From 8821ad0f151e36d97043f319c5f8d79fbcb31587 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: enochgao <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2024 10:57:50 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] fix(module:config):  add itemsize config for tree select
 table (#8347)

 components/core/config/config.ts              |  3 ++
 components/select/select.component.ts         |  2 +-
 components/table/src/table/table.component.ts |  2 +-
 components/tree/tree.component.ts             |  2 +-
 scripts/site/_site/doc/app/app.component.ts   | 28 ++++++++++++++++---
 5 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/components/core/config/config.ts b/components/core/config/config.ts
index 8830d605b1a..e2c377bb8da 100644
--- a/components/core/config/config.ts
+++ b/components/core/config/config.ts
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ export interface SelectConfig {
   nzBorderless?: boolean;
   nzSuffixIcon?: TemplateRef<NzSafeAny> | string | null;
   nzBackdrop?: boolean;
+  nzOptionHeightPx?: number;
 export interface AffixConfig {
@@ -295,6 +296,7 @@ export interface TableConfig {
   nzShowSizeChanger?: boolean;
   nzSimple?: boolean;
   nzHideOnSinglePage?: boolean;
+  nzVirtualItemSize?: number;
 export interface TabsConfig {
@@ -329,6 +331,7 @@ export interface TreeConfig {
   nzBlockNode?: boolean;
   nzShowIcon?: boolean;
   nzHideUnMatched?: boolean;
+  nzVirtualItemSize?: number;
 export interface TreeSelectConfig {
diff --git a/components/select/select.component.ts b/components/select/select.component.ts
index f50345605ac..3561e324cdf 100644
--- a/components/select/select.component.ts
+++ b/components/select/select.component.ts
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ export class NzSelectComponent implements ControlValueAccessor, OnInit, AfterCon
   @Input() nzId: string | null = null;
   @Input() nzSize: NzSelectSizeType = 'default';
   @Input() nzStatus: NzStatus = '';
-  @Input() nzOptionHeightPx = 32;
+  @Input() @WithConfig<number>() nzOptionHeightPx = 32;
   @Input() nzOptionOverflowSize = 8;
   @Input() nzDropdownClassName: string[] | string | null = null;
   @Input() nzDropdownMatchSelectWidth = true;
diff --git a/components/table/src/table/table.component.ts b/components/table/src/table/table.component.ts
index 3691053cdf2..abd1528a40c 100644
--- a/components/table/src/table/table.component.ts
+++ b/components/table/src/table/table.component.ts
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ export class NzTableComponent<T> implements OnInit, OnDestroy, OnChanges, AfterV
   @Input() nzFooter: string | TemplateRef<NzSafeAny> | null = null;
   @Input() nzNoResult: string | TemplateRef<NzSafeAny> | undefined = undefined;
   @Input() nzPageSizeOptions = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];
-  @Input() nzVirtualItemSize = 0;
+  @Input() @WithConfig() nzVirtualItemSize = 0;
   @Input() nzVirtualMaxBufferPx = 200;
   @Input() nzVirtualMinBufferPx = 100;
   @Input() nzVirtualForTrackBy: TrackByFunction<T> = index => index;
diff --git a/components/tree/tree.component.ts b/components/tree/tree.component.ts
index 8842829e2b2..33484ee8c17 100644
--- a/components/tree/tree.component.ts
+++ b/components/tree/tree.component.ts
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ export class NzTreeComponent
   @Input() @InputBoolean() nzDraggable: boolean = false;
   @Input() @InputBoolean() nzMultiple = false;
   @Input() nzExpandedIcon?: TemplateRef<{ $implicit: NzTreeNode; origin: NzTreeNodeOptions }>;
-  @Input() nzVirtualItemSize = 28;
+  @Input() @WithConfig() nzVirtualItemSize = 28;
   @Input() nzVirtualMaxBufferPx = 500;
   @Input() nzVirtualMinBufferPx = 28;
   @Input() nzVirtualHeight: string | null = null;
diff --git a/scripts/site/_site/doc/app/app.component.ts b/scripts/site/_site/doc/app/app.component.ts
index aa0bf55e599..cc6576d2660 100644
--- a/scripts/site/_site/doc/app/app.component.ts
+++ b/scripts/site/_site/doc/app/app.component.ts
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import { environment } from '../environments/environment';
 import { AppService } from './app.service';
 import { ROUTER_LIST } from './router';
 import { loadScript } from './utils/load-script';
+import { NzConfigService } from 'ng-zorro-antd/core/config';
 interface DocPageMeta {
   path: string;
@@ -85,9 +86,20 @@ export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
     if (!this.platform.isBrowser) {
+    if (theme === 'compact') {
+      this.nzConfigService.set('select', {
+        nzOptionHeightPx: 28
+      });
+    } else {
+      this.nzConfigService.set('select', {
+        nzOptionHeightPx: 32
+      });
+    }
     let loading: NzMessageRef | null = null;
     if (notification) {
-      loading = this.nzMessageService.loading(this.language === 'en' ? `Switching theme...` : `切换主题中...`, { nzDuration: 0 });
+      loading = this.nzMessageService.loading(this.language === 'en' ? `Switching theme...` : `切换主题中...`, {
+        nzDuration: 0
+      });
     this.renderer.addClass(this.document.activeElement, 'preload');
     const successLoaded = () => {
@@ -142,6 +154,7 @@ export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
     private meta: Meta,
     private renderer: Renderer2,
     private cdr: ChangeDetectorRef,
+    private nzConfigService: NzConfigService,
     // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any
     @Inject(DOCUMENT) private document: any
   ) {}
@@ -211,7 +224,11 @@ export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
           } else {
             this.updateMateTitle(`${currentDemoComponent.zh}(${currentDemoComponent.label}) | NG-ZORRO`);
-          this.updateDocMetaAndLocale(currentDemoComponent.description, `${currentDemoComponent.label}, ${currentDemoComponent.zh}`, path);
+          this.updateDocMetaAndLocale(
+            currentDemoComponent.description,
+            `${currentDemoComponent.label}, ${currentDemoComponent.zh}`,
+            path
+          );
         const currentIntroComponent = this.routerList.intro.find(component => `/${component.path}` === this.router.url);
@@ -292,7 +309,8 @@ export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
     const isEn = this.language === 'en';
     const enDescription =
       'An enterprise-class UI design language and Angular-based implementation with a set of high-quality Angular components, one of best Angular UI library for enterprises';
-    const zhDescription = 'Ant Design 的 Angular 实现,开发和服务于企业级后台产品,开箱即用的高质量 Angular UI 组件库。';
+    const zhDescription =
+      'Ant Design 的 Angular 实现,开发和服务于企业级后台产品,开箱即用的高质量 Angular UI 组件库。';
     let descriptionContent = isEn ? enDescription : zhDescription;
     if (description) {
       descriptionContent = description;
@@ -373,7 +391,9 @@ export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
     if (!this.platform.isBrowser) {
-    const loading = this.nzMessageService.loading(this.language === 'en' ? `Switching color...` : `切换主题中...`, { nzDuration: 0 });
+    const loading = this.nzMessageService.loading(this.language === 'en' ? `Switching color...` : `切换主题中...`, {
+      nzDuration: 0
+    });
     const changeColor = () => {
       (window as any).less

From 1aa320cd4b49a8ea83fca611c2dbe501cc998a11 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: enochgao <>
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2024 18:28:26 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] docs(module:tree,select): add global config mark

 components/select/doc/            | 2 +-
 components/select/doc/            | 2 +-
 components/table/doc/             | 2 +-
 components/table/doc/             | 2 +-
 components/tree-select/doc/       | 2 +-
 components/tree-select/doc/       | 2 +-
 components/tree-select/tree-select.component.ts | 2 +-
 components/tree/doc/              | 2 +-
 components/tree/doc/              | 2 +-
 9 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/components/select/doc/ b/components/select/doc/
index 23d0fbaa947..71fdcdf5e6f 100644
--- a/components/select/doc/
+++ b/components/select/doc/
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ import { NzSelectModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/select';
 | `[nzMaxTagCount]`              | Max tag count to show                                                                                                                                                                                           | `number`                                                                                                                                                                  | -                                                       |
 | `[nzOptions]`                  | use nzOptions or `nz-option` to pass options to the select                                                                                                                                                      | `Array<{ label: string \| number \| TemplateRef<any>; value: any; key?: string \| number; disabled?: boolean; hide?: boolean; groupLabel?: string \| TemplateRef<any>;}>` | -                                                       |
 | `[nzMaxTagPlaceholder]`        | Placeholder for not showing tags                                                                                                                                                                                | `TemplateRef<{ $implicit: any[] }>`                                                                                                                                       | -                                                       |
-| `[nzOptionHeightPx]`           | Each option height inside the dropdown                                                                                                                                                                          | `number`                                                                                                                                                                  | `32`                                                    |
+| `[nzOptionHeightPx]`           | Each option height inside the dropdown                                                                                                                                                                          | `number`                                                                                                                                                                  | `32`                                                    | ✅
 | `[nzOptionOverflowSize]`       | Max option size inside the dropdown, overflow when exceed the size                                                                                                                                              | `number`                                                                                                                                                                  | `8`                                                     |
 | `[nzSelectOnTab]`              | Allows to select an item with TAB key                                                                                                                                                                           | `boolean`                                                                                                                                                                 | `false`                                                 |
 | `(ngModelChange)`              | Current selected nz-option value change callback.                                                                                                                                                               | `EventEmitter<any[]>`                                                                                                                                                     | -                                                       |
diff --git a/components/select/doc/ b/components/select/doc/
index b2247fc765d..e504ab77591 100644
--- a/components/select/doc/
+++ b/components/select/doc/
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ import { NzSelectModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/select';
 | `[nzMaxTagCount]`              | 最多显示多少个 tag                                                                                                                               | `number`                                                                                                                                                                  | -                               |
 | `[nzMaxTagPlaceholder]`        | 隐藏 tag 时显示的内容                                                                                                                            | `TemplateRef<{ $implicit: any[] }>`                                                                                                                                       | -                               |
 | `[nzOptions]`                  | option 列表,可以取代 nz-option,用法参见例子                                                                                                    | `Array<{ label: string \| number \| TemplateRef<any>; value: any; key?: string \| number; disabled?: boolean; hide?: boolean; groupLabel?: string \| TemplateRef<any>;}>` | -                               |
-| `[nzOptionHeightPx]`           | 下拉菜单中每个 Option 的高度                                                                                                                     | `number`                                                                                                                                                                  | `32`                            |
+| `[nzOptionHeightPx]`           | 下拉菜单中每个 Option 的高度                                                                                                                     | `number`                                                                                                                                                                  | `32`                            | ✅
 | `[nzOptionOverflowSize]`       | 下拉菜单中最多展示的 Option 个数,超出部分滚动                                                                                                   | `number`                                                                                                                                                                  | `8`                             |
 | `[nzSelectOnTab]`              | 允许使用 TAB 键选择项目                                                                                                                          | `boolean`                                                                                                                                                                 | `false`                         |
 | `(ngModelChange)`              | 选中的 nz-option 发生变化时,调用此函数                                                                                                          | `EventEmitter<any[]>`                                                                                                                                                     | -                               |
diff --git a/components/table/doc/ b/components/table/doc/
index 9a242e57dc1..f1351b99a83 100644
--- a/components/table/doc/
+++ b/components/table/doc/
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ The data passed to `[nzData]` is exported with [Template Context](https://angula
 | `[nzHideOnSinglePage]`      | Whether to hide pagination on single page                                                                                                                                                | `boolean`                                                              | `false`            |
 | `[nzSimple]`                | Whether to use simple mode                                                                                                                                                               | `boolean`                                                              | -                  | ✅            |
 | `[nzTemplateMode]`          | Template mode,no need to pass data to `nzData`                                                                                                                                          | `boolean`                                                              | `false`            |
-| `[nzVirtualItemSize]`       | The size of the items in the list, same as [cdk itemSize](                                                                                 | `number`                                                               | `0`                |
+| `[nzVirtualItemSize]`       | The size of the items in the list, same as [cdk itemSize](                                                                                 | `number`                                                               | `0`                | ✅
 | `[nzVirtualMaxBufferPx]`    | The number of pixels worth of buffer to render for when rendering new items, same as [cdk maxBufferPx](                                    | `number`                                                               | `200`              |
 | `[nzVirtualMinBufferPx]`    | The minimum amount of buffer rendered beyond the viewport (in pixels),same as [cdk minBufferPx](                                           | `number`                                                               | `100`              |
 | `[nzVirtualForTrackBy]`     | The TrackByFunction to be used for tracking changes.                                                                                                                                     | `TrackByFunction<T>`                                                   | -                  |
diff --git a/components/table/doc/ b/components/table/doc/
index 182c294b77e..2910b2e6c6d 100644
--- a/components/table/doc/
+++ b/components/table/doc/
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ Table 组件同时具备了易用性和高度可定制性
 | `[nzHideOnSinglePage]`      | 只有一页时是否隐藏分页器                                                                                             | `boolean`                                                              | `false`                  | ✅       |
 | `[nzSimple]`                | 当添加该属性时,显示为简单分页                                                                                       | `boolean`                                                              | -                        | ✅       |
 | `[nzTemplateMode]`          | 模板模式,无需将数据传递给 `nzData`                                                                                  | `boolean`                                                              | `false`                  |
-| `[nzVirtualItemSize]`       | 虚拟滚动时每一列的高度,与 [cdk itemSize]( 相同                        | `number`                                                               | `0`                      |
+| `[nzVirtualItemSize]`       | 虚拟滚动时每一列的高度,与 [cdk itemSize]( 相同                        | `number`                                                               | `0`                      |✅
 | `[nzVirtualMaxBufferPx]`    | 缓冲区最大像素高度,与 [cdk maxBufferPx]( 相同                         | `number`                                                               | `200`                    |
 | `[nzVirtualMinBufferPx]`    | 缓冲区最小像素高度,低于该值时将加载新结构,与 [cdk minBufferPx]( 相同 | `number`                                                               | `100`                    |
 | `[nzVirtualForTrackBy]`     | 虚拟滚动数据 `TrackByFunction` 函数                                                                                  | `TrackByFunction<T>`                                                   | -                        |
diff --git a/components/tree-select/doc/ b/components/tree-select/doc/
index ec7da948b63..39eabbaec07 100755
--- a/components/tree-select/doc/
+++ b/components/tree-select/doc/
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ import { NzTreeSelectModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/tree-select';
 | `[nzMaxTagPlaceholder]`        | Placeholder for not showing tags                                                                                                                      | TemplateRef<{ $implicit: NzTreeNode[] }>        | -                                  |
 | `[nzTreeTemplate]`             | Custom Nodes                                                                                                                                          | `TemplateRef<{ $implicit: NzTreeNode }>`        | -                                  |
 | `[nzVirtualHeight]`            | The height of virtual scroll                                                                                                                          | `string`                                        | `-`                                |
-| `[nzVirtualItemSize]`          | The size of the items in the list, same as [cdk itemSize](                                              | `number`                                        | `28`                               |
+| `[nzVirtualItemSize]`          | The size of the items in the list, same as [cdk itemSize](                                              | `number`                                        | `28`                               | ✅
 | `[nzVirtualMaxBufferPx]`       | The number of pixels worth of buffer to render for when rendering new items, same as [cdk maxBufferPx]( | `number`                                        | `500`                              |
 | `[nzVirtualMinBufferPx]`       | The minimum amount of buffer rendered beyond the viewport (in pixels),same as [cdk minBufferPx](        | `number`                                        | `28`                               |
 | `[nzBackdrop]`                 | whether or not the overlay should attach a backdrop                                                                                                   | `boolean`                                       | `false`                            |
diff --git a/components/tree-select/doc/ b/components/tree-select/doc/
index eff16e822f7..4b5ed195874 100755
--- a/components/tree-select/doc/
+++ b/components/tree-select/doc/
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ import { NzTreeSelectModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/tree-select';
 | `[nzMaxTagPlaceholder]`        | 隐藏 tag 时显示的内容                                                                                                | TemplateRef<{ $implicit: NzTreeNode[] }>        | -                                  |
 | `[nzTreeTemplate]`             | 自定义节点                                                                                                           | `TemplateRef<{ $implicit: NzTreeNode }>`        | -                                  |
 | `[nzVirtualHeight]`            | 虚拟滚动的总高度                                                                                                     | `string`                                        | `-`                                |
-| `[nzVirtualItemSize]`          | 虚拟滚动时每一列的高度,与 [cdk itemSize]( 相同                        | `number`                                        | `28`                               |
+| `[nzVirtualItemSize]`          | 虚拟滚动时每一列的高度,与 [cdk itemSize]( 相同                        | `number`                                        | `28`                               | ✅
 | `[nzVirtualMaxBufferPx]`       | 缓冲区最大像素高度,与 [cdk maxBufferPx]( 相同                         | `number`                                        | `500`                              |
 | `[nzVirtualMinBufferPx]`       | 缓冲区最小像素高度,低于该值时将加载新结构,与 [cdk minBufferPx]( 相同 | `number`                                        | `28`                               |
 | `[nzBackdrop]`                 | 浮层是否应带有背景板                                                                                                 | `boolean`                                       | `false`                            |
diff --git a/components/tree-select/tree-select.component.ts b/components/tree-select/tree-select.component.ts
index 10f5def94c7..dd4cf031809 100644
--- a/components/tree-select/tree-select.component.ts
+++ b/components/tree-select/tree-select.component.ts
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ export class NzTreeSelectComponent extends NzTreeBase implements ControlValueAcc
   @Input() @InputBoolean() nzMultiple = false;
   @Input() @InputBoolean() nzDefaultExpandAll = false;
   @Input() @InputBoolean() nzCheckStrictly = false;
-  @Input() nzVirtualItemSize = 28;
+  @Input() @WithConfig() nzVirtualItemSize = 28;
   @Input() nzVirtualMaxBufferPx = 500;
   @Input() nzVirtualMinBufferPx = 28;
   @Input() nzVirtualHeight: string | null = null;
diff --git a/components/tree/doc/ b/components/tree/doc/
index 5721b48c115..21f076084b5 100644
--- a/components/tree/doc/
+++ b/components/tree/doc/
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ import { NzTreeModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/tree';
 | `[nzSearchFunc]`         | Custom matching method, used with nzSearchValue                                                                                                       | `(node: NzTreeNodeOptions) => boolean`                      | `null`  |
 | `[nzBeforeDrop]`         | Drop before the second check, allowing the user to decide whether to allow placement                                                                  | `(confirm: NzFormatBeforeDropEvent) => Observable<boolean>` | -       |
 | `[nzVirtualHeight]`      | The height of virtual scroll                                                                                                                          | `string`                                                    | `-`     |
-| `[nzVirtualItemSize]`    | The size of the items in the list, same as [cdk itemSize](                                              | `number`                                                    | `28`    |
+| `[nzVirtualItemSize]`    | The size of the items in the list, same as [cdk itemSize](                                              | `number`                                                    | `28`    | ✅
 | `[nzVirtualMaxBufferPx]` | The number of pixels worth of buffer to render for when rendering new items, same as [cdk maxBufferPx]( | `number`                                                    | `500`   |
 | `[nzVirtualMinBufferPx]` | The minimum amount of buffer rendered beyond the viewport (in pixels),same as [cdk minBufferPx](        | `number`                                                    | `28`    |
 | `(nzClick)`              | Callback function for when the user clicks a treeNode                                                                                                 | `EventEmitter<NzFormatEmitEvent>`                           | -       |
diff --git a/components/tree/doc/ b/components/tree/doc/
index b062cc54a0a..00ada339df5 100644
--- a/components/tree/doc/
+++ b/components/tree/doc/
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ import { NzTreeModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/tree';
 | `[nzSearchFunc]`         | 自定义匹配方法,配合 nzSearchValue 使用                                                                              | `(node: NzTreeNodeOptions) => boolean`                      | `null`  |
 | `[nzBeforeDrop]`         | drop 前二次校验,允许用户自行决定是否允许放置                                                                         | `(confirm: NzFormatBeforeDropEvent) => Observable<boolean>` | -       |
 | `[nzVirtualHeight]`      | 虚拟滚动的总高度                                                                                                     | `string`                                                    | `-`     |
-| `[nzVirtualItemSize]`    | 虚拟滚动时每一列的高度,与 [cdk itemSize]( 相同                        | `number`                                                    | `28`    |
+| `[nzVirtualItemSize]`    | 虚拟滚动时每一列的高度,与 [cdk itemSize]( 相同                        | `number`                                                    | `28`    | ✅
 | `[nzVirtualMaxBufferPx]` | 缓冲区最大像素高度,与 [cdk maxBufferPx]( 相同                         | `number`                                                    | `500`   |
 | `[nzVirtualMinBufferPx]` | 缓冲区最小像素高度,低于该值时将加载新结构,与 [cdk minBufferPx]( 相同 | `number`                                                    | `28`    |
 | `(nzClick)`              | 点击树节点触发                                                                                                       | `EventEmitter<NzFormatEmitEvent>`                           | -       |