Releases: MaaXYZ/MaaFramework
Releases · MaaXYZ/MaaFramework
What's Changed
- Breaking Changes refactor: rename APIs to the term by @MistEO in #472
【破坏性修改】 基于 术语 对部分接口进行了重命名,请参考 适配指南。 - feat: update pipeline.schema.json by @Choimoe in #514
- fix: target offset 限制矩形尺寸 by @MistEO
- docs: 添加最佳实践 MaaAshEchoes by @moulai in #508
- docs: 统一最佳实践的Pipeline图标 by @Kozmosa in #510
- docs: 调试部分添加VSCode插件 by @Windsland52 in #511
- docs: add VSCode plugin to the debug section by @Windsland52 in #512
New Contributors
- @moulai made their first contribution in #508
- @Kozmosa made their first contribution in #510
- @Choimoe made their first contribution in #514
Full Changelog: v2.4.2...v3.0.0
fix(nodejs): more init (#517)
What's Changed
- Breaking Changes refactor: rename APIs to the term by @MistEO in #472
【破坏性修改】 基于 术语 对部分接口进行了重命名,请参考 适配指南。 - docs: 添加最佳实践 MaaAshEchoes by @moulai in #508
- docs: 统一最佳实践的Pipeline图标 by @Kozmosa in #510
- docs: 调试部分添加VSCode插件 by @Windsland52 in #511
- docs: add VSCode plugin to the debug section by @Windsland52 in #512
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.4.2...v3.0.0-beta.1
What's Changed
- feat: 新增动作
by @MistEO in #463 - feat: 改用 MuMuManager 来获取 mumu 模拟器的地址 by @MistEO in #462
- feat: add symbols for release by @neko-para in #455
- fix: 修复 minitouch 系列可用性判断 @MistEO
- chore: 不再自动选择 D3D11 GPU 进行推理 @MistEO
- build: remove python binding from release by @MistEO in #476
- ci: refactor nodejs puslish by @moomiji in #489
- ci: add build_config by @MistEO in #487
- docs: 添加最佳实践 Maa-HBR by @KarylDAZE in #461
- docs: remove practices by @MistEO in #469
- ci: fix nuget pack path @moomiji
- docs: 添加最佳实践 MFW-PyQt6 by @overflow65537 in #494
- fix: fix StopTask not work by @MistEO in #500
- fix: fix ImageCropper @neko-para
- docs: 添加最佳实践 MaaGF2Exilium by @DarkLingYun in #503
New Contributors
- @KarylDAZE made their first contribution in #461
Full Changelog: v2.4.1...v2.4.2
What's Changed
- feat: 新增动作
by @MistEO in #463 - feat: 改用 MuMuManager 来获取 mumu 模拟器的地址 by @MistEO in #462
- feat: add symbols for release by @neko-para in #455
- fix: 修复 minitouch 系列可用性判断 @MistEO
- chore: 不再自动选择 D3D11 GPU 进行推理 @MistEO
- build: remove python binding from release by @MistEO in #476
- ci: refactor nodejs puslish by @moomiji in #489
- ci: add build_config by @MistEO in #487
- docs: 添加最佳实践 Maa-HBR by @KarylDAZE in #461
- docs: remove practices by @MistEO in #469
- ci: fix nuget pack path @moomiji
- docs: 添加最佳实践 MFW-PyQt6 by @overflow65537 in #494
New Contributors
- @KarylDAZE made their first contribution in #461
Full Changelog: v2.4.0...v2.4.1
What's Changed
- feat: 新增动作
by @MistEO in #463 - feat: 改用 MuMuManager 来获取 mumu 模拟器的地址 by @MistEO in #462
- feat: add symbols for release by @neko-para in #455
- fix: 修复 minitouch 系列可用性判断 @MistEO
- chore: 不再自动选择 D3D11 GPU 进行推理 @MistEO
- build: remove python binding from release by @MistEO in #476
- ci: refactor nodejs puslish by @moomiji in #489
- ci: add build_config by @MistEO in #487
- docs: 添加最佳实践 Maa-HBR by @KarylDAZE in #461
- docs: remove practices by @MistEO in #469
New Contributors
- @KarylDAZE made their first contribution in #461
Full Changelog: v2.3.1...v2.4.0
chore: D3D11 GPU is no longer preferred fix
ci: fix nuget pack in gha ubuntu 24.04
What's Changed
- feat: 新增动作
by @MistEO in #463 - feat: 改用 MuMuManager 来获取 mumu 模拟器的地址 by @MistEO in #462
- feat: add symbols for release by @neko-para in #455
- docs: 添加最佳实践 Maa-HBR by @KarylDAZE in #461
- docs: remove practices by @MistEO in #469
New Contributors
- @KarylDAZE made their first contribution in #461
Full Changelog: v2.3.1...v2.4.0-alpha.2
What's Changed
- 新增 多指触控动作
@MistEO in #448 - 新增 深度学习相关算法 CoreML for macOS,并默认开启。更新主要依赖库版本 @MistEO in #428
- 新增
by @MistEO in #430 - 更新
接口返回 MaaTaskId,可用于查询及等待 by @MistEO in #441 - 优化 Python Binding 初始化行为 by @weinibuliu in #445
- 合并 maa-node 仓库 by @neko-para in #424
- 修复 一些 bug,修复启动时崩溃问题 @MistEO
- 修复 CI test 问题 @moomiji @weinibuliu
- docs: 新增 Interface 文档 @neko-para
- docs: 按markdownlint规则对文档进行修改 by @Windsland52 in #425
- docs: 添加最佳实践 MaaYuan by @yu-echo in #423
- docs: 添加最佳实践 MFW-ELE-GUI by @Night-stars-1 in #435
- fix: 修复文件夹创建错误 by @MistEO
- chore: update pipeline.schema.json by @Windsland52 in #453
New Contributors
- @yu-echo made their first contribution in #423
- @Night-stars-1 made their first contribution in #435
Full Changelog: v2.3.0...v2.3.1