Note: in the following section the links will use "" as domain in links, replace it with your actual domain to get the correct links
- The personality test system is intended to allow customizable personality tests to be displayed, answered and evaluated
- Access to execute a personality test is granted using a token
- A token can be created at, if you got a valid username and password
- On the start screen at a token (→ about tokens in database) can be entered to execute a personality test, which consists of:
- One PERSONAL_DATA_TEST, which collects base data about the person
- Any number of PRE_COLLECT_TESTS, which collect any unevaluated data
- One EVALUABLE_TEST, which can contain evaluable questions, which will be evaluated
- After answering all questions, the user will be redirected to the result side, showing a PDF with the results (generated by the server)
- The user is only able to generate the certificate, if the token isn't expired and has at least one usage left (a token can have multiple usages)
- Contains usernames & hashed passwords for authorization of token creation
- Note: the password will be encrypted, so you can (& should) neither read nor change the password like the other values in the database (in case you need another user or like to change username or password, you probably should ask a developer)
- Contains the tokens, consisting of the actual token, information regarding usages & expiring, and the tests, which should be answered
- Each token got exactly one PERSONAL_DATA_TEST (to identify person) and EVALUABLE_TEST (which will be evaluated), but there can be any number of PRE_COLLECT_TESTS
- Contains the names (to identify the test), descriptions (which define the questions, etc.) and categories of the tests
- The test category can be:
- PERSONAL_DATA_TEST: for tests which are used to create a row in table "person" (the test structure & question names must match the API)
- If you want to create a PERSONAL_DATA_TEST you should probably copy the description of an existing one and adjust it to your needs (→ how to add or change tests)
- PRE_COLLECT_TEST: for tests which won't be evaluated (can have any structure)
- EVALUABLE_TEST: for tests, which should evaluate answers that have a single numeric answer value (non-numeric or multi-value answers will be ignored)
- PERSONAL_DATA_TEST: for tests which are used to create a row in table "person" (the test structure & question names must match the API)
- The test category can be:
- Table "person": contains the data about a person, which has answered a personality test (the person will be referenced in the actual test_answers)
- Note: column "gender" must only contain "m", "w" or "s"
- Table "test_answer": contains an answer for a PRE_COLLECT_TEST or EVALUABLE_TEST, a reference to the person, which has answered the test, and a reference to the test, which was answered
- Table "evaluable_test_answer": references test answers (in table "test_answers"), which can be evaluated
- Table "evaluable_question_name": list question names and their question categories (which can be anything)
- Table "evaluable_question_answer": include the numeric answers for an "evaluable_question_name" of an "evaluable_test_answer"
- Download pgAdmin installer here
- Run installer and click through it until it's finished
- Now pgAdmin should be installed, so test starting it
- To start on:
- Windows: press the Windows key (which opens a menu), type "pgAdmin" (which should start a search), check whether pgAdmin is shown as "App" ("App" should be standing below pgAdmin) and click on it
- MacOS: open the "Finder", select "Applications" and search for "pgAdmin" (possibly with a following number after the name) and open it
- When you start pgAdmin the first time, you will be asked to enter a master password - enter it and remember it, you will need it each time, you start pgAdmin
- To start on:
- Start pgAdmin and enter the master password selected by you earlier
- Follow the instructions in this answer to add the database connection
- Choose by yourself, whether you want to save the database password or not
- Note: the credentials of the database will change regularly, they may have to be changed in future
- After the instructions click "Save" to save the database connection
- Now the servers can be found on the left side of the window
- There should be an entry with the database name, which you just set (you may need to unfold the server entry to see the database)
- Tables can be found here: Servers > <SERVER_NAME> > Databases > <DATABASE> > Schemas > public > Tables
- With <SERVER_NAME> being your chosen server name and <DATABASE> being the database name from the database credentials
- Find the table to show data from (→ how to find tables)
- All data inside a table can be shown by: right click on table > View/Edit Data > All Rows
- The shown data can be downloaded as CSV by clicking F8 or the download symbol at the right top, second from left (marked orange in image):
- The downloaded CSV file can be imported to excel by following the instructions here or by following the next bullet points
- In Excel: Data (de: Daten) > Get Data (de: Daten abrufen) > From File (de: Aus Datei) > From Text/CSV (de: Aus Text/CSV)
- Select the exported CSV file in the opened menu, click import and a preview will be shown
- In case the preview is displayed wrongly, the "Delimiter" (de: Trennzeichen) may have to be adjusted
- In case the preview is displayed correctly, click "Load" (de: Laden) to import the table
- The downloaded CSV file can be imported to excel by following the instructions here or by following the next bullet points
- If the data you want to access exist as "Heroku Dataclip", you can also access it directly on Heroku Dataclips website
- Select a dataclip in the list to show its data; in the shown data the "CSV" button can be used
- In the shown table (→ how to show data):
- Rows can be added by scrolling to the bottom of the table and entering the values in the empty fields of the last row
- Values can be changed by clicking on them twice
- After clicking, you can either enter a new value into the table directly or a small window will pop up, offering you to enter a new value
- Rows can be deleted by clicking on the most left number of the row and clicking the "Delete" button above the "Query Editor" (marked orange in image):
- To save the locally changed values to the database click F6 or the "Save Data Changes" button above the "Query Editor" (marked orange in image):
- Create or adjust your test using the survey creator of SurveyJS
- In case you want to change an existing test: open table "tests" (→ how to find tables) in pgAdmin, search the row of the test you like to change, doubleclick the value of "description_json" and copy the content of the pop-up window into the "JSON Editor" tab of the website linked above (then navigate back to tab "Designer" to change test)
- The "name" and "category" of an evaluable question will be extracted from the names (set in survey creator) of the question, and its rows (if the question contains rows)
- If evaluable tests have the same names for their evaluable questions (which return single numeric answer values), the answers with the same question name will be linked in the database
- If you don't specify any question names in the survey creator, it will set the names by itself matching their order ("question1", "question2", ...) - so evaluable questions will then be linked by their order
- After changing: select the "JSON Editor" tab, select all text (from { to }) and copy the selected JSON description
- In pgAdmin open table "tests" (→ how to find tables) and show its data (→ how to show data)
- Now either:
- Replace another test: find the row of the test to replace, paste in its "description_json" column the description you previously copied and save the change (→ how to change & save data)
- You may change the "category" as well, but be careful - if the test was already or is still used in tokens this probably causes errors!
- Add a new test: add a new row with the following values and save the change (→ how to change & save data):
- Enter your new test name (which must not exist before) to column "name"
- Enter the JSON description (you previously copied) to column "description_json"
- Enter a category (which must be PERSONAL_DATA_TEST, EVALUABLE_TEST or PRE_COLLECT_TEST) to column "test_category"
- Replace another test: find the row of the test to replace, paste in its "description_json" column the description you previously copied and save the change (→ how to change & save data)
- Disable expiring: open table "token" (→ how to find tables)
- Find the row of the token you want to change, doubleclick the value in the "creation_timestamp" column, delete its value in the pop-up window (after deletion value should be "[null]") and save changes to database (→ how to change & save data)
- Adjust remaining usages of token: change "max_usage_count" value of row in "token" table (→ how to change & save data)
- Delete the value to have unlimited usages (after deletion value should be "[null]" , not "0" or another number)
- Open with your-app-name being the name of your Heroku app and click on your "Heroku Postgres" database
- In the website you will be redirected to, select the "Durability" tab - here you can:
- Create database backups by clicking "Create Manual Backup"
- Download or Delete database backups with the "Download" and "Delete" buttons next to the shown backups
- There are only backups shown, if you have created one already
Note: you can only add a collaborator, if you already have access
- Click "Add Collaborator" at with your-app-name being the name of your Heroku app
- Enter email address of the developer and click "Save changes"