An unordered log of some todo items associated with the development of pyLDFI.
Support input of string constants in rule atoms. example: a_table( X, Y, "x" ) :- a1( X, Y ), a2( X, Z )
Boost robustness of parser to ensure wildcards do not appear in goal attributes.
Handle number of crashes as input.
Why do 'node' and 'bcast' goals in simplelog lack descendants?
Make overall design less specific to c4!
Insert a check in the parser to make sure users do not name tables with strings starting with "clock".
Scan for valid relation names when using C4. C4 absolutely cannot handle camel case in relation names, or any capital letters in relation names, as far as I can tell. It also seems relation names must be at least 2 characters long.
Boost parser to ensure no capital letters in dedalus table/relation/rule/fact names. C4 rejects the execution with a cryptic VAR_INT vs. TBL_INT error otherwise.
Make sure parser pulls table names from fact declarations, in addition to rules, when populating the c4 table_str.
Force to abort if any installation component fails.
Make sure c4 clears the dump file before executing.
Make sure execution fails in response to c4 evaluation failure.
Add script for checking pyLDFI dependencies (esp. wrt python tools).
Add pyLDFI to PyPI.
Verify correctness of CNF formula generation. Build simple test cases experimenting with different combinations of ANDs and ORs.
Verify correctness of pycosat solver solutions. Build simple test cases. Why are current solutions outputting one solution containing all the unique variables composing the formula???
Implement CNF formula visualization.
Build a tools.error as an alternative to tools.bp for error messages specifically.
Support != operator in equations instead of relying on the <, > hack.
Add more rigorous error encoding scheme.
Add option for encapsulating similar clock facts in a single node representation (see Molly graphs, esp. clock node resolution).
Add CMAKE check in makefile/ as an installation predicate.
Support negative subgoals in prov tree derivation.
Support wildcards in prov tree derivation.
Add code for providing default pre and post rules if users do not specify pre and post rules in the dedalus specifications.
Fix c4 wrapper. Why are table dumps producing random integers?
Support aggregate functions. For example, run barrier_test and examine how count doesn't work.
Reminder: pydatalog evaluator not working.