Migrated from https://gitlab.com/nvidia/kubernetes/gpu-feature-discovery
- Overview
- Beta Version
- Prerequisites
- Quick Start
- The GFD Command line interface
- Generated Labels
- Deployment via
- Building and running locally on your native machine
NVIDIA GPU Feature Discovery for Kubernetes is a software component that allows you to automatically generate labels for the set of GPUs available on a node. It leverages the Node Feature Discovery to perform this labeling.
This tool should be considered beta until it reaches v1.0.0
. As such, we may
break the API before reaching v1.0.0
, but we will setup a deprecation policy
to ease the transition.
The list of prerequisites for running the NVIDIA GPU Feature Discovery is described below:
- nvidia-docker version > 2.0 (see how to install and its prerequisites)
- docker configured with nvidia as the default runtime.
- Kubernetes version >= 1.10
- NVIDIA device plugin for Kubernetes (see how to setup)
- NFD deployed on each node you want to label with the local source configured
- When deploying GPU feature discovery with helm (as described below) we provide a way to automatically deploy NFD for you
- To deploy NFD yourself, please see https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/node-feature-discovery
The following assumes you have at least one node in your cluster with GPUs and the standard NVIDIA drivers have already been installed on it.
The first step is to make sure that Node Feature Discovery
is running on every node you want to label. NVIDIA GPU Feature Discovery use
the local
source so be sure to mount volumes. See
https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/node-feature-discovery for more details.
You also need to configure the Node Feature Discovery to only expose vendor IDs in the PCI source. To do so, please refer to the Node Feature Discovery documentation.
The following command will deploy NFD with the minimum required set of
parameters to run gpu-feature-discovery
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NVIDIA/k8s-device-plugin/v0.16.2/deployments/static/nfd.yaml
Note: This is a simple static daemonset meant to demonstrate the basic
features required of node-feature-discovery
in order to successfully run
. Please see the instructions below for Deployment via
when deploying in a production setting.
The following steps need to be executed on all your GPU nodes.
This README assumes that the NVIDIA drivers and the nvidia-container-toolkit
have been pre-installed.
It also assumes that you have configured the nvidia-container-runtime
as the default low-level runtime to use.
Please see: https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/cloud-native/container-toolkit/install-guide.html
The next step is to run NVIDIA GPU Feature Discovery on each node as a Daemonset or as a Job.
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NVIDIA/k8s-device-plugin/v0.16.2/deployments/static/gpu-feature-discovery-daemonset.yaml
Note: This is a simple static daemonset meant to demonstrate the basic
features required of gpu-feature-discovery
. Please see the instructions below
for Deployment via helm
when deploying in a
production setting.
You must change the NODE_NAME
value in the template to match the name of the
node you want to label:
export NODE_NAME=<your-node-name>
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NVIDIA/k8s-device-plugin/v0.16.2/deployments/static/gpu-feature-discovery-job.yaml.template \
| sed "s/NODE_NAME/${NODE_NAME}/" > gpu-feature-discovery-job.yaml
kubectl apply -f gpu-feature-discovery-job.yaml
Note: This method should only be used for testing and not deployed in a production setting.
With both NFD and GFD deployed and running, you should now be able to see GPU related labels appearing on any nodes that have GPUs installed on them.
$ kubectl get nodes -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
- apiVersion: v1
kind: Node
nvidia.com/cuda.driver.major: "455"
nvidia.com/cuda.driver.minor: "06"
nvidia.com/cuda.driver.rev: ""
nvidia.com/cuda.runtime.major: "11"
nvidia.com/cuda.runtime.minor: "1"
nvidia.com/gpu.compute.major: "8"
nvidia.com/gpu.compute.minor: "0"
nvidia.com/gfd.timestamp: "1594644571"
nvidia.com/gpu.count: "1"
nvidia.com/gpu.family: ampere
nvidia.com/gpu.machine: NVIDIA DGX-2H
nvidia.com/gpu.memory: "39538"
nvidia.com/gpu.product: A100-SXM4-40GB
Available options:
gpu-feature-discovery [--fail-on-init-error=<bool>] [--mig-strategy=<strategy>] [--oneshot | --sleep-interval=<seconds>] [--no-timestamp] [--output-file=<file> | -o <file>]
gpu-feature-discovery -h | --help
gpu-feature-discovery --version
-h --help Show this help message and exit
--version Display version and exit
--oneshot Label once and exit
--no-timestamp Do not add timestamp to the labels
--fail-on-init-error=<bool> Fail if there is an error during initialization of any label sources [Default: true]
--sleep-interval=<seconds> Time to sleep between labeling [Default: 60s]
--mig-strategy=<strategy> Strategy to use for MIG-related labels [Default: none]
-o <file> --output-file=<file> Path to output file
[Default: /etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/features.d/gfd]
<strategy>: none | single | mixed
You can also use environment variables:
Env Variable | Option | Example |
GFD_FAIL_ON_INIT_ERROR | --fail-on-init-error | true |
GFD_MIG_STRATEGY | --mig-strategy | none |
GFD_ONESHOT | --oneshot | TRUE |
GFD_NO_TIMESTAMP | --no-timestamp | TRUE |
GFD_OUTPUT_FILE | --output-file | output |
GFD_SLEEP_INTERVAL | --sleep-interval | 10s |
Environment variables override the command line options if they conflict.
Below is the list of the labels generated by NVIDIA GPU Feature Discovery and their meaning. For a similar list of labels generated or used by the device plugin, see here.
Label values in Kubernetes are always of type string. The table's value type describes the type within string formatting.
Label Name | Value Type | Meaning | Example |
nvidia.com/cuda.driver.major | Integer | (Deprecated) Major of the version of NVIDIA driver | 550 |
nvidia.com/cuda.driver.minor | Integer | (Deprecated) Minor of the version of NVIDIA driver | 107 |
nvidia.com/cuda.driver.rev | Integer | (Deprecated) Revision of the version of NVIDIA driver | 02 |
nvidia.com/cuda.driver-version.major | Integer | Major of the version of NVIDIA driver | 550 |
nvidia.com/cuda.driver-version.minor | Integer | Minor of the version of NVIDIA driver | 107 |
nvidia.com/cuda.driver-version.revision | Integer | Revision of the version of NVIDIA driver | 02 |
nvidia.com/cuda.driver-version.full | Integer | Full version number of NVIDIA driver | 550.107.02 |
nvidia.com/cuda.runtime.major | Integer | (Deprecated) Major of the version of CUDA | 12 |
nvidia.com/cuda.runtime.minor | Integer | (Deprecated) Minor of the version of CUDA | 5 |
nvidia.com/cuda.runtime-version.major | Integer | Major of the version of CUDA | 12 |
nvidia.com/cuda.runtime-version.minor | Integer | Minor of the version of CUDA | 5 |
nvidia.com/cuda.runtime-version.full | Integer | Full version number of CUDA | 12.5 |
nvidia.com/gfd.timestamp | Integer | Timestamp of the generated labels (optional) | 1724632719 |
nvidia.com/gpu.compute.major | Integer | Major of the compute capabilities | 7 |
nvidia.com/gpu.compute.minor | Integer | Minor of the compute capabilities | 5 |
nvidia.com/gpu.count | Integer | Number of GPUs | 2 |
nvidia.com/gpu.family | String | Architecture family of the GPU | turing |
nvidia.com/gpu.machine | String | Machine type. If in a public cloud provider, value may be set to the instance type. | DGX-1 |
nvidia.com/gpu.memory | Integer | Memory of the GPU in megabytes (MB) | 15360 |
nvidia.com/gpu.product | String | Model of the GPU. May be modified by the device plugin if a sharing strategy is employed depending on the config. | Tesla-T4 |
nvidia.com/gpu.replicas | String | Number of GPU replicas available. Will be equal to the number of physical GPUs unless some sharing strategy is employed in which case the GPU count will be multiplied by replicas. | 4 |
nvidia.com/gpu.mode | String | Mode of the GPU. Can be either "compute" or "display". Details of the GPU modes can be found here | compute |
nvidia.com/gpu.clique | String | GPUFabric ClusterUUID + CliqueID | 7b968a6d-c8aa-45e1-9e07-e1e51be99c31.1 |
Depending on the MIG strategy used, the following set of labels may also be available (or override the default values for some of the labels listed above):
With this strategy, the single nvidia.com/gpu
label is overloaded to provide
information about MIG devices on the node, rather than full GPUs. This assumes
all GPUs on the node have been divided into identical partitions of the same
size. The example below shows info for a system with 8 full GPUs, each of which
is partitioned into 7 equal sized MIG devices (56 total).
Label Name | Value Type | Meaning | Example |
nvidia.com/mig.strategy | String | MIG strategy in use | single |
nvidia.com/gpu.product (overridden) | String | Model of the GPU (with MIG info added) | A100-SXM4-40GB-MIG-1g.5gb |
nvidia.com/gpu.count (overridden) | Integer | Number of MIG devices | 56 |
nvidia.com/gpu.memory (overridden) | Integer | Memory of each MIG device in megabytes (MB) | 5120 |
nvidia.com/gpu.multiprocessors | Integer | Number of Multiprocessors for MIG device | 14 |
nvidia.com/gpu.slices.gi | Integer | Number of GPU Instance slices | 1 |
nvidia.com/gpu.slices.ci | Integer | Number of Compute Instance slices | 1 |
nvidia.com/gpu.engines.copy | Integer | Number of DMA engines for MIG device | 1 |
nvidia.com/gpu.engines.decoder | Integer | Number of decoders for MIG device | 1 |
nvidia.com/gpu.engines.encoder | Integer | Number of encoders for MIG device | 1 |
nvidia.com/gpu.engines.jpeg | Integer | Number of JPEG engines for MIG device | 0 |
nvidia.com/gpu.engines.ofa | Integer | Number of OfA engines for MIG device | 0 |
With this strategy, a separate set of labels for each MIG device type is generated. The name of each MIG device type is defines as follows:
e.g. MIG_TYPE=mig-3g.20gb
Label Name | Value Type | Meaning | Example |
nvidia.com/mig.strategy | String | MIG strategy in use | mixed |
nvidia.com/MIG_TYPE.count | Integer | Number of MIG devices of this type | 2 |
nvidia.com/MIG_TYPE.memory | Integer | Memory of MIG device type in megabytes (MB) | 10240 |
nvidia.com/MIG_TYPE.multiprocessors | Integer | Number of Multiprocessors for MIG device | 14 |
nvidia.com/MIG_TYPE.slices.ci | Integer | Number of GPU Instance slices | 1 |
nvidia.com/MIG_TYPE.slices.gi | Integer | Number of Compute Instance slices | 1 |
nvidia.com/MIG_TYPE.engines.copy | Integer | Number of DMA engines for MIG device | 1 |
nvidia.com/MIG_TYPE.engines.decoder | Integer | Number of decoders for MIG device | 1 |
nvidia.com/MIG_TYPE.engines.encoder | Integer | Number of encoders for MIG device | 1 |
nvidia.com/MIG_TYPE.engines.jpeg | Integer | Number of JPEG engines for MIG device | 0 |
nvidia.com/MIG_TYPE.engines.ofa | Integer | Number of OfA engines for MIG device | 0 |
The preferred method to deploy GFD is as a daemonset using helm
Instructions for installing helm
can be found
As of v0.15.0
, the device plugin's helm chart has integrated support to deploy GFD.
To deploy GFD standalone, begin by setting up the plugin's helm
repository and updating it as follows:
helm repo add nvdp https://nvidia.github.io/k8s-device-plugin
helm repo update
Then verify that the latest release of the plugin is available (Note that this includes GFD ):
$ helm search repo nvdp --devel
nvdp/nvidia-device-plugin 0.16.2 0.16.2 A Helm chart for ...
Once this repo is updated, you can begin installing packages from it to deploy GFD in standalone mode.
The most basic installation command without any options is then:
helm upgrade -i nvdp nvdp/nvidia-device-plugin \
--version 0.16.2 \
--namespace gpu-feature-discovery \
--create-namespace \
--set devicePlugin.enabled=false
Disabling auto-deployment of NFD and running with a MIG strategy of 'mixed' in the default namespace:
helm upgrade -i nvdp nvdp/nvidia-device-plugin \
--version=0.16.2 \
--set allowDefaultNamespace=true \
--set nfd.enabled=false \
--set migStrategy=mixed \
--set devicePlugin.enabled=false
Note: You only need the to pass the --devel
flag to helm search repo
and the --version
flag to helm upgrade -i
if this is a pre-release
version (e.g. <version>-rc.1
). Full releases will be listed without this.
If you prefer not to install from the nvidia-device-plugin
helm repo, you can
run helm install
directly against the tarball of the plugin's helm package.
The example below installs the same chart as the method above, except that
it uses a direct URL to the helm chart instead of via the helm repo.
Using the default values for the flags:
helm upgrade -i nvdp \
--namespace gpu-feature-discovery \
--set devicePlugin.enabled=false \
--create-namespace \
Download the source code:
git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA/k8s-device-plugin
Get dependencies:
make vendor
Build it:
make build
Run it:
./gpu-feature-discovery --output=$(pwd)/gfd