string, EventTree>

Map of the event dissemination trees.

Kind: instance property of Pulsarcast : Peer

This node peer object.

Kind: instance property of Pulsarcast

pulsarcast.start(callback) ⇒ void

Start the PulsarCast node

Kind: instance method of Pulsarcast

Param Type
callback function

pulsarcast.stop(callback) ⇒ void

Stop the PulsarCast node

Kind: instance method of Pulsarcast

Param Type
callback function

pulsarcast.publish(topicB58Str, message, callback) ⇒ void

Publish a message in the specified topic

Kind: instance method of Pulsarcast

Param Type Description
topicB58Str string topic base58 string
message Buffer message to publish
callback function

pulsarcast.subscribe(topicB58Str, [options], callback) ⇒ void

Subscribe to a specific topic

Kind: instance method of Pulsarcast

Param Type Default Description
topicB58Str string topic base58 string
[options] object {}
[options.subscribeToMeta] object true optionally subscribe to this topic meta updates (updates to the topic descriptor)
callback function

pulsarcast.unsubscribe(topicB58Str, callback)

Unsubscribe from a specific topic

Kind: instance method of Pulsarcast

Param Type Default Description
topicB58Str string topic base58 string
[options.unsubscribeFromMeta] object true optionally unsubscribe from this topic meta updates (updates to the topic descriptor)
callback function

pulsarcast.createTopic(topicName, [options], callback) ⇒ void

Create a topic

Kind: instance method of Pulsarcast

Param Type Default Description
topicName string topic name
[options] object {} Topic creation options
[options.parent] string null Parent topic base58 string
[options.subTopics] object.<string, string> {} Sub topics map, with names as keys and base58 strings as values
[options.metadata] object {} Metadata options
[options.metadata.allowedPublishers] array.<string> Allowed publishers (defaults to only this node)
[options.metadata.requestToPublish] boolean true Allow other nodes to request to publish
[options.metadata.eventLinking] string "LAST_SEEN" Method used for linking events
callback function


A DAG node representing an Event descriptor

Kind: global class

new EventNode(topicCID, author, payload, [options])

Create a new EventNode.

Param Type Default Description
topicCID string | CID Topic CID or base58 string for this event
author PeerId
payload Buffer Message to publish
[options] object {}
[options.parent] string Parent event base58 string
[options.publisher] string Base58 string id of the publisher node
[options.metadata] object {} Metadata options

eventNode.topicCID : CID

Topic CID

Kind: instance property of EventNode : PeerId

Author PeerId

Kind: instance property of EventNode

eventNode.payload : Buffer

The payload of the event

Kind: instance property of EventNode

eventNode.publisher : PeerId

Publisher PeerId

Kind: instance property of EventNode

eventNode.parent : CID

Parent event

Kind: instance property of EventNode

eventNode.metadata : object

Event metadata

Kind: instance property of EventNode

Name Type
created Date
protocolVersion string

eventNode.isPublished : boolean

Is the event published

Kind: instance property of EventNode

eventNode.getReadableFormat() ⇒ ReadableEvent

Return an object representing en event in readable format with string representations of the buffers

Kind: instance method of EventNode

eventNode.getCID(callback) ⇒ void

Get the event CID

Kind: instance method of EventNode

Param Type
callback function

eventNode.serialize() ⇒ SerializedEvent

Serialize this event

Kind: instance method of EventNode

eventNode.serializeCBOR(callback) ⇒ void

Serialize this event to a CBOR buffer representation

Kind: instance method of EventNode

Param Type
callback function

EventNode.deserialize(event) ⇒ EventNode

Deserialize a given event and create an EventNode

Kind: static method of EventNode

Param Type
event SerializedEvent

EventNode.deserializeCBOR(event, callback) ⇒ void

Deserialize a given CBOR buffer representing an event and create an EventNode

Kind: static method of EventNode

Param Type
event SerializedEvent
callback function


A representation of an event tree for a given topic

Kind: global class

new EventTree(topicNode)

Create a new EventTree.

Param Type
topicNode TopicNode

eventTree.topicNode : TopicNode

Topic node

Kind: instance property of EventTree

eventTree.eventMap : Map.<string, EventNode>

Event map used to keep track of events for a given topic. Indexed by CID base58 string

Kind: instance property of EventTree

eventTree.mostRecent : EventNode

The most recent event for this topic

Kind: instance property of EventTree

eventTree.addNew(eventNode, [options], callback) ⇒ void

Adds a newly created event to the event tree and links it correctly

Kind: instance method of EventTree

Param Type Default Description
eventNode EventNode
[options] object {}
[options.parent] string null Parent base58 string to link the event to, if the topic allows custom linking
callback function Returns the updated event node

eventTree.add(eventNode, callback) ⇒ void

Adds an event to the topic tree, updating the most recent event ref

Kind: instance method of EventTree

Param Type Description
eventNode EventNode
callback function Returns the event node

eventTree.get(eventCID) ⇒ EventNode

Get an event from this tree

Kind: instance method of EventTree

Param Type
eventCID CID


A DAG node representing a Topic descriptor

Kind: global class

new TopicNode(name, author, [options])

Create a new TopicNode.

Param Type Default Description
name string
author PeerId
[options] object {}
[options.parent] string null Parent topic base58 string
[options.subTopics] object.<string, string> {} Sub topics map, with names as keys and base58 strings as values
[options.metadata] object {} Metadata options
[options.metadata.allowedPublishers] array.<string> Allowed publishers (defaults to only this node)
[options.metadata.requestToPublish] boolean true Allow other nodes to request to publish
[options.metadata.eventLinking] string "LAST_SEEN" Method used for linking events : string

Topic human readable name.

Kind: instance property of TopicNode : PeerId

Author PeerId

Kind: instance property of TopicNode

topicNode.subTopics : object.<string, CID>

Sub topics

Kind: instance property of TopicNode

topicNode.parent : CID

Parent topic

Kind: instance property of TopicNode

topicNode.subTopics : object.<string, CID>

Sub topics

Kind: instance property of TopicNode

topicNode.metadata : object

Topic metadata

Kind: instance property of TopicNode

Name Type
allowedPublishers boolean
requestToPublish boolean
eventLinking string
created Date
protocolVersion string

topicNode.getReadableFormat() ⇒ ReadableTopic

Return an object representing a topic in readable format with string representations of the buffers

Kind: instance method of TopicNode

topicNode.getCID(callback) ⇒ void

Get the topic CID

Kind: instance method of TopicNode

Param Type
callback function

topicNode.serialize() ⇒ SerializedTopic

Serialize this topic

Kind: instance method of TopicNode

topicNode.serializeCBOR(callback) ⇒ void

Serialize this topic to a CBOR buffer representation

Kind: instance method of TopicNode

Param Type
callback function

TopicNode.deserialize(topic) ⇒ TopicNode

Deserialize a given topic and create a TopicNode

Kind: static method of TopicNode

Param Type
topic SerializedTopic

TopicNode.deserializeCBOR(topic, callback) ⇒ void

Deserialize a given CBOR buffer representing a topic and create a TopicNode

Kind: static method of TopicNode

Param Type
topic SerializedTopic
callback function

SerializedEvent : Object

Serialized event representation

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
topic Object The topic DAG link
author Buffer The event author
payload Buffer Event payload
publisher Buffer The event publisher
parent Object The event parent DAG link
metadata object Event metadata object
metadata.version string Pulsarcast protocol version used for this event
metadata.created string Date in ISO string format

ReadableEvent : Object

Human readable event representation

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
topicCID string
author string The event author base58 id
payloadSize number Event payload size in bytes
publisher string The event publisher base58 id
parent string The event parent base58 id
isPublished boolean
metadata object Event metadata object
metadata.version string Pulsarcast protocol version used for this event
metadata.created string Date in ISO string format

SerializedTopic : Object

Serialized topic representation

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
name string The topic name
author Buffer The topic author
parent Object The topic parent DAG link
# object.<string, {'/': Buffer}> The topic sub topics, were the keys are names and the values DAG links
metadata object Topic metadata object
metadata.created string Date in ISO string format
metadata.allowedPublishers Array.<Buffer> Array of peer ids allowed to publish
metadata.requestToPublish Array.<Buffer> Array of peer ids allowed to request to publish
metadata.version string Pulsarcast protocol version used for this topic
metadata.eventLinking string Event linking method used for this topic

ReadableTopic : Object

Human readable topic representation

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
name string The topic name
author string The topic author base58 id
parent string The topic parent base58 id
# object.<string, string> The topic sub topics, where the keys are names and the values base58 representations of the topic
metadata object Topic metadata object
metadata.created string Date in ISO string format
metadata.allowedPublishers Array.<string> Array of base58 peer ids allowed to publish
metadata.requestToPublish Array.<string> Array of base58 peer ids allowed to request to publish
metadata.version string Pulsarcast protocol version used for this topic
metadata.eventLinking string Event linking method used for this topic


CID (Content Identifier)

Kind: global external


Libp2p node

Kind: global external


Peer identifier object

Kind: global external