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Big Brother Bot Setup

Mustafa Zafar edited this page Jul 23, 2018 · 12 revisions

Windows Setup


  • A PC with TeknoMW3 server working.
  • Microsoft Windows.
  • b3 Python Version (To use cod8 Parser).
  • Notepad++(Optional).

1. Downloading and Installing Software:

  • Download and Install Xampp Server(For Mysql database). Here
  • Download Python Version of b3 (Github) and put it in a directory. Here
  • Download and Install Python2.7. Here

2. Configuration for b3:

  • Making a database for b3:

Once Xampp Server is running, Open your web browser on the local machine where you are setting up the b3. Go to address localhost/phpmyadmin and It should login to phpmyadmin by default, Create a database named b3_db. After creating the database, Import the sql tables from your b3 directory that you have installed earlier, the location for this file is default as big-brother-bot/b3/sql/mysql/b3.sql. Once you have imported it, Create a user for b3_db with all permissions and remember the credentials. You can make the database accessible for localhost only or AnyHost Depending on your needs.

  • Making b3 configuration file:

You have to create a b3 configuration file, which you can create from their config generator on their website b3 Config. Carefully fill all the information and Select Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 as the game (We will change it later when we add cod8 parser), use the Database we have created earlier and write the credential of database user so b3 can access it. Once the Config is generated, Open it with Notepad++ and change the parser to cod8. Copy the config file to b3 directory which is by default big-brother-bot/b3/conf

  • TeknoMW3 Parser:

You would require TeknoMW3 Parser of b3 to have fully functional b3. The parser can be found [here](added later).

3. Configuring Python2.7 and Installing required tools to run b3:

  • Installing dateutil and python-mysql database connector:

These are required to making b3 fully functional and working properly. To Install these, Open Command Prompt as Administrator and go to Python2.7 Scripts directory, If you have installed Python2.7 at it's default directory, It should be C:\Python27\Scripts\ Once you have reached there with Command Prompt, Write easy_install python-dateutil and easy_install pymysql.

4. Running b3:

  • Running b3:

Once the whole setup listed above is done. Run b3 by going to b3 directory and running by double clicking it or by directing to b3 directory by Command Prompt and executing in command prompt.

  • Getting Permissions:

Once this is all setup and running, Go to your game server for which you have just setup b3 and type !iamgod to get Super Admin permissions.

Ubuntu Setup


  • A PC with working TeknoMW3 Server and Ubuntu.
  • b3 Python Version (To use Cod8 Parser).

1. Downloading and Installing required softwares:

Run the Following Command as a sudo user to install the required software.

  • sudo apt-get install php5 why php5 you might ask, because it is fully functional as newer versions of php and if you install XLRstats Web, You would require this version of php. You might have to install php5 dependencies to install php5.
  • sudo apt-get install apache2
  • sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client
  • sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin You will be asked to configure phpmyadmin for a webserver. Select apache2 with pressing TAB and Proceed with installation.
  • sudo apt-get install python
  • sudo apt-get install python-mysqld
  • sudo apt-get install python-dateutil
  • sudo pip install PyMySQL

Downloading Other Essential Things.

Downloading b3 from Github: Make a directory for b3 and go to that directory with cd command. Once you are on the directory. run git clone This will download b3 from Github.

2. Configuration for b3:

  • Making a database for b3: Once Apache2 Server is running, Open your web browser on the local machine. Go to address <ubuntu machine ip>/phpmyadmin and It should login to phpmyadmin by credentials that you have setup while installing phpmyadmin, Create a database named b3_db. After creating the database, Import the sql tables from your b3 directory that you have installed earlier, the location for this file is default as big-brother-bot/b3/sql/mysql/b3.sql. Once you have imported it, Create a user for b3_db with all permissions and remember the credentials. You can make the database accessible for localhost only or AnyHost Depending on your needs.

  • Making b3 configuration file:

You have to create a b3 configuration file, which you can create from their config generator on their website b3 Config. Carefully fill all the information and Select Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 as the game (We will change it later when we add cod8 parser), use the Database we have created earlier and write the credential of database user so b3 can access it. Once the Config is generated, Open it with Notepad++ and change the parser to cod8. Copy the config file to b3 directory which is by default big-brother-bot/b3/conf

  • TeknoMW3 Parser:

You would require TeknoMW3 Parser of b3 to have fully functional b3. The parser can be found [here](added later).

3. Running b3:

  • Running b3:

Once the whole setup listed above is done. Run b3 by going to your b3 directory and running the command python ./ You might need to run it under screen or any other software that if you disconnect from ssh client, it may not go off.

  • Getting Permissions:

Once this is all setup and running, Go to your game server for which you have just setup b3 and type !iamgod to get Super Admin permissions.