Releases: LucasGGamerM/moshidon
New things for release number 88:
- An improved Fab behavior
- Better handling on alt texts
- Enable local-only posting for instances that support it
- Fix some crashes
- Minor improvements
New things for release 87:
- A new home layout from Megalodon, having the ability to switch between them is WIP
- Better handling of notifications
- A new ravamped bot icon
- A bunch of minor improvements
New things for release 86:
- Ability to stack notifications, ie: having multiple notifications;
- Introducing Announcements;
- Many minor UI fixes.
New stuff that comes with Release 85:
Adding long click search button to bring up the keyboard
Clicking the search button when already in search tab also brings up keyboard
Bringing up a bot icon to toots from bot accounts, Thanks @FineFindus!
Improving visibility of bot icon inside account profile, Thanks @FineFindus!
Updating german translation, Thanks @dontobi!
Fixing minor UI issues
Release 84 fixes a few bugs, such as:
- Login callback not working
- Updating german translation. Thanks @DanTobi!
Release 83 brings some minor improvements, such as:
- Fixing crashing issues when clicking mentions
- Reworking the bot icon
- Adding a reminder to add an image description if you post an attachment allow visually impaired people to better participate. Thanks @FineFindus!
Release 82 adds a lot of features from upstream, such as:
- Drafts and scheduled posts
- A settings page rework
- The ability to choose the publish button text
- The ability to reduce animations
- A bot icon for bot account profiles! Thanks @FineFindus
- And updated German translation! Thanks @DanTobi
- A lot of minor UI improvements
- Major usability improvements, as the ability to hold action buttons to interact with another account
Fixing publish button being cut of on low DPIs or on longer languages. Its now an icon when its on the reachable state!
Minor fixes to the changelog preview
Now adding an toggle for bringing the publish button to a more reachable position! It's the default now!
Adding a donate button!