Releases: KiCad/kicad-source-mirror
The KiCad project is proud to announce the release of version 8.0.0. Despite coming only a year after KiCad 7 was released, version 8 is packed with new features, improvements, and hundreds of bug fixes. We hope you enjoy the new version! Our thanks go out to everyone who contributed to KiCad this past year. Whether your contribution was large or small, writing code, submitting bug reports, improving our libraries and documentation, or just supporting us financially: your help made a difference.
In accordance with the KiCad stable release policy, KiCad 7.x will no longer be actively maintained, and we will release bug fix versions of KiCad 8.x over the next year as we develop new features for KiCad 9.
The KiCad project is proud to announce the version 7.0.11 bug fix release. The 7.0.11 stable version contains critical bug fixes and other minor improvements since the previous release.
A list of all of the fixed issues since the 7.0.10 release can be found on the KiCad 7.0.11 milestone page. This release contains several critical bug fixes so please consider upgrading as soon as possible.
Version 7.0.11 is made from the 7.0 branch with some cherry picked changes from the development branch.
Packages for Windows, macOS, and Linux are available or will be in the very near future. See the KiCad download page for guidance.
Thank you to all developers, packagers, librarians, document writers, translators, and everyone else who helped make this release possible.
- Add missing 256x256 image to application icons.
- Add 48, 128, 256 to icon bundles for each application.
- Handle nested text variable references in title block. #16919
- Fix ambiguous checkbox in DRC/ERC delete all markers dialog. #16914
- Guard actions that change project against running in non-standalone mode. #16942
- Fix crash if when exiting library table setup. #16917
- Fix malformed DXF arc import. #16089
Schematic Editor
- Allow no-connects on standalone hierarchical pins and ports. #16397
- Fix object filling when plotting to PDF. #16429
- Check added fields only if all fields were checked before when updating symbols. #16408
- Ignore reference and value on select all when updating symbols. #16408
- Fix ERC output to show the selected alternative pin assignment. #16407
- Default to dashed graphical line style when opening version 6 and older schematics. #16479
- Do not expand the entire schematic hierarchy navigator tree by default. #16371
- Use the correct default text box line style when plotting to PDF and SVG. #16543
- Fix sheet path dependent ERC dialog selection issues. #16519
- Do not assert when duplicating symbol. #16577
- Fix broken pasted sheet page numbering. #16580
- Fix crash when opening schematic. #16731
- Fix symbol annotation when pasting nested hierarchical sheets.
- Select hierarchy navigator on mouse right click. #16670
- Fix crash on page size change undo/redo. #16752
- Prevent move from being unexpectedly canceled. #16891
- Prevent copper-edge clearance defaulting to zero. #16032
- Fix invalid modified from library ERC error using legacy symbol libraries. #16902
- Fix crash when changing sheet file name that contains a highlighted net. #17011
Board Editor
- Handle units switch in board stack up panel. #16361
- Add missing DRC auto-complete token "footprint".
- Make collision detector highlight overlapping footprints that are part of a group. #16410
- User more explicit message when footprint is missing a pad. #16489
- Fix crash when importing Eagle board file with no "classes" element. #16504
- Fix crash when importing CADSTAR PCB with multi-layer figures. #16515
- Restore preferential selection treatment for silk items. #16607
- Support point editing of inverted rectangles. #16595
- Make sure imported graphics layer is visible. #16642
- Check parity of footprint symbol attributes in DRC. #16671
- Add DRC marker color setting to board color properties panel. #16674
- Do not ignore configured minimum clearance on copper fills. #16241
- Fix DRC missing edge to copper clearance issue. #16951
- Do not flash oblong holes when plotting gerber drill files. #16962
Gerber Viewer
- Fix incorrect rotation of D-code for regular polygon shapes. #16480
3D Viewer
- Ensure highlighted item under cursor is exported to graphic (PNG/JPEG) file. #14289
Command Line Interface
- Add missing drill precision argument specifier. #16508
- Fix crash after save with mouse on Mac menu bar. #16844
The KiCad project is proud to announce the third series 7 bug fix release. The 7.0.10 stable version contains critical bug fixes and other minor improvements since the previous release.
A list of all of the fixed issues since the 7.0.9 release can be found on the KiCad 7.0.10 milestone pages. This release contains several critical bug fixes so please consider upgrading as soon as possible.
Version 7.0.10 is made from the 7.0 branch with some cherry picked changes from the development branch.
Packages for Windows, macOS, and Linux are available or will be in the very near future. See the KiCad download page for guidance.
Thank you to all developers, packagers, librarians, document writers, translators, and everyone else who helped make this release possible.
- Fix hidden text orientation when SVG plot is mirrored. #15422
- Match mirror state between hidden and text when plotting to PDF. #16066
- Fix bad outline font glyphs when ligatures apply.
- Don’t copy hidden files and folders when creating project from template. #16093
- Do not store twice files with extension .gm when archiving project.
- Warn when installing PCM local package that is incompatible. #14243
Schematic Editor
- Fix net highlighting when signal contains '/' character. #15212
- Fix incorrect variable expansion when printing out to PDF. #16026
- Fix incorrect rotation of symbol text in text boxes. #16027
- Fix corrupted text box in symbol with multiple units. #15994
- Fix incorrect arc orientation when loading legacy schematics. #16048
- Restore the bus selection behavior of the schematic net highlight tool. #15388
- Fix broken schematic net highlighting. #16131
- Fix unconnected schematic net highlighting issue. #16218
- Fix ODBC library crash in schematic editor opening added symbol in the symbol editor. #16090
- Fix crash when pressing insert after adding then entering a hierarchical sheet. #16168
- Fix broken symbol reference designators on paste special. #15981
- Fix crash on save after pasting symbols in schematic editor. #16300
- Fix crash when duplicating and editing a hierarchical label. #16264
Symbol Editor
- Enforce symbol name not being empty. #15859
- Fix compatibility with some old symbol libraries.
- Fix invalid string compare in IBIS parser. #16223
- Do not clear sheet pin highlighting when selecting or deselecting selected hierarchical sheets. #16139
- Prevent opening symbol library and label properties dialogs simultaneously which causes a crash after closing the dialogs. #16112
- Fix undo for wire operations. #16216
- Allow returning to empty value in spice model editor. #15871
- Support empty strings in line with keywords in IBIS models.
Board Editor
- Fix improper rotation of footprint when using swap command. #16025
- Fix hang when pressing the move layer up shortcut key when no copper layer is visible. #16019
- Fix broken thermal reliefs on copper pour. #16024
- Fix incorrect DRC marker positions. #16029
- Router performance improvements.
- Fix crash when creating an array of footprint fields. #16088
- Fix broken STEP export for certain models. #15485
- Fix old python examples and a compatibility issue. #16158
- Fix crash when using custom DRC rule with rule area and hole_to_hole constraint. #16230
- Prevent slivers on copper fill. #16182
- Import a few more rules from Altium board files. #15585
- Fill empty zones when auto-fill is on. #16234
- Update GenCAD export to handle arbitrary outline. #15961
- Plot footprint edge cuts in PDF drill map file. #15247
- Fix crash when deleting measurement in a footprint. #16315
- Draw locked shape shadows using continuous lines. #16327
- Crash when activating clearance resolution or constraints resolution dialogs. #16335
Gerber Viewer
- Fix issues related to comments and primitives in macros. #16049
3D Viewer
- Fix a crash when changing preferences. #16059
- Fix incorrect display of mirrored polygon on bottom layer. #15706
- Fix incorrect display of text boxes.
- Fix display of single face shells.
The KiCad project is proud to announce the third series 7 bug fix release. The 7.0.9 stable version contains critical bug fixes and other minor improvements since the previous release.
A list of all of the fixed issues since the 7.0.9 release can be found on the KiCad 7.0.9 milestone pages. This release contains several critical bug fixes so please consider upgrading as soon as possible.
Version 7.0.9 is made from the 7.0 branch with some cherry picked changes from the development branch.
Packages for Windows, macOS, and Linux are available or will be in the very near future. See the KiCad download page for guidance.
Thank you to all developers, packagers, librarians, document writers, translators, and everyone else who helped make this release possible.
- Fix orphaned lock files.
- Set focus back to the main window after dialog is dismissed. #15603
- Draw zero sized rectangles on OpenGL canvas.#15850
- Fix zero sized or too thick rectangles when plotting to PDF. #15862
- Prevent rectangles from always being filled when plotting to HPGL.
- Fix random lines connecting to circles when plotting in HPGL.
- Improve bitmap caching performance.
- Don’t show integer overflow errors in release builds. #15529
Schematic Editor
- Fix crash when updating symbols. #15715
- Fix crash when placing symbol. #15728
- Do not allow file overwrite when importing third party schematics. #15570
- Implement printing and plotting for directive specific label shapes. #15650
- Handle flipped horizontal and vertical justifications in fields grid. #15677
- Support database columns with numeric data. #15662
- Handle justification when hit testing fields. #15722
- Fix the insufficient privileges message in symbol remap dialog.
- Fix loading legacy schematic files with ERC markers.
Symbol Editor
- Synchronize value field when renaming a symbol. #15621
- Update title bar when renaming the canvas symbol.
- Synchronize value field when performing symbol "Save As". #15647
- Handle read only libraries when saving symbol from canvas. #15519
- Show empty libraries in library tree panel. #15875
- Fix small signal AC simulation failure when using current source. #15626
- Include spice model comment lines in pin assingment "Reference" window. #15660
- Don’t turn an empty string into a 0 in spice model editor. #15871
Board Editor
- Do not create duplicate layer names when importing Altium PCB. #15583
- Save flip board status in custom preset.
- Fix selection of graphics only footprints in single layer view modes. #15284
- Extend boundary size of canvas.
- Fix search crash when changing boards.
- Fix crash when exporting GERBER files. #15782
- Fix incorrect arc in some cases when s-expression uses mid-points. #15694
- Fix bug in custom rules evaluator.
- Don’t import Altium objects to disabled layers.#15586
- Perform full high contrast update of vias and pads if net names are shown. #15657
- Fix rendering issue with vias not connected on all layers. #15329
- Correct path of PCB drawing sheet file on "Save As". #15551
- Repair stand alone application 3D plugin path resolution. #15322
- Start measuring from first mouse drag location instead of mouse click location. #15623
- Fix errors in calculating tuning length. #10614
- Fix broken drawing sheet rendering when board view is flipped. #15768
- Fix decreasing via size giving option not found in design rules. #15774
- Improved difficult footprint selection issue. #15813
- Fix a regression causing missing polygons when importing Eagle boards. #15829
- Reduce the pen width used to plot oval shapes for a better look when generating drill map files.
- Restore fill polygons on proper layers when flipping zones.
- Fix crash for zero length lines on edge cuts layer when running DRC. #15865
- Do not create unexpected zones on solder mask layers. #15847
- Do not change blind/buried via layers when adding new layers. #15856
- Fix loading through hole pads when drill token is missing.
- Fix a crash when using length tuning tools. #15874
- Fix invisible rats nest rendering while moving footprint on white background. #15841
- Honour custom layer names for top and bottom copper layers in custom rules. #15835
- Include solder mask in STEP export stackup height. #15632
- Fix crash when selecting a zone on inner layer and reducing the number of copper layers. #15866
- Do not route tracks tighter than DRC allows. #14898
- Fix DRC crash. #15853
- Fix crash when linking footprints to external library. #15797
- Fix crash when using "Duplicate Zone onto Layer…" if the original zone has multiple copper layers. #15916
- Fix false positive when performing footprint parity DRC. #15917
- Fix footprints being difficult to select in high-contrast modes.
- Fix broken via shoving when routing. #15840
- Don’t run DRC checks against reference images. #15932
Footprint Editor
- Show empty libraries in library tree panel. #15875
- Fix crash when copying and pasting all objects. #15930
Gerber Viewer
- Fix case sensitivity for gerber file extension wildcards. #15877
3D Viewer
- Fix crash with certain 3D models. #15336
Calculator Tools
- Correct transmission line conductor loss calculation. #15873
Command Line Interface
- Fix doubled text variable substitution. #15765
- [Change variable substitution for path separators](
The KiCad project is proud to announce the third series 7 bug fix release. The 7.0.8 stable version contains critical bug fixes and other minor improvements since the previous release.
A list of all of the fixed issues since the 7.0.8 release can be found on the KiCad 7.0.8 milestone pages. This release contains several critical bug fixes so please consider upgrading as soon as possible.
Version 7.0.8 is made from the 7.0 branch with some cherry picked changes from the development branch.
Packages for Windows, macOS, and Linux are available or will be in the very near future. See the KiCad download page for guidance.
Thank you to all developers, packagers, librarians, document writers, translators, and everyone else who helped make this release possible.
- Disable "Override individual item colors" on read-only themes. #15426
- Fix text control width when displaying number with many digits. #15539
- Fix crash when using overbar with custom font. #15508
- Fix constant data collection prompts because user settings were getting erased constantly.
- Fix locale issues in graphics abstraction layer settings panel.
- Include underscore characters in word search. #14779
- Improve error reporting when running Python action plugins. #15520
Schematic Editor
- Fix crash when fetching symbols from database libraries. #15315
- Fix broken bus alias definition entry behavior. #15320
- Don’t stop drawing wire on unfold from bus operation. #15313
- Improve handling of dangling markers during bus unfold.
- Fix incorrect thermal relief spoke count. #15280
- Provide more useful feedback when a database table is misconfigured.
- Fix hang when opened if last shown on a different monitor. #11850
- Make label user field selectable when using a custom font. #15165
- Fix selection shadow drawing for global labels.
- Fix graphical glitch after undo of sheet pin move. #15129
- Properly highlight global and hierarchical label selections. #15461
- Fix crash when changing symbol simulation field name visibility. #15470
- Remove duplicate references from change symbol dialog. #15480
- Prevent infinite loop hang when removing sheet instance properties. #15498
- Improve handling of large number of duplicate references.
- Prevent setup dialog crash due to missing severities panel initialization.
- Don’t count pins of both body style when matching to footprint pads. #15550
- Re-run automatic field placement after symbol update when appropriate. #15541
- Save ERC settings and exclusions when saving schematic. #15274
- Fix symbol name comparison when name contains forward slash characters. #15540
- Support SHORT_NET_NAME, NET_NAME, NET_CLASS, and PIN_NAME variable expansion. #15544
- Fix repeat item bug when moving, duplicating or copy-pasting an item. #15556
- Honor override individual item colors setting for filled shapes. #15572
- Support custom sheet sizes when importing Altium schematic.
- Work around wxGTK printing offset. #1907
- Fix OpenGL bug when importing non-KiCad schematic. #15159
- Support line dash styles and colors when importing Altium schematic.
- Fix connectivity regression. #14818
- Fix crash when using ${FOOTPRINT_NAME} or ${FOOTPRINT_LIBRARY} variables. #15676
- Properly handle incremental bus connections.
Board Editor
- Fix failure on multiple DRC runs via scripting.
- Implement hole clearance checking in router.
- Fix crash when tuning the length of a differential pair. #15268
- Fix bug when resolving clearance between pad and zone using custom rules. #15233
- Fix crash when attempting to delete dimensions in a footprint. #15418
- Fix STEP export for missing curve geometry. #14910
- Ensure the correct spoke angle is displayed in the pad properties dialog.
- Improve fidelity for thermal spokes when importing Eagle boards. #15428
- Save invalid outline DRC error exclusion setting. #15415
- Fix missing top side holes when exporting to STEP. #15467
- Prevent crash when a plugin Python script tries to access the board editor frame too early. #15414
- Compute VRML export bounding box with "origin at pcb center" using only the edge layer. #15472
- Fix accidental plotting of disabled textbox borders. #15252
- Fix crash loading a polygon when importing EAGLE board.
- Fix crash when loading unknown signal class name when importing EAGLE board.
- Fix a search pane crash when a row isn’t in the hit list.
- Handle dimensions and textboxes when plotting contours to DXF. #11901
- Correctly handle DXF arcs import with inverted coordinate system. #14905
- Don’t snap a footprint or group to its children. #15535
- Use 90 degree spokes when loading pre-7.0 files with custom pads with round anchors. #15518
- Fix interactive router clearance violations around custom-shaped pads. #15553
- Fix crash when activating "Pack & Move" during active move operation. #15545
- Fix unexpected behavior when pressing G or D ("drag" hotkeys) while mouse-dragging. #15312
- Remove up/down buttons from plot dialog plot on all layers selection until we implement layer ordering. #14574
- Fix crash when duplicating then rotating a footprint. #15487
- Correctly import polygon cutout in Altium importer. #15587
- Don’t include plating thickness when drawing hole clearance lines. #15575
- Flip view port when flip board is enabled.
- Fix DRC crash. #15604
- Fix reading/writing thermal spoke angles for custom pads. #15518
- Fix...
The KiCad project is proud to announce the third series 7 bug fix release. The 7.0.7 stable version contains critical bug fixes and other minor improvements since the previous release.
A list of all of the fixed issues since the 7.0.7 release can be found on the KiCad 7.0.7 milestone pages. This release contains several critical bug fixes so please consider upgrading as soon as possible.
Version 7.0.7 is made from the 7.0 branch with some cherry picked changes from the development branch.
Packages for Windows, macOS, and Linux are available or will be in the very near future. See the KiCad download page for guidance.
Thank you to all developers, packagers, librarians, document writers, translators, and everyone else who helped make this release possible.
- Fix build link error when linking nanoodbc. #15081
- Fix broken text shadow offsets. #15019
- Fix bitmap transparency in Cairo GAL.
- Treat undo as backspace and/or escape when drawing polygons. #14961
- Handle some macOS standard keyboard shortcuts in custom text editors. #14973
- Fix text variable auto completion with return key. #15001
- Always show the footprint in the default orientation in the 3D viewer panel.
Schematic Editor
- Improve search performance.
- Fix printing background fill when paper orientation or size differs.
- Import Altium net label justification.
- Do not arbitrarily zoom when canceling page settings dialog. #15033
- Fix slow warping and zoom reset when searching with find dialog. #14305
- Create correct new wire color when dragging net labels. #15178
- Fix incorrect color when continuing a wire. #15192
- Do not ignore custom fields when updating from text and graphics properties dialog. #15206
- Respect ERC error indicator color setting. #15203
- Fix crash when loading schematic with missing sub-sheet files. #15222
- Sort bus aliases by name to prevent VCS issues. #11890
- Ensure the bitmap exported to the clipboard is valid. #14808
- Fix broken cancel button in export symbols to new library dialog. #15278
Footprint Assignment Tool
- Fix crash when attempting to use ratsnest settings. #15153
Board Editor
- Check for zone to zone overlap.
- Fix EAGLE import footprint text alignment.
- Fix unconnected track end warning for track stubs inside vias and pads. #14211
- Fix crash interpreting malformed rule. #14989
- Fix DRC bug created by broken rounded rule zone fill. #15007
- Fix crash when selecting grouped items. #15021
- Save project when saving the board. #14991
- Tailor object inspector text properties for dimension objects.
- Allow routing to a free pad when it has a hole. #15093
- Add SHORT_NET_NAME processing to footprint variable resolution. #15095
- Fix crash when opening zone properties dialog or object properties panel. #12871
- Fix shorts created by zone fill. #15160
- Fix plotting performance issues when text is on mask layers. #15161
- Make undo of set grid origin restore Y coordinate correctly. #15177
- Fix DRC error indicator position. #15209
- Fix Altium importer orientation of polygons and non copper pads in footprints.
- Fix broken net-tie DRC. #14008
- Do not ignore trace routing clearances. #15162
- Fix incorrect GERBER X3 key word.
- Prevent copper finish setting in board setup dialog from getting reset to none.
- Fix layer preset object visibility regression. #15282
Footprint Editor
- Update new footprint library save path when changing projects. #15102
- Fix crash when moving a solder paste aperture relative to an existing pad. #15090
- Prevent crash when typing '${' in text control. #15283
3D Viewer
- Improve calculation of min and max zoom. #15078
Drawing Sheet Editor
- Fix saving text with custom font. #15154
- Move kicad-vcpkg forward to pickup new version of OpenCascade.
- Fix 3D model viewer panel height to prevent clipped controls. #13896
The KiCad project is proud to announce the third series 7 bug fix release. The 7.0.6 stable version contains critical bug fixes and other minor improvements since the previous release.
A list of all of the fixed issues since the 7.0.6 release can be found on the KiCad 7.0.6 milestone pages. This release contains several critical bug fixes so please consider upgrading as soon as possible.
Version 7.0.6 is made from the 7.0 branch with some cherry picked changes from the development branch.
Packages for Windows, macOS, and Linux are available or will be in the very near future. See the KiCad download page for guidance.
Thank you to all developers, packagers, librarians, document writers, translators, and everyone else who helped make this release possible.
- Fix issue with colours in the new lazy-loaded preference panels. #14784
- Fix preferences dialog "Reset to Default" button. #14786
- Fix view shifting when infobar is shown.
- Improve appearance of stroked knockout text.
- Outline font performance improvements. #14303
- Correctly handle hidden columns when pasting into grids. #14844
- Handle numeric keypad enter in missing places. #14244
- Force word wrapping of PCM package descriptions on Mac. #13328
- Fix broken cursor key handling in library tree pane. #12702
- Fix null pointer access attempting to read common settings. #14928
- Maintain file permissions to prevent locking out other developers. #13574
- Fix broken file locking. #14734
Schematic Editor
- Fix block mirroring of fields attached to labels. 14758
- Fix pin preferences dialog size. #14785
- Fix crash if ${VALUE} variable expansion recurses. #14815
- Fix worksheet text layout when using custom font. #14822
- Don’t dim fields when selecting them.
- Fix arc color printing bug. #14915
- Fix inter-sheet reference position when printing. #14978
Spice Simulator
- Fix handling of SPICE parameters that include capital letters. #14793
- Fix unhandled exception when loading model files. #15012
- Fix unknown model type in IBIS file. #15068
- Fix SENTRY issue KICAD-2EF.
Symbol Editor
- Ensure a new derived symbol has the correct alternate body style option displayed. #13739
- Fix null pointer assertion in symbol library cache. #14927
- Fix segfault when selecting a pad from the footprint browser. #14971
Footprint Assignment Tool
- Fix crash when "View selected footprint in footprint viewer" is clicked. #14850
- Fix crash when destroy footprint frame gets called more than once. #14928
Board Editor
- Export STEP circular board outlines as cylinder.
- Fix unexpected rats nest behavior. #14715
- Delete ratsnest line after drawing track. #14781
- Fix discrepancy between interactive routing and design rules checker. #14771
- Fix clipped combobox entry in text box dialog.
- Hook up text variable automatic completion. #14777
- Fix crash when saving a board with overbar text using a non KiCad font. #14804
- Shorten overly verbose error message on board load failure. #14780
- Fix DRC assertion for unsupported collisions. #14890
- Fix differential pair routing crash. #14852
- Fix use after free crash in router drag walkaround mode.
- Don’t allow setting a pad width or height of 0. #14278
- Fix broken rotated dimensions when importing Altium PCB. #13751
- Fix net inspector crash. #14697
- Fix search pane not remembering docking sizes and positions. #14120
- Do not allow selecting reference text when reference display is disabled. #14911
- Show dimensions in footprint preview panel. #14913
- Re-create missing exclusion markers if DRC was canceled. #14919
- Do not plot edge cut layer arcs in Gerber files when plotting solder mask layers. #14960
- Do not require restart to make graphic default settings changes take effect. #14932
- Ensure differential pair gap is respected when switching track postures. #14984
- Fix tab order in edit text and graphics properties dialog. #9406
- Fix broken arcs on DXF import. #14210
- Fix zone fill issue with net ties. #15069
- Add DRC testing for copper graphic to zone fill collisions.
Footprint Editor
- Fix unexpected change of default preferences in text and graphic properties dialog. #14925
3D Viewer
PCB Calculator
- Fix grid layout issues on Ubuntu. #14743
Command Line Interface
The KiCad project is proud to announce the third series 7 bug fix release. The 7.0.5 stable version contains critical bug fixes and other minor improvements since the previous release. Due to a last minute critical bug which affected 7.0.3 and 7.0.4 packages, there was no official 7.0.3 and 7.0.4 release.
A list of all of the fixed issues since the 7.0.2 release can be found on the KiCad 7.0.3 milestone and KiCad 7.0.4 milestone pages. This release contains several critical bug fixes so please consider upgrading as soon as possible.
Version 7.0.5 is made from the 7.0 branch with some cherry picked changes from the development branch.
Packages for Windows, macOS, and Linux are available or will be in the very near future. See the KiCad download page for guidance.
Thank you to all developers, packagers, librarians, document writers, translators, and everyone else who helped make this release possible.
- Initialize CURL library for thread safety.
- Fix bitmap rotation and mirroring issues.
- Do not close dialogs on escape key when typing in a text control. #14514
- Do not display additional space before subscript/superscript text in text boxes. #14683
- Make control-backspace clear until last whitespace in text edit controls. #13910
- Catch unhandled exception at startup. #14703
- Use correct alpha blending when plotting to PDF. #14238
- Fix broken bug report URL. #14759
Schematic Editor
- Do not collapse tree when filtering symbol chooser dialog search results. #13905
- Do not ignore "Exclude from BOM" and "Exclude from board" attributes for derived symbols. #13740
- Correctly handle symbols with / character in the name. #14057
- Fix crash when pasting then pressing escape. #14315
- Ignore empty field name templates. #14552
- Ensure item is on grid if there was no motion between clicks.
- Fix clipped text in ERC dialog. #14569
- Save worksheet file name in project file. #14219
- Allow hex entry of 0 transparency in color picker. #14646
- Fix datasheet path resolution when path contains double slashes. #14564
- Set focus to text control when editing text box properties. #14685
- Fix for mouse stuck in canvas issue. #12653
- Handle user defined attributes when importing Eagle schematics. #13798
- Fix broken nets using hierarchical labels. #14657
- Remove extra blank line in schematic file when saving with ERCmarkers. #11405
- Fix crash when entering subsheets with resolved variables. #14720
- Mirror netclass labels correctly. #14758
Spice Simulator
- Do not show both sets of pins for symbols with alternate body styles (DeMorgan).#14230
- Do not create SPICE netlists with spaces in net names. #14724
Symbol Editor
- Save library when it’s selected in library tree panel. #14220
- Cmd+A (Select All) selects all symbol editor components instead text in active text input box. #14237
- Fix crash when infobar outlives the current symbol. #14680
Board Editor
- Highlight drilled hole to hole clearance of same nets in router. #12781
- Fix graphical glitch after DRC and subsequent undo action. #13446
- Do not detect DRC error when the footprint was deleted or updated with new one. #14351
- Allow setting board minimum widths to zero. #13822
- Fix crash when differential pair routing. #14537
- Fix invalid overbar text for escaped characters. #14553
- Fix overbar when using subscript characters. #13449
- Trim VRML export layers to board outline. #14557
- Handle multiple holes in footprints. #14468
- Do not treat via placement as DRC violation when routing. #14603
- Record parent rule for DRC assertions. See forum discussion
- Fix incorrect mounting hole size on DSN export. #14656
- Allow double-clicking item to open properties dialog in search pane. #12475
- Fix crash when loading a file having vias on connected layers only. #14668
- Add missing property to footprint texts table. #14357
- Fix copper sliver issues. #14549
- Fix issue routing differential pairs to footprint pads. #14324
- Expand solder mask for NPTH pads. #14693
- Fix field automatic placement issue. #14127
- Don’t allow thickness of 0 in STEP export in case of an empty stackup. #10790
- Make footprint drag include connected traces.#14515
- Add missing property to footprint texts table. #14357
- Use constraints to determine netclass width. #14190
- Fix rotating bitmaps.#14197
- Fix shove router clearance DRC violations. #14707
- Do not route trans with clearance errors. #14659
- Fill shapes with open path when importing SVG. #14518
- Ensure track posture switches on first attempt. #12369
- Prevent unwanted minus sign in properties panel. #14168
- Adjust stroke font output to match version 6 output. $14609
- Fix crash on start of routing. #14733
- Fix crash when shoving via or trace. #14741
Footprint Editor
- Crash when importing version 5.1 settings. #14691
Gerber Viewer
- Fix rounded corners when exporting to KiCad board file. #14136
3D Viewer
- Use correct board stack up layer color settings. #14616
- Show footprint board regardless of project. $14246
PCB Calculator
Drawing Sheet Editor
- Add missing grid properties dialog. #14612
Command Line Interface
- Load custom drawing sheets for board. #14171
- Do not fail silently if output directory does not exist. #14437
- Fix broken text selection for some UI elements. #14692
The KiCad project is proud to announce the latest series 7 stable release. The 7.0.2 stable version contains critical bug fixes and other minor improvements since the previous release.
A list of all of the fixed issues since the 7.0.2 release can be found on the KiCad 7.0.2 milestone page. This release contains several critical bug fixes so please consider upgrading as soon as possible.
Version 7.0.2 is made from the 7.0 branch with some cherry picked changes from the development branch.
Packages for Windows, macOS, and Linux are available. See the KiCad download page for guidance.
Thank you to all developers, packagers, librarians, document writers, translators, and everyone else who helped make this release possible.
- Select correct face from a .ttc file. #13314
- Fix corrupt PDF plots on when fields contain parenthesis. #14302
- Fix settings import paths showing up twice on GTK builds.
- Fix clashing error dialogs when can’t load dynamic library.
- Ensure 3D shapes are always shown in footprint settings dialog. #14371
- Prevent crash when changing color settings.
- Fix fix incorrect arc position when plotting GERBER files with offset. #14402
- Add file version backwards lockout for project file. #14414
- Fix crash when reading or writing settings.
- Fix broken library nickname input when adding library table entry with add button. #14291
- Update Clipper to version 1.2+.
- Fix image bounding box size. #14432
- Make library table edit dialog context menu activate and deactivate entries take effect immediately. #14517
- Make symbol and footprint library trees sensitive to language change.
- Fix possible event race condition on startup.
- Add hack to speed up font choice box widget creation. #14277
- Avoid segfault when cancelling initial global library setup.
Schematic Editor
- Fix broken undo on alternate pin assignments. #14100
- Add missing sheet names to PDF plot. #14233
- Remove non-global labels from label properties dialog selection list. #14319
- Remove replace all accelerator key from find/replace dialog. #14304
- Create field name if user doesn’t specify one.
- Fix sheet pin name case sensitivity issue. #14415
- Fix incorrect position of text for some rotations when plotting. #14327
- Ignore unknown attributes when importing CADSTAR schematic. #13526
- Do not duplicate signals when unfolding bus definitions. #14269
- Fix broken net-class label when using hierarchical sub-sheets. #14494
- Fix crash when changing net label to global label. #14493
- Ensure swapping global labels swaps inter-sheet references. #14520
- Allow bus elements to connect. #14300
- Fix broken symbol has changed in library ERC. #14160
- Search fields in labels. #14075
Spice Simulator
- Add missing .dc command to SPICE directives list. #14215
- Added PSPICE/LTSPICE JFET model parameters. #12425
- Handle underscore in parameter names. #14308
- Fix crash when transistor model is missing. #14295
- Ensure legend reflects gain/phase for AC small signal analyses. #14301
- Don’t attempt to load unknown plot types.
- Ignore extraneous LTSpice parameters for VDMOS models. #14299
- Separate legacy model name from SPICE parameters. #13988
- Do not include invalid simulation parameters. #14369
- Fix crash loading simulation with non-existent pin. #14522
Symbol Editor
Board Editor
- Fix crash for stale ratsnest connections. #14254
- Handle plotting of text on solder mask layer. #14226
- Add Property Inspector support for dimension objects.
- Fix crash when manipulating zone corner. #14265
- Fix broken via placement on 45 degree tracks. #14293
- Fix crash when loading a library with a footprint containing a dimension.
- Fix contradicting number of warnings when updating board from schematic. #14290.
- Do not include groups when not included in filter. #14273
- Fix crash when selecting grouped and ungrouped items. #14347
- Snap to grid on orthoganal dimension creation. #13728
- Fix "Locked Item Shadow" enable when changing presets. #14381
- Allow solder mask bridges between net-tie-group pads. #14412
- Fix crash when importing Eagle board with layers that cannot be mapped.
- Fix broken silkscreen clipped by soldermask DRC. #14417
- Update allow-solder-mask-bridges when updating footprint from library. #14422
- Use the correct locked shadow color.
- Ensure the footprint is updated after new library selection in footprint viewer.
- Fix loading of rounded rectangle pads in CADSTAR importer. #14445
- Fix text position when moving text boxes. #14452
- Properly import layer stack up when importing CADSTAR board files. #14443
- Prevent board setup dialog from being displayed multiple times.
- Add hole clearance to mounting hole keepouts for SPECCTRA export. #14439
- Save footprint position changed in properties panel. #14348
- Apply text knock out when exporting to VRML. #14473
- Fix over zealous plot of negative silkscreen layer objects.
- Prevent copper zone fill connections from being too narrow. #14130
- Add DRC support for holes on inner corners of board outline. #13437
- Handle more pad shapes correctly when building differential pair gateways. #1883
- [Fix crash when importing empty PCAD polygons](
The KiCad project is proud to announce the latest series 7 stable release. The 7.0.1 stable version contains critical bug fixes and other minor improvements since the previous release.
A list of all of the fixed issues since the 7.0.1 release can be found on the KiCad 7.0.1 milestone page. This release contains several critical bug fixes so please consider upgrading as soon as possible.
Version 7.0.1 is made from the 7.0 branch with some cherry picked changes from the development branch.
Packages for Windows, macOS, and Linux are available. See the KiCad download page for guidance.
Thank you to all developers, packagers, librarians, document writers, translators, and everyone else who helped make this release possible.
Improve print quality when using custom fonts. #13891
Fix incorrect image size. #13884
Fix --use-drill-file-origin command line argument. #13991
Fix Chinese character type support. #14011
Fix incorrect tilt when plotting italic text. #14023
Correctly open selected file in text editor. #14086
Adjust stroke font baseline offset to better match 6.0. #13886
Fix STEP exporting boards with curves. #14115
Reload library tables when new libraries are added via PCM. #12500
Schematic Editor
Don’t dirty connectivity when moving non-reference schematic field.
Make sure screen RTrees are updated when changing bounding boxes.
Prevent DRC warning from r-appearing after updating footprint. #13802
Fix too-narrow text edit control on Mac. #13866
Text box margin should account for border thickness. #13877
Don’t gray out selection shadows for DNP items. #13878
Fix editing wire and bus net label properties. #13936
Honor blank and white plot option for bitmap images. #14013
Import arcs correctly in CADSTAR importer. #14101
Allow change symbol tool to properly undo changes. #14061
Fix confusing SPICE error when navigating schematic. #14102
Show selection highlight for symbol reference and value field. #13876
Fix crash when undoing page number change with hierarchy navigator. #14099
Correctly handle alternate pin definitions when printing. #14122
Enable user variable substitution on the 'symbol chooser' datasheet field. #13737
Use field data from schematic symbol instead of library symbol in BOM script. #14129
Spice Simulator
Prepend correct SPICE prefix when necessary for plotting currents. #13850
Fix crash when changing IBIS type. #13856
Prevent setting simulation type from overwriting .options command. #13849
Save state of "Save all power dissipations" check box in simulation command dialog. #13978.
Prevent simulation model dialog from picking up the wrong model. #13869
Set simulation source model parameters correctly. #13912
Don’t allow 0 simulation field text size. #13987
Implement default levels for JFET, MOSFET, and MESFET models.
Don’t allow extra text in simulation properties dialog. #13996
Don’t change parameter units formatting. #13989
Save first parameter when editing multiple parameters in model properties dialog. #13852
Don’t copy model file into spice net list. #13953
Do not allow power symbol value field to be overwritten in text properties dialog. #14056
Fix crash when using over-lined text. #14015
Fix crash when resizing window. #14088
Do not add unwanted instance field parameter in spice model editor parameter grid is focused. #13756
Fix broken simulator net list. #14083
Correct pins for some BJT and MESFET builtin models. #13848
Fix spacing and font size issues in 3D model preview dialog. #13880
Convert inline models in Sim.Params fields to SPICE syntax. #14157
Make simulator model editor parameter grid number formats behave inconsistently. #13851
Fix crash when loading a spice library for simulation. #12425