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This version of Lit Share Modal is for React 18. A React 17 version can be found here.

A list of recent updates can be found here

Click here to try out the share modal playground.

A migration guide on how to upgrade from the v2 share modal to v3 can be found here.

The Lit Share Modal v3 is a tool for creating access control conditions for securing content with Lit Protocol. Click here to visit the Lit Protocol developer docs.

  • Secure content based on wallet address, token/NFT holdings, POAP ownership, or DAO membership.
  • Create multiple paths for unlocking content by using AND/OR operators.
  • Set your most used tokens/NFTs as defaults for quick and easy access.

Lit Share Modal

Note for NextJS users: If you are using NextJS, the CSS injection will not work. Set the injectCSS prop to false, and import the CSS file directly from node_modules/lit-share-modal/dist/ShareModal.css in _app.tsx or _app.jsx.


with npm

npm install --save lit-share-modal-v3

with yarn

yarn add lit-share-modal-v3


with React Hooks

Despite being called a modal, modal functionality is not included in this package in order to give developers maximum flexibility over implementation. Lit Share Modal can be used in modal form or embedded in a page. An example of both is provided below.

as a modal

import ShareModal from 'lit-share-modal-v3';
import { useState } from 'react';
import './App.css'

const App = () => {
  const [showShareModal, setShowShareModal] = useState(false);

  const onUnifiedAccessControlConditionsSelected = (shareModalOutput) => {
    // do things with share modal output

  return (
    <div className={'App'}>
      <button onClick={() => setShowShareModal(true)}>
        Show Share Modal
      {showShareModal && (
        <div className={'lit-share-modal'}>
            onClose={() => {


export default App;

// CSS in App.css

.lit-share-modal {
  width: 500px;
  height: 700px;
  position: absolute;
  left: 50%;
  top: 50%;
  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
  border: 1px solid #333;
  border-radius: 0.25em;

as embedded content

import ShareModal from 'lit-share-modal-v3';

const App = () => {
  const onUnifiedAccessControlConditionsSelected = (shareModalOutput) => {
    // do things with share modal output

  return (
    <div className={'App'}>
      <ShareModal isModal={false}  // use isModal to hide or display the close modal icon
                  onUnifiedAccessControlConditionsSelected={onUnifiedAccessControlConditionsSelected} />


export default App;



  • onClose - only necessary for modal format. Callback for actions to take on closing the modal
  • onUnifiedAccessControlConditionsSelected - callback for the share modal output

onUnifiedAccessControlConditionsSelected provides an object with the following properties:

  • unifiedAccessControlConditions - an array of objects and nested arrays reflecting the selected conditions
  • permanent - a boolean signaling whether conditions will be permanent (true) or editable by the author in the future (false)
  • chains - an array of all chain types used in a set of conditions
  • authSigTypes - an array of all authSig types that need to be passed into saveSigningConditions and getSignedToken when saving and retrieving conditions.

Documentation on how these properties are used with the LitJsSdk, can be found in the LitJsSdk docs


Behavior Props

Behavior props allow high level control of the share modal. e.g. passing defaultChain={solana} and chainsAllowed={['solana']} will prevent access to EVM chain conditions and allow only the creation of Solana conditions.

  • defaultChain - ethereum by default. A string can be passed in any of the chains listed in the Usable Chains section.
  • chainsAllowed - all chains in the Usable Chains section below are included by default. An array can be passed in with specific values to limit the options. e.g. passing in ['ethereum', 'polygon'] would let users only select Ethereum or Polygon.
  • allowChainSelector - true by default. Setting as false will prevent users from switching between different chain conditions types e.g. switching from Ethereum to Solana.
  • allowMultipleConditions - true by default. Setting to false will disable the multiple conditions screen and only allow the creation of single control conditions.
  • permanentDefault - false by default. Setting to true will check by default the box that makes conditions uneditable.
  • isModal - true by default. Setting to false will hide the close icon in the header.
  • defaultTokens - set quick access tokens that appear in the Select a Token/NFT menu. More information can be found below in the defaultTokens section

Initial State Props

Initial state props control the initial state a user encounters upon mount. Props are evaluates in the same order as listed below.

  • injectInitialState - false by default. Must be set to true to use initial state conditions. None of the following props (basically anything starts with the word initial) will register unless this is set to true
  • initialUnifiedAccessControlConditions - accepts a unifiedAccessControlConditions object (more information here) . If no other initial state conditions are used, the modal state will default to the editor mode on the multiple condition flow.
  • initialFlow - points to singleCondition by default. Accepts a string, either singleCondition or multipleConditions. Initial share modal state will reflect that prop. More information is available below.
  • initialCondition - accepts a string to set the initial condition. Different chains have different condition options available. More information is available below.
  • initialState - accepts an object with properties included to the desired condition type. More information regarding individual condition fields is available below.

Additional Props

  • darkTheme - false by default. Setting as true to enable dark mode.
  • allowDevMode - false by default. Setting to true will show logs if there are prop type errors and enable the ability to see the raw access control conditions in JSON format.
  • injectCSS - a boolean that is set to true by default. When this is true, the CSS styles will be injected into the <head> tag of the page when it loads, so there is no need to import any css. You can set this to false if you want to use your own CSS. For small changes, it's recommended to use the cssSubstitution object instead.
  • cssSubstitution - empty object by default. Allows pinpoint the customization of different components in the share modal. More documentation will be available soon.

Prop references

Usable Chains

For use with the defaultChains and chainsAllowed props. Pass the value as a string into the respective props to set them. defaultChain accepts a string, chainsAllowed accepts an array of strings.

Chain values

Chain Name Chain Value
Ethereum ethereum
Polygon polygon
Fantom fantom
xDai xdai
Binance Smart Chain bsc
Arbitrum arbitrum
Avalance avalanche
Avalanche FUJI Testnet fuji
Harmony harmony
Kovan kovan
Goerli goerli
Ropstein ropstein
Rinkeby Rinkeby
Cronos cronos
Optimism optimism
Celo celo
Aurora aurora
Eluvio eluvio

Example of setting Polygon as the default chain, and allowing Polygon, Ethereum, and xDai as options

    defaultChain={'polygon'} // pass as single string
    chainOptions={['polygon', 'ethereum', 'xdai']} // mix of values listed above passed as an array of strings
    onClose={() => {

defaultTokens prop

Defines tokens at the top of the select menu for easy access. LitGate is included by default, but this list can be customized by passing an array of objects with the following properties:

  • label - name of token/NFT
  • logo - url of token/NFT favicon
  • value - token/NFT address
  • symbol - token/NFT symbol
  • standard - token standard (ERC20, ERC721, or ERC1155)

Example of a single entry quick access array

export const defaultTokens = [
    label: "Lit Genesis Gate",
    logo: "",
    value: "0xA3D109E28589D2AbC15991B57Ce5ca461Ad8e026",
    symbol: "LITGATE",
    standard: "ERC721",

initialFlow, initialCondition, and initialState props

Click here to see an example

initialFlow, initialCondition, and initialState are technically independent, but can be used together to finely tune the initially rendered state.

initialFlow - defines whether the modal starts in the single condition or multiple conditions flow. Single condition is default, but can be set to multipleCondition to begin in the multiple condition edit screen.

initialCondition - passed as a string which renders the respective individual control condition upon startup. Each chain can use a different variety of values that reflect the conditions available.

Ethereum, and Gnosis (formerly xDai):

Condition Type Value passed to initialCondition prop as string
An Individual Wallet wallet
An Individual NFT nft
A Group of Token or NFT Holders group
DAO Members dao
POAP Collectors poap

Polygon, Fantom, BSC, Arbitrum, Avalanche, Avalanche FUJI Testnet, Harmony, Mumbai, Kovan, Goerli , Ropstein, Rinkeby, Cronos, Optimism, Celo, and Aurora:

Condition Type Value passed to initialCondition prop as string
An Individual Wallet wallet
An Individual NFT nft
A Group of Token or NFT Holders group
DAO Members dao


Condition Type Value passed to initialCondition prop as string
An Individual Wallet wallet
An Individual NFT nft
A Metaplex Collection group

initialState - an object that defines the individual form fields available within a given control condition. Individual fields are optional, and those that are not included will be rendered empty as normal.

For EVM chains (Ethereum, Gnosis (formerly xDai), Polygon, Fantom, BSC, Arbitrum, Avalanche , Avalanche FUJI Testnet, Harmony, Mumbai, Kovan, Goerli , Ropstein, Rinkeby, Cronos, Optimism, Celo, Eluvio, and Aurora:)

An Individual Wallet

intialState = {
  walletAddress: // wallet address as string
An Individual NFT

intialState = {
  NFTAddress: // ERC 721 NFT contract address as string,
  NFTTokenId: // NFT token ID as string
A Group of Token or NFT Holders

intialState = {
  groupAddress: // token or NFT address as string,
  groupAmount: // amount to own as string,
  groupContractType: // contract type, either 'ERC20', 'ERC721', or 'ERC1155',
  groupErc1155TokenId: // ERC1155 token ID as string.  Only necessary if contract type is `ERC1155`
DAO Members

intialState = {
  DAOAddress: // DAO address as string,
  DAOName: // not generally part of DAO conditions, but if a string is provided as a name it will render on the condition page
POAP Collectors

can take either POAP Collection ID or POAP Name, not both.  POAP Name has an additional field 'matchCondition' that can be set to either 'contains' or 'equals'

for POAP Name:
intialState = {
  poapName: // name of POAP as string,
  poapMatchCondition: // condition to measure against.  `contains` for contains value of `poapName`, or `equals` for equals exactly the value of `poapName`.  `contains` by default 

for POAP ID:
intialState = {
  poapId: // POAP collection ID as string.  note: individual token ID will not work

For Solana

An Individual Wallet

initialState = {
  solWalletAddress: // Phantom wallet address as a string
An Individual NFT

initialState = {
  solNFTAddress: // NFT contract address as a string
A Metaplex Collection

initialState = {
  solMetaplexAddress: // Metaplex Collection address as a string

Initial props example

In this example, the share modal will be set to initially render in the multiple condition flow on the Group Token or NFT Holders condition with the Contract Address and Token Contract Type filled in, but the Amount field blank.

Note: the amount field is not included in the initialState object and will render like normal

    address: '0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e',
    contractType: 'ERC721'

Result of initial state upon opening the Share Modal: Initial Props Example

cssSubstitution prop

More information can be found here