Releases: JuliaRobotics/RoME.jl
Releases · JuliaRobotics/RoME.jl
RoME v0.9.0
Closed issues:
- Test issue with DFG v.10 (#324)
Merged pull requests:
- Towards Singleton Softtypes and getDimension getManifolds (#316) (@Affie)
- remove depecations (#317) (@dehann)
- add DynPose2DynPose2 and maintenance (#318) (@dehann)
- fast foward (#321) (@dehann)
- Use DFGVariable nanosecond time in Dyn (#322) (@Affie)
- Bumping DFG to v0.10 (#323) (@GearsAD)
- prep dfg v0.10 (#325) (@dehann)
RoME v0.8.0
RoME v0.7.2
Closed issues:
- PackageCompiler.jl for .so compiling (#288)
- generateCanonicalFG_Hexagonal does not use the input fg (#299)
Merged pull requests:
- AOT compile a RoME sysimage. (#297) (@Affie)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "Optim" to "0.22" (#298) (@github-actions[bot])
- Passing fg to the inner function to fix #299 (#300) (@GearsAD)
- suppliment deconv (#301) (@dehann)
- cleanup deconv functions and factors (#303) (@dehann)
- v0.7.2-rc1 (#306) (@dehann)
RoME v0.7.0
Merged pull requests:
- remove import rome compare (#270) (@dehann)
- ZeroPose2 and SLAM updates (#271) (@dehann)
- adding FluxPose2Pose2 (#272) (@dehann)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "Requires" at version "1.0" (#273) (@github-actions[bot])
- can store flux, TensorCast (#274) (@dehann)
- more shuffle control flux (#275) (@dehann)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "TensorCast" at version "0.2" (#276) (@github-actions[bot])
- move flux factor (#277) (@dehann)
- prepare for DFG v0.8.0 (#278) (@dehann)
- fixing (#279) (@dehann)
- add flatten function for flux json (#280) (@dehann)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "TensorCast" to "0.3" (#281) (@github-actions[bot])
- rm temp flatten (#282) (@dehann)
- standardize to use solverParams (#283) (@Affie)
- fix symbol prod change (#284) (@dehann)
- fix Rotations dependency, (#285) (@dehann)
- updates and maintanence (#286) (@dehann)
- add assembleChordsDict (#287) (@dehann)
- update compat and exports (#289) (@dehann)
RoME v0.6.4
Closed issues:
- tag v0.7.0 (#291)
Merged pull requests:
- remove import rome compare (#270) (@dehann)
- generate...ZeroPose2 and SLAM updates (#271) (@dehann)
- adding FluxPose2Pose2 (#272) (@dehann)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "Requires" at version "1.0" (#273) (@github-actions[bot])
- can store flux, TensorCast (#274) (@dehann)
- more shuffle control flux (#275) (@dehann)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "TensorCast" at version "0.2" (#276) (@github-actions[bot])
- move flux factor (#277) (@dehann)
- prepare for DFG v0.8.0 (#278) (@dehann)
- fixing (#279) (@dehann)
- add flatten function for flux json (#280) (@dehann)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "TensorCast" to "0.3" (#281) (@github-actions[bot])
- rm temp flatten (#282) (@dehann)
- standardize to use solverParams (#283) (@Affie)
- fix symbol prod change (#284) (@dehann)
- fix Rotations dependency, (#285) (@dehann)
- updates and maintanence (#286) (@dehann)
- add assembleChordsDict (#287) (@dehann)
- update compat and exports (#289) (@dehann)
- Bp/rots/06 (#290) (@dehann)