Releases: OSGeo/gdal
Releases · OSGeo/gdal
GDAL 3.4.0
- RFC 81:
Support for coordinate epochs in geospatial formats.
Implemented in FlatGeoBuf, GeoPackage, MEM, VRT - New GDAL drivers:
- Other improvements:
- number of enhancements in file system operations of /vsigs/
- NITF: additions to comply with NITF Version 2.1 Commercial Dataset
Requirements Document (NCDRD) - ODBC and PGeo: multiple fixes and improvements
- SAFE (Sentinel1): multiple improvements related to SLC/calibration (change
subdataset naming) - multidimensional API: caching, and other improvements
- Code linting and security fixes
- Bump of shared lib major version
- MDB driver (Java based) mark as deprecated. Planned for removal for GDAL 3.5.
ODBC driver is the preferred solution (with up-to-date MDBTools library on
non-Windows platforms) - Writing side of Tiger driver deprecated and will be removed in GDAL 3.5
- Remainder: DODS, JPEG2000(Jasper), JPEGLS, MG4LIDAR, FUJIBAS, IDA, INGR and
GTM, INGRES, MONGODB, REC, WALK are planned for removal in GDAL 3.5. As well
as Perl bindings
GDAL 3.3.3
Bug fix release. See release notes:
GDAL 3.3.2
Bug fix release. See release notes:
GDAL 3.3.1
Bug fix release. See release notes:
GDAL 3.2.3
Bug fix release. See release notes:
GDAL 3.3.0
- RFC 77 ( Drop Python 2 support in favor of Python 3.6 (#3142)
- RFC 78 ( Add a gdal-utils Python package
- New driver:
- STACTA: raster driver to read Spatio-Temporal Asset Catalog Tiled Assets
- Add /vsiadls/ virtual file system for Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
- Improved drivers: DIMAP, NITF
- Number of improvements in Python bindings
- Add automatic loading of configuration options from a file
- Add support for enumerated, constraint and glob field domains in MEM, FileGDB/OpenFileGDB and GeoPackage drivers
- Deprecation:
- Disable by default raster drivers DODS, JPEG2000, JPEGLS, MG4LIDAR, FUJIBAS, IDA, INGR, ZMAP and vector driver ARCGEN, ArcObjects, CLOUDANT, COUCHDB, DB2, DODS, FME, GEOMEDIA, GTM, INGRES, MONGODB, REC, WALK at runtime, unless the GDAL_ENABLE_DEPRECATED_DRIVER_{drivername} configuration option is set to YES. Those drivers are planned for removal in GDAL 3.5
- Perl bindings are deprecated. Removal planned for GDAL 3.5. Use Geo::GDAL::FFI instead
- Removal of BNA, AeronavFAA, HTF, OpenAir, SEGUKOOA, SEGY, SUA, XPlane, BPG, E00GRID, EPSILON, IGNFHeightASCIIGrid, NTV1 drivers. Moved to (unsupported) repository.
GDAL 3.2.2
Bug fix release. See release notes:
GDAL 3.2.1
Bug fix release. See release notes:
GDAL 3.2.0
- New GDAL drivers:
- New OGR drivers:
- LVBAG: read-only support for Dutch LVBAG/Kadaster 2.0 vector format
- New utilities:
- gdal_create: to create/initialize a new raster file
- Other improvements:
- Multi-threaded overview computation (if GDAL_NUM_THREADS set)
- COG driver: TILING_SCHEME creation option
- OpenFileGDB driver: add support for using spatial indexes
- BAG driver: multiple improvements
- FITS driver: multiple improvements (MEF and binary table support)
- NITF driver: support for SNIP TREs
- OGRFieldDefn: support UNIQUE constraint
- OGRFieldDefn: support a AlternativeName (alias) property (#2729)
- Python bindings: move implementation of scripts (except gdal2tiles) in osgeo.utils package to be reusable
- Faster GTIFF Deflate compression/decompression through libdeflate (if using internal libtiff or libtiff > 4.1.0)
- Removed functionality:
- API_PROXY mechanism: likely never used for real usage.
- Removal of GDAL and OGR ArcSDE drivers
GDAL 3.1.4
Bug fix release. See release notes: