To develop or edit the workflows it's recommended to use Taverna Workbench Core 2.5 (see requirements). For executing workflow the taverna commandline tool is sufficient.
- Java 7 or 8 (Ubuntu: 'sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk') (will at least not work with java 11)
- Git
- Processors (check GitHub to see how they are created)
The OCR-D workflow and all processors may be also exectued inside a docker container. Please refer to OCR-D workflow for Taverna using Docker
First all needed processors should be installed. Please refer to GitHub
user@localhost:~$mkdir git
user@localhost:~$cd git
user@localhost:~/git$git clone
user@localhost:~/git$cd taverna_workflow/
Create a directory where you can store all documents. There should be at least 500 MB of free disc space left. After that install taverna workflow into the created directory.
user@localhost:~$mkdir -p ~/ocrd/taverna
user@localhost:~$cd ~/git/taverna_workflow/
user@localhost:~/git/taverna$bash ~/ocrd/taverna
To check if the installation works fine you can start a first test.
user@localhost:~$cd ~/ocrd/taverna
user@localhost:~/ocrd/taverna$bash parameters.txt
Outputs will be saved to the directory: /.../Execute_OCR_D_workfl_output
# The processed workspace should look like this:
user@localhost:~/ocrd/taverna$ls -1 workspace/example/data/
Each sub folder starting with 'OCR-D-OCR' should now contain 4 files with the detected full text.
The subdirectory 'metadata' contains the provenance of the workflow all intermediate mets files and the stdout and stderr output of all executed processors.
If you want to test this workflow with your own documents you have to pass the workspace directory with a mets.xml inside to the shell script.
user@localhost:~$cd ~/ocrd/taverna
user@localhost:~/ocrd/taverna$bash parameters_all.txt /path/to/workspace/containing/mets
Taverna comes with 2 predefined workflows.
- parameters_best.txt: Workflow expected to produce best results
- parameters_fast.txt: Workflow expected to produce good results even on slower machines.
user@localhost:~$cd ~/ocrd/taverna
user@localhost:~/ocrd/taverna$bash parameters_best.txt /path/to/workspace/containing/mets
Before a workflow can be started, it must be configured first. You may use the predefined workflows as a starting point.
# Make a copy of a parameters and a workflow configuration
user@localhost:~/ocrd/taverna$cp conf/parameters_all.txt conf/my_parameters.txt
user@localhost:~/ocrd/taverna$cp conf/workflow_configuration_all.txt conf/my_workflow_configuration.txt
Now adapt the configuration files due to your needs. (See examples inside the files)
ℹ️ Make sure that all processors used by the workflow are installed.
For a fast test if a processor is available try the following command:
# Test if processor is installed e.g. ocrd-cis-ocropy-binarize
user@localhost:~/ocrd/taverna$ocrd-cis-ocropy-binarize -J
"executable": "ocrd-cis-ocropy-binarize",
"categories": [
"Image preprocessing"
"steps": [
"input_file_grp": [
"output_file_grp": [
"description": "Binarize (and optionally deskew/despeckle) pages / regions / lines with ocropy",
"parameters": {
"method": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"description": "binarization method to use (only ocropy will include deskewing)",
"default": "ocropy"
"grayscale": {
"type": "boolean",
"description": "for the ocropy method, produce grayscale-normalized instead of thresholded image",
"default": false
"maxskew": {
"type": "number",
"description": "modulus of maximum skewing angle to detect (larger will be slower, 0 will deactivate deskewing)",
"default": 0.0
"noise_maxsize": {
"type": "number",
"description": "maximum pixel number for connected components to regard as noise (0 will deactivate denoising)",
"default": 0
"level-of-operation": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"description": "PAGE XML hierarchy level granularity to annotate images for",
"default": "page"
If workflow is configured it can be started.
user@localhost:~/ocrd/taverna$bash my_parameters.txt /path/to/workspace/containing/mets