diff --git a/100Change2017/ansible/100Change2017.yml b/100Change2017/ansible/100Change2017.yml
index d733a0d3..f2e99e0c 100644
--- a/100Change2017/ansible/100Change2017.yml
+++ b/100Change2017/ansible/100Change2017.yml
@@ -4,16 +4,25 @@
become: true
become_user: "{{ deployment_user }}"
- - postgres
+ - postgres
- hosts: mediawiki
become: true
become_user: "{{ deployment_user }}"
- - mediawiki
+ - mediawiki
+ - activitylog
+ - collection
+ - embed_video
+ - permissions
+ - simplesaml
+ - torquedataconnect
+ - 100Change2017
+ # This should always go last, to run db updates and restart
+ - finishmediawiki
- hosts: simplesaml
become: true
become_user: "{{ deployment_user }}"
- - simplesaml
+ - simplesaml
diff --git a/100Change2017/ansible/inv/local/group_vars/all.tmpl b/100Change2017/ansible/inv/local/group_vars/all.tmpl
index 2dfcff01..9893496f 100644
--- a/100Change2017/ansible/inv/local/group_vars/all.tmpl
+++ b/100Change2017/ansible/inv/local/group_vars/all.tmpl
@@ -1,4 +1,13 @@
+competition_name: 100Change2017
+# The sheet that this wiki is going to act on. Most of the time
+# this will be the same as the competition name (above), but sometimes
+# this is different when either the competition name doesn't work as
+# a sheet name (for instance, if it starts with a number), or if
+# this wiki should act on a different sheet.
+torquedataconnect_sheet_name: LFC100Change2017
# Root web directory (where symlinks to the mediawiki instances
# are installed)
html_directory: /var/www/html
diff --git a/100Change2017/ansible/inv/prod/group_vars/all/base b/100Change2017/ansible/inv/prod/group_vars/all/base
index 78a2275f..11042992 100644
--- a/100Change2017/ansible/inv/prod/group_vars/all/base
+++ b/100Change2017/ansible/inv/prod/group_vars/all/base
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+competition_name: 100Change2017
+torquedataconnect_sheet_name: LFC100Change2017
html_directory: /var/www/html
mediawiki_install_directory: /home/deploy/100Change2017/
mediawiki_mwlib_username: mwlib
diff --git a/100Change2017/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/100Change-logo150.png b/100Change2017/ansible/roles/100Change2017/files/100Change-logo150.png
similarity index 100%
rename from 100Change2017/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/100Change-logo150.png
rename to 100Change2017/ansible/roles/100Change2017/files/100Change-logo150.png
diff --git a/100Change2017/ansible/roles/100Change2017/tasks/main.yml b/100Change2017/ansible/roles/100Change2017/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..87794c1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/100Change2017/ansible/roles/100Change2017/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+- name: Transfer LFC Logo
+ copy:
+ src: 100Change-logo150.png
+ dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/resources/assets/100Change-logo150.png"
+- name: Install LFC Logo
+ lineinfile:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
+ regexp: ^\$wgLogo = .*
+ line: $wgLogo = "$wgResourceBasePath/resources/assets/100Change-logo150.png";
diff --git a/100Change2017/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Common.css b/100Change2017/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Common.css
deleted file mode 100644
index e502a300..00000000
--- a/100Change2017/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Common.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-/* This disables some of the Special:Log inputs */
-.rootpage-Special_Log .mw-usertoollinks {
- display:none;
-.rootpage-Special_Log .comment {
- display:none;
-.rootpage-Special_Log .mw-htmlform-field-HTMLTagFilter {
- display:none;
-.rootpage-Special_Log .mw-htmlform-field-HTMLMultiSelectField {
- display:none;
diff --git a/100Change2017/ansible/roles/mediawiki/tasks/main.yml b/100Change2017/ansible/roles/mediawiki/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 792e3ba1..00000000
--- a/100Change2017/ansible/roles/mediawiki/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,468 +0,0 @@
-- name: Add php repository - Ubuntu
- become_user: root
- apt_repository:
- repo: ppa:ondrej/php
- when: ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu'
-- name: install prerequisites
- become_user: root
- # See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Installation_requirements
- apt:
- name: "{{ item }}"
- #update_cache: yes # commented out for dev purposes
- state: present
- loop:
- - apache2
- - curl
- - git
- - php
- - php-apcu
- - php-cli
- - php-intl
- - php-mbstring
- - php-pgsql
- - php-xml
- - unzip
-- name: Setup installation directory
- file:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}"
- state: directory
-- name: Download MediaWiki
- get_url:
- url: https://releases.wikimedia.org/mediawiki/1.33/mediawiki-1.33.0.tar.gz
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0.tar.gz"
- checksum: sha256:8335a2d8740c5dd5919a480b74c3d8e19f23a68b396df48c2d77646272fdcd67
-- name: Extract MediaWiki tarball
- unarchive:
- src: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0.tar.gz"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/"
- remote_src: yes
- creates: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/"
-- name: Enable PHP modules
- become_user: root
- shell: phpenmod {{ item }}
- loop:
- - mbstring
- - mysqli
- - xml
-- name: Get Composer
- get_url:
- url: https://getcomposer.org/installer
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/composer-setup.php"
- checksum: "sha384:795f976fe0ebd8b75f26a6dd68f78fd3453ce79f32ecb33e7fd087d39bfeb978342fb73ac986cd4f54edd0dc902601dc"
-- name: Make wiki bin directory
- file:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/bin"
- state: directory
-- name: Install Composer locally
- shell: php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/composer-setup.php --install-dir={{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/bin --filename=composer
-- name: Remove Composer setup script
- file:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/composer-setup.php"
- state: absent
-- name: Install Composer globally
- become_user: root
- shell: mv {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/bin/composer /usr/local/bin/composer
-- name: Install MW with Composer
- command: composer install --no-dev
- args:
- chdir: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0"
-- name: Install EmbedVideo
- unarchive:
- src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../../thirdparty/extensions/EmbedVideo-v2.8.0.zip"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/"
-- name: Install PluggableAuth
- unarchive:
- src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../../thirdparty/extensions/PluggableAuth-REL1_33-a69f626.tar.gz"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/"
-- name: Install SimpleSAML extension
- unarchive:
- src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../../thirdparty/extensions/SimpleSAMLphp-REL1_33-7d91f27.tar.gz"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/"
-- name: Install Collection
- unarchive:
- src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../../thirdparty/extensions/Collection-REL1_33-8566dd1.tar.gz"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/"
-- name: Checkout ActivityLog
- git:
- repo: https://github.com/OpenTechStrategies/ActivityLog
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/ActivityLog/"
- version: 27e9191
-- name: Checkout Torque
- git:
- repo: https://github.com/OpenTechStrategies/torque
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/torque/"
- version: 16468ec
-- name: Link TorqueDataConnect
- file:
- src: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/torque/TorqueDataConnect/"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/TorqueDataConnect"
- state: link
-- name: Create Wiki
- command: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/install.php --dbtype=postgres --dbserver=localhost --dbuser=wikiuser --dbpass=\"{{ db_password }}\" --dbname=100Change2017 --scriptpath=\"/100Change2017\" --lang=en --pass=\"{{ mediawiki_admin_password }}\" \"100Change2017\" \"admin\""
- args:
- creates: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
-- name: Enable EmbedVideo
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- line: "wfLoadExtension('EmbedVideo-v2.8.0');"
-- name: Enable PluggableAuth
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE PLUGABLE AUTH CONFIG"
- block: |
- wfLoadExtension( 'PluggableAuth' );
- $wgPluggableAuth_EnableAutoLogin = true;
- $wgPluggableAuth_EnableLocalLogin = true;
- $wgPluggableAuth_EnableLocalProperties = false;
- $wgPluggableAuth_ButtonLabel = "Log In With MacArthur Okta";
- $wgInvalidUsernameCharacters = "";
-- name: Enable SimpleSAMLphp extension
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE SIMPLE SAML PHP CONFIG"
- block: |
- wfLoadExtension( 'SimpleSAMLphp' );
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_SyncAllGroups_LocallyManaged = ["sysop", "DecisionMakers", "LFCEvaluators"];
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_InstallDir = '{{ simplesaml_install_directory }}/simplesamlphp-1.18.4';
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_AuthSourceId = '{{ simplesaml_okta_metadata_name }}';
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_RealNameAttribute = ['firstName', 'lastName'];
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_EmailAttribute = 'email';
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_UsernameAttribute = 'username';
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_GroupMap = [
- 'sysop' => ['groups' => ['LFC Torque Admin', 'LFC Staff']],
- 'DecisionMakers' => ['groups' => ['LFC Decision Makers']],
- 'LFCEvaluators' => ['groups' => ['LFC Consultants']]
- ];
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_SyncAllGroups_GroupNameModificationCallback = function($origGroupName){
- # Remove spaces
- return preg_replace('/\s/', '', $origGroupName);
- };
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_AttributeProcessorFactories = [
- "MediaWiki\\Extension\\SimpleSAMLphp\\AttributeProcessor\\SyncAllGroups::factory"
- ];
-- name: Enable Collection
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE COLLECTION CONFIG"
- block: |
- require_once "$IP/extensions/Collection/Collection.php";
- $wgCollectionMWServeURL = "";
- $wgCollectionMaxArticles = 250;
- $wgEnableApi = true;
- $wgCollectionFormats = array( 'rl' => 'PDF',);
- $wgCollectionPortletFormats = [];
- $wgCollectionDisableDownloadSection = false;
- $wgHooks['ApiBeforeMain'][] = function($main) {
- global $wgTorqueDataConnectGroup, $wgTorqueDataConnectRenderToHTML, $wgTorqueDataConnectView;
- if($main->getUser() && strtolower($main->getUser()->getName()) == "{{ mediawiki_mwlib_username }}") {
- $wgTorqueDataConnectRenderToHTML = false;
- $tdcinfo = $main->getRequest()->getText("tdcinfo", false);
- list($wgTorqueDataConnectGroup, $wgTorqueDataConnectView) = explode("|", $tdcinfo);
- }
- };
- $wgHooks['BeforeInitialize'][] = function(&$title, &$article = null, &$output, &$user, $request, $mediaWiki) {
- global $wgCollectionMWServeCredentials;
- $group = TorqueDataConnectConfig::getValidGroup($user);
- $view = TorqueDataConnectConfig::getCurrentView();
- $wgCollectionMWServeCredentials = "{{ mediawiki_mwlib_username }}:${group}|${view}:{{ mediawiki_mwlib_password }}";
- };
-- name: Enable TorqueDataConnect
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- define("TORQUE_CONFIG", 4000);
- define("TORQUE_CONFIG_TALK", 4001);
- $wgExtraNamespaces[TORQUE_CONFIG] = "TorqueConfig";
- $wgExtraNamespaces[TORQUE_CONFIG_TALK] = "TorqueConfig_talk";
- $wgNamespaceProtection[TORQUE_CONFIG] = array("edittorqueconfig");
- $wgTorqueDataConnectWikiKey = "100Change2017";
- $wgTorqueDataConnectSheetName = "LFC100Change2017";
- $wgTorqueDataConnectConfigPage = "TorqueConfig:MainConfig";
- $wgTorqueDataConnectNotFoundMessage = "This proposal has been disqualified in admin, peer, or expert review.";
- wfLoadExtension('TorqueDataConnect');
-- name: Set TOC depth
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- line: $wgMaxTocLevel = 2;
-- name: Disable Collection Warning 1
- replace:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/Collection/Collection.body.php"
- regexp: '^(\t.*MessageBoxHelper::renderWarningBoxes.*)$'
- replace: '#\1'
-- name: Disable Collection Warning 2
- replace:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/Collection/templates/CollectionPageTemplate.php"
- regexp: '^(\t.*MessageBoxHelper::renderWarningBoxes.*)$'
- replace: '#\1'
-- name: Remove Collection Book Text
- replace:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/Collection/i18n/en.json"
- regexp: '\t"coll-book_creator_intro": "With the ''''book creator'''' you can create a book containing wiki pages of your choice. You can export the book in different formats \(for example PDF or ODF\) or order a printed copy.",'
- replace: '\t"coll-book_creator_intro": "With the ''''book creator'''' you can create a book containing wiki pages of your choice. You can export the book in different formats (for example PDF or ODF).",'
-- name: Install ActivityLog Configuration
- copy:
- src: ActivityLogConfiguration
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/"
-- name: Enable ActivityLog
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE ACTIVITYLOG CONFIG"
- block: |
- wfLoadExtension('ActivityLog');
- $wgMessagesDirs['ActivityLogConfiguration'] = 'ActivityLogConfiguration/i18n';
- $wgActivityLogHooksToWatch["ArticleViewHeader"] = function ($article) {
- $referrer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
- $ourServer = "http://torque.leverforchange.org";
- if($referrer && $ourServer == substr($referrer, 0, strlen($ourServer))) {
- return array($article->getContext()->getUser(),
- $article->getTitle(),
- "activitylog-articleviewheader-with-referrer",
- );
- } else {
- return array($article->getContext()->getUser(),
- $article->getTitle(),
- "activitylog-articleviewheader"
- );
- }
- };
- $wgActivityLogHooksToWatch["UserLoginComplete"] = function(&$user, &$inject_html, $direct) {
- global $wgTitle;
- return array($user, $wgTitle, "activitylog-userlogin");
- };
- $wgActivityLogHooksToWatch["PageContentSave"] = function($wikiPage, $user, $content, &$summary, $isMinor, $isWatch, $section, $flags, $status) {
- return array($user, $wikiPage->getTitle(), "activitylog-articlesavepage");
- };
-- name: Disable MediaWiki Cache
- # When the cache is enabled, on AWS, with the default setting,
- # the following createAndPromote.php command fails due to cache timeout.
- # The reason isn't clear, but for now, this will fix it.
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- line: $wgMainCacheType = CACHE_NONE;
-- name: Create mwlib user
- command: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/createAndPromote.php --force --dbuser=wikiuser --dbpass=\"{{ db_password }}\" \"{{ mediawiki_mwlib_username }}\" \"{{ mediawiki_mwlib_password }}\""
-- name: Create csv2wiki user
- command: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/createAndPromote.php --bot --force --dbuser=wikiuser --dbpass=\"{{ db_password }}\" \"{{ mediawiki_csv2wiki_username }}\" \"{{ mediawiki_csv2wiki_password }}\""
-- name: Set Group Permissions
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['read'] = false;
- $wgGroupPermissions['Staff']['read'] = true;
- foreach($wgGroupPermissions['sysop'] as $key => $value) {
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCTorque'][$key] = $value;
- }
- $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['protect'] = true;
- $wgRestrictionLevels[] = 'generated';
- $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['generated'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['torquedataconnect-admin'] = true;
- # Permissions that we want sysops/admins to have that
- # but not for staff go here
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['generated'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['edittorqueconfig'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['torquedataconnect-admin'] = true;
- foreach($wgGroupPermissions['sysop'] as $key => $value) {
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCTorqueAdmin'][$key] = $value;
- }
- # Groups requested specifically by LFC.
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCResearchPartners']['read'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCEvaluators']['read'] = true;
- # These are OTS Torque Standard Groups
- $wgGroupPermissions['OutsideReviewers']['read'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['Staff']['read'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['PseudoDecisionMakers']['read'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['DecisionMakers']['read'] = true;
- # Disable teamcomments for users on this wiki by default.
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['teamcomment'] = false;
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['teamcommentseeusernames'] = false;
- # Then enable teamcomments for the groups that should be leaving comments
- $wgGroupPermissions['Staff']['teamcomment'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['PseudoDecisionMaker']['teamcomment'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['DecisionMaker']['teamcomment'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['teamcomment'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCResearchPartners']['teamcomment'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCEvaluators']['teamcomment'] = true;
- # Allow some groups to see usernames
- $wgGroupPermissions['Staff']['teamcommentseeusernames'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['PseudoDecisionMaker']['teamcommentseeusernames'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['DecisionMaker']['teamcommentseeusernames'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['teamcommentseeusernames'] = true;
- # Log permissions (ability to see Special:Log)
- $wgAvailableRights[] = 'view-special-log';
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['view-special-log'] = false;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['view-special-log'] = true;
-- name: Disable Special:Log for groups that don't have view-special-log
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $wgHooks['SpecialPage_initList'][] = function ( &$list ) {
- global $wgUser;
- if(!$wgUser->isAllowed('view-special-log')) {
- unset( $list['Log'] );
- }
- return true;
- };
-- name: Create Special:Log name overrides
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $logTitlesOverrideMessages = [
- "picksomelogpage" => "Selection",
- "activitylogpage" => "Misc. Activity (page views, login, logout, etc)",
- "simplefavoriteslog" => "Favorites",
- "log-name-create" => "Page Creation",
- "movelogpage" => "Page Rename",
- "uploadlogpage" => "File Upload",
- "dellogpage" => "Page Deletion",
- "newuserlogpage" => "User Creation",
- "log-name-teamcomments" => "Comments",
- "torquedataconnect-apiaccesslog" => "API Accesses",
- "torquedataconnect-datachangeslog" => "Data Changes",
- "rightslog" => "Changes to Access Control / Permissions"
- ];
- $wgHooks['MessagesPreLoad'][] = function($title, &$message, $code) {
- global $logTitlesOverrideMessages;
- if(array_key_exists(strtolower($title), $logTitlesOverrideMessages)) {
- $message = $logTitlesOverrideMessages[strtolower($title)];
- }
- };
-- name: Disable Special:Log types that aren't of interest
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $logTypesBlacklist = ["block", "contentmodel", "import", "managetags", "merge", "patrol", "protect", "rights", "tag"];
- $wgHooks['SetupAfterCache'][] = function () {
- global $wgLogTypes, $logTypesBlacklist;
- foreach($logTypesBlacklist as $logType) {
- unset($wgLogTypes[array_search($logType, $wgLogTypes)]);
- }
- return true;
- };
-- name: Change Special:Log format slightly
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- # This is a little brittle, based on how the lines are rendered by the skin currently used
- # but should work for the foreseeable future.
- $wgHooks['LogEventsListLineEnding'][] = function ($page, &$line, &$entry, &$classes, &$attribs){
- $line = preg_replace('/(\d\d\d\d)/', '\1 —', $line, 1);
- };
-- name: Transfer LFC Logo
- copy:
- src: 100Change-logo150.png
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/resources/assets/100Change-logo150.png"
-- name: Install LFC Logo
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- regexp: ^\$wgLogo = .*
- line: $wgLogo = "$wgResourceBasePath/resources/assets/100Change-logo150.png";
-- name: Transfer Common group css
- copy:
- src: Common.css
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Common.css"
-- name: Install Common group css
- raw: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/edit.php -b MediaWiki:Common.css < {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Common.css"
-- name: Remove Common group css
- file:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Common.css"
- state: absent
-- name: Transfer htaccess
- copy:
- src: .htaccess
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/.htaccess"
-# This should come near the end to make sure that all the database updates
-# for the extensions get run after the rest of the system is set up.
-- name: Run mediawiki updates
- command: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/update.php"
-# Handle Apache changes
-- name: Symlink to webserver directory
- become_user: root
- file:
- state: link
- src: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0"
- path: "{{ html_directory }}/100Change2017"
-- name: Set permissions on attachments directory
- become_user: root
- file:
- path: "{{ html_directory }}/100Change2017/images/"
- owner: www-data
- group: www-data
-- name: Restart Apache
- become_user: root
- service:
- name: apache2
- state: restarted
diff --git a/100Change2017/ansible/roles/simplesaml/tasks/main.yml b/100Change2017/ansible/roles/simplesaml/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c0c7fd3..00000000
--- a/100Change2017/ansible/roles/simplesaml/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-- name: Add okta account to autoconfig
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ simplesaml_install_directory }}/simplesamlphp-1.18.4/saml-autoconfig.php"
- insertafter: '\$metadata_url_for = array\('
- line: "'{{ simplesaml_okta_metadata_name }}' => '{{ simplesaml_okta_metadata_url }}',"
diff --git a/100Change2017Partners/ansible/100Change2017Partners.yml b/100Change2017Partners/ansible/100Change2017Partners.yml
index 4d6ed699..6a8eb250 100644
--- a/100Change2017Partners/ansible/100Change2017Partners.yml
+++ b/100Change2017Partners/ansible/100Change2017Partners.yml
@@ -4,10 +4,17 @@
become: true
become_user: "{{ deployment_user }}"
- - postgres
+ - postgres
- hosts: mediawiki
become: true
become_user: "{{ deployment_user }}"
- - mediawiki
+ - mediawiki
+ - activitylog
+ - embed_video
+ - permissions
+ - torquedataconnect
+ - 100Change2017Partners
+ # This should always go last, to run db updates and restart
+ - finishmediawiki
diff --git a/100Change2017Partners/ansible/inv/local/group_vars/all.tmpl b/100Change2017Partners/ansible/inv/local/group_vars/all.tmpl
index 72615ac5..06d5c269 100644
--- a/100Change2017Partners/ansible/inv/local/group_vars/all.tmpl
+++ b/100Change2017Partners/ansible/inv/local/group_vars/all.tmpl
@@ -1,4 +1,13 @@
+competition_name: 100Change2017Partners
+# The sheet that this wiki is going to act on. Most of the time
+# this will be the same as the competition name (above), but sometimes
+# this is different when either the competition name doesn't work as
+# a sheet name (for instance, if it starts with a number), or if
+# this wiki should act on a different sheet.
+torquedataconnect_sheet_name: LFC100Change2017
# Root web directory (where symlinks to the mediawiki instances
# are installed)
html_directory: /var/www/html
diff --git a/100Change2017Partners/ansible/inv/prod/group_vars/all/base b/100Change2017Partners/ansible/inv/prod/group_vars/all/base
index a253ae09..7fbf15a1 100644
--- a/100Change2017Partners/ansible/inv/prod/group_vars/all/base
+++ b/100Change2017Partners/ansible/inv/prod/group_vars/all/base
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+competition_name: 100Change2017Partners
+torquedataconnect_sheet_name: LFC100Change2017
html_directory: /var/www/html
mediawiki_install_directory: /home/deploy/100Change2017Partners/
mediawiki_csv2wiki_username: csv2wiki
diff --git a/100Change2017/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/.htaccess b/100Change2017Partners/ansible/roles/100Change2017Partners/files/.htaccess
similarity index 100%
rename from 100Change2017/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/.htaccess
rename to 100Change2017Partners/ansible/roles/100Change2017Partners/files/.htaccess
diff --git a/100Change2017Partners/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/100Change-logo150.png b/100Change2017Partners/ansible/roles/100Change2017Partners/files/100Change-logo150.png
similarity index 100%
rename from 100Change2017Partners/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/100Change-logo150.png
rename to 100Change2017Partners/ansible/roles/100Change2017Partners/files/100Change-logo150.png
diff --git a/100Change2017Partners/ansible/roles/100Change2017Partners/tasks/main.yml b/100Change2017Partners/ansible/roles/100Change2017Partners/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..87794c1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/100Change2017Partners/ansible/roles/100Change2017Partners/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+- name: Transfer LFC Logo
+ copy:
+ src: 100Change-logo150.png
+ dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/resources/assets/100Change-logo150.png"
+- name: Install LFC Logo
+ lineinfile:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
+ regexp: ^\$wgLogo = .*
+ line: $wgLogo = "$wgResourceBasePath/resources/assets/100Change-logo150.png";
diff --git a/100Change2017Partners/ansible/roles/postgres/tasks/main.yml b/100Change2017Partners/ansible/roles/postgres/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 25a6faa1..00000000
--- a/100Change2017Partners/ansible/roles/postgres/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-- name: install prerequisites
- become_user: root
- apt:
- name: "{{ item }}"
- update_cache: yes
- state: present
- loop:
- - postgresql
- - python-psycopg2
-- name: Create database user
- become: true
- become_user: postgres
- postgresql_user:
- login_password: "{{ postgres_root_password }}"
- name: wikiuser
- password: "{{ db_password }}"
- state: present
-- name: create postgresql db
- become: true
- become_user: postgres
- postgresql_db:
- name: 100Change2017Partners
- state: present
- owner: wikiuser
diff --git a/100Change2020/ansible/100Change2020.yml b/100Change2020/ansible/100Change2020.yml
index 61ab44df..6922d232 100644
--- a/100Change2020/ansible/100Change2020.yml
+++ b/100Change2020/ansible/100Change2020.yml
@@ -16,4 +16,19 @@
become: true
become_user: "{{ deployment_user }}"
- - mediawiki
+ - mediawiki
+ - activitylog
+ - collection
+ - embed_video
+ - permissions
+ - simplefavorites
+ # PickSome has to come after collection so the left menu bar is correct
+ - picksome
+ - simplesaml
+ - rss
+ - teamcomments
+ - torquedataconnect
+ # This should come after permissions because of overrides of defaults
+ - 100Change2020
+ # This should always go last, to run db updates and restart
+ - finishmediawiki
diff --git a/100Change2020/ansible/inv/dev/group_vars/all/base b/100Change2020/ansible/inv/dev/group_vars/all/base
index 231306bf..651ba94d 100644
--- a/100Change2020/ansible/inv/dev/group_vars/all/base
+++ b/100Change2020/ansible/inv/dev/group_vars/all/base
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+competition_name: lfc
+torquedataconnect_sheet_name: proposals
html_directory: /var/www/html
mediawiki_install_directory: /home/deploy/lfc/
mediawiki_mwlib_username: mwlib
diff --git a/100Change2020/ansible/inv/local/group_vars/all.tmpl b/100Change2020/ansible/inv/local/group_vars/all.tmpl
index 43afe044..4d36ca14 100644
--- a/100Change2020/ansible/inv/local/group_vars/all.tmpl
+++ b/100Change2020/ansible/inv/local/group_vars/all.tmpl
@@ -1,4 +1,13 @@
+competition_name: 100Change2020
+# The sheet that this wiki is going to act on. Most of the time
+# this will be the same as the competition name (above), but sometimes
+# this is different when either the competition name doesn't work as
+# a sheet name (for instance, if it starts with a number), or if
+# this wiki should act on a different sheet.
+torquedataconnect_sheet_name: LFC100Change2020
# Root web directory (where symlinks to the mediawiki instances
# are installed)
html_directory: /var/www/html
diff --git a/100Change2020/ansible/inv/prod/group_vars/all/base b/100Change2020/ansible/inv/prod/group_vars/all/base
index af1effec..89c611da 100644
--- a/100Change2020/ansible/inv/prod/group_vars/all/base
+++ b/100Change2020/ansible/inv/prod/group_vars/all/base
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+competition_name: lfc
+torquedataconnect_sheet_name: proposals
html_directory: /var/www/html
mediawiki_install_directory: /home/deploy/lfc/
mediawiki_mwlib_username: mwlib
diff --git a/100Change2020/ansible/inv/staging/group_vars/all/base b/100Change2020/ansible/inv/staging/group_vars/all/base
index af1effec..89c611da 100644
--- a/100Change2020/ansible/inv/staging/group_vars/all/base
+++ b/100Change2020/ansible/inv/staging/group_vars/all/base
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+competition_name: lfc
+torquedataconnect_sheet_name: proposals
html_directory: /var/www/html
mediawiki_install_directory: /home/deploy/lfc/
mediawiki_mwlib_username: mwlib
diff --git a/100Change2017Partners/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/.htaccess b/100Change2020/ansible/roles/100Change2020/files/.htaccess
similarity index 100%
rename from 100Change2017Partners/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/.htaccess
rename to 100Change2020/ansible/roles/100Change2020/files/.htaccess
diff --git a/100Change2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/LeverForChange_Logo.png b/100Change2020/ansible/roles/100Change2020/files/LeverForChange_Logo.png
similarity index 100%
rename from 100Change2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/LeverForChange_Logo.png
rename to 100Change2020/ansible/roles/100Change2020/files/LeverForChange_Logo.png
diff --git a/100Change2020/ansible/roles/100Change2020/tasks/main.yml b/100Change2020/ansible/roles/100Change2020/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68b77e13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/100Change2020/ansible/roles/100Change2020/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# Because the overrides MUST come after the originals (loaded from include statements)
+# in LocalSettings, we delete the overrides from the file, and then re-insert them to
+# ensure that they comes at the end of the LocalSettings file
+- name: Clear pluggable auth override config
+ blockinfile:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
+- name: Clear picksome override config
+ blockinfile:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
+# Contrary to above, THIS override needs to be set before loading the pluggable
+# auth stuff, or else it overwrites the variable that may be set by the localloggin override.
+- name: Override base pluggable auth config
+ blockinfile:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
+ block: |
+ # We only potentially set to false if coming in from the web
+ if(array_key_exists('REQUEST_URI', $_SERVER)) {
+ $wgPluggableAuth_EnableLocalLogin = (substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, 13) == "/lfc/api.php");
+ }
+- name: Override some PickSome Variables
+ blockinfile:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
+ block: |
+ $wgPickSomeNumberOfPicks = 5;
+ $wgLFCPickSomeEligiblePage = "TorqueConfig:FinalistCandidates";
+- name: Transfer LFC Logo
+ copy:
+ src: LeverForChange_Logo.png
+ dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/resources/assets/LeverForChange_Logo.png"
+- name: Install LFC Logo
+ lineinfile:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
+ regexp: ^\$wgLogo = .*
+ line: $wgLogo = "$wgResourceBasePath/resources/assets/LeverForChange_Logo.png";
diff --git a/100Change2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/ActivityLogConfiguration/i18n/en.json b/100Change2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/ActivityLogConfiguration/i18n/en.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 93685958..00000000
--- a/100Change2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/ActivityLogConfiguration/i18n/en.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- "activitylog-articleviewheader": "$1 visited $3",
- "activitylog-articlesavepage": "$1 edited $3",
- "activitylog-articleviewheader-with-referrer": "$1 visited $3 (from $5)",
- "activitylog-userlogin": "$1 logged in"
diff --git a/100Change2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Common.css b/100Change2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Common.css
deleted file mode 100644
index e502a300..00000000
--- a/100Change2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Common.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-/* This disables some of the Special:Log inputs */
-.rootpage-Special_Log .mw-usertoollinks {
- display:none;
-.rootpage-Special_Log .comment {
- display:none;
-.rootpage-Special_Log .mw-htmlform-field-HTMLTagFilter {
- display:none;
-.rootpage-Special_Log .mw-htmlform-field-HTMLMultiSelectField {
- display:none;
diff --git a/100Change2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Group-board.css b/100Change2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Group-board.css
deleted file mode 100644
index a3e93949..00000000
--- a/100Change2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Group-board.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-#p-views ul li:not(.simplefavorite-icon):not(#ca-view):not(#ca-edit) { display:none!important; }
-#p-cactions { display:none!important; }
-#p-namespaces { display:none!important; }
-#pt-mytalk { display:none!important; }
-#pt-watchlist { display:none!important; }
-#pt-mycontris { display:none!important; }
-.mw-editsection { display:none!important; }
-#p-tb { display:none!important; }
diff --git a/100Change2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/tasks/main.yml b/100Change2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 11a6ec57..00000000
--- a/100Change2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,667 +0,0 @@
-- name: Add php repository - Ubuntu
- become_user: root
- apt_repository:
- repo: ppa:ondrej/php
- when: ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu'
-- name: install prerequisites
- become_user: root
- # See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Installation_requirements
- apt:
- name: "{{ item }}"
- #update_cache: yes # commented out for dev purposes
- state: present
- loop:
- - apache2
- - curl
- - git
- - php
- - php-apcu
- - php-cli
- - php-intl
- - php-mbstring
- - php-mysql
- - php-mysqli
- - php-xml
- - unzip
-- name: Setup installation directory
- file:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}"
- state: directory
-- name: Download MediaWiki
- get_url:
- url: https://releases.wikimedia.org/mediawiki/1.33/mediawiki-1.33.0.tar.gz
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0.tar.gz"
- checksum: sha256:8335a2d8740c5dd5919a480b74c3d8e19f23a68b396df48c2d77646272fdcd67
-- name: Extract MediaWiki tarball
- unarchive:
- src: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0.tar.gz"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/"
- remote_src: yes
- creates: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/"
-- name: Enable PHP modules
- become_user: root
- shell: phpenmod {{ item }}
- loop:
- - mbstring
- - mysqli
- - xml
-- name: Get Composer
- get_url:
- url: https://getcomposer.org/installer
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/composer-setup.php"
- checksum: "sha384:795f976fe0ebd8b75f26a6dd68f78fd3453ce79f32ecb33e7fd087d39bfeb978342fb73ac986cd4f54edd0dc902601dc"
-- name: Make wiki bin directory
- file:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/bin"
- state: directory
-- name: Install Composer locally
- shell: php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/composer-setup.php --install-dir={{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/bin --filename=composer
-- name: Remove Composer setup script
- file:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/composer-setup.php"
- state: absent
-- name: Install Composer globally
- become_user: root
- shell: mv {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/bin/composer /usr/local/bin/composer
-- name: Install MW with Composer
- command: composer install --no-dev
- args:
- chdir: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0"
-- name: Install EmbedVideo
- unarchive:
- src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../../thirdparty/extensions/EmbedVideo-v2.8.0.zip"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/"
-- name: Patch EmbedVideo
- patch:
- src: EmbedVideoIframeTitle.patch
- basedir: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/EmbedVideo-v2.8.0/"
-- name: Install RSS
- unarchive:
- src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../../thirdparty/extensions/RSS-REL1_34-0e63926.tar.gz"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/"
-- name: Install PluggableAuth
- unarchive:
- src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../../thirdparty/extensions/PluggableAuth-REL1_33-a69f626.tar.gz"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/"
-- name: Install SimpleSAML extension
- unarchive:
- src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../../thirdparty/extensions/SimpleSAMLphp-REL1_33-7d91f27.tar.gz"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/"
-- name: Install Collection
- unarchive:
- src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../../thirdparty/extensions/Collection-REL1_33-8566dd1.tar.gz"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/"
-- name: Checkout PickSome
- git:
- repo: https://github.com/OpenTechStrategies/PickSome
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/PickSome/"
- version: 59df890
-- name: Checkout ActivityLog
- git:
- repo: https://github.com/OpenTechStrategies/ActivityLog
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/ActivityLog/"
- version: 27e9191
-- name: Checkout SimpleFavorites
- git:
- repo: https://github.com/OpenTechStrategies/SimpleFavorites
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/SimpleFavorites/"
- version: 59fed33
-- name: Checkout TeamComments
- git:
- repo: https://github.com/OpenTechStrategies/TeamComments
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/TeamComments/"
- version: 450bff7
-- name: Checkout Torque
- git:
- repo: https://github.com/OpenTechStrategies/torque
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/torque/"
- version: 16468ec
-- name: Link TorqueDataConnect
- file:
- src: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/torque/TorqueDataConnect/"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/TorqueDataConnect"
- state: link
-- name: Create Wiki
- command: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/install.php --dbtype=mysql --dbserver=localhost --dbuser=wikiuser --dbpass=\"{{ db_password }}\" --dbname=lfc --scriptpath=\"/lfc\" --lang=en --pass=\"{{ mediawiki_admin_password }}\" \"lfc\" \"admin\""
- args:
- creates: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
-- name: Enable EmbedVideo
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- line: "wfLoadExtension('EmbedVideo-v2.8.0');"
-- name: Enable RSS
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- wfLoadExtension('RSS');
- $wgRSSUrlWhitelist = ["*"];
-- name: Enable PluggableAuth
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE PLUGABLE AUTH CONFIG"
- block: |
- wfLoadExtension( 'PluggableAuth' );
- $wgPluggableAuth_EnableAutoLogin = true;
- $wgPluggableAuth_EnableLocalLogin = true;
- # We only potentially set to false if coming in from the web
- if(array_key_exists('REQUEST_URI', $_SERVER)) {
- $wgPluggableAuth_EnableLocalLogin = (substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, 13) == "/lfc/api.php");
- }
- # We hijack at the top level if someone who knows what they are doing
- # puts in a get arg before the first redirect even happens
- if(array_key_exists('locallogin', $_GET)) {
- setcookie('locallogin', $_GET['locallogin'], time() + 3600, '/');
- $wgPluggableAuth_EnableLocalLogin = $_GET['locallogin'] == "on";
- }
- if(array_key_exists('locallogin', $_COOKIE)) {
- $wgPluggableAuth_EnableLocalLogin = $_COOKIE['locallogin'] == "on";
- }
- $wgPluggableAuth_EnableLocalProperties = false;
- $wgPluggableAuth_ButtonLabel = "Log In With Okta";
- $wgInvalidUsernameCharacters = "";
-- name: Enable SimpleSAMLphp extension
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE SIMPLE SAML PHP CONFIG"
- block: |
- wfLoadExtension( 'SimpleSAMLphp' );
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_InstallDir = '{{ simplesaml_install_directory }}/simplesamlphp-1.18.4';
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_AuthSourceId = '{{ simplesaml_okta_metadata_name }}';
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_RealNameAttribute = ['firstName', 'lastName'];
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_EmailAttribute = 'email';
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_UsernameAttribute = 'username';
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_SyncAllGroups_GroupNameModificationCallback = function($origGroupName){
- # Remove spaces
- return preg_replace('/\s/', '', $origGroupName);
- };
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_AttributeProcessorFactories = [
- "MediaWiki\\Extension\\SimpleSAMLphp\\AttributeProcessor\\SyncAllGroups::factory"
- ];
-- name: Install ActivityLog Configuration
- copy:
- src: ActivityLogConfiguration
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/"
-- name: Enable ActivityLog
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE ACTIVITYLOG CONFIG"
- block: |
- wfLoadExtension('ActivityLog');
- $wgMessagesDirs['ActivityLogConfiguration'] = 'ActivityLogConfiguration/i18n';
- $wgActivityLogHooksToWatch["ArticleViewHeader"] = function ($article) {
- $referrer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
- $ourServer = "http://torque.leverforchange.org";
- if($referrer && $ourServer == substr($referrer, 0, strlen($ourServer))) {
- return array($article->getContext()->getUser(),
- $article->getTitle(),
- "activitylog-articleviewheader-with-referrer",
- );
- } else {
- return array($article->getContext()->getUser(),
- $article->getTitle(),
- "activitylog-articleviewheader"
- );
- }
- };
- $wgActivityLogHooksToWatch["UserLoginComplete"] = function(&$user, &$inject_html, $direct) {
- global $wgTitle;
- return array($user, $wgTitle, "activitylog-userlogin");
- };
- $wgActivityLogHooksToWatch["PageContentSave"] = function($wikiPage, $user, $content, &$summary, $isMinor, $isWatch, $section, $flags, $status) {
- return array($user, $wikiPage->getTitle(), "activitylog-articlesavepage");
- };
-- name: Enable PickSome
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE PICKSOME CONFIG"
- block: |
- # While this next line should be taken care of in extenions, and indeed
- # it is, because this extension is loaded via wfLoadExtension, and because
- # Collection is loaded the old way, the sidebar before output is called
- # preferring Collection, placing it higher on the siderbar than PickSome.
- #
- # This was requested to be changed, and the most straightforward way is
- # to add it to the hook directly in LocalSettings
- $wgHooks['SidebarBeforeOutput'][] = 'PickSomeHooks::onSidebarBeforeOutput';
- wfLoadExtension('PickSome');
- $wgPickSomeNumberOfPicks = 5;
- # This may not be performant and require caching if number of users/page hits
- # becomes large.
- $wgPickSomePage = function($title) {
- $eligibleWildCardsTitle = Title::newFromText("TorqueConfig:FinalistCandidates");
- if($eligibleWildCardsTitle->exists()) {
- $page = new WikiPage($eligibleWildCardsTitle);
- $valid_pages = [];
- preg_match_all("/\\[\\[([^\\]]*)\\]\\]/", $page->getContent()->getText(), $valid_pages);
- foreach($valid_pages[1] as $valid_page) {
- if($title->equals(Title::newFromText($valid_page))) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- };
- $wgPickSomeSortFunction = function($t1, $t2) {
- $text1 = $t1->getText();
- $text2 = $t2->getText();
- $text1 = preg_replace("/^\\W/", "", $text1);
- $text2 = preg_replace("/^\\W/", "", $text2);
- return $text1 > $text2;
- };
- $picksomeOverrideMessage = [
- "picksome-all" => "Everyone's Finalist Candidates",
- "picksome-title" => "Finalist Candidates",
- "picksome-choices" => "Finalist Candidate Choices",
- "picksome-my-picks" => "My Finalist Candidates",
- "picksome-unpick" => "Deselect",
- "picksome-pick" => "Select this page",
- "picksome-no-picks" => "No Finalist Candidates",
- "picksome-current" => "Current Page",
- "picksome-view-all" => "View Everyone's Finalist Candidates",
- "picksome-global-list" => "Global Finalist Candidate List",
- "picksome-remove-below" => "To select the current page, remove one below",
- "picksome-stop" => "Stop Selecting",
- "picksome-close-window" => "Close Window",
- "picksome-start" => "Start Selecting",
- ];
- $wgHooks['MessagesPreLoad'][] = function($title, &$message, $code) {
- global $picksomeOverrideMessage;
- if(array_key_exists(strtolower($title), $picksomeOverrideMessage)) {
- $message = $picksomeOverrideMessage[strtolower($title)];
- }
- };
-# This actually needs to be installed after PickSome (above), because
-# we want the picksome sidebar to be loaded before the Collection sidebar
-# because of how mediawiki decides order of portlet.
-- name: Enable Collection
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE COLLECTION CONFIG"
- block: |
- require_once "$IP/extensions/Collection/Collection.php";
- $wgCollectionMWServeURL = "";
- $wgCollectionMaxArticles = 250;
- $wgEnableApi = true;
- $wgCollectionFormats = array( 'rl' => 'PDF',);
- $wgCollectionPortletFormats = [];
- $wgCollectionDisableDownloadSection = false;
- $wgHooks['ApiBeforeMain'][] = function($main) {
- global $wgTorqueDataConnectGroup, $wgTorqueDataConnectRenderToHTML, $wgTorqueDataConnectView;
- if($main->getUser() && strtolower($main->getUser()->getName()) == "{{ mediawiki_mwlib_username }}") {
- $wgTorqueDataConnectRenderToHTML = false;
- $tdcinfo = $main->getRequest()->getText("tdcinfo", false);
- list($wgTorqueDataConnectGroup, $wgTorqueDataConnectView) = explode("|", $tdcinfo);
- }
- };
- $wgHooks['BeforeInitialize'][] = function(&$title, &$article = null, &$output, &$user, $request, $mediaWiki) {
- global $wgCollectionMWServeCredentials;
- $group = TorqueDataConnectConfig::getValidGroup($user);
- $view = TorqueDataConnectConfig::getCurrentView();
- $wgCollectionMWServeCredentials = "{{ mediawiki_mwlib_username }}:${group}|${view}:{{ mediawiki_mwlib_password }}";
- };
-- name: Enable SimpleFavorites
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- line: "wfLoadExtension('SimpleFavorites');"
-- name: Enable TorqueDataConnect
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- define("TORQUE_CONFIG", 4000);
- define("TORQUE_CONFIG_TALK", 4001);
- $wgExtraNamespaces[TORQUE_CONFIG] = "TorqueConfig";
- $wgExtraNamespaces[TORQUE_CONFIG_TALK] = "TorqueConfig_talk";
- $wgNamespaceProtection[TORQUE_CONFIG] = array("edittorqueconfig");
- $wgTorqueDataConnectSheetName = "proposals";
- $wgTorqueDataConnectWikiKey = "lfc";
- $wgTorqueDataConnectConfigPage = "TorqueConfig:MainConfig";
- $wgTorqueDataConnectNotFoundMessage = "This proposal has been disqualified in admin, peer, or expert review.";
- wfLoadExtension('TorqueDataConnect');
-- name: Enable TeamComments
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- wfLoadExtension('TeamComments');
- $wgTeamCommentsCheatSheetLocation = "Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet";
- $wgTeamCommentsUserPseudonymizer = function($username) {
- return "Pseudonymous User #" . TorqueDataConnectUserLookup::lookupByUsername($username)->{"id"};
- };
-- name: Enable Uploading
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- marker: "## {mark} UPLOAD CONFIG"
- block: |
- $wgEnableUploads = true;
- $wgFileExtensions = array_merge($wgFileExtensions, array('doc', 'docx', 'html', 'pdf', 'xlsx'));
- $wgFileBlacklist = array();
- $wgMimeTypeBlacklist = array();
- $wgStrictFileExtensions = false;
- $wgTrustedMediaFormats = array('application/zip', 'text/html');
- $wgVerifyMimeType = false;
- $wgAllowJavaUploads = true;
- $wgCheckFileExtensions = false;
- $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['edit'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['upload'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['torquedataconnect-admin'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['autoconfirmed']['reupload'] = true;
-- name: Set TOC depth
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- line: $wgMaxTocLevel = 2;
-- name: Disable Collection Warning 1
- replace:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/Collection/Collection.body.php"
- regexp: '^(\t.*MessageBoxHelper::renderWarningBoxes.*)$'
- replace: '#\1'
-- name: Disable Collection Warning 2
- replace:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/Collection/templates/CollectionPageTemplate.php"
- regexp: '^(\t.*MessageBoxHelper::renderWarningBoxes.*)$'
- replace: '#\1'
-- name: Remove Collection Book Text
- replace:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/Collection/i18n/en.json"
- regexp: '\t"coll-book_creator_intro": "With the ''''book creator'''' you can create a book containing wiki pages of your choice. You can export the book in different formats \(for example PDF or ODF\) or order a printed copy.",'
- replace: '\t"coll-book_creator_intro": "With the ''''book creator'''' you can create a book containing wiki pages of your choice. You can export the book in different formats (for example PDF or ODF).",'
-- name: Disable MediaWiki Cache
- # When the cache is enabled, on AWS, with the default setting,
- # the following createAndPromote.php command fails due to cache timeout.
- # The reason isn't clear, but for now, this will fix it.
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- line: $wgMainCacheType = CACHE_NONE;
-- name: Create mwlib user
- command: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/createAndPromote.php --force --dbuser=wikiuser --dbpass=\"{{ db_password }}\" \"{{ mediawiki_mwlib_username }}\" \"{{ mediawiki_mwlib_password }}\""
-- name: Create csv2wiki user
- command: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/createAndPromote.php --bot --force --dbuser=wikiuser --dbpass=\"{{ db_password }}\" \"{{ mediawiki_csv2wiki_username }}\" \"{{ mediawiki_csv2wiki_password }}\""
-- name: Set Group Permissions
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- # For now, this must be set so that accounts coming in from okta
- # work correctly! writeapi and creataccount must also be true
- # for all users ('*').
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['autocreateaccount'] = true;
- # For when we resolve how the new accounts are created (see above)
- # these permissions will still need to exist, even though they
- # are redundant for now.
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCTorque']['writeapi'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCTorqueAdmin']['writeapi'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCConsultants']['writeapi'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['BoardMembers']['writeapi'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['PseudoBoardMembers']['writeapi'] = true;
- # Disable teamcomments for users on this wiki by default.
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['teamcomment'] = false;
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['teamcommentseeusernames'] = false;
- # Then enable teamcomments for the groups that should be leaving comments
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCTorque']['teamcomment'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCTorqueAdmin']['teamcomment'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCConsultants']['teamcomment'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['BoardMembers']['teamcomment'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['PseudoBoardMembers']['teamcomment'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCResearchPartners']['teamcomment'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCEvaluators']['teamcomment'] = true;
- # Allow some groups to see usernames
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCTorque']['teamcommentseeusernames'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCTorqueAdmin']['teamcommentseeusernames'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCConsultants']['teamcommentseeusernames'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['BoardMembers']['teamcommentseeusernames'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['PseudoBoardMembers']['teamcommentseeusernames'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['torqueapi']['read'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['ForumOne']['read'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCConsultants']['read'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['BoardMembers']['read'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['PseudoBoardMembers']['read'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCResearchPartners']['read'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCEvaluators']['read'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['BoardMembers']['picksome'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['BoardMembers']['picksome-write'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['PseudoBoardMembers']['picksome'] = true;
- # Log permissions (ability to see Special:Log)
- $wgAvailableRights[] = 'view-special-log';
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['view-special-log'] = false;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['view-special-log'] = true;
- foreach($wgGroupPermissions['sysop'] as $key => $value) {
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCTorque'][$key] = $value;
- }
- $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['protect'] = true;
- $wgRestrictionLevels[] = 'generated';
- $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['generated'] = true;
- # Permissions that we want sysops/admins to have that
- # but not for staff go here
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['generated'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['picksome'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['picksome-admin'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['edittorqueconfig'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['torquedataconnect-admin'] = true;
- foreach($wgGroupPermissions['sysop'] as $key => $value) {
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCTorqueAdmin'][$key] = $value;
- }
- foreach($wgGroupPermissions['bureaucrat'] as $key => $value) {
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCTorqueAdmin'][$key] = $value;
- }
-- name: Disable Special:Log for groups that don't have view-special-log
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $wgHooks['SpecialPage_initList'][] = function ( &$list ) {
- global $wgUser;
- if(!$wgUser->isAllowed('view-special-log')) {
- unset( $list['Log'] );
- }
- return true;
- };
-- name: Create Special:Log name overrides
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $logTitlesOverrideMessages = [
- "picksomelogpage" => "Selection",
- "activitylogpage" => "Misc. Activity (page views, login, logout, etc)",
- "simplefavoriteslog" => "Favorites",
- "log-name-create" => "Page Creation",
- "movelogpage" => "Page Rename",
- "uploadlogpage" => "File Upload",
- "dellogpage" => "Page Deletion",
- "newuserlogpage" => "User Creation",
- "log-name-teamcomments" => "Comments",
- "torquedataconnect-apiaccesslog" => "API Accesses",
- "torquedataconnect-datachangeslog" => "Data Changes",
- "rightslog" => "Changes to Access Control / Permissions"
- ];
- $wgHooks['MessagesPreLoad'][] = function($title, &$message, $code) {
- global $logTitlesOverrideMessages;
- if(array_key_exists(strtolower($title), $logTitlesOverrideMessages)) {
- $message = $logTitlesOverrideMessages[strtolower($title)];
- }
- };
-- name: Disable Special:Log types that aren't of interest
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $logTypesBlacklist = ["block", "contentmodel", "import", "managetags", "merge", "patrol", "protect", "rights", "tag"];
- $wgHooks['SetupAfterCache'][] = function () {
- global $wgLogTypes, $logTypesBlacklist;
- foreach($logTypesBlacklist as $logType) {
- unset($wgLogTypes[array_search($logType, $wgLogTypes)]);
- }
- return true;
- };
-- name: Change Special:Log format slightly
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- # This is a little brittle, based on how the lines are rendered by the skin currently used
- # but should work for the foreseeable future.
- $wgHooks['LogEventsListLineEnding'][] = function ($page, &$line, &$entry, &$classes, &$attribs){
- $line = preg_replace('/(\d\d\d\d)/', '\1 —', $line, 1);
- };
-- name: Transfer LFC Logo
- copy:
- src: LeverForChange_Logo.png
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/resources/assets/LeverForChange_Logo.png"
-- name: Install LFC Logo
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- regexp: ^\$wgLogo = .*
- line: $wgLogo = "$wgResourceBasePath/resources/assets/LeverForChange_Logo.png";
-- name: Transfer board group css
- copy:
- src: Group-board.css
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Group-board.css"
-- name: Install board group css
- raw: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/edit.php -b MediaWiki:Group-{{ item }}.css < {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Group-board.css"
- loop:
- - BoardMembersTorque
- - BoardMembers
- - LFCEvaluators
- - LFCResearchPartners
-- name: Remove board group css
- file:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Group-board.css"
- state: absent
-- name: Transfer Common css
- copy:
- src: Common.css
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Common.css"
-- name: Install Common css
- raw: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/edit.php -b MediaWiki:Common.css < {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Common.css"
-- name: Remove Common css
- file:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Common.css"
- state: absent
-- name: Transfer htaccess
- copy:
- src: .htaccess
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/.htaccess"
-- name: Transfer wiki cheat sheet
- copy:
- src: Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet"
-- name: Install wiki cheat sheet
- raw: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/edit.php -b Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet < {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet"
-- name: Transfer wiki cheat sheet
- file:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet"
- state: absent
-# This should come near the end to make sure that all the database updates
-# for the extensions get run after the rest of the system is set up.
-- name: Run mediawiki updates
- command: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/update.php"
-# Handle Apache changes
-- name: Symlink to webserver directory
- become_user: root
- file:
- state: link
- src: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0"
- path: "{{ html_directory }}/lfc"
-- name: Set permissions on attachments directory
- become_user: root
- file:
- path: "{{ html_directory }}/lfc/images/"
- owner: www-data
- group: www-data
-- name: Restart Apache
- become_user: root
- service:
- name: apache2
- state: restarted
diff --git a/100Change2020/ansible/roles/simplesaml/tasks/main.yml b/100Change2020/ansible/roles/simplesaml/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c0c7fd3..00000000
--- a/100Change2020/ansible/roles/simplesaml/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-- name: Add okta account to autoconfig
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ simplesaml_install_directory }}/simplesamlphp-1.18.4/saml-autoconfig.php"
- insertafter: '\$metadata_url_for = array\('
- line: "'{{ simplesaml_okta_metadata_name }}' => '{{ simplesaml_okta_metadata_url }}',"
diff --git a/100Change2020Demo/ansible/roles/mediawiki/tasks/main.yml b/100Change2020Demo/ansible/roles/mediawiki/tasks/main.yml
index fd3882f4..d3a9e0d7 100644
--- a/100Change2020Demo/ansible/roles/mediawiki/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/100Change2020Demo/ansible/roles/mediawiki/tasks/main.yml
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/bin"
state: directory
-- name: Checkout Torque
+- name: Check out Torque
repo: https://github.com/OpenTechStrategies/torque
dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/torque/"
diff --git a/Climate2030/ansible/Climate2030.yml b/Climate2030/ansible/Climate2030.yml
index eb72a98e..0bc8b868 100644
--- a/Climate2030/ansible/Climate2030.yml
+++ b/Climate2030/ansible/Climate2030.yml
@@ -4,7 +4,20 @@
become: true
become_user: "{{ deployment_user }}"
- - mediawiki
+ - mediawiki
+ - activitylog
+ - collection
+ - embed_video
+ - permissions
+ # PickSome has to come after collection so the left menu bar is correct
+ - picksome
+ - simplefavorites
+ - simplesaml
+ - teamcomments
+ - torquedataconnect
+ - Climate2030
+ # This should always go last, to run db updates and restart
+ - finishmediawiki
- hosts: simplesaml
become: true
diff --git a/Climate2030/ansible/inv/local/group_vars/all.tmpl b/Climate2030/ansible/inv/local/group_vars/all.tmpl
index bf955beb..521f0ee0 100644
--- a/Climate2030/ansible/inv/local/group_vars/all.tmpl
+++ b/Climate2030/ansible/inv/local/group_vars/all.tmpl
@@ -1,4 +1,13 @@
+competition_name: Climate2030
+# The sheet that this wiki is going to act on. Most of the time
+# this will be the same as the competition name (above), but sometimes
+# this is different when either the competition name doesn't work as
+# a sheet name (for instance, if it starts with a number), or if
+# this wiki should act on a different sheet.
+torquedataconnect_sheet_name: Climate2030
# Root web directory (where symlinks to the mediawiki instances
# are installed)
html_directory: /var/www/html
diff --git a/Climate2030/ansible/inv/prod/group_vars/all/base b/Climate2030/ansible/inv/prod/group_vars/all/base
index 2d4000b5..52f4df46 100644
--- a/Climate2030/ansible/inv/prod/group_vars/all/base
+++ b/Climate2030/ansible/inv/prod/group_vars/all/base
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
+competition_name: Climate2030
+torquedataconnect_sheet_name: Climate2030
html_directory: /var/www/html
mediawiki_install_directory: /home/deploy/Climate2030/
mediawiki_mwlib_username: mwlib
diff --git a/Climate2030/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Climate2030_Logo.png b/Climate2030/ansible/roles/Climate2030/files/Climate2030_Logo.png
similarity index 100%
rename from Climate2030/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Climate2030_Logo.png
rename to Climate2030/ansible/roles/Climate2030/files/Climate2030_Logo.png
diff --git a/Climate2030/ansible/roles/Climate2030/tasks/main.yml b/Climate2030/ansible/roles/Climate2030/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..09f1aaa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Climate2030/ansible/roles/Climate2030/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+- name: Transfer Climate2030 Logo
+ copy:
+ src: Climate2030_Logo.png
+ dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/resources/assets/Climate2030_Logo.png"
+- name: Install Climate2030 Logo
+ lineinfile:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
+ regexp: ^\$wgLogo = .*
+ line: $wgLogo = "$wgResourceBasePath/resources/assets/Climate2030_Logo.png";
diff --git a/Climate2030/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/ActivityLogConfiguration/i18n/en.json b/Climate2030/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/ActivityLogConfiguration/i18n/en.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 93685958..00000000
--- a/Climate2030/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/ActivityLogConfiguration/i18n/en.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- "activitylog-articleviewheader": "$1 visited $3",
- "activitylog-articlesavepage": "$1 edited $3",
- "activitylog-articleviewheader-with-referrer": "$1 visited $3 (from $5)",
- "activitylog-userlogin": "$1 logged in"
diff --git a/Climate2030/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Common.css b/Climate2030/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Common.css
deleted file mode 100644
index a8c46177..00000000
--- a/Climate2030/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Common.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-/* This disables some of the Special:Log inputs */
-.rootpage-Special_Log .mw-usertoollinks {
- display:none;
-.rootpage-Special_Log .comment {
- display:none;
-.rootpage-Special_Log .mw-htmlform-field-HTMLTagFilter {
- display:none;
-.rootpage-Special_Log .mw-htmlform-field-HTMLMultiSelectField {
- display:none;
-#mw-input-pluggableauthlogin {
- background-color:#9056a9;
-.mw-htmlform-login-or {margin-top:50px;
- display:flex;
-.mw-htmlform-login-or:before, .mw-htmlform-login-or:after {
- color:white;
- content:'';
- flex:1;
- border-bottom:2px solid black;
- margin:auto 0.25em;
diff --git a/Climate2030/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/EmbedVideoIframeTitle.patch b/Climate2030/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/EmbedVideoIframeTitle.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a24dfef3..00000000
--- a/Climate2030/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/EmbedVideoIframeTitle.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
-+++ ./classes/VideoService.php 2020-01-02 17:10:22.640951109 +0000
-@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
- */
- static private $services = [
- 'archiveorg' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.2994923857868, // (640 / 493)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'bambuser' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.2994923857868, // (640 / 493)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'bambuser_channel' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.2994923857868, // (640 / 493)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'beam' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'disclose' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (640 / 360)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
- '#disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/([\d]+)/([\w-]+)/#is'
- ],
- 'id_regex' => [
-- '#^([\d]+)$#is'
-+ '#^([\d]+)$#is'
- ]
- ],
- 'blip' => [
-@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
- 'oembed' => 'http://blip.tv/oembed/?url=%1$s&width=%2$d&maxwidth=%2$d'
- ],
- 'bing' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'collegehumor' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.6260162601626, // (600 / 369)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'dailymotion' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -124,13 +124,13 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'divshare' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
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-@@ -527,6 +527,13 @@
- private $urlArgs = false;
- /**
-+ * Title for iframe.
-+ *
-+ * @var string
-+ */
-+ private $iframeTitle = "";
-+ /**
- * Main Constructor
- *
- * @access private
-@@ -554,6 +561,7 @@
- /**
- * return the service host map array
-+ *
- * @return array $serviceHostMap
- */
- public static function getServiceHostMap() {
-@@ -602,6 +610,7 @@
- htmlentities($this->getVideoID(), ENT_QUOTES),
- $this->getWidth(),
- $this->getHeight(),
-+ $this->getIframeTitle(),
- ];
- if ($this->getExtraIds() !== false) {
-@@ -723,6 +732,20 @@
- }
- /**
-+ * Return the iframeTitle.
-+ *
-+ * @access public
-+ * @return String, defaulting to message 'ev_default_play_desc'
-+ */
-+ public function getIframeTitle() {
-+ if($this->iframeTitle == "") {
-+ return wfMessage('ev_default_play_desc')->text();
-+ }
-+ return $this->iframeTitle;
-+ }
-+ /**
- * Set the width of the player. This also will set the height automatically.
- * Width will be automatically constrained to the minimum and maximum widths.
- *
-+++ ./i18n/en.json 2020-01-02 17:47:39.993265357 +0000
-@@ -18,5 +18,6 @@
- "ev_video_long_desc": "$1, $2 codec, length $3, $4x$5 pixels, $6 overall",
- "ev_audio_short_desc": "$1",
- "ev_audio_long_desc": "$1, $2 codec, length $3, $4 overall",
-- "error_embedvideo_cantdecode_evu": "Couldn't parse video from $1"
-+ "error_embedvideo_cantdecode_evu": "Couldn't parse video from $1",
-+ "ev_default_play_desc": "Play video"
- }
diff --git a/Climate2030/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet b/Climate2030/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet
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index 3316ca20..00000000
--- a/Climate2030/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet
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@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-'''''Note:''''' This is an abridged version of the famous
-[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Cheatsheet Wikipedia Syntax Cheat Sheet]
--- try there if you don't see the markup codes you're looking for below.
-{|align="center" style="width:100%; border:2px #a3b1bf solid; background:#f5faff; text-align:left;"
-| colspan=3 style="background:#E6F2FF; border-top:2px #a3b1bf solid;text-align:center;" |
-'''Works anywhere in the text'''
-|- style="background:#E6F2FF; padding:0.3em; font-size: 0.9em; text-align:center;"
-| style="border-bottom:2px #a3b1bf solid" width="30%" | Description
-| style="border-bottom:2px #a3b1bf solid" | You type
-| style="border-bottom:2px #a3b1bf solid" width="30%" | You get
-|Italics, bold, and both
-''italics'', '''bold''', and '''''both'''''
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|Link to another page
-[[some page]]
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-"[[Wikipedia:Piped link|Pipe]]" a link to change the link's text
-[[Android (operating system)|Android]]
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-Link to a section
-[[Frog#Locomotion|locomotion in frogs]]
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|Plain off-site URL
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|Link to an off-site URL
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|Link and link-text to an off-site URL
-[https://www.wikipedia.org/ Wikipedia]
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-[[Special:Mypage|Username]] ([[Special:Mytalk|talk]]) {{CURRENTTIME}}, {{CURRENTDAY}} {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTYEAR}} (UTC)
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|Strike some text
-This text is conspicuously stricken.
-This text is underlined
-This text is underlined
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|[[Wikipedia:Picture tutorial|Show an image]]
-[[Category:Cetaceans I Have Known]]
[[:Category:Cetaceans I Have Known]]
[[:File:File name]]
-|#REDIRECT [[Target page]]
-[[File:Redirect arrow without text.svg|30px|link=]] [[Target page]]
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|[[Wikipedia:Redirect|Redirect to a section of another page]]
-#REDIRECT [[Target page#anchorName]]
-[[File:Redirect arrow without text.svg|30px|link=]] [[Target page#anchorName]]
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|Section headings==Level 2==
===Level 3===
====Level 4====
=====Level 5=====
======Level 6======
* One
* Two
** Two point one
* Three
-* One
-* Two
-** Two point one
-* Three
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|Numbered list (enumerated list)
-# One
# Two
## Two point one
# Three
-# One
-# Two
-## Two point one
-# Three
diff --git a/Climate2030/ansible/roles/mediawiki/tasks/main.yml b/Climate2030/ansible/roles/mediawiki/tasks/main.yml
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index 2acc81bb..00000000
--- a/Climate2030/ansible/roles/mediawiki/tasks/main.yml
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- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_UsernameAttribute = 'username';
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- 'DecisionMakers' => ['groups' => ['LFC Decision Makers']]
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- # Remove spaces
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- line: $wgMaxTocLevel = 2;
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- regexp: '\t"coll-book_creator_intro": "With the ''''book creator'''' you can create a book containing wiki pages of your choice. You can export the book in different formats \(for example PDF or ODF\) or order a printed copy.",'
- replace: '\t"coll-book_creator_intro": "With the ''''book creator'''' you can create a book containing wiki pages of your choice. You can export the book in different formats (for example PDF or ODF).",'
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-- name: Enable ActivityLog
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- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE ACTIVITYLOG CONFIG"
- block: |
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- return array($article->getContext()->getUser(),
- $article->getTitle(),
- "activitylog-articleviewheader-with-referrer",
- );
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- return array($article->getContext()->getUser(),
- $article->getTitle(),
- "activitylog-articleviewheader"
- );
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- $wgActivityLogHooksToWatch["UserLoginComplete"] = function(&$user, &$inject_html, $direct) {
- global $wgTitle;
- return array($user, $wgTitle, "activitylog-userlogin");
- };
- $wgActivityLogHooksToWatch["PageContentSave"] = function($wikiPage, $user, $content, &$summary, $isMinor, $isWatch, $section, $flags, $status) {
- return array($user, $wikiPage->getTitle(), "activitylog-articlesavepage");
- };
-- name: Enable PickSome
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE PICKSOME CONFIG"
- block: |
- # While this next line should be taken care of in extenions, and indeed
- # it is, because this extension is loaded via wfLoadExtension, and because
- # Collection is loaded the old way, the sidebar before output is called
- # preferring Collection, placing it higher on the siderbar than PickSome.
- #
- # This was requested to be changed, and the most straightforward way is
- # to add it to the hook directly in LocalSettings
- $wgHooks['SidebarBeforeOutput'][] = 'PickSomeHooks::onSidebarBeforeOutput';
- wfLoadExtension('PickSome');
- $wgPickSomeNumberOfPicks = 15;
- # This may not be performant and require caching if number of users/page hits
- # becomes large.
- $wgPickSomePage = function($title) {
- $eligibleWildCardsTitle = Title::newFromText("TorqueConfig:ValidProposals");
- if($eligibleWildCardsTitle->exists()) {
- $page = new WikiPage($eligibleWildCardsTitle);
- $valid_pages = [];
- preg_match_all("/\\[\\[([^\\]]*)\\]\\]/", $page->getContent()->getText(), $valid_pages);
- foreach($valid_pages[1] as $valid_page) {
- if($title->equals(Title::newFromText($valid_page))) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- };
- $wgPickSomeSortFunction = function($t1, $t2) {
- $text1 = $t1->getText();
- $text2 = $t2->getText();
- $text1 = preg_replace("/^\\W/", "", $text1);
- $text2 = preg_replace("/^\\W/", "", $text2);
- return $text1 > $text2;
- };
- $picksomeOverrideMessage = [
- "picksome-all" => "Everyone's Finalist Candidates",
- "picksome-title" => "Finalist Candidates",
- "picksome-choices" => "Finalist Candidate Choices",
- "picksome-my-picks" => "My Finalist Candidates",
- "picksome-unpick" => "Deselect",
- "picksome-pick" => "Select this page",
- "picksome-no-picks" => "No Finalist Candidates",
- "picksome-current" => "Current Page",
- "picksome-view-all" => "View Everyone's Finalist Candidates",
- "picksome-global-list" => "Global Finalist Candidate List",
- "picksome-remove-below" => "To select the current page, remove one below",
- "picksome-stop" => "Stop Selecting",
- "picksome-close-window" => "Close Window",
- "picksome-start" => "Start Selecting",
- ];
- $wgHooks['MessagesPreLoad'][] = function($title, &$message, $code) {
- global $picksomeOverrideMessage;
- if(array_key_exists(strtolower($title), $picksomeOverrideMessage)) {
- $message = $picksomeOverrideMessage[strtolower($title)];
- }
- };
-- name: Disable MediaWiki Cache
- # When the cache is enabled, on AWS, with the default setting,
- # the following createAndPromote.php command fails due to cache timeout.
- # The reason isn't clear, but for now, this will fix it.
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- line: $wgMainCacheType = CACHE_NONE;
-- name: Create mwlib user
- command: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/createAndPromote.php --force --dbuser=wikiuser --dbpass=\"{{ db_password }}\" \"{{ mediawiki_mwlib_username }}\" \"{{ mediawiki_mwlib_password }}\""
-- name: Create csv2wiki user
- command: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/createAndPromote.php --bot --force --dbuser=wikiuser --dbpass=\"{{ db_password }}\" \"{{ mediawiki_csv2wiki_username }}\" \"{{ mediawiki_csv2wiki_password }}\""
-- name: Set Group Permissions
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['read'] = false;
- $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['protect'] = true;
- $wgRestrictionLevels[] = 'generated';
- $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['generated'] = true;
- # Permissions that we want sysops/admins to have that
- # but not for staff go here
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['generated'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['edittorqueconfig'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['torquedataconnect-admin'] = true;
- # Groups requested specifically by LFC.
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCConsultingPartners']['read'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCConsultingPartners']['torquedataconnect-edit'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCResearchPartners']['read'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCEvaluators']['read'] = true;
- # These are OTS Torque Standard Groups
- $wgGroupPermissions['OutsideReviewers']['read'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['Staff']['read'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['PseudoDecisionMakers']['read'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['DecisionMakers']['read'] = true;
- # Disable teamcomments for users on this wiki by default.
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['teamcomment'] = false;
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['teamcommentseeusernames'] = false;
- # Then enable teamcomments for the groups that should be leaving comments
- $wgGroupPermissions['Staff']['teamcomment'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['PseudoDecisionMakers']['teamcomment'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['DecisionMakers']['teamcomment'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['teamcomment'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCResearchPartners']['teamcomment'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCEvaluators']['teamcomment'] = true;
- # Allow some groups to see usernames
- $wgGroupPermissions['Staff']['teamcommentseeusernames'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['PseudoDecisionMakers']['teamcommentseeusernames'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['DecisionMakers']['teamcommentseeusernames'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['teamcommentseeusernames'] = true;
- # PickSome permissions
- $wgGroupPermissions['DecisionMakers']['picksome'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['DecisionMakers']['picksome-write'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['picksome'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['picksome-admin'] = true;
- # Log permissions (ability to see Special:Log)
- $wgAvailableRights[] = 'view-special-log';
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['view-special-log'] = false;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['view-special-log'] = true;
-- name: Create LFC Evaluator page rule
- blockinfile:
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE LFC EVALUATOR CONFIG"
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $wgHooks['SkinTemplateNavigation'][] = function ( $template, &$links ) {
- $currentTitle = $template->getTitle()->getFullText();
- $lfc_prepend = "LFC Analysis of ";
- $eval_prepend = "Evaluations of ";
- $isAnalysisPage = (strlen($currentTitle) > strlen($lfc_prepend) && substr($currentTitle, 0, strlen($lfc_prepend)) === $lfc_prepend);
- $isEvalPage = (strlen($currentTitle) > strlen($eval_prepend) && substr($currentTitle, 0, strlen($eval_prepend)) === $eval_prepend);
- $originalPageTitle = $currentTitle;
- if($isAnalysisPage) {
- $originalPageTitle = substr($currentTitle, strlen($lfc_prepend));
- $links['namespaces']['main']['class'] = '';
- $links['namespaces']['main']['href'] = Title::newFromText($originalPageTitle)->getLocalUrl();
- } else if($isEvalPage) {
- $originalPageTitle = substr($currentTitle, strlen($eval_prepend));
- $links['namespaces']['main']['class'] = '';
- $links['namespaces']['main']['href'] = Title::newFromText($originalPageTitle)->getLocalUrl();
- }
- $lfcAnalysisTitle = Title::newFromText($lfc_prepend . $originalPageTitle);
- $evalTitle = Title::newFromText($eval_prepend . $originalPageTitle);
- if($isAnalysisPage || $lfcAnalysisTitle->exists()) {
- $links['namespaces']['main']['text'] = 'Proposal';
- $links['namespaces']['lfcanalysis'] = [
- 'class' => ($isAnalysisPage ? 'selected' : ''),
- 'href' => ($isAnalysisPage ? $template->getTitle()->getLocalUrl() : $lfcAnalysisTitle->getLocalUrl()),
- 'text' => 'LFC Analysis',
- ];
- }
- if($isEvalPage || $evalTitle->exists()) {
- $links['namespaces']['main']['text'] = 'Proposal';
- $links['namespaces']['evaluations'] = [
- 'class' => ($isEvalPage ? 'selected' : ''),
- 'href' => ($isEvalPage ? $template->getTitle()->getLocalUrl() : $evalTitle->getLocalUrl()),
- 'text' => 'Evaluations',
- ];
- }
- unset($links['namespaces']['talk']);
- };
-- name: Disable Special:Log for groups that don't have view-special-log
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $wgHooks['SpecialPage_initList'][] = function ( &$list ) {
- global $wgUser;
- if(!$wgUser->isAllowed('view-special-log')) {
- unset( $list['Log'] );
- }
- return true;
- };
-- name: Create Special:Log name overrides
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $logTitlesOverrideMessages = [
- "picksomelogpage" => "Selection",
- "activitylogpage" => "Misc. Activity (page views, login, logout, etc)",
- "simplefavoriteslog" => "Favorites",
- "log-name-create" => "Page Creation",
- "movelogpage" => "Page Rename",
- "uploadlogpage" => "File Upload",
- "dellogpage" => "Page Deletion",
- "newuserlogpage" => "User Creation",
- "log-name-teamcomments" => "Comments",
- "torquedataconnect-apiaccesslog" => "API Accesses",
- "torquedataconnect-datachangeslog" => "Data Changes",
- "rightslog" => "Changes to Access Control / Permissions"
- ];
- $wgHooks['MessagesPreLoad'][] = function($title, &$message, $code) {
- global $logTitlesOverrideMessages;
- if(array_key_exists(strtolower($title), $logTitlesOverrideMessages)) {
- $message = $logTitlesOverrideMessages[strtolower($title)];
- }
- };
-- name: Disable Special:Log types that aren't of interest
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $logTypesBlacklist = ["block", "contentmodel", "import", "managetags", "merge", "patrol", "protect", "rights", "tag"];
- $wgHooks['SetupAfterCache'][] = function () {
- global $wgLogTypes, $logTypesBlacklist;
- foreach($logTypesBlacklist as $logType) {
- unset($wgLogTypes[array_search($logType, $wgLogTypes)]);
- }
- return true;
- };
-- name: Change Special:Log format slightly
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- # This is a little brittle, based on how the lines are rendered by the skin currently used
- # but should work for the foreseeable future.
- $wgHooks['LogEventsListLineEnding'][] = function ($page, &$line, &$entry, &$classes, &$attribs){
- $line = preg_replace('/(\d\d\d\d)/', '\1 —', $line, 1);
- };
-- name: Rearrange Login Page
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $wgHooks['AuthChangeFormFields'][] = function ($requests, $fieldInfo, &$formDescriptor, $action) {
- if($action != \MediaWiki\Auth\AuthManager::ACTION_LOGIN) {
- return;
- }
- $formDescriptor['username']['weight'] = 200;
- $formDescriptor['password']['weight'] = 201;
- $formDescriptor['rememberMe']['weight'] = 202;
- $formDescriptor['loginattempt']['weight'] = 203;
- $formDescriptor['break'] = [
- 'type' => 'info',
- 'weight' => 150,
- 'cssclass' => 'mw-htmlform-login-or',
- 'default' => "or"
- ];
- unset($formDescriptor['linkcontainer']);
- unset($formDescriptor['passwordReset']);
- unset($formDescriptor['createOrLogin']);
- if ( isset( $formDescriptor['pluggableauthlogin'] ) ) {
- $formDescriptor['pluggableauthlogin']['weight'] = -1;
- }
- };
-- name: Enable Common.css on Login Page
- blockinfile:
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE ENABLE CSS ON LOGIN"
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $wgAllowSiteCSSOnRestrictedPages = true;
-- name: Transfer Climate2030 Logo
- copy:
- src: Climate2030_Logo.png
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/resources/assets/Climate2030_Logo.png"
-- name: Install Climate2030 Logo
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- regexp: ^\$wgLogo = .*
- line: $wgLogo = "$wgResourceBasePath/resources/assets/Climate2030_Logo.png";
-- name: Transfer Common group css
- copy:
- src: Common.css
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Common.css"
-- name: Install Common group css
- raw: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/edit.php -b MediaWiki:Common.css < {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Common.css"
-- name: Remove Common group css
- file:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Common.css"
- state: absent
-- name: Transfer DecisionMakers group css
- copy:
- src: Group-DecisionMakers.css
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Group-DecisionMakers.css"
-- name: Install DecisionMakers group css
- raw: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/edit.php -b MediaWiki:Group-{{ item }}.css < {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Group-DecisionMakers.css"
- loop:
- - PseudoDecisionMakers
- - DecisionMakers
- - LFCEvaluators
- - LFCResearchPartners
- - LFCConsultingPartners
-- name: Remove DecisionMakers group css
- file:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Group-DecisionMakers.css"
- state: absent
-- name: Transfer htaccess
- copy:
- src: .htaccess
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/.htaccess"
-- name: Transfer wiki cheat sheet
- copy:
- src: Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet"
-- name: Install wiki cheat sheet
- raw: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/edit.php -b Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet < {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet"
-- name: Transfer wiki cheat sheet
- file:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet"
- state: absent
-# This should come near the end to make sure that all the database updates
-# for the extensions get run after the rest of the system is set up.
-- name: Run mediawiki updates
- command: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/update.php"
-# Handle Apache changes
-- name: Symlink to webserver directory
- become_user: root
- file:
- state: link
- src: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0"
- path: "{{ html_directory }}/Climate2030"
-- name: Set permissions on attachments directory
- become_user: root
- file:
- path: "{{ html_directory }}/Climate2030/images"
- owner: www-data
- group: www-data
-- name: Restart Apache
- become_user: root
- service:
- name: apache2
- state: restarted
diff --git a/Climate2030/ansible/roles/simplesaml/tasks/main.yml b/Climate2030/ansible/roles/simplesaml/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c0c7fd3..00000000
--- a/Climate2030/ansible/roles/simplesaml/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-- name: Add okta account to autoconfig
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ simplesaml_install_directory }}/simplesamlphp-1.18.4/saml-autoconfig.php"
- insertafter: '\$metadata_url_for = array\('
- line: "'{{ simplesaml_okta_metadata_name }}' => '{{ simplesaml_okta_metadata_url }}',"
diff --git a/DemoView/ansible/DemoView.yml b/DemoView/ansible/DemoView.yml
index eb72a98e..6907c953 100644
--- a/DemoView/ansible/DemoView.yml
+++ b/DemoView/ansible/DemoView.yml
@@ -4,10 +4,23 @@
become: true
become_user: "{{ deployment_user }}"
- - mediawiki
+ - mediawiki
+ - activitylog
+ - collection
+ - embed_video
+ - permissions
+ # PickSome has to come after collection so the left menu bar is correct
+ - picksome
+ - simplefavorites
+ - simplesaml
+ - teamcomments
+ - torquedataconnect
+ - DemoView
+ # This should always go last, to run db updates and restart
+ - finishmediawiki
- hosts: simplesaml
become: true
become_user: "{{ deployment_user }}"
- - simplesaml
+ - simplesaml
diff --git a/DemoView/ansible/inv/local/group_vars/all.tmpl b/DemoView/ansible/inv/local/group_vars/all.tmpl
index b93694a3..0497ee42 100644
--- a/DemoView/ansible/inv/local/group_vars/all.tmpl
+++ b/DemoView/ansible/inv/local/group_vars/all.tmpl
@@ -1,4 +1,13 @@
+competition_name: DemoView
+# The sheet that this wiki is going to act on. Most of the time
+# this will be the same as the competition name (above), but sometimes
+# this is different when either the competition name doesn't work as
+# a sheet name (for instance, if it starts with a number), or if
+# this wiki should act on a different sheet.
+torquedataconnect_sheet_name: DemoView
# Root web directory (where symlinks to the mediawiki instances
# are installed)
html_directory: /var/www/html
diff --git a/DemoView/ansible/inv/prod/group_vars/all/base b/DemoView/ansible/inv/prod/group_vars/all/base
index 4e95f5b2..6e8bb5f2 100644
--- a/DemoView/ansible/inv/prod/group_vars/all/base
+++ b/DemoView/ansible/inv/prod/group_vars/all/base
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+competition_name: DemoView
+torquedataconnect_sheet_name: DemoView
html_directory: /var/www/html
mediawiki_install_directory: /home/deploy/DemoView/
mediawiki_mwlib_username: mwlib
diff --git a/100Change2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/.htaccess b/DemoView/ansible/roles/DemoView/files/.htaccess
similarity index 100%
rename from 100Change2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/.htaccess
rename to DemoView/ansible/roles/DemoView/files/.htaccess
diff --git a/DemoView/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/LeverForChange_Logo.png b/DemoView/ansible/roles/DemoView/files/LeverForChange_Logo.png
similarity index 100%
rename from DemoView/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/LeverForChange_Logo.png
rename to DemoView/ansible/roles/DemoView/files/LeverForChange_Logo.png
diff --git a/DemoView/ansible/roles/DemoView/tasks/main.yml b/DemoView/ansible/roles/DemoView/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6d3d4dac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DemoView/ansible/roles/DemoView/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+- name: Transfer LFC Logo
+ copy:
+ src: LeverForChange_Logo.png
+ dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/resources/assets/LeverForChange_Logo.png"
+- name: Install LFC Logo
+ lineinfile:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
+ regexp: ^\$wgLogo = .*
+ line: $wgLogo = "$wgResourceBasePath/resources/assets/LeverForChange_Logo.png";
diff --git a/DemoView/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/ActivityLogConfiguration/i18n/en.json b/DemoView/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/ActivityLogConfiguration/i18n/en.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 93685958..00000000
--- a/DemoView/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/ActivityLogConfiguration/i18n/en.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- "activitylog-articleviewheader": "$1 visited $3",
- "activitylog-articlesavepage": "$1 edited $3",
- "activitylog-articleviewheader-with-referrer": "$1 visited $3 (from $5)",
- "activitylog-userlogin": "$1 logged in"
diff --git a/DemoView/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Common.css b/DemoView/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Common.css
deleted file mode 100644
index dcdcb6d8..00000000
--- a/DemoView/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Common.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-/* This disables some of the Special:Log inputs */
-.rootpage-Special_Log .mw-usertoollinks {
- display:none;
-.rootpage-Special_Log .comment {
- display:none;
-.rootpage-Special_Log .mw-htmlform-field-HTMLTagFilter {
- display:none;
-.rootpage-Special_Log .mw-htmlform-field-HTMLMultiSelectField {
- display:none;
-.torque-wrapper .mw-editsection {
- display:none!important;
diff --git a/DemoView/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/EmbedVideoIframeTitle.patch b/DemoView/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/EmbedVideoIframeTitle.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a24dfef3..00000000
--- a/DemoView/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/EmbedVideoIframeTitle.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
-+++ ./classes/VideoService.php 2020-01-02 17:10:22.640951109 +0000
-@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
- */
- static private $services = [
- 'archiveorg' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.2994923857868, // (640 / 493)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'bambuser' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.2994923857868, // (640 / 493)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'bambuser_channel' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.2994923857868, // (640 / 493)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'beam' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'disclose' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (640 / 360)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
- '#disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/([\d]+)/([\w-]+)/#is'
- ],
- 'id_regex' => [
-- '#^([\d]+)$#is'
-+ '#^([\d]+)$#is'
- ]
- ],
- 'blip' => [
-@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
- 'oembed' => 'http://blip.tv/oembed/?url=%1$s&width=%2$d&maxwidth=%2$d'
- ],
- 'bing' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'collegehumor' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.6260162601626, // (600 / 369)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'dailymotion' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -124,13 +124,13 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'divshare' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true
- ],
- 'funnyordie' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
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-- 'embed' => '',
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- 'https_enabled' => true,
- 'url_regex' => [
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-- 'embed' => '',
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- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
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- ]
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-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
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-- 'embed' => '',
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- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, //(16 / 9),
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-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => false,
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-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
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- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
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-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
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-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 186,
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- 'https_enabled' => true,
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-- 'embed' => '',
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- 'https_enabled' => false,
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-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
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- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
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-- 'embed' => '',
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- 'default_ratio' => 1.6,
- 'https_enabled' => false,
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-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
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-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
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- 'https_enabled' => false,
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-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
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- 'default_ratio' => 1.64021164021164, // (620 / 378)
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-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.64021164021164, // (620 / 378)
- 'https_enabled' => false,
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- 'https_enabled' => false
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-- 'embed' => '',
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- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (640 / 360)
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-@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@
- 'oembed' => '%4$s//vimeo.com/api/oembed.json?url=%1$s&width=%2$d&maxwidth=%2$d'
- ],
- 'vine' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
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- 'default_ratio' => 1, // (1 / 1)
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-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
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-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
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- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
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-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
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-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
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-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
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- 'https_enabled' => false,
-@@ -527,6 +527,13 @@
- private $urlArgs = false;
- /**
-+ * Title for iframe.
-+ *
-+ * @var string
-+ */
-+ private $iframeTitle = "";
-+ /**
- * Main Constructor
- *
- * @access private
-@@ -554,6 +561,7 @@
- /**
- * return the service host map array
-+ *
- * @return array $serviceHostMap
- */
- public static function getServiceHostMap() {
-@@ -602,6 +610,7 @@
- htmlentities($this->getVideoID(), ENT_QUOTES),
- $this->getWidth(),
- $this->getHeight(),
-+ $this->getIframeTitle(),
- ];
- if ($this->getExtraIds() !== false) {
-@@ -723,6 +732,20 @@
- }
- /**
-+ * Return the iframeTitle.
-+ *
-+ * @access public
-+ * @return String, defaulting to message 'ev_default_play_desc'
-+ */
-+ public function getIframeTitle() {
-+ if($this->iframeTitle == "") {
-+ return wfMessage('ev_default_play_desc')->text();
-+ }
-+ return $this->iframeTitle;
-+ }
-+ /**
- * Set the width of the player. This also will set the height automatically.
- * Width will be automatically constrained to the minimum and maximum widths.
- *
-+++ ./i18n/en.json 2020-01-02 17:47:39.993265357 +0000
-@@ -18,5 +18,6 @@
- "ev_video_long_desc": "$1, $2 codec, length $3, $4x$5 pixels, $6 overall",
- "ev_audio_short_desc": "$1",
- "ev_audio_long_desc": "$1, $2 codec, length $3, $4 overall",
-- "error_embedvideo_cantdecode_evu": "Couldn't parse video from $1"
-+ "error_embedvideo_cantdecode_evu": "Couldn't parse video from $1",
-+ "ev_default_play_desc": "Play video"
- }
diff --git a/DemoView/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Group-DecisionMaker.css b/DemoView/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Group-DecisionMaker.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 375e9d41..00000000
--- a/DemoView/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Group-DecisionMaker.css
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@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
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-#pt-mycontris { display:none!important; }
-.mw-editsection { display:none!important; }
-#p-tb { display:none!important; }
diff --git a/DemoView/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet b/DemoView/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet
deleted file mode 100644
index 3316ca20..00000000
--- a/DemoView/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-'''''Note:''''' This is an abridged version of the famous
-[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Cheatsheet Wikipedia Syntax Cheat Sheet]
--- try there if you don't see the markup codes you're looking for below.
-''italics'', '''bold''', and '''''both'''''
-''italics'', '''bold''', and '''''both'''''
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|Link to another page
-[[some page]]
[[Android (operating system)|Android]]
-[[Android (operating system)|Android]]
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-Link to a section
[[Frog#Locomotion|locomotion in frogs]]
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|Link to an off-site URL
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|Link and link-text to an off-site URL
-[https://www.wikipedia.org/ Wikipedia]
-[https://www.wikipedia.org/ Wikipedia]
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-[[Special:Mypage|Username]] ([[Special:Mytalk|talk]]) {{CURRENTTIME}}, {{CURRENTDAY}} {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTYEAR}} (UTC)
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|Strike some text
-This text is conspicuously stricken.
-This text is underlined
-This text is underlined
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|[[Wikipedia:Picture tutorial|Show an image]]
-[[Category:Cetaceans I Have Known]]
[[:Category:Cetaceans I Have Known]]
[[:File:File name]]
-|#REDIRECT [[Target page]]
-[[File:Redirect arrow without text.svg|30px|link=]] [[Target page]]
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|[[Wikipedia:Redirect|Redirect to a section of another page]]
-#REDIRECT [[Target page#anchorName]]
-[[File:Redirect arrow without text.svg|30px|link=]] [[Target page#anchorName]]
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|Section headings==Level 2==
===Level 3===
====Level 4====
=====Level 5=====
======Level 6======
* One
* Two
** Two point one
* Three
-* One
-* Two
-** Two point one
-* Three
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|Numbered list (enumerated list)
-# One
# Two
## Two point one
# Three
-# One
-# Two
-## Two point one
-# Three
diff --git a/DemoView/ansible/roles/mediawiki/tasks/main.yml b/DemoView/ansible/roles/mediawiki/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 39a8be8d..00000000
--- a/DemoView/ansible/roles/mediawiki/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,600 +0,0 @@
-- name: Setup installation directory
- file:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}"
- state: directory
-- name: Download MediaWiki
- get_url:
- url: https://releases.wikimedia.org/mediawiki/1.33/mediawiki-1.33.0.tar.gz
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0.tar.gz"
- checksum: sha256:8335a2d8740c5dd5919a480b74c3d8e19f23a68b396df48c2d77646272fdcd67
-- name: Extract MediaWiki tarball
- unarchive:
- src: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0.tar.gz"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/"
- remote_src: yes
- creates: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/"
-- name: Install MW with Composer
- command: composer install --no-dev
- args:
- chdir: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0"
-- name: Install EmbedVideo
- unarchive:
- src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../../thirdparty/extensions/EmbedVideo-v2.8.0.zip"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/"
-- name: Patch EmbedVideo
- patch:
- src: EmbedVideoIframeTitle.patch
- basedir: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/EmbedVideo-v2.8.0/"
-- name: Install PluggableAuth
- unarchive:
- src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../../thirdparty/extensions/PluggableAuth-REL1_33-a69f626.tar.gz"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/"
-- name: Install SimpleSAML extension
- unarchive:
- src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../../thirdparty/extensions/SimpleSAMLphp-REL1_33-7d91f27.tar.gz"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/"
-- name: Install Collection
- unarchive:
- src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../../thirdparty/extensions/Collection-REL1_33-8566dd1.tar.gz"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/"
-- name: Checkout PickSome
- git:
- repo: https://github.com/OpenTechStrategies/PickSome
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/PickSome/"
- version: 59df890
-- name: Checkout ActivityLog
- git:
- repo: https://github.com/OpenTechStrategies/ActivityLog
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/ActivityLog/"
- version: 27e9191
-- name: Checkout SimpleFavorites
- git:
- repo: https://github.com/OpenTechStrategies/SimpleFavorites
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/SimpleFavorites/"
- version: 59fed33
-- name: Checkout TeamComments
- git:
- repo: https://github.com/OpenTechStrategies/TeamComments
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/TeamComments/"
- version: 450bff7
-- name: Checkout Torque
- git:
- repo: https://github.com/OpenTechStrategies/torque
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/torque/"
- version: 16468ec
-- name: Link TorqueDataConnect
- file:
- src: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/torque/TorqueDataConnect/"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/TorqueDataConnect"
- state: link
-- name: Create Wiki
- command: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/install.php --dbtype=mysql --dbserver=localhost --dbuser=wikiuser --dbpass=\"{{ db_password }}\" --dbname=DemoView --scriptpath=\"/DemoView\" --lang=en --pass=\"{{ mediawiki_admin_password }}\" \"DemoView\" \"admin\""
- args:
- creates: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
-- name: Enable EmbedVideo
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- line: "wfLoadExtension('EmbedVideo-v2.8.0');"
-- name: Enable PluggableAuth
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE PLUGABLE AUTH CONFIG"
- block: |
- wfLoadExtension( 'PluggableAuth' );
- $wgPluggableAuth_EnableAutoLogin = true;
- $wgPluggableAuth_EnableLocalLogin = true;
- $wgPluggableAuth_EnableLocalProperties = false;
- $wgPluggableAuth_ButtonLabel = "Log In With MacArthur Okta";
- $wgInvalidUsernameCharacters = "";
-- name: Enable SimpleSAMLphp extension
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE SIMPLE SAML PHP CONFIG"
- block: |
- wfLoadExtension( 'SimpleSAMLphp' );
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_InstallDir = '{{ simplesaml_install_directory }}/simplesamlphp-1.18.4';
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_AuthSourceId = '{{ simplesaml_okta_metadata_name }}';
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_RealNameAttribute = ['firstName', 'lastName'];
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_EmailAttribute = 'email';
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_UsernameAttribute = 'email';
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_GroupMap = ['sysop' => ['groups' => ['LFC Torque Admin', 'LFC Staff']]];
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_SyncAllGroups_GroupNameModificationCallback = function($origGroupName){
- # Remove spaces
- return preg_replace('/\s/', '', $origGroupName);
- };
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_AttributeProcessorFactories = [
- "MediaWiki\\Extension\\SimpleSAMLphp\\AttributeProcessor\\SyncAllGroups::factory"
- ];
-- name: Enable PickSome
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE PICKSOME CONFIG"
- block: |
- # While this next line should be taken care of in extenions, and indeed
- # it is, because this extension is loaded via wfLoadExtension, and because
- # Collection is loaded the old way, the sidebar before output is called
- # preferring Collection, placing it higher on the siderbar than PickSome.
- #
- # This was requested to be changed, and the most straightforward way is
- # to add it to the hook directly in LocalSettings
- $wgHooks['SidebarBeforeOutput'][] = 'PickSomeHooks::onSidebarBeforeOutput';
- wfLoadExtension('PickSome');
- $wgPickSomeNumberOfPicks = 5;
- # This may not be performant and require caching if number of users/page hits
- # becomes large.
- $wgPickSomePage = function($title) {
- $eligibleWildCardsTitle = Title::newFromText("TorqueConfig:ValidProposals");
- if($eligibleWildCardsTitle->exists()) {
- $page = new WikiPage($eligibleWildCardsTitle);
- $valid_pages = [];
- preg_match_all("/\\[\\[([^\\]]*)\\]\\]/", $page->getContent()->getText(), $valid_pages);
- foreach($valid_pages[1] as $valid_page) {
- if($title->equals(Title::newFromText($valid_page))) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- };
- $wgPickSomeSortFunction = function($t1, $t2) {
- $text1 = $t1->getText();
- $text2 = $t2->getText();
- $text1 = preg_replace("/^\\W/", "", $text1);
- $text2 = preg_replace("/^\\W/", "", $text2);
- return $text1 > $text2;
- };
- $picksomeOverrideMessage = [
- "picksome-all" => "Everyone's Finalist Candidates",
- "picksome-title" => "Finalist Candidates",
- "picksome-choices" => "Finalist Candidate Choices",
- "picksome-my-picks" => "My Finalist Candidates",
- "picksome-unpick" => "Deselect",
- "picksome-pick" => "Select this page",
- "picksome-no-picks" => "No Finalist Candidates",
- "picksome-current" => "Current Page",
- "picksome-view-all" => "View Everyone's Finalist Candidates",
- "picksome-global-list" => "Global Finalist Candidate List",
- "picksome-remove-below" => "To select the current page, remove one below",
- "picksome-stop" => "Stop Selecting",
- "picksome-close-window" => "Close Window",
- "picksome-start" => "Start Selecting",
- ];
- $wgHooks['MessagesPreLoad'][] = function($title, &$message, $code) {
- global $picksomeOverrideMessage;
- if(array_key_exists(strtolower($title), $picksomeOverrideMessage)) {
- $message = $picksomeOverrideMessage[strtolower($title)];
- }
- };
-# This actually needs to be installed after PickSome (above), because
-# we want the picksome sidebar to be loaded before the Collection sidebar
-# because of how mediawiki decides order of portlet.
-- name: Enable Collection
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE COLLECTION CONFIG"
- block: |
- require_once "$IP/extensions/Collection/Collection.php";
- $wgCollectionMWServeURL = "";
- $wgCollectionMaxArticles = 250;
- $wgEnableApi = true;
- $wgCollectionFormats = array( 'rl' => 'PDF',);
- $wgCollectionPortletFormats = [];
- $wgCollectionDisableDownloadSection = false;
- $wgHooks['ApiBeforeMain'][] = function($main) {
- global $wgTorqueDataConnectGroup, $wgTorqueDataConnectRenderToHTML, $wgTorqueDataConnectView;
- if($main->getUser() && strtolower($main->getUser()->getName()) == "{{ mediawiki_mwlib_username }}") {
- $wgTorqueDataConnectRenderToHTML = false;
- $tdcinfo = $main->getRequest()->getText("tdcinfo", false);
- list($wgTorqueDataConnectGroup, $wgTorqueDataConnectView) = explode("|", $tdcinfo);
- }
- };
- $wgHooks['BeforeInitialize'][] = function(&$title, &$article = null, &$output, &$user, $request, $mediaWiki) {
- global $wgCollectionMWServeCredentials;
- $group = TorqueDataConnectConfig::getValidGroup($user);
- $view = TorqueDataConnectConfig::getCurrentView();
- $wgCollectionMWServeCredentials = "{{ mediawiki_mwlib_username }}:${group}|${view}:{{ mediawiki_mwlib_password }}";
- };
-- name: Enable TorqueDataConnect
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- define("TORQUE_CONFIG", 4000);
- define("TORQUE_CONFIG_TALK", 4001);
- $wgExtraNamespaces[TORQUE_CONFIG] = "TorqueConfig";
- $wgExtraNamespaces[TORQUE_CONFIG_TALK] = "TorqueConfig_talk";
- $wgNamespaceProtection[TORQUE_CONFIG] = array("edittorqueconfig");
- $wgTorqueDataConnectSheetName = "DemoView";
- $wgTorqueDataConnectServerLocation = "http://localhost:{{ torquedata_server_port }}";
- $wgTorqueDataConnectWikiKey = "DemoView";
- $wgTorqueDataConnectConfigPage = "TorqueConfig:MainConfig";
- $wgTorqueDataConnectNotFoundMessage = "This proposal has been disqualified in admin, peer, or expert review.";
- wfLoadExtension('TorqueDataConnect');
-- name: Enable SimpleFavorites
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- line: "wfLoadExtension('SimpleFavorites');"
-- name: Enable TeamComments
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- wfLoadExtension('TeamComments');
- $wgTeamCommentsCheatSheetLocation = "Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet";
- $wgTeamCommentsUserPseudonymizer = function($username) {
- return "Pseudonymous User #" . TorqueDataConnectUserLookup::lookupByUsername($username)->{"id"};
- };
-- name: Enable Uploading
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- marker: "## {mark} UPLOAD CONFIG"
- block: |
- $wgEnableUploads = true;
- $wgFileExtensions = array_merge($wgFileExtensions, array('doc', 'docx', 'html', 'pdf', 'xlsx'));
- $wgFileBlacklist = array();
- $wgMimeTypeBlacklist = array();
- $wgStrictFileExtensions = false;
- $wgTrustedMediaFormats = array('application/zip', 'text/html');
- $wgVerifyMimeType = false;
- $wgAllowJavaUploads = true;
- $wgCheckFileExtensions = false;
- $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['edit'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['upload'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['torquedataconnect-admin'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['autoconfirmed']['reupload'] = true;
-- name: Set TOC depth
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- line: $wgMaxTocLevel = 2;
-- name: Disable Collection Warning 1
- replace:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/Collection/Collection.body.php"
- regexp: '^(\t.*MessageBoxHelper::renderWarningBoxes.*)$'
- replace: '#\1'
-- name: Disable Collection Warning 2
- replace:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/Collection/templates/CollectionPageTemplate.php"
- regexp: '^(\t.*MessageBoxHelper::renderWarningBoxes.*)$'
- replace: '#\1'
-- name: Remove Collection Book Text
- replace:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/Collection/i18n/en.json"
- regexp: '\t"coll-book_creator_intro": "With the ''''book creator'''' you can create a book containing wiki pages of your choice. You can export the book in different formats \(for example PDF or ODF\) or order a printed copy.",'
- replace: '\t"coll-book_creator_intro": "With the ''''book creator'''' you can create a book containing wiki pages of your choice. You can export the book in different formats (for example PDF or ODF).",'
-- name: Install ActivityLog Configuration
- copy:
- src: ActivityLogConfiguration
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/"
-- name: Enable ActivityLog
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE ACTIVITYLOG CONFIG"
- block: |
- wfLoadExtension('ActivityLog');
- $wgMessagesDirs['ActivityLogConfiguration'] = 'ActivityLogConfiguration/i18n';
- $wgActivityLogHooksToWatch["ArticleViewHeader"] = function ($article) {
- $referrer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
- $ourServer = "http://torque.leverforchange.org";
- if($referrer && $ourServer == substr($referrer, 0, strlen($ourServer))) {
- return array($article->getContext()->getUser(),
- $article->getTitle(),
- "activitylog-articleviewheader-with-referrer",
- );
- } else {
- return array($article->getContext()->getUser(),
- $article->getTitle(),
- "activitylog-articleviewheader"
- );
- }
- };
- $wgActivityLogHooksToWatch["UserLoginComplete"] = function(&$user, &$inject_html, $direct) {
- global $wgTitle;
- return array($user, $wgTitle, "activitylog-userlogin");
- };
- $wgActivityLogHooksToWatch["PageContentSave"] = function($wikiPage, $user, $content, &$summary, $isMinor, $isWatch, $section, $flags, $status) {
- return array($user, $wikiPage->getTitle(), "activitylog-articlesavepage");
- };
-- name: Disable MediaWiki Cache
- # When the cache is enabled, on AWS, with the default setting,
- # the following createAndPromote.php command fails due to cache timeout.
- # The reason isn't clear, but for now, this will fix it.
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- line: $wgMainCacheType = CACHE_NONE;
-- name: Create mwlib user
- command: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/createAndPromote.php --force --dbuser=wikiuser --dbpass=\"{{ db_password }}\" \"{{ mediawiki_mwlib_username }}\" \"{{ mediawiki_mwlib_password }}\""
-- name: Create csv2wiki user
- command: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/createAndPromote.php --bot --force --dbuser=wikiuser --dbpass=\"{{ db_password }}\" \"{{ mediawiki_csv2wiki_username }}\" \"{{ mediawiki_csv2wiki_password }}\""
-- name: Set Group Permissions
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['read'] = false;
- $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['protect'] = true;
- $wgRestrictionLevels[] = 'generated';
- $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['generated'] = true;
- # Permissions that we want sysops/admins to have that
- # but not for staff go here
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['generated'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['edittorqueconfig'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['torquedataconnect-admin'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['torquedataconnect-edit'] = true;
- # Groups requested specifically by LFC.
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCResearchPartners']['read'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCEvaluators']['read'] = true;
- # These are OTS Torque Standard Groups
- $wgGroupPermissions['OutsideReviewer']['read'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['Staff']['read'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['PseudoDecisionMaker']['read'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['DecisionMaker']['read'] = true;
- # Disable teamcomments for users on this wiki by default.
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['teamcomment'] = false;
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['teamcommentseeusernames'] = false;
- # Then enable teamcomments for the groups that should be leaving comments
- $wgGroupPermissions['Staff']['teamcomment'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['PseudoDecisionMaker']['teamcomment'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['DecisionMaker']['teamcomment'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['teamcomment'] = true;
- # Log permissions (ability to see Special:Log)
- $wgAvailableRights[] = 'view-special-log';
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['view-special-log'] = false;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['view-special-log'] = true;
- # PickSome permissions
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['picksome-write'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['picksome'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['picksome-admin'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['BoardMembers']['picksome-write'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['PseudoDecisionMaker']['picksome'] = true;
-- name: Disable Special:Log for groups that don't have view-special-log
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $wgHooks['SpecialPage_initList'][] = function ( &$list ) {
- global $wgUser;
- if(!$wgUser->isAllowed('view-special-log')) {
- unset( $list['Log'] );
- }
- return true;
- };
-- name: Create LFC Evaluator page rule
- blockinfile:
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE LFC EVALUATOR CONFIG"
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $wgHooks['SkinTemplateNavigation'][] = function ( $template, &$links ) {
- $currentTitle = $template->getTitle()->getFullText();
- $lfc_prepend = "LFC Analysis of ";
- $eval_prepend = "Evaluations of ";
- $isAnalysisPage = (strlen($currentTitle) > strlen($lfc_prepend) && substr($currentTitle, 0, strlen($lfc_prepend)) === $lfc_prepend);
- $isEvalPage = (strlen($currentTitle) > strlen($eval_prepend) && substr($currentTitle, 0, strlen($eval_prepend)) === $eval_prepend);
- $originalPageTitle = $currentTitle;
- if($isAnalysisPage) {
- $originalPageTitle = substr($currentTitle, strlen($lfc_prepend));
- $links['namespaces']['main']['class'] = '';
- $links['namespaces']['main']['href'] = Title::newFromText($originalPageTitle)->getLocalUrl();
- } else if($isEvalPage) {
- $originalPageTitle = substr($currentTitle, strlen($eval_prepend));
- $links['namespaces']['main']['class'] = '';
- $links['namespaces']['main']['href'] = Title::newFromText($originalPageTitle)->getLocalUrl();
- }
- $lfcAnalysisTitle = Title::newFromText($lfc_prepend . $originalPageTitle);
- $evalTitle = Title::newFromText($eval_prepend . $originalPageTitle);
- if($isAnalysisPage || $lfcAnalysisTitle->exists()) {
- $links['namespaces']['main']['text'] = 'Proposal';
- $links['namespaces']['lfcanalysis'] = [
- 'class' => ($isAnalysisPage ? 'selected' : ''),
- 'href' => ($isAnalysisPage ? $template->getTitle()->getLocalUrl() : $lfcAnalysisTitle->getLocalUrl()),
- 'text' => 'LFC Analysis',
- ];
- }
- if($isEvalPage || $evalTitle->exists()) {
- $links['namespaces']['main']['text'] = 'Proposal';
- $links['namespaces']['evaluations'] = [
- 'class' => ($isEvalPage ? 'selected' : ''),
- 'href' => ($isEvalPage ? $template->getTitle()->getLocalUrl() : $evalTitle->getLocalUrl()),
- 'text' => 'Evaluations',
- ];
- }
- unset($links['namespaces']['talk']);
- };
-- name: Create Special:Log name overrides
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $logTitlesOverrideMessages = [
- "picksomelogpage" => "Selection",
- "activitylogpage" => "Misc. Activity (page views, login, logout, etc)",
- "simplefavoriteslog" => "Favorites",
- "log-name-create" => "Page Creation",
- "movelogpage" => "Page Rename",
- "uploadlogpage" => "File Upload",
- "dellogpage" => "Page Deletion",
- "newuserlogpage" => "User Creation",
- "log-name-teamcomments" => "Comments",
- "torquedataconnect-apiaccesslog" => "API Accesses",
- "torquedataconnect-datachangeslog" => "Data Changes",
- "rightslog" => "Changes to Access Control / Permissions"
- ];
- $wgHooks['MessagesPreLoad'][] = function($title, &$message, $code) {
- global $logTitlesOverrideMessages;
- if(array_key_exists(strtolower($title), $logTitlesOverrideMessages)) {
- $message = $logTitlesOverrideMessages[strtolower($title)];
- }
- };
-- name: Disable Special:Log types that aren't of interest
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $logTypesBlacklist = ["block", "contentmodel", "import", "managetags", "merge", "patrol", "protect", "rights", "tag"];
- $wgHooks['SetupAfterCache'][] = function () {
- global $wgLogTypes, $logTypesBlacklist;
- foreach($logTypesBlacklist as $logType) {
- unset($wgLogTypes[array_search($logType, $wgLogTypes)]);
- }
- return true;
- };
-- name: Change Special:Log format slightly
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- # This is a little brittle, based on how the lines are rendered by the skin currently used
- # but should work for the foreseeable future.
- $wgHooks['LogEventsListLineEnding'][] = function ($page, &$line, &$entry, &$classes, &$attribs){
- $line = preg_replace('/(\d\d\d\d)/', '\1 —', $line, 1);
- };
-- name: Transfer LFC Logo
- copy:
- src: LeverForChange_Logo.png
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/resources/assets/LeverForChange_Logo.png"
-- name: Install LFC Logo
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- regexp: ^\$wgLogo = .*
- line: $wgLogo = "$wgResourceBasePath/resources/assets/LeverForChange_Logo.png";
-- name: Transfer Common group css
- copy:
- src: Common.css
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Common.css"
-- name: Install Common group css
- raw: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/edit.php -b MediaWiki:Common.css < {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Common.css"
-- name: Remove Common group css
- file:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Common.css"
- state: absent
-- name: Transfer DecisionMaker group css
- copy:
- src: Group-DecisionMaker.css
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Group-DecisionMaker.css"
-- name: Install DecisionMaker group css
- raw: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/edit.php -b MediaWiki:Group-{{ item }}.css < {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Group-DecisionMaker.css"
- loop:
- - PseudoDecisionMaker
- - DecisionMaker
- - LFCEvaluators
- - LFCResearchPartners
-- name: Remove DecisionMaker group css
- file:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Group-DecisionMaker.css"
- state: absent
-- name: Transfer htaccess
- copy:
- src: .htaccess
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/.htaccess"
-- name: Transfer wiki cheat sheet
- copy:
- src: Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet"
-- name: Install wiki cheat sheet
- raw: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/edit.php -b Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet < {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet"
-- name: Transfer wiki cheat sheet
- file:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet"
- state: absent
-# This should come near the end to make sure that all the database updates
-# for the extensions get run after the rest of the system is set up.
-- name: Run mediawiki updates
- command: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/update.php"
-# Handle Apache changes
-- name: Symlink to webserver directory
- become_user: root
- file:
- state: link
- src: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0"
- path: "{{ html_directory }}/DemoView"
-- name: Set permissions on attachments directory
- become_user: root
- file:
- path: "{{ html_directory }}/DemoView/images/"
- owner: www-data
- group: www-data
-- name: Restart Apache
- become_user: root
- service:
- name: apache2
- state: restarted
diff --git a/DemoView/ansible/roles/simplesaml/tasks/main.yml b/DemoView/ansible/roles/simplesaml/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c0c7fd3..00000000
--- a/DemoView/ansible/roles/simplesaml/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-- name: Add okta account to autoconfig
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ simplesaml_install_directory }}/simplesamlphp-1.18.4/saml-autoconfig.php"
- insertafter: '\$metadata_url_for = array\('
- line: "'{{ simplesaml_okta_metadata_name }}' => '{{ simplesaml_okta_metadata_url }}',"
diff --git a/EO2020/ansible/EO2020.yml b/EO2020/ansible/EO2020.yml
index eb72a98e..486ed808 100644
--- a/EO2020/ansible/EO2020.yml
+++ b/EO2020/ansible/EO2020.yml
@@ -4,7 +4,18 @@
become: true
become_user: "{{ deployment_user }}"
- - mediawiki
+ - mediawiki
+ - activitylog
+ - collection
+ - embed_video
+ - permissions
+ - simplefavorites
+ - simplesaml
+ - teamcomments
+ - torquedataconnect
+ - EO2020
+ # This should always go last, to run db updates and restart
+ - finishmediawiki
- hosts: simplesaml
become: true
diff --git a/EO2020/ansible/inv/local/group_vars/all.tmpl b/EO2020/ansible/inv/local/group_vars/all.tmpl
index bf955beb..f0f6fbf9 100644
--- a/EO2020/ansible/inv/local/group_vars/all.tmpl
+++ b/EO2020/ansible/inv/local/group_vars/all.tmpl
@@ -1,4 +1,13 @@
+competition_name: EO2020
+# The sheet that this wiki is going to act on. Most of the time
+# this will be the same as the competition name (above), but sometimes
+# this is different when either the competition name doesn't work as
+# a sheet name (for instance, if it starts with a number), or if
+# this wiki should act on a different sheet.
+torquedataconnect_sheet_name: EO2020
# Root web directory (where symlinks to the mediawiki instances
# are installed)
html_directory: /var/www/html
diff --git a/EO2020/ansible/inv/prod/group_vars/all/base b/EO2020/ansible/inv/prod/group_vars/all/base
index 28d25e2c..5159b37e 100644
--- a/EO2020/ansible/inv/prod/group_vars/all/base
+++ b/EO2020/ansible/inv/prod/group_vars/all/base
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
+competition_name: EO2020
+torquedataconnect_sheet_name: EO2020
html_directory: /var/www/html
mediawiki_install_directory: /home/deploy/EO2020/
mediawiki_mwlib_username: mwlib
diff --git a/Climate2030/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/.htaccess b/EO2020/ansible/roles/EO2020/files/.htaccess
similarity index 100%
rename from Climate2030/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/.htaccess
rename to EO2020/ansible/roles/EO2020/files/.htaccess
diff --git a/EO2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/LeverForChange_Logo.png b/EO2020/ansible/roles/EO2020/files/LeverForChange_Logo.png
similarity index 100%
rename from EO2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/LeverForChange_Logo.png
rename to EO2020/ansible/roles/EO2020/files/LeverForChange_Logo.png
diff --git a/EO2020/ansible/roles/EO2020/tasks/main.yml b/EO2020/ansible/roles/EO2020/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2d7fe52e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/EO2020/ansible/roles/EO2020/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+- name: Transfer EO Logo
+ copy:
+ src: "{{ lookup('env','OTS_DIR') }}/clients/lever-for-change/torque-sites/EO2020/data/EOLogo.png"
+ dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/resources/assets/EOLogo.png"
+- name: Transfer LFC Logo
+ copy:
+ src: LeverForChange_Logo.png
+ dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/resources/assets/LeverForChange_Logo.png"
+- name: Install LFC Logo
+ lineinfile:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
+ regexp: ^\$wgLogo = .*
+ line: $wgLogo = "$wgResourceBasePath/resources/assets/LeverForChange_Logo.png";
diff --git a/EO2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/ActivityLogConfiguration/i18n/en.json b/EO2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/ActivityLogConfiguration/i18n/en.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 93685958..00000000
--- a/EO2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/ActivityLogConfiguration/i18n/en.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- "activitylog-articleviewheader": "$1 visited $3",
- "activitylog-articlesavepage": "$1 edited $3",
- "activitylog-articleviewheader-with-referrer": "$1 visited $3 (from $5)",
- "activitylog-userlogin": "$1 logged in"
diff --git a/EO2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Common.css b/EO2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Common.css
deleted file mode 100644
index e502a300..00000000
--- a/EO2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Common.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-/* This disables some of the Special:Log inputs */
-.rootpage-Special_Log .mw-usertoollinks {
- display:none;
-.rootpage-Special_Log .comment {
- display:none;
-.rootpage-Special_Log .mw-htmlform-field-HTMLTagFilter {
- display:none;
-.rootpage-Special_Log .mw-htmlform-field-HTMLMultiSelectField {
- display:none;
diff --git a/EO2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/EmbedVideoIframeTitle.patch b/EO2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/EmbedVideoIframeTitle.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a24dfef3..00000000
--- a/EO2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/EmbedVideoIframeTitle.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
-+++ ./classes/VideoService.php 2020-01-02 17:10:22.640951109 +0000
-@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
- */
- static private $services = [
- 'archiveorg' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.2994923857868, // (640 / 493)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'bambuser' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.2994923857868, // (640 / 493)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'bambuser_channel' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.2994923857868, // (640 / 493)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'beam' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'disclose' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (640 / 360)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
- '#disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/([\d]+)/([\w-]+)/#is'
- ],
- 'id_regex' => [
-- '#^([\d]+)$#is'
-+ '#^([\d]+)$#is'
- ]
- ],
- 'blip' => [
-@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
- 'oembed' => 'http://blip.tv/oembed/?url=%1$s&width=%2$d&maxwidth=%2$d'
- ],
- 'bing' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'collegehumor' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.6260162601626, // (600 / 369)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'dailymotion' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -124,13 +124,13 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'divshare' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true
- ],
- 'funnyordie' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.64102564102564, // (640 / 390)
- 'https_enabled' => false,
-@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'gfycat' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'https_enabled' => true,
- 'url_regex' => [
-@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'jwplayer' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'kickstarter' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'mediacccde' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 660,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, //(16 / 9),
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'metacafe' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => false,
-@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'nico' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.59609120521173, // (490 / 307)
- 'https_enabled' => false,
-@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'rutube' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'smashcast' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'soundcloud' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 186,
- 'default_ratio' => 2.66666,
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'teachertube' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.72972972972973, // (640 / 370)
- 'https_enabled' => false,
-@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'ted' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'tubitv' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (640 / 360)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'tudou' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.6,
- 'https_enabled' => false,
-@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'tvpot' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@
- ]
- ],
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-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.64021164021164, // (620 / 378)
- 'https_enabled' => false,
-@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'twitchclip' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.64021164021164, // (620 / 378)
- 'https_enabled' => false,
-@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'twitchvod' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.64021164021164, // (620 / 378)
- 'https_enabled' => false,
-@@ -343,12 +343,12 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'videomaten' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_ratio' => 1.5, // (300 / 200)
- 'https_enabled' => false
- ],
- 'vimeo' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (640 / 360)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@
- 'oembed' => '%4$s//vimeo.com/api/oembed.json?url=%1$s&width=%2$d&maxwidth=%2$d'
- ],
- 'vine' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1, // (1 / 1)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'yahoo' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'youtube' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'youtubeplaylist' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'youtubevideolist' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'youku' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.6,
- 'https_enabled' => false,
-@@ -527,6 +527,13 @@
- private $urlArgs = false;
- /**
-+ * Title for iframe.
-+ *
-+ * @var string
-+ */
-+ private $iframeTitle = "";
-+ /**
- * Main Constructor
- *
- * @access private
-@@ -554,6 +561,7 @@
- /**
- * return the service host map array
-+ *
- * @return array $serviceHostMap
- */
- public static function getServiceHostMap() {
-@@ -602,6 +610,7 @@
- htmlentities($this->getVideoID(), ENT_QUOTES),
- $this->getWidth(),
- $this->getHeight(),
-+ $this->getIframeTitle(),
- ];
- if ($this->getExtraIds() !== false) {
-@@ -723,6 +732,20 @@
- }
- /**
-+ * Return the iframeTitle.
-+ *
-+ * @access public
-+ * @return String, defaulting to message 'ev_default_play_desc'
-+ */
-+ public function getIframeTitle() {
-+ if($this->iframeTitle == "") {
-+ return wfMessage('ev_default_play_desc')->text();
-+ }
-+ return $this->iframeTitle;
-+ }
-+ /**
- * Set the width of the player. This also will set the height automatically.
- * Width will be automatically constrained to the minimum and maximum widths.
- *
-+++ ./i18n/en.json 2020-01-02 17:47:39.993265357 +0000
-@@ -18,5 +18,6 @@
- "ev_video_long_desc": "$1, $2 codec, length $3, $4x$5 pixels, $6 overall",
- "ev_audio_short_desc": "$1",
- "ev_audio_long_desc": "$1, $2 codec, length $3, $4 overall",
-- "error_embedvideo_cantdecode_evu": "Couldn't parse video from $1"
-+ "error_embedvideo_cantdecode_evu": "Couldn't parse video from $1",
-+ "ev_default_play_desc": "Play video"
- }
diff --git a/EO2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Group-DecisionMaker.css b/EO2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Group-DecisionMaker.css
deleted file mode 100644
index a3e93949..00000000
--- a/EO2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Group-DecisionMaker.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-#p-views ul li:not(.simplefavorite-icon):not(#ca-view):not(#ca-edit) { display:none!important; }
-#p-cactions { display:none!important; }
-#p-namespaces { display:none!important; }
-#pt-mytalk { display:none!important; }
-#pt-watchlist { display:none!important; }
-#pt-mycontris { display:none!important; }
-.mw-editsection { display:none!important; }
-#p-tb { display:none!important; }
diff --git a/EO2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet b/EO2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet
deleted file mode 100644
index 3316ca20..00000000
--- a/EO2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-'''''Note:''''' This is an abridged version of the famous
-[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Cheatsheet Wikipedia Syntax Cheat Sheet]
--- try there if you don't see the markup codes you're looking for below.
-''italics'', '''bold''', and '''''both'''''
-''italics'', '''bold''', and '''''both'''''
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|Link to another page
-[[some page]]
[[Android (operating system)|Android]]
-[[Android (operating system)|Android]]
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-Link to a section
[[Frog#Locomotion|locomotion in frogs]]
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|Link to an off-site URL
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|Link and link-text to an off-site URL
-[https://www.wikipedia.org/ Wikipedia]
-[https://www.wikipedia.org/ Wikipedia]
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-[[Special:Mypage|Username]] ([[Special:Mytalk|talk]]) {{CURRENTTIME}}, {{CURRENTDAY}} {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTYEAR}} (UTC)
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|Strike some text
-This text is conspicuously stricken.
-This text is underlined
-This text is underlined
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|[[Wikipedia:Picture tutorial|Show an image]]
-[[Category:Cetaceans I Have Known]]
[[:Category:Cetaceans I Have Known]]
[[:File:File name]]
-|#REDIRECT [[Target page]]
-[[File:Redirect arrow without text.svg|30px|link=]] [[Target page]]
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|[[Wikipedia:Redirect|Redirect to a section of another page]]
-#REDIRECT [[Target page#anchorName]]
-[[File:Redirect arrow without text.svg|30px|link=]] [[Target page#anchorName]]
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|Section headings==Level 2==
===Level 3===
====Level 4====
=====Level 5=====
======Level 6======
* One
* Two
** Two point one
* Three
-* One
-* Two
-** Two point one
-* Three
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|Numbered list (enumerated list)
-# One
# Two
## Two point one
# Three
-# One
-# Two
-## Two point one
-# Three
diff --git a/EO2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/tasks/main.yml b/EO2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index a6a4cbca..00000000
--- a/EO2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,493 +0,0 @@
-- name: Setup installation directory
- file:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}"
- state: directory
-- name: Download MediaWiki
- get_url:
- url: https://releases.wikimedia.org/mediawiki/1.33/mediawiki-1.33.0.tar.gz
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0.tar.gz"
- checksum: sha256:8335a2d8740c5dd5919a480b74c3d8e19f23a68b396df48c2d77646272fdcd67
-- name: Extract MediaWiki tarball
- unarchive:
- src: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0.tar.gz"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/"
- remote_src: yes
- creates: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/"
-- name: Install MW with Composer
- command: composer install --no-dev
- args:
- chdir: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0"
-- name: Install EmbedVideo
- unarchive:
- src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../../thirdparty/extensions/EmbedVideo-v2.8.0.zip"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/"
-- name: Patch EmbedVideo
- patch:
- src: EmbedVideoIframeTitle.patch
- basedir: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/EmbedVideo-v2.8.0/"
-- name: Install PluggableAuth
- unarchive:
- src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../../thirdparty/extensions/PluggableAuth-REL1_33-a69f626.tar.gz"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/"
-- name: Install SimpleSAML extension
- unarchive:
- src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../../thirdparty/extensions/SimpleSAMLphp-REL1_33-7d91f27.tar.gz"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/"
-- name: Install Collection
- unarchive:
- src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../../thirdparty/extensions/Collection-REL1_33-8566dd1.tar.gz"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/"
-- name: Checkout ActivityLog
- git:
- repo: https://github.com/OpenTechStrategies/ActivityLog
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/ActivityLog/"
- version: 27e9191
-- name: Checkout SimpleFavorites
- git:
- repo: https://github.com/OpenTechStrategies/SimpleFavorites
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/SimpleFavorites/"
- version: 59fed33
-- name: Checkout TeamComments
- git:
- repo: https://github.com/OpenTechStrategies/TeamComments
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/TeamComments/"
- version: 450bff7
-- name: Checkout Torque
- git:
- repo: https://github.com/OpenTechStrategies/torque
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/torque/"
- version: 16468ec
-- name: Link TorqueDataConnect
- file:
- src: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/torque/TorqueDataConnect/"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/TorqueDataConnect"
- state: link
-- name: Create Wiki
- command: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/install.php --dbtype=mysql --dbserver=localhost --dbuser=wikiuser --dbpass=\"{{ db_password }}\" --dbname=EO2020 --scriptpath=\"/EO2020\" --lang=en --pass=\"{{ mediawiki_admin_password }}\" \"EO2020\" \"admin\""
- args:
- creates: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
-- name: Enable EmbedVideo
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- line: "wfLoadExtension('EmbedVideo-v2.8.0');"
-- name: Enable PluggableAuth
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE PLUGABLE AUTH CONFIG"
- block: |
- wfLoadExtension( 'PluggableAuth' );
- $wgPluggableAuth_EnableAutoLogin = true;
- $wgPluggableAuth_EnableLocalLogin = true;
- $wgPluggableAuth_EnableLocalProperties = false;
- $wgPluggableAuth_ButtonLabel = "Log In With MacArthur Okta";
- $wgInvalidUsernameCharacters = "";
-- name: Enable SimpleSAMLphp extension
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE SIMPLE SAML PHP CONFIG"
- block: |
- wfLoadExtension( 'SimpleSAMLphp' );
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_InstallDir = '{{ simplesaml_install_directory }}/simplesamlphp-1.18.4';
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_AuthSourceId = '{{ simplesaml_okta_metadata_name }}';
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_RealNameAttribute = ['firstName', 'lastName'];
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_EmailAttribute = 'email';
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_UsernameAttribute = 'email';
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_GroupMap = ['sysop' => ['groups' => ['LFC Torque Admin', 'LFC Staff']]];
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_SyncAllGroups_GroupNameModificationCallback = function($origGroupName){
- # Remove spaces
- return preg_replace('/\s/', '', $origGroupName);
- };
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_AttributeProcessorFactories = [
- "MediaWiki\\Extension\\SimpleSAMLphp\\AttributeProcessor\\SyncAllGroups::factory"
- ];
-# This actually needs to be installed after PickSome (above), because
-# we want the picksome sidebar to be loaded before the Collection sidebar
-# because of how mediawiki decides order of portlet.
-- name: Enable Collection
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE COLLECTION CONFIG"
- block: |
- require_once "$IP/extensions/Collection/Collection.php";
- $wgCollectionMWServeURL = "";
- $wgCollectionMaxArticles = 250;
- $wgEnableApi = true;
- $wgCollectionFormats = array( 'rl' => 'PDF',);
- $wgCollectionPortletFormats = [];
- $wgCollectionDisableDownloadSection = false;
- $wgHooks['ApiBeforeMain'][] = function($main) {
- global $wgTorqueDataConnectGroup, $wgTorqueDataConnectRenderToHTML, $wgTorqueDataConnectView;
- if($main->getUser() && strtolower($main->getUser()->getName()) == "{{ mediawiki_mwlib_username }}") {
- $wgTorqueDataConnectRenderToHTML = false;
- $tdcinfo = $main->getRequest()->getText("tdcinfo", false);
- list($wgTorqueDataConnectGroup, $wgTorqueDataConnectView) = explode("|", $tdcinfo);
- }
- };
- $wgHooks['BeforeInitialize'][] = function(&$title, &$article = null, &$output, &$user, $request, $mediaWiki) {
- global $wgCollectionMWServeCredentials;
- $group = TorqueDataConnectConfig::getValidGroup($user);
- $view = TorqueDataConnectConfig::getCurrentView();
- $wgCollectionMWServeCredentials = "{{ mediawiki_mwlib_username }}:${group}|${view}:{{ mediawiki_mwlib_password }}";
- };
-- name: Enable TorqueDataConnect
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- define("TORQUE_CONFIG", 4000);
- define("TORQUE_CONFIG_TALK", 4001);
- $wgExtraNamespaces[TORQUE_CONFIG] = "TorqueConfig";
- $wgExtraNamespaces[TORQUE_CONFIG_TALK] = "TorqueConfig_talk";
- $wgNamespaceProtection[TORQUE_CONFIG] = array("edittorqueconfig");
- $wgTorqueDataConnectSheetName = "EO2020";
- $wgTorqueDataConnectWikiKey = "EO2020";
- $wgTorqueDataConnectConfigPage = "TorqueConfig:MainConfig";
- $wgTorqueDataConnectNotFoundMessage = "This proposal has been disqualified in admin, peer, or expert review.";
- wfLoadExtension('TorqueDataConnect');
-- name: Enable SimpleFavorites
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- line: "wfLoadExtension('SimpleFavorites');"
-- name: Enable TeamComments
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- wfLoadExtension('TeamComments');
- $wgTeamCommentsCheatSheetLocation = "Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet";
- $wgTeamCommentsUserPseudonymizer = function($username) {
- return "Pseudonymous User #" . TorqueDataConnectUserLookup::lookupByUsername($username)->{"id"};
- };
-- name: Enable Uploading
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- marker: "## {mark} UPLOAD CONFIG"
- block: |
- $wgEnableUploads = true;
- $wgFileExtensions = array_merge($wgFileExtensions, array('doc', 'docx', 'html', 'pdf', 'xlsx'));
- $wgFileBlacklist = array();
- $wgMimeTypeBlacklist = array();
- $wgStrictFileExtensions = false;
- $wgTrustedMediaFormats = array('application/zip', 'text/html');
- $wgVerifyMimeType = false;
- $wgAllowJavaUploads = true;
- $wgCheckFileExtensions = false;
- $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['edit'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['upload'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['torquedataconnect-admin'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['autoconfirmed']['reupload'] = true;
-- name: Set TOC depth
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- line: $wgMaxTocLevel = 2;
-- name: Disable Collection Warning 1
- replace:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/Collection/Collection.body.php"
- regexp: '^(\t.*MessageBoxHelper::renderWarningBoxes.*)$'
- replace: '#\1'
-- name: Disable Collection Warning 2
- replace:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/Collection/templates/CollectionPageTemplate.php"
- regexp: '^(\t.*MessageBoxHelper::renderWarningBoxes.*)$'
- replace: '#\1'
-- name: Remove Collection Book Text
- replace:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/Collection/i18n/en.json"
- regexp: '\t"coll-book_creator_intro": "With the ''''book creator'''' you can create a book containing wiki pages of your choice. You can export the book in different formats \(for example PDF or ODF\) or order a printed copy.",'
- replace: '\t"coll-book_creator_intro": "With the ''''book creator'''' you can create a book containing wiki pages of your choice. You can export the book in different formats (for example PDF or ODF).",'
-- name: Install ActivityLog Configuration
- copy:
- src: ActivityLogConfiguration
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/"
-- name: Enable ActivityLog
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE ACTIVITYLOG CONFIG"
- block: |
- wfLoadExtension('ActivityLog');
- $wgMessagesDirs['ActivityLogConfiguration'] = 'ActivityLogConfiguration/i18n';
- $wgActivityLogHooksToWatch["ArticleViewHeader"] = function ($article) {
- $referrer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
- $ourServer = "http://torque.leverforchange.org";
- if($referrer && $ourServer == substr($referrer, 0, strlen($ourServer))) {
- return array($article->getContext()->getUser(),
- $article->getTitle(),
- "activitylog-articleviewheader-with-referrer",
- );
- } else {
- return array($article->getContext()->getUser(),
- $article->getTitle(),
- "activitylog-articleviewheader"
- );
- }
- };
- $wgActivityLogHooksToWatch["UserLoginComplete"] = function(&$user, &$inject_html, $direct) {
- global $wgTitle;
- return array($user, $wgTitle, "activitylog-userlogin");
- };
- $wgActivityLogHooksToWatch["PageContentSave"] = function($wikiPage, $user, $content, &$summary, $isMinor, $isWatch, $section, $flags, $status) {
- return array($user, $wikiPage->getTitle(), "activitylog-articlesavepage");
- };
-- name: Disable MediaWiki Cache
- # When the cache is enabled, on AWS, with the default setting,
- # the following createAndPromote.php command fails due to cache timeout.
- # The reason isn't clear, but for now, this will fix it.
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- line: $wgMainCacheType = CACHE_NONE;
-- name: Create mwlib user
- command: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/createAndPromote.php --force --dbuser=wikiuser --dbpass=\"{{ db_password }}\" \"{{ mediawiki_mwlib_username }}\" \"{{ mediawiki_mwlib_password }}\""
-- name: Create csv2wiki user
- command: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/createAndPromote.php --bot --force --dbuser=wikiuser --dbpass=\"{{ db_password }}\" \"{{ mediawiki_csv2wiki_username }}\" \"{{ mediawiki_csv2wiki_password }}\""
-- name: Set Group Permissions
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['read'] = false;
- $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['protect'] = true;
- $wgRestrictionLevels[] = 'generated';
- $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['generated'] = true;
- # Permissions that we want sysops/admins to have that
- # but not for staff go here
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['generated'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['edittorqueconfig'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['torquedataconnect-admin'] = true;
- # NOTE: There are some MediaWiki 'sysop' and 'bureaucrat' permissions
- # that we give to LFCTorque and LFCTorqueAdmin in 100Change2020 in
- # ../../../../../100Change2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/tasks/main.yml
- # that we don't seem to be giving here. I'm not sure whether
- # that's an oversight or whether there's a reason we don't do it
- # for EO2020, so for now I'm just noting this on 2020-06-01. -Karl
- # Groups requested specifically by LFC.
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCResearchPartners']['read'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCEvaluators']['read'] = true;
- # These are OTS Torque Standard Groups
- $wgGroupPermissions['OutsideReviewer']['read'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['Staff']['read'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['PseudoDecisionMaker']['read'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['DecisionMaker']['read'] = true;
- # Disable teamcomments for users on this wiki by default.
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['teamcomment'] = false;
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['teamcommentseeusernames'] = false;
- # Then enable teamcomments for the groups that should be leaving comments
- $wgGroupPermissions['Staff']['teamcomment'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['PseudoDecisionMaker']['teamcomment'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['DecisionMaker']['teamcomment'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['teamcomment'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCResearchPartners']['teamcomment'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCEvaluators']['teamcomment'] = true;
- # Allow some groups to see usernames
- $wgGroupPermissions['Staff']['teamcommentseeusernames'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['PseudoDecisionMaker']['teamcommentseeusernames'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['DecisionMaker']['teamcommentseeusernames'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['teamcommentseeusernames'] = true;
- # Log permissions (ability to see Special:Log)
- $wgAvailableRights[] = 'view-special-log';
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['view-special-log'] = false;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['view-special-log'] = true;
-- name: Disable Special:Log for groups that don't have view-special-log
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $wgHooks['SpecialPage_initList'][] = function ( &$list ) {
- global $wgUser;
- if(!$wgUser->isAllowed('view-special-log')) {
- unset( $list['Log'] );
- }
- return true;
- };
-- name: Create Special:Log name overrides
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $logTitlesOverrideMessages = [
- "picksomelogpage" => "Selection",
- "activitylogpage" => "Misc. Activity (page views, login, logout, etc)",
- "simplefavoriteslog" => "Favorites",
- "log-name-create" => "Page Creation",
- "movelogpage" => "Page Rename",
- "uploadlogpage" => "File Upload",
- "dellogpage" => "Page Deletion",
- "newuserlogpage" => "User Creation",
- "log-name-teamcomments" => "Comments",
- "torquedataconnect-apiaccesslog" => "API Accesses",
- "torquedataconnect-datachangeslog" => "Data Changes",
- "rightslog" => "Changes to Access Control / Permissions"
- ];
- $wgHooks['MessagesPreLoad'][] = function($title, &$message, $code) {
- global $logTitlesOverrideMessages;
- if(array_key_exists(strtolower($title), $logTitlesOverrideMessages)) {
- $message = $logTitlesOverrideMessages[strtolower($title)];
- }
- };
-- name: Disable Special:Log types that aren't of interest
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $logTypesBlacklist = ["block", "contentmodel", "import", "managetags", "merge", "patrol", "protect", "rights", "tag"];
- $wgHooks['SetupAfterCache'][] = function () {
- global $wgLogTypes, $logTypesBlacklist;
- foreach($logTypesBlacklist as $logType) {
- unset($wgLogTypes[array_search($logType, $wgLogTypes)]);
- }
- return true;
- };
-- name: Change Special:Log format slightly
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- # This is a little brittle, based on how the lines are rendered by the skin currently used
- # but should work for the foreseeable future.
- $wgHooks['LogEventsListLineEnding'][] = function ($page, &$line, &$entry, &$classes, &$attribs){
- $line = preg_replace('/(\d\d\d\d)/', '\1 —', $line, 1);
- };
-- name: Transfer EO Logo
- copy:
- src: "{{ lookup('env','OTS_DIR') }}/clients/lever-for-change/torque-sites/EO2020/data/EOLogo.png"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/resources/assets/EOLogo.png"
-- name: Transfer LFC Logo
- copy:
- src: LeverForChange_Logo.png
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/resources/assets/LeverForChange_Logo.png"
-- name: Install LFC Logo
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- regexp: ^\$wgLogo = .*
- line: $wgLogo = "$wgResourceBasePath/resources/assets/LeverForChange_Logo.png";
-- name: Transfer Common group css
- copy:
- src: Common.css
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Common.css"
-- name: Install Common group css
- raw: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/edit.php -b MediaWiki:Common.css < {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Common.css"
-- name: Remove Common group css
- file:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Common.css"
- state: absent
-- name: Transfer DecisionMaker group css
- copy:
- src: Group-DecisionMaker.css
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Group-DecisionMaker.css"
-- name: Install DecisionMaker group css
- raw: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/edit.php -b MediaWiki:Group-{{ item }}.css < {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Group-DecisionMaker.css"
- loop:
- - PseudoDecisionMaker
- - DecisionMaker
- - LFCEvaluators
- - LFCResearchPartners
-- name: Remove DecisionMaker group css
- file:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Group-DecisionMaker.css"
- state: absent
-- name: Transfer htaccess
- copy:
- src: .htaccess
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/.htaccess"
-- name: Transfer wiki cheat sheet
- copy:
- src: Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet"
-- name: Install wiki cheat sheet
- raw: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/edit.php -b Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet < {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet"
-- name: Transfer wiki cheat sheet
- file:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet"
- state: absent
-# This should come near the end to make sure that all the database updates
-# for the extensions get run after the rest of the system is set up.
-- name: Run mediawiki updates
- command: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/update.php"
-# Handle Apache changes
-- name: Symlink to webserver directory
- become_user: root
- file:
- state: link
- src: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0"
- path: "{{ html_directory }}/EO2020"
-- name: Set permissions on attachments directory
- become_user: root
- file:
- path: "{{ html_directory }}/EO2020/images/"
- owner: www-data
- group: www-data
-- name: Restart Apache
- become_user: root
- service:
- name: apache2
- state: restarted
diff --git a/EO2020/ansible/roles/simplesaml/tasks/main.yml b/EO2020/ansible/roles/simplesaml/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c0c7fd3..00000000
--- a/EO2020/ansible/roles/simplesaml/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-- name: Add okta account to autoconfig
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ simplesaml_install_directory }}/simplesamlphp-1.18.4/saml-autoconfig.php"
- insertafter: '\$metadata_url_for = array\('
- line: "'{{ simplesaml_okta_metadata_name }}' => '{{ simplesaml_okta_metadata_url }}',"
diff --git a/INSTALL.md b/INSTALL.md
index 1e554a4a..cbc3f1e8 100644
--- a/INSTALL.md
+++ b/INSTALL.md
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ layout.
* `''italics'', '''bold''', and '''''both'''''
-''italics'', '''bold''', and '''''both'''''
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|Link to another page
-[[some page]]
[[Android (operating system)|Android]]
-[[Android (operating system)|Android]]
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-Link to a section
[[Frog#Locomotion|locomotion in frogs]]
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|Link to an off-site URL
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|Link and link-text to an off-site URL
-[https://www.wikipedia.org/ Wikipedia]
-[https://www.wikipedia.org/ Wikipedia]
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-[[Special:Mypage|Username]] ([[Special:Mytalk|talk]]) {{CURRENTTIME}}, {{CURRENTDAY}} {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTYEAR}} (UTC)
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|Strike some text
-This text is conspicuously stricken.
-This text is underlined
-This text is underlined
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|[[Wikipedia:Picture tutorial|Show an image]]
-[[Category:Cetaceans I Have Known]]
[[:Category:Cetaceans I Have Known]]
[[:File:File name]]
-|#REDIRECT [[Target page]]
-[[File:Redirect arrow without text.svg|30px|link=]] [[Target page]]
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|[[Wikipedia:Redirect|Redirect to a section of another page]]
-#REDIRECT [[Target page#anchorName]]
-[[File:Redirect arrow without text.svg|30px|link=]] [[Target page#anchorName]]
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|Section headings==Level 2==
===Level 3===
====Level 4====
=====Level 5=====
======Level 6======
* One
* Two
** Two point one
* Three
-* One
-* Two
-** Two point one
-* Three
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|Numbered list (enumerated list)
-# One
# Two
## Two point one
# Three
-# One
-# Two
-## Two point one
-# Three
diff --git a/LLIIA2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/tasks/main.yml b/LLIIA2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index dbe352fa..00000000
--- a/LLIIA2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,532 +0,0 @@
-- name: Setup installation directory
- file:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}"
- state: directory
-- name: Download MediaWiki
- get_url:
- url: https://releases.wikimedia.org/mediawiki/1.33/mediawiki-1.33.0.tar.gz
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0.tar.gz"
- checksum: sha256:8335a2d8740c5dd5919a480b74c3d8e19f23a68b396df48c2d77646272fdcd67
-- name: Extract MediaWiki tarball
- unarchive:
- src: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0.tar.gz"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/"
- remote_src: yes
- creates: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/"
-- name: Install MW with Composer
- command: composer install --no-dev
- args:
- chdir: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0"
-- name: Install EmbedVideo
- unarchive:
- src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../../thirdparty/extensions/EmbedVideo-v2.8.0.zip"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/"
-- name: Patch EmbedVideo
- patch:
- src: EmbedVideoIframeTitle.patch
- basedir: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/EmbedVideo-v2.8.0/"
-- name: Install PluggableAuth
- unarchive:
- src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../../thirdparty/extensions/PluggableAuth-REL1_33-a69f626.tar.gz"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/"
-- name: Install SimpleSAML extension
- unarchive:
- src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../../thirdparty/extensions/SimpleSAMLphp-REL1_33-7d91f27.tar.gz"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/"
-- name: Install Collection
- unarchive:
- src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../../thirdparty/extensions/Collection-REL1_33-8566dd1.tar.gz"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/"
-- name: Checkout ActivityLog
- git:
- repo: https://github.com/OpenTechStrategies/ActivityLog
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/ActivityLog/"
- version: 27e9191
-- name: Checkout SimpleFavorites
- git:
- repo: https://github.com/OpenTechStrategies/SimpleFavorites
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/SimpleFavorites/"
- version: 59fed33
-- name: Checkout TeamComments
- git:
- repo: https://github.com/OpenTechStrategies/TeamComments
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/TeamComments/"
- version: 450bff7
-- name: Checkout Torque
- git:
- repo: https://github.com/OpenTechStrategies/torque
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/torque/"
- version: 16468ec
-- name: Link TorqueDataConnect
- file:
- src: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/torque/TorqueDataConnect/"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/TorqueDataConnect"
- state: link
-- name: Create Wiki
- command: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/install.php --dbtype=mysql --dbserver=localhost --dbuser=wikiuser --dbpass=\"{{ db_password }}\" --dbname=LLIIA2020 --scriptpath=\"/LLIIA2020\" --lang=en --pass=\"{{ mediawiki_admin_password }}\" \"LLIIA2020\" \"admin\""
- args:
- creates: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
-- name: Enable EmbedVideo
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- line: "wfLoadExtension('EmbedVideo-v2.8.0');"
-- name: Enable PluggableAuth
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE PLUGABLE AUTH CONFIG"
- block: |
- wfLoadExtension( 'PluggableAuth' );
- $wgPluggableAuth_EnableAutoLogin = true;
- $wgPluggableAuth_EnableLocalLogin = true;
- $wgPluggableAuth_EnableLocalProperties = false;
- $wgPluggableAuth_ButtonLabel = "Log In With MacArthur Okta";
- $wgInvalidUsernameCharacters = "";
-- name: Enable SimpleSAMLphp extension
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE SIMPLE SAML PHP CONFIG"
- block: |
- wfLoadExtension( 'SimpleSAMLphp' );
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_SyncAllGroups_LocallyManaged = ["sysop", "DecisionMakers", "interface-admin", "bureaucrat"];
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_InstallDir = '{{ simplesaml_install_directory }}/simplesamlphp-1.18.4';
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_AuthSourceId = '{{ simplesaml_okta_metadata_name }}';
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_RealNameAttribute = ['firstName', 'lastName'];
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_EmailAttribute = 'email';
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_UsernameAttribute = 'username';
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_GroupMap = [
- 'sysop' => ['groups' => ['LFC Torque Admin', 'LFC Staff']],
- 'interface-admin' => ['groups' => ['LFC Torque Admin', 'LFC Staff']],
- 'bureaucrat' => ['groups' => ['LFC Torque Admin', 'LFC Staff']],
- 'DecisionMakers' => ['groups' => ['LFC Decision Makers']]
- ];
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_SyncAllGroups_GroupNameModificationCallback = function($origGroupName){
- # Remove spaces
- return preg_replace('/\s/', '', $origGroupName);
- };
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_AttributeProcessorFactories = [
- "MediaWiki\\Extension\\SimpleSAMLphp\\AttributeProcessor\\SyncAllGroups::factory"
- ];
-- name: Enable Collection
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE COLLECTION CONFIG"
- block: |
- require_once "$IP/extensions/Collection/Collection.php";
- $wgCollectionMWServeURL = "";
- $wgCollectionMaxArticles = 250;
- $wgEnableApi = true;
- $wgCollectionFormats = array( 'rl' => 'PDF',);
- $wgCollectionPortletFormats = [];
- $wgCollectionDisableDownloadSection = false;
- $wgHooks['ApiBeforeMain'][] = function($main) {
- global $wgTorqueDataConnectGroup, $wgTorqueDataConnectRenderToHTML, $wgTorqueDataConnectView;
- if($main->getUser() && strtolower($main->getUser()->getName()) == "{{ mediawiki_mwlib_username }}") {
- $wgTorqueDataConnectRenderToHTML = false;
- $tdcinfo = $main->getRequest()->getText("tdcinfo", false);
- list($wgTorqueDataConnectGroup, $wgTorqueDataConnectView) = explode("|", $tdcinfo);
- }
- };
- $wgHooks['BeforeInitialize'][] = function(&$title, &$article = null, &$output, &$user, $request, $mediaWiki) {
- global $wgCollectionMWServeCredentials;
- $group = TorqueDataConnectConfig::getValidGroup($user);
- $view = TorqueDataConnectConfig::getCurrentView();
- $wgCollectionMWServeCredentials = "{{ mediawiki_mwlib_username }}:${group}|${view}:{{ mediawiki_mwlib_password }}";
- };
-- name: Enable TorqueDataConnect
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- define("TORQUE_CONFIG", 4000);
- define("TORQUE_CONFIG_TALK", 4001);
- $wgExtraNamespaces[TORQUE_CONFIG] = "TorqueConfig";
- $wgExtraNamespaces[TORQUE_CONFIG_TALK] = "TorqueConfig_talk";
- $wgNamespaceProtection[TORQUE_CONFIG] = array("edittorqueconfig");
- $wgTorqueDataConnectSheetName = "LLIIA2020";
- $wgTorqueDataConnectWikiKey = "LLIIA2020";
- $wgTorqueDataConnectConfigPage = "TorqueConfig:MainConfig";
- $wgTorqueDataConnectNotFoundMessage = "This proposal has been disqualified in admin, peer, or expert review.";
- wfLoadExtension('TorqueDataConnect');
-- name: Enable SimpleFavorites
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- line: "wfLoadExtension('SimpleFavorites');"
-- name: Enable TeamComments
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- wfLoadExtension('TeamComments');
- $wgTeamCommentsCheatSheetLocation = "Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet";
- $wgTeamCommentsUserPseudonymizer = function($username) {
- return "Pseudonymous User #" . TorqueDataConnectUserLookup::lookupByUsername($username)->{"id"};
- };
-- name: Enable Uploading
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- marker: "## {mark} UPLOAD CONFIG"
- block: |
- $wgEnableUploads = true;
- $wgFileExtensions = array_merge($wgFileExtensions, array('doc', 'docx', 'html', 'pdf', 'xlsx'));
- $wgFileBlacklist = array();
- $wgMimeTypeBlacklist = array();
- $wgStrictFileExtensions = false;
- $wgTrustedMediaFormats = array('application/zip', 'text/html');
- $wgVerifyMimeType = false;
- $wgAllowJavaUploads = true;
- $wgCheckFileExtensions = false;
- $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['edit'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['upload'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['torquedataconnect-admin'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['autoconfirmed']['reupload'] = true;
-- name: Set TOC depth
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- line: $wgMaxTocLevel = 2;
-- name: Disable Collection Warning 1
- replace:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/Collection/Collection.body.php"
- regexp: '^(\t.*MessageBoxHelper::renderWarningBoxes.*)$'
- replace: '#\1'
-- name: Disable Collection Warning 2
- replace:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/Collection/templates/CollectionPageTemplate.php"
- regexp: '^(\t.*MessageBoxHelper::renderWarningBoxes.*)$'
- replace: '#\1'
-- name: Remove Collection Book Text
- replace:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/Collection/i18n/en.json"
- regexp: '\t"coll-book_creator_intro": "With the ''''book creator'''' you can create a book containing wiki pages of your choice. You can export the book in different formats \(for example PDF or ODF\) or order a printed copy.",'
- replace: '\t"coll-book_creator_intro": "With the ''''book creator'''' you can create a book containing wiki pages of your choice. You can export the book in different formats (for example PDF or ODF).",'
-- name: Install ActivityLog Configuration
- copy:
- src: ActivityLogConfiguration
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/"
-- name: Enable ActivityLog
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE ACTIVITYLOG CONFIG"
- block: |
- wfLoadExtension('ActivityLog');
- $wgMessagesDirs['ActivityLogConfiguration'] = 'ActivityLogConfiguration/i18n';
- $wgActivityLogHooksToWatch["ArticleViewHeader"] = function ($article) {
- $referrer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
- $ourServer = "http://torque.leverforchange.org";
- if($referrer && $ourServer == substr($referrer, 0, strlen($ourServer))) {
- return array($article->getContext()->getUser(),
- $article->getTitle(),
- "activitylog-articleviewheader-with-referrer",
- );
- } else {
- return array($article->getContext()->getUser(),
- $article->getTitle(),
- "activitylog-articleviewheader"
- );
- }
- };
- $wgActivityLogHooksToWatch["UserLoginComplete"] = function(&$user, &$inject_html, $direct) {
- global $wgTitle;
- return array($user, $wgTitle, "activitylog-userlogin");
- };
- $wgActivityLogHooksToWatch["PageContentSave"] = function($wikiPage, $user, $content, &$summary, $isMinor, $isWatch, $section, $flags, $status) {
- return array($user, $wikiPage->getTitle(), "activitylog-articlesavepage");
- };
-- name: Disable MediaWiki Cache
- # When the cache is enabled, on AWS, with the default setting,
- # the following createAndPromote.php command fails due to cache timeout.
- # The reason isn't clear, but for now, this will fix it.
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- line: $wgMainCacheType = CACHE_NONE;
-- name: Create mwlib user
- command: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/createAndPromote.php --force --dbuser=wikiuser --dbpass=\"{{ db_password }}\" \"{{ mediawiki_mwlib_username }}\" \"{{ mediawiki_mwlib_password }}\""
-- name: Create csv2wiki user
- command: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/createAndPromote.php --bot --force --dbuser=wikiuser --dbpass=\"{{ db_password }}\" \"{{ mediawiki_csv2wiki_username }}\" \"{{ mediawiki_csv2wiki_password }}\""
-- name: Set Group Permissions
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['read'] = false;
- $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['protect'] = true;
- $wgRestrictionLevels[] = 'generated';
- $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['generated'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['generated'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['edittorqueconfig'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['torquedataconnect-admin'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['torquedataconnect-edit'] = true;
- # Groups requested specifically by LFC.
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCConsultingPartners']['read'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCConsultingPartners']['torquedataconnect-edit'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCResearchPartners']['read'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCEvaluators']['read'] = true;
- # These are OTS Torque Standard Groups
- $wgGroupPermissions['OutsideReviewers']['read'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['Staff']['read'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['PseudoDecisionMakers']['read'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['DecisionMakers']['read'] = true;
- # Disable teamcomments for users on this wiki by default.
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['teamcomment'] = false;
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['teamcommentseeusernames'] = false;
- # Then enable teamcomments for the groups that should be leaving comments
- $wgGroupPermissions['Staff']['teamcomment'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['PseudoDecisionMaker']['teamcomment'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['DecisionMaker']['teamcomment'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['teamcomment'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCResearchPartners']['teamcomment'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCEvaluators']['teamcomment'] = true;
- # Allow some groups to see usernames
- $wgGroupPermissions['Staff']['teamcommentseeusernames'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['PseudoDecisionMaker']['teamcommentseeusernames'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['DecisionMaker']['teamcommentseeusernames'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['teamcommentseeusernames'] = true;
- # Log permissions (ability to see Special:Log)
- $wgAvailableRights[] = 'view-special-log';
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['view-special-log'] = false;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['view-special-log'] = true;
-- name: Create LFC Evaluator page rule
- blockinfile:
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE LFC EVALUATOR CONFIG"
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $wgHooks['SkinTemplateNavigation'][] = function ( $template, &$links ) {
- $currentTitle = $template->getTitle()->getFullText();
- $lfc_prepend = "LFC Analysis of ";
- $eval_prepend = "Evaluations of ";
- $isAnalysisPage = (strlen($currentTitle) > strlen($lfc_prepend) && substr($currentTitle, 0, strlen($lfc_prepend)) === $lfc_prepend);
- $isEvalPage = (strlen($currentTitle) > strlen($eval_prepend) && substr($currentTitle, 0, strlen($eval_prepend)) === $eval_prepend);
- $originalPageTitle = $currentTitle;
- if($isAnalysisPage) {
- $originalPageTitle = substr($currentTitle, strlen($lfc_prepend));
- $links['namespaces']['main']['class'] = '';
- $links['namespaces']['main']['href'] = Title::newFromText($originalPageTitle)->getLocalUrl();
- } else if($isEvalPage) {
- $originalPageTitle = substr($currentTitle, strlen($eval_prepend));
- $links['namespaces']['main']['class'] = '';
- $links['namespaces']['main']['href'] = Title::newFromText($originalPageTitle)->getLocalUrl();
- }
- $lfcAnalysisTitle = Title::newFromText($lfc_prepend . $originalPageTitle);
- $evalTitle = Title::newFromText($eval_prepend . $originalPageTitle);
- if($isAnalysisPage || $lfcAnalysisTitle->exists()) {
- $links['namespaces']['main']['text'] = 'Proposal';
- $links['namespaces']['lfcanalysis'] = [
- 'class' => ($isAnalysisPage ? 'selected' : ''),
- 'href' => ($isAnalysisPage ? $template->getTitle()->getLocalUrl() : $lfcAnalysisTitle->getLocalUrl()),
- 'text' => 'LFC Analysis',
- ];
- }
- if($isEvalPage || $evalTitle->exists()) {
- $links['namespaces']['main']['text'] = 'Proposal';
- $links['namespaces']['evaluations'] = [
- 'class' => ($isEvalPage ? 'selected' : ''),
- 'href' => ($isEvalPage ? $template->getTitle()->getLocalUrl() : $evalTitle->getLocalUrl()),
- 'text' => 'Evaluations',
- ];
- }
- unset($links['namespaces']['talk']);
- };
-- name: Disable Special:Log for groups that don't have view-special-log
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $wgHooks['SpecialPage_initList'][] = function ( &$list ) {
- global $wgUser;
- if(!$wgUser->isAllowed('view-special-log')) {
- unset( $list['Log'] );
- }
- return true;
- };
-- name: Create Special:Log name overrides
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $logTitlesOverrideMessages = [
- "picksomelogpage" => "Selection",
- "activitylogpage" => "Misc. Activity (page views, login, logout, etc)",
- "simplefavoriteslog" => "Favorites",
- "log-name-create" => "Page Creation",
- "movelogpage" => "Page Rename",
- "uploadlogpage" => "File Upload",
- "dellogpage" => "Page Deletion",
- "newuserlogpage" => "User Creation",
- "log-name-teamcomments" => "Comments",
- "torquedataconnect-apiaccesslog" => "API Accesses",
- "torquedataconnect-datachangeslog" => "Data Changes",
- "rightslog" => "Changes to Access Control / Permissions"
- ];
- $wgHooks['MessagesPreLoad'][] = function($title, &$message, $code) {
- global $logTitlesOverrideMessages;
- if(array_key_exists(strtolower($title), $logTitlesOverrideMessages)) {
- $message = $logTitlesOverrideMessages[strtolower($title)];
- }
- };
-- name: Disable Special:Log types that aren't of interest
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $logTypesBlacklist = ["block", "contentmodel", "import", "managetags", "merge", "patrol", "protect", "rights", "tag"];
- $wgHooks['SetupAfterCache'][] = function () {
- global $wgLogTypes, $logTypesBlacklist;
- foreach($logTypesBlacklist as $logType) {
- unset($wgLogTypes[array_search($logType, $wgLogTypes)]);
- }
- return true;
- };
-- name: Change Special:Log format slightly
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- # This is a little brittle, based on how the lines are rendered by the skin currently used
- # but should work for the foreseeable future.
- $wgHooks['LogEventsListLineEnding'][] = function ($page, &$line, &$entry, &$classes, &$attribs){
- $line = preg_replace('/(\d\d\d\d)/', '\1 —', $line, 1);
- };
-- name: Transfer LLIIA Logo
- copy:
- src: LLIIA_Logo.png
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/resources/assets/LLIIA_Logo.png"
-- name: Install LLIIA Logo
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- regexp: ^\$wgLogo = .*
- line: $wgLogo = "$wgResourceBasePath/resources/assets/LLIIA_Logo.png";
-- name: Transfer Common group css
- copy:
- src: Common.css
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Common.css"
-- name: Install Common group css
- raw: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/edit.php -b MediaWiki:Common.css < {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Common.css"
-- name: Remove Common group css
- file:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Common.css"
- state: absent
-- name: Transfer DecisionMakers group css
- copy:
- src: Group-DecisionMakers.css
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Group-DecisionMakers.css"
-- name: Install DecisionMakers group css
- raw: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/edit.php -b MediaWiki:Group-{{ item }}.css < {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Group-DecisionMakers.css"
- loop:
- - PseudoDecisionMakers
- - DecisionMakers
- - LFCEvaluators
- - LFCResearchPartners
- - LFCConsultingPartners
-- name: Remove DecisionMakers group css
- file:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Group-DecisionMakers.css"
- state: absent
-- name: Transfer htaccess
- copy:
- src: .htaccess
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/.htaccess"
-- name: Transfer wiki cheat sheet
- copy:
- src: Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet"
-- name: Install wiki cheat sheet
- raw: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/edit.php -b Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet < {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet"
-- name: Transfer wiki cheat sheet
- file:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet"
- state: absent
-# This should come near the end to make sure that all the database updates
-# for the extensions get run after the rest of the system is set up.
-- name: Run mediawiki updates
- command: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/update.php"
-# Handle Apache changes
-- name: Symlink to webserver directory
- become_user: root
- file:
- state: link
- src: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0"
- path: "{{ html_directory }}/LLIIA2020"
-- name: Set permissions on attachments directory
- become_user: root
- file:
- path: "{{ html_directory }}/LLIIA2020/images"
- owner: www-data
- group: www-data
-- name: Restart Apache
- become_user: root
- service:
- name: apache2
- state: restarted
diff --git a/LLIIA2020/ansible/roles/simplesaml/tasks/main.yml b/LLIIA2020/ansible/roles/simplesaml/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c0c7fd3..00000000
--- a/LLIIA2020/ansible/roles/simplesaml/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-- name: Add okta account to autoconfig
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ simplesaml_install_directory }}/simplesamlphp-1.18.4/saml-autoconfig.php"
- insertafter: '\$metadata_url_for = array\('
- line: "'{{ simplesaml_okta_metadata_name }}' => '{{ simplesaml_okta_metadata_url }}',"
diff --git a/LoneStar2020/ansible/LoneStar2020.yml b/LoneStar2020/ansible/LoneStar2020.yml
index eb72a98e..6f44b76f 100644
--- a/LoneStar2020/ansible/LoneStar2020.yml
+++ b/LoneStar2020/ansible/LoneStar2020.yml
@@ -4,10 +4,22 @@
become: true
become_user: "{{ deployment_user }}"
- - mediawiki
+ - mediawiki
+ - activitylog
+ - collection
+ - embed_video
+ - permissions
+ - simplefavorites
+ - simplesaml
+ - teamcomments
+ - torquedataconnect
+ # This should come after permissions because of overrides of defaults
+ - LoneStar2020
+ # This should always go last, to run db updates and restart
+ - finishmediawiki
- hosts: simplesaml
become: true
become_user: "{{ deployment_user }}"
- - simplesaml
+ - simplesaml
diff --git a/LoneStar2020/ansible/inv/local/group_vars/all.tmpl b/LoneStar2020/ansible/inv/local/group_vars/all.tmpl
index bf955beb..790e26d8 100644
--- a/LoneStar2020/ansible/inv/local/group_vars/all.tmpl
+++ b/LoneStar2020/ansible/inv/local/group_vars/all.tmpl
@@ -1,4 +1,13 @@
+competition_name: LoneStar2020
+# The sheet that this wiki is going to act on. Most of the time
+# this will be the same as the competition name (above), but sometimes
+# this is different when either the competition name doesn't work as
+# a sheet name (for instance, if it starts with a number), or if
+# this wiki should act on a different sheet.
+torquedataconnect_sheet_name: LoneStar2020
# Root web directory (where symlinks to the mediawiki instances
# are installed)
html_directory: /var/www/html
diff --git a/LoneStar2020/ansible/inv/prod/group_vars/all/base b/LoneStar2020/ansible/inv/prod/group_vars/all/base
index 7db784b7..8c9d5a83 100644
--- a/LoneStar2020/ansible/inv/prod/group_vars/all/base
+++ b/LoneStar2020/ansible/inv/prod/group_vars/all/base
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+competition_name: LoneStar2020
+torquedataconnect_sheet_name: LoneStar2020
html_directory: /var/www/html
mediawiki_install_directory: /home/deploy/LoneStar2020/
mediawiki_mwlib_username: mwlib
diff --git a/EO2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/.htaccess b/LoneStar2020/ansible/roles/LoneStar2020/files/.htaccess
similarity index 100%
rename from EO2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/.htaccess
rename to LoneStar2020/ansible/roles/LoneStar2020/files/.htaccess
diff --git a/LoneStar2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/LoneStar_Logo.png b/LoneStar2020/ansible/roles/LoneStar2020/files/LoneStar_Logo.png
similarity index 100%
rename from LoneStar2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/LoneStar_Logo.png
rename to LoneStar2020/ansible/roles/LoneStar2020/files/LoneStar_Logo.png
diff --git a/LoneStar2020/ansible/roles/LoneStar2020/tasks/main.yml b/LoneStar2020/ansible/roles/LoneStar2020/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22015dce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LoneStar2020/ansible/roles/LoneStar2020/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Because the permissions override MUST come after the original permissions, we
+# delete it from the file, and then re-insert it to ensure that it comes at the
+# end of the LocalSettings file
+- name: Clear Permissions Override
+ blockinfile:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
+- name: Add Permissions Override
+ blockinfile:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
+ block: |
+ $wgGroupPermissions['DecisionMakers']['teamcomment'] = false;
+- name: Transfer LoneStar Logo
+ copy:
+ src: LoneStar_Logo.png
+ dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/resources/assets/LoneStar_Logo.png"
+- name: Install LoneStar Logo
+ lineinfile:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
+ regexp: ^\$wgLogo = .*
+ line: $wgLogo = "$wgResourceBasePath/resources/assets/LoneStar_Logo.png";
diff --git a/LoneStar2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/.htaccess b/LoneStar2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/.htaccess
deleted file mode 100644
index 89a08c76..00000000
--- a/LoneStar2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/.htaccess
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-php_value upload_max_filesize 128M
-php_value post_max_size 128M
diff --git a/LoneStar2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/ActivityLogConfiguration/i18n/en.json b/LoneStar2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/ActivityLogConfiguration/i18n/en.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 93685958..00000000
--- a/LoneStar2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/ActivityLogConfiguration/i18n/en.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- "activitylog-articleviewheader": "$1 visited $3",
- "activitylog-articlesavepage": "$1 edited $3",
- "activitylog-articleviewheader-with-referrer": "$1 visited $3 (from $5)",
- "activitylog-userlogin": "$1 logged in"
diff --git a/LoneStar2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/EmbedVideoIframeTitle.patch b/LoneStar2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/EmbedVideoIframeTitle.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a24dfef3..00000000
--- a/LoneStar2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/EmbedVideoIframeTitle.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
-+++ ./classes/VideoService.php 2020-01-02 17:10:22.640951109 +0000
-@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
- */
- static private $services = [
- 'archiveorg' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.2994923857868, // (640 / 493)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
- ]
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- 'bambuser' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.2994923857868, // (640 / 493)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'bambuser_channel' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.2994923857868, // (640 / 493)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
- ]
- ],
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-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'disclose' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (640 / 360)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
- '#disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/([\d]+)/([\w-]+)/#is'
- ],
- 'id_regex' => [
-- '#^([\d]+)$#is'
-+ '#^([\d]+)$#is'
- ]
- ],
- 'blip' => [
-@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
- 'oembed' => 'http://blip.tv/oembed/?url=%1$s&width=%2$d&maxwidth=%2$d'
- ],
- 'bing' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'collegehumor' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.6260162601626, // (600 / 369)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'dailymotion' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -124,13 +124,13 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'divshare' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true
- ],
- 'funnyordie' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.64102564102564, // (640 / 390)
- 'https_enabled' => false,
-@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'gfycat' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'https_enabled' => true,
- 'url_regex' => [
-@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'jwplayer' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'kickstarter' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'mediacccde' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 660,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, //(16 / 9),
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'metacafe' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => false,
-@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'nico' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.59609120521173, // (490 / 307)
- 'https_enabled' => false,
-@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'rutube' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'smashcast' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'soundcloud' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 186,
- 'default_ratio' => 2.66666,
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'teachertube' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.72972972972973, // (640 / 370)
- 'https_enabled' => false,
-@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'ted' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'tubitv' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (640 / 360)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'tudou' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.6,
- 'https_enabled' => false,
-@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'tvpot' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'twitch' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.64021164021164, // (620 / 378)
- 'https_enabled' => false,
-@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'twitchclip' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.64021164021164, // (620 / 378)
- 'https_enabled' => false,
-@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'twitchvod' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.64021164021164, // (620 / 378)
- 'https_enabled' => false,
-@@ -343,12 +343,12 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'videomaten' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_ratio' => 1.5, // (300 / 200)
- 'https_enabled' => false
- ],
- 'vimeo' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (640 / 360)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@
- 'oembed' => '%4$s//vimeo.com/api/oembed.json?url=%1$s&width=%2$d&maxwidth=%2$d'
- ],
- 'vine' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1, // (1 / 1)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'yahoo' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'youtube' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'youtubeplaylist' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'youtubevideolist' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.77777777777778, // (16 / 9)
- 'https_enabled' => true,
-@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@
- ]
- ],
- 'youku' => [
-- 'embed' => '',
-+ 'embed' => '',
- 'default_width' => 640,
- 'default_ratio' => 1.6,
- 'https_enabled' => false,
-@@ -527,6 +527,13 @@
- private $urlArgs = false;
- /**
-+ * Title for iframe.
-+ *
-+ * @var string
-+ */
-+ private $iframeTitle = "";
-+ /**
- * Main Constructor
- *
- * @access private
-@@ -554,6 +561,7 @@
- /**
- * return the service host map array
-+ *
- * @return array $serviceHostMap
- */
- public static function getServiceHostMap() {
-@@ -602,6 +610,7 @@
- htmlentities($this->getVideoID(), ENT_QUOTES),
- $this->getWidth(),
- $this->getHeight(),
-+ $this->getIframeTitle(),
- ];
- if ($this->getExtraIds() !== false) {
-@@ -723,6 +732,20 @@
- }
- /**
-+ * Return the iframeTitle.
-+ *
-+ * @access public
-+ * @return String, defaulting to message 'ev_default_play_desc'
-+ */
-+ public function getIframeTitle() {
-+ if($this->iframeTitle == "") {
-+ return wfMessage('ev_default_play_desc')->text();
-+ }
-+ return $this->iframeTitle;
-+ }
-+ /**
- * Set the width of the player. This also will set the height automatically.
- * Width will be automatically constrained to the minimum and maximum widths.
- *
-+++ ./i18n/en.json 2020-01-02 17:47:39.993265357 +0000
-@@ -18,5 +18,6 @@
- "ev_video_long_desc": "$1, $2 codec, length $3, $4x$5 pixels, $6 overall",
- "ev_audio_short_desc": "$1",
- "ev_audio_long_desc": "$1, $2 codec, length $3, $4 overall",
-- "error_embedvideo_cantdecode_evu": "Couldn't parse video from $1"
-+ "error_embedvideo_cantdecode_evu": "Couldn't parse video from $1",
-+ "ev_default_play_desc": "Play video"
- }
diff --git a/LoneStar2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Group-DecisionMakers.css b/LoneStar2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Group-DecisionMakers.css
deleted file mode 100644
index a3e93949..00000000
--- a/LoneStar2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Group-DecisionMakers.css
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@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
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diff --git a/LoneStar2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet b/LoneStar2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet
deleted file mode 100644
index 3316ca20..00000000
--- a/LoneStar2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-'''''Note:''''' This is an abridged version of the famous
-[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Cheatsheet Wikipedia Syntax Cheat Sheet]
--- try there if you don't see the markup codes you're looking for below.
-''italics'', '''bold''', and '''''both'''''
-''italics'', '''bold''', and '''''both'''''
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|Link to another page
-[[some page]]
[[Android (operating system)|Android]]
-[[Android (operating system)|Android]]
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-Link to a section
[[Frog#Locomotion|locomotion in frogs]]
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|Link to an off-site URL
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|Link and link-text to an off-site URL
-[https://www.wikipedia.org/ Wikipedia]
-[https://www.wikipedia.org/ Wikipedia]
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-[[Special:Mypage|Username]] ([[Special:Mytalk|talk]]) {{CURRENTTIME}}, {{CURRENTDAY}} {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTYEAR}} (UTC)
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|Strike some text
-This text is conspicuously stricken.
-This text is underlined
-This text is underlined
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|[[Wikipedia:Picture tutorial|Show an image]]
-[[Category:Cetaceans I Have Known]]
[[:Category:Cetaceans I Have Known]]
[[:File:File name]]
-|#REDIRECT [[Target page]]
-[[File:Redirect arrow without text.svg|30px|link=]] [[Target page]]
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|[[Wikipedia:Redirect|Redirect to a section of another page]]
-#REDIRECT [[Target page#anchorName]]
-[[File:Redirect arrow without text.svg|30px|link=]] [[Target page#anchorName]]
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|Section headings==Level 2==
===Level 3===
====Level 4====
=====Level 5=====
======Level 6======
* One
* Two
** Two point one
* Three
-* One
-* Two
-** Two point one
-* Three
-|colspan="3" style="border-top:1px solid #cee0f2;"|
-|Numbered list (enumerated list)
-# One
# Two
## Two point one
# Three
-# One
-# Two
-## Two point one
-# Three
diff --git a/LoneStar2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/tasks/main.yml b/LoneStar2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 45a48df9..00000000
--- a/LoneStar2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,568 +0,0 @@
-- name: Setup installation directory
- file:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}"
- state: directory
-- name: Download MediaWiki
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- url: https://releases.wikimedia.org/mediawiki/1.33/mediawiki-1.33.0.tar.gz
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0.tar.gz"
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- src: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0.tar.gz"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/"
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-- name: Install MW with Composer
- command: composer install --no-dev
- args:
- chdir: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0"
-- name: Install EmbedVideo
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- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/"
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- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/"
-- name: Install Collection
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- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/"
-- name: Checkout ActivityLog
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- repo: https://github.com/OpenTechStrategies/ActivityLog
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/ActivityLog/"
- version: 27e9191
-- name: Checkout SimpleFavorites
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- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/SimpleFavorites/"
- version: 59fed33
-- name: Checkout TeamComments
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- repo: https://github.com/OpenTechStrategies/TeamComments
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/TeamComments/"
- version: 450bff7
-- name: Checkout Torque
- git:
- repo: https://github.com/OpenTechStrategies/torque
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/torque/"
- version: 16468ec
-- name: Link TorqueDataConnect
- file:
- src: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/torque/TorqueDataConnect/"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/TorqueDataConnect"
- state: link
-- name: Create Wiki
- command: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/install.php --dbtype=mysql --dbserver=localhost --dbuser=wikiuser --dbpass=\"{{ db_password }}\" --dbname=LoneStar2020 --scriptpath=\"/LoneStar2020\" --lang=en --pass=\"{{ mediawiki_admin_password }}\" \"LoneStar2020\" \"admin\""
- args:
- creates: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
-- name: Enable EmbedVideo
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- line: "wfLoadExtension('EmbedVideo-v2.8.0');"
-- name: Enable PluggableAuth
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE PLUGABLE AUTH CONFIG"
- block: |
- wfLoadExtension( 'PluggableAuth' );
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- $wgPluggableAuth_EnableLocalLogin = true;
- $wgPluggableAuth_EnableLocalProperties = false;
- $wgPluggableAuth_ButtonLabel = "Log In Using MacArthur SSO";
- $wgInvalidUsernameCharacters = "";
-- name: Enable SimpleSAMLphp extension
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE SIMPLE SAML PHP CONFIG"
- block: |
- wfLoadExtension( 'SimpleSAMLphp' );
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_SyncAllGroups_LocallyManaged = ["sysop", "DecisionMakers"];
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_InstallDir = '{{ simplesaml_install_directory }}/simplesamlphp-1.18.4';
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_AuthSourceId = '{{ simplesaml_okta_metadata_name }}';
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_RealNameAttribute = ['firstName', 'lastName'];
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_EmailAttribute = 'email';
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_UsernameAttribute = 'username';
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_GroupMap = [
- 'sysop' => ['groups' => ['LFC Torque Admin', 'LFC Staff']],
- 'DecisionMakers' => ['groups' => ['LFC Decision Makers']]
- ];
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_SyncAllGroups_GroupNameModificationCallback = function($origGroupName){
- # Remove spaces
- return preg_replace('/\s/', '', $origGroupName);
- };
- $wgSimpleSAMLphp_AttributeProcessorFactories = [
- "MediaWiki\\Extension\\SimpleSAMLphp\\AttributeProcessor\\SyncAllGroups::factory"
- ];
-- name: Enable Collection
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE COLLECTION CONFIG"
- block: |
- require_once "$IP/extensions/Collection/Collection.php";
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- $wgCollectionMaxArticles = 250;
- $wgEnableApi = true;
- $wgCollectionFormats = array( 'rl' => 'PDF',);
- $wgCollectionPortletFormats = [];
- $wgCollectionDisableDownloadSection = false;
- $wgHooks['ApiBeforeMain'][] = function($main) {
- global $wgTorqueDataConnectGroup, $wgTorqueDataConnectRenderToHTML, $wgTorqueDataConnectView;
- if($main->getUser() && strtolower($main->getUser()->getName()) == "{{ mediawiki_mwlib_username }}") {
- $wgTorqueDataConnectRenderToHTML = false;
- $tdcinfo = $main->getRequest()->getText("tdcinfo", false);
- list($wgTorqueDataConnectGroup, $wgTorqueDataConnectView) = explode("|", $tdcinfo);
- }
- };
- $wgHooks['BeforeInitialize'][] = function(&$title, &$article = null, &$output, &$user, $request, $mediaWiki) {
- global $wgCollectionMWServeCredentials;
- $group = TorqueDataConnectConfig::getValidGroup($user);
- $view = TorqueDataConnectConfig::getCurrentView();
- $wgCollectionMWServeCredentials = "{{ mediawiki_mwlib_username }}:${group}|${view}:{{ mediawiki_mwlib_password }}";
- };
-- name: Enable TorqueDataConnect
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- define("TORQUE_CONFIG", 4000);
- define("TORQUE_CONFIG_TALK", 4001);
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- $wgExtraNamespaces[TORQUE_CONFIG_TALK] = "TorqueConfig_talk";
- $wgNamespaceProtection[TORQUE_CONFIG] = array("edittorqueconfig");
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- $wgTorqueDataConnectWikiKey = "LoneStar2020";
- $wgTorqueDataConnectConfigPage = "TorqueConfig:MainConfig";
- $wgTorqueDataConnectNotFoundMessage = "This proposal has been disqualified in admin, peer, or expert review.";
- wfLoadExtension('TorqueDataConnect');
-- name: Enable SimpleFavorites
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- line: "wfLoadExtension('SimpleFavorites');"
-- name: Enable TeamComments
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- wfLoadExtension('TeamComments');
- $wgTeamCommentsCheatSheetLocation = "Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet";
- $wgTeamCommentsUserPseudonymizer = function($username) {
- return "Pseudonymous User #" . TorqueDataConnectUserLookup::lookupByUsername($username)->{"id"};
- };
-- name: Enable Uploading
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- marker: "## {mark} UPLOAD CONFIG"
- block: |
- $wgEnableUploads = true;
- $wgFileExtensions = array_merge($wgFileExtensions, array('doc', 'docx', 'html', 'pdf', 'xlsx'));
- $wgFileBlacklist = array();
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- $wgCheckFileExtensions = false;
- $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['edit'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['upload'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['torquedataconnect-admin'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['autoconfirmed']['reupload'] = true;
-- name: Set TOC depth
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- line: $wgMaxTocLevel = 2;
-- name: Disable Collection Warning 1
- replace:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/Collection/Collection.body.php"
- regexp: '^(\t.*MessageBoxHelper::renderWarningBoxes.*)$'
- replace: '#\1'
-- name: Disable Collection Warning 2
- replace:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/Collection/templates/CollectionPageTemplate.php"
- regexp: '^(\t.*MessageBoxHelper::renderWarningBoxes.*)$'
- replace: '#\1'
-- name: Remove Collection Book Text
- replace:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/Collection/i18n/en.json"
- regexp: '\t"coll-book_creator_intro": "With the ''''book creator'''' you can create a book containing wiki pages of your choice. You can export the book in different formats \(for example PDF or ODF\) or order a printed copy.",'
- replace: '\t"coll-book_creator_intro": "With the ''''book creator'''' you can create a book containing wiki pages of your choice. You can export the book in different formats (for example PDF or ODF).",'
-- name: Install ActivityLog Configuration
- copy:
- src: ActivityLogConfiguration
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/"
-- name: Enable ActivityLog
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE ACTIVITYLOG CONFIG"
- block: |
- wfLoadExtension('ActivityLog');
- $wgMessagesDirs['ActivityLogConfiguration'] = 'ActivityLogConfiguration/i18n';
- $wgActivityLogHooksToWatch["ArticleViewHeader"] = function ($article) {
- $referrer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
- $ourServer = "http://torque.leverforchange.org";
- if($referrer && $ourServer == substr($referrer, 0, strlen($ourServer))) {
- return array($article->getContext()->getUser(),
- $article->getTitle(),
- "activitylog-articleviewheader-with-referrer",
- );
- } else {
- return array($article->getContext()->getUser(),
- $article->getTitle(),
- "activitylog-articleviewheader"
- );
- }
- };
- $wgActivityLogHooksToWatch["UserLoginComplete"] = function(&$user, &$inject_html, $direct) {
- global $wgTitle;
- return array($user, $wgTitle, "activitylog-userlogin");
- };
- $wgActivityLogHooksToWatch["PageContentSave"] = function($wikiPage, $user, $content, &$summary, $isMinor, $isWatch, $section, $flags, $status) {
- return array($user, $wikiPage->getTitle(), "activitylog-articlesavepage");
- };
-- name: Disable MediaWiki Cache
- # When the cache is enabled, on AWS, with the default setting,
- # the following createAndPromote.php command fails due to cache timeout.
- # The reason isn't clear, but for now, this will fix it.
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- line: $wgMainCacheType = CACHE_NONE;
-- name: Create mwlib user
- command: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/createAndPromote.php --force --dbuser=wikiuser --dbpass=\"{{ db_password }}\" \"{{ mediawiki_mwlib_username }}\" \"{{ mediawiki_mwlib_password }}\""
-- name: Create csv2wiki user
- command: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/createAndPromote.php --bot --force --dbuser=wikiuser --dbpass=\"{{ db_password }}\" \"{{ mediawiki_csv2wiki_username }}\" \"{{ mediawiki_csv2wiki_password }}\""
-- name: Set Group Permissions
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['read'] = false;
- $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['protect'] = true;
- $wgRestrictionLevels[] = 'generated';
- $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['generated'] = true;
- # Permissions that we want sysops/admins to have that
- # but not for staff go here
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['generated'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['edittorqueconfig'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['torquedataconnect-admin'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['torquedataconnect-edit'] = true;
- # Groups requested specifically by LFC.
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCResearchPartners']['read'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCEvaluators']['read'] = true;
- # These are OTS Torque Standard Groups
- $wgGroupPermissions['OutsideReviewers']['read'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['Staff']['read'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['PseudoDecisionMakers']['read'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['DecisionMakers']['read'] = true;
- # Disable teamcomments for users on this wiki by default.
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['teamcomment'] = false;
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['teamcommentseeusernames'] = false;
- # Then enable teamcomments for the groups that should be leaving comments
- $wgGroupPermissions['Staff']['teamcomment'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['PseudoDecisionMakers']['teamcomment'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['DecisionMakers']['teamcomment'] = false;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['teamcomment'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCResearchPartners']['teamcomment'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCEvaluators']['teamcomment'] = true;
- # Allow some groups to see usernames
- $wgGroupPermissions['Staff']['teamcommentseeusernames'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['PseudoDecisionMakers']['teamcommentseeusernames'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['DecisionMakers']['teamcommentseeusernames'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['teamcommentseeusernames'] = true;
- # Log permissions (ability to see Special:Log)
- $wgAvailableRights[] = 'view-special-log';
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['view-special-log'] = false;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['view-special-log'] = true;
-- name: Create LFC Evaluator page rule
- blockinfile:
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE LFC EVALUATOR CONFIG"
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $wgHooks['SkinTemplateNavigation'][] = function ( $template, &$links ) {
- $currentTitle = $template->getTitle()->getFullText();
- $lfc_prepend = "LFC Analysis of ";
- $eval_prepend = "Evaluations of ";
- $isAnalysisPage = (strlen($currentTitle) > strlen($lfc_prepend) && substr($currentTitle, 0, strlen($lfc_prepend)) === $lfc_prepend);
- $isEvalPage = (strlen($currentTitle) > strlen($eval_prepend) && substr($currentTitle, 0, strlen($eval_prepend)) === $eval_prepend);
- $originalPageTitle = $currentTitle;
- if($isAnalysisPage) {
- $originalPageTitle = substr($currentTitle, strlen($lfc_prepend));
- $links['namespaces']['main']['class'] = '';
- $links['namespaces']['main']['href'] = Title::newFromText($originalPageTitle)->getLocalUrl();
- } else if($isEvalPage) {
- $originalPageTitle = substr($currentTitle, strlen($eval_prepend));
- $links['namespaces']['main']['class'] = '';
- $links['namespaces']['main']['href'] = Title::newFromText($originalPageTitle)->getLocalUrl();
- }
- $lfcAnalysisTitle = Title::newFromText($lfc_prepend . $originalPageTitle);
- $evalTitle = Title::newFromText($eval_prepend . $originalPageTitle);
- if($isAnalysisPage || $lfcAnalysisTitle->exists()) {
- $links['namespaces']['main']['text'] = 'Proposal';
- $links['namespaces']['lfcanalysis'] = [
- 'class' => ($isAnalysisPage ? 'selected' : ''),
- 'href' => ($isAnalysisPage ? $template->getTitle()->getLocalUrl() : $lfcAnalysisTitle->getLocalUrl()),
- 'text' => 'LFC Analysis',
- ];
- }
- if($isEvalPage || $evalTitle->exists()) {
- $links['namespaces']['main']['text'] = 'Proposal';
- $links['namespaces']['evaluations'] = [
- 'class' => ($isEvalPage ? 'selected' : ''),
- 'href' => ($isEvalPage ? $template->getTitle()->getLocalUrl() : $evalTitle->getLocalUrl()),
- 'text' => 'Evaluations',
- ];
- }
- unset($links['namespaces']['talk']);
- };
-- name: Disable Special:Log for groups that don't have view-special-log
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $wgHooks['SpecialPage_initList'][] = function ( &$list ) {
- global $wgUser;
- if(!$wgUser->isAllowed('view-special-log')) {
- unset( $list['Log'] );
- }
- return true;
- };
-- name: Create Special:Log name overrides
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $logTitlesOverrideMessages = [
- "picksomelogpage" => "Selection",
- "activitylogpage" => "Misc. Activity (page views, login, logout, etc)",
- "simplefavoriteslog" => "Favorites",
- "log-name-create" => "Page Creation",
- "movelogpage" => "Page Rename",
- "uploadlogpage" => "File Upload",
- "dellogpage" => "Page Deletion",
- "newuserlogpage" => "User Creation",
- "log-name-teamcomments" => "Comments",
- "torquedataconnect-apiaccesslog" => "API Accesses",
- "torquedataconnect-datachangeslog" => "Data Changes",
- "rightslog" => "Changes to Access Control / Permissions"
- ];
- $wgHooks['MessagesPreLoad'][] = function($title, &$message, $code) {
- global $logTitlesOverrideMessages;
- if(array_key_exists(strtolower($title), $logTitlesOverrideMessages)) {
- $message = $logTitlesOverrideMessages[strtolower($title)];
- }
- };
-- name: Disable Special:Log types that aren't of interest
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $logTypesBlacklist = ["block", "contentmodel", "import", "managetags", "merge", "patrol", "protect", "rights", "tag"];
- $wgHooks['SetupAfterCache'][] = function () {
- global $wgLogTypes, $logTypesBlacklist;
- foreach($logTypesBlacklist as $logType) {
- unset($wgLogTypes[array_search($logType, $wgLogTypes)]);
- }
- return true;
- };
-- name: Change Special:Log format slightly
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- # This is a little brittle, based on how the lines are rendered by the skin currently used
- # but should work for the foreseeable future.
- $wgHooks['LogEventsListLineEnding'][] = function ($page, &$line, &$entry, &$classes, &$attribs){
- $line = preg_replace('/(\d\d\d\d)/', '\1 —', $line, 1);
- };
-- name: Rearrange Login Page
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $wgHooks['AuthChangeFormFields'][] = function ($requests, $fieldInfo, &$formDescriptor, $action) {
- if($action != \MediaWiki\Auth\AuthManager::ACTION_LOGIN) {
- return;
- }
- $formDescriptor['username']['weight'] = 200;
- $formDescriptor['password']['weight'] = 201;
- $formDescriptor['rememberMe']['weight'] = 202;
- $formDescriptor['loginattempt']['weight'] = 203;
- $formDescriptor['break'] = [
- 'type' => 'info',
- 'weight' => 150,
- 'cssclass' => 'mw-htmlform-login-or',
- 'default' => "or"
- ];
- unset($formDescriptor['linkcontainer']);
- unset($formDescriptor['passwordReset']);
- unset($formDescriptor['createOrLogin']);
- if ( isset( $formDescriptor['pluggableauthlogin'] ) ) {
- $formDescriptor['pluggableauthlogin']['weight'] = -1;
- }
- };
-- name: Enable Common.css on Login Page
- blockinfile:
- marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE ENABLE CSS ON LOGIN"
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- block: |
- $wgAllowSiteCSSOnRestrictedPages = true;
-- name: Transfer LoneStar Logo
- copy:
- src: LoneStar_Logo.png
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/resources/assets/LoneStar_Logo.png"
-- name: Install LoneStar Logo
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- regexp: ^\$wgLogo = .*
- line: $wgLogo = "$wgResourceBasePath/resources/assets/LoneStar_Logo.png";
-- name: Transfer Common group css
- copy:
- src: Common.css
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Common.css"
-- name: Install Common group css
- raw: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/edit.php -b MediaWiki:Common.css < {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Common.css"
-- name: Remove Common group css
- file:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Common.css"
- state: absent
-- name: Transfer DecisionMakers group css
- copy:
- src: Group-DecisionMakers.css
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Group-DecisionMakers.css"
-- name: Install DecisionMakers group css
- raw: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/edit.php -b MediaWiki:Group-{{ item }}.css < {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Group-DecisionMakers.css"
- loop:
- - PseudoDecisionMakers
- - DecisionMakers
- - LFCEvaluators
- - LFCResearchPartners
-- name: Remove DecisionMakers group css
- file:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Group-DecisionMakers.css"
- state: absent
-- name: Transfer htaccess
- copy:
- src: .htaccess
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/.htaccess"
-- name: Transfer wiki cheat sheet
- copy:
- src: Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet"
-- name: Install wiki cheat sheet
- raw: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/edit.php -b Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet < {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet"
-- name: Transfer wiki cheat sheet
- file:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet"
- state: absent
-# This should come near the end to make sure that all the database updates
-# for the extensions get run after the rest of the system is set up.
-- name: Run mediawiki updates
- command: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/update.php"
-# Handle Apache changes
-- name: Symlink to webserver directory
- become_user: root
- file:
- state: link
- src: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0"
- path: "{{ html_directory }}/LoneStar2020"
-- name: Set permissions on attachments directory
- become_user: root
- file:
- path: "{{ html_directory }}/LoneStar2020/images"
- owner: www-data
- group: www-data
-- name: Restart Apache
- become_user: root
- service:
- name: apache2
- state: restarted
diff --git a/LoneStar2020/ansible/roles/simplesaml/tasks/main.yml b/LoneStar2020/ansible/roles/simplesaml/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c0c7fd3..00000000
--- a/LoneStar2020/ansible/roles/simplesaml/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-- name: Add okta account to autoconfig
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ simplesaml_install_directory }}/simplesamlphp-1.18.4/saml-autoconfig.php"
- insertafter: '\$metadata_url_for = array\('
- line: "'{{ simplesaml_okta_metadata_name }}' => '{{ simplesaml_okta_metadata_url }}',"
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1602eb08..dc8e98cb 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -21,8 +21,9 @@ Each subdirectory falls into one of three categories:
1. A support system for torque-sites
2. Generalized ETL Pipeline
-3. Supporting files
-4. A site (competition)
+3. Centralized set of ansible roles for competitions
+4. Supporting files
+5. A site (competition)
Because each adheres to the standards set out in these top level
documents, most of the information needed is here. However, each
@@ -62,6 +63,18 @@ information on how to get it installed on your system.
The individual competitions etl pipelines are mainly configurations on
this package.
+### Centralized set of ansible roles
+This contains all the roles that are used in multiple competitions. Each
+competition can include these roles in their top level `.yml` file, and then
+add on their own customizations after as needed. Generally, these roles
+should be included before customizations, and there may be an order that
+they need to be run in in order to run correctly (for example, mediawiki
+must be run before a role installing an extension).
+See [INSTALL.md](INSTALL.md) for more information on how to configure your
+system to pick up these roles.
### Supporting files
These directories have some general files, usually downloaded from
diff --git a/mwlib/ansible/mwlib.retry b/mwlib/ansible/mwlib.retry
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fbb50c4..00000000
--- a/mwlib/ansible/mwlib.retry
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/100Change2017/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/ActivityLogConfiguration/i18n/en.json b/roles/activitylog/files/ActivityLogConfiguration/i18n/en.json
similarity index 100%
rename from 100Change2017/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/ActivityLogConfiguration/i18n/en.json
rename to roles/activitylog/files/ActivityLogConfiguration/i18n/en.json
diff --git a/roles/activitylog/files/activity-log.php b/roles/activitylog/files/activity-log.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..28181260
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/activitylog/files/activity-log.php
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ $article->getTitle(),
+ "activitylog-articleviewheader-with-referrer",
+ );
+ } else {
+ return array($article->getContext()->getUser(),
+ $article->getTitle(),
+ "activitylog-articleviewheader"
+ );
+ }
+$wgActivityLogHooksToWatch["UserLoginComplete"] = function(&$user, &$inject_html, $direct) {
+ global $wgTitle;
+ return array($user, $wgTitle, "activitylog-userlogin");
+$wgActivityLogHooksToWatch["PageContentSave"] = function($wikiPage, $user, $content, &$summary, $isMinor, $isWatch, $section, $flags, $status) {
+ return array($user, $wikiPage->getTitle(), "activitylog-articlesavepage");
diff --git a/roles/activitylog/tasks/main.yml b/roles/activitylog/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f2ba3fa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/activitylog/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+- name: Check out ActivityLog
+ git:
+ repo: https://github.com/OpenTechStrategies/ActivityLog
+ dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/ActivityLog/"
+ version: 27e9191
+- name: Install ActivityLog Configuration
+ copy:
+ src: ActivityLogConfiguration
+ dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/"
+- name: Transfer Config
+ copy:
+ src: activity-log.php
+ dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/torque-sites-config/"
+- name: Enable ActivityLog
+ blockinfile:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
+ marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE ACTIVITYLOG CONFIG"
+ block: |
+ include "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/torque-sites-config/activity-log.php";
diff --git a/roles/collection/tasks/main.yml b/roles/collection/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e8524c0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/collection/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+- name: Install Collection
+ unarchive:
+ src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../../thirdparty/extensions/Collection-REL1_33-8566dd1.tar.gz"
+ dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/"
+- name: Transfer Config
+ template:
+ src: collection.php.j2
+ dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/torque-sites-config/collection.php"
+- name: Enable Collection
+ blockinfile:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
+ marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE COLLECTION CONFIG"
+ block: |
+ include "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/torque-sites-config/collection.php";
+- name: Disable Collection Warning 1
+ replace:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/Collection/Collection.body.php"
+ regexp: '^(\t.*MessageBoxHelper::renderWarningBoxes.*)$'
+ replace: '#\1'
+- name: Disable Collection Warning 2
+ replace:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/Collection/templates/CollectionPageTemplate.php"
+ regexp: '^(\t.*MessageBoxHelper::renderWarningBoxes.*)$'
+ replace: '#\1'
+- name: Remove Collection Book Text
+ replace:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/Collection/i18n/en.json"
+ regexp: '\t"coll-book_creator_intro": "With the ''''book creator'''' you can create a book containing wiki pages of your choice. You can export the book in different formats \(for example PDF or ODF\) or order a printed copy.",'
+ replace: '\t"coll-book_creator_intro": "With the ''''book creator'''' you can create a book containing wiki pages of your choice. You can export the book in different formats (for example PDF or ODF).",'
diff --git a/roles/collection/templates/collection.php.j2 b/roles/collection/templates/collection.php.j2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..15707e78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/collection/templates/collection.php.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ 'PDF',);
+$wgCollectionPortletFormats = [];
+$wgCollectionDisableDownloadSection = false;
+$wgHooks['ApiBeforeMain'][] = function($main) {
+ global $wgTorqueDataConnectGroup, $wgTorqueDataConnectRenderToHTML, $wgTorqueDataConnectView;
+ if($main->getUser() && strtolower($main->getUser()->getName()) == "{{ mediawiki_mwlib_username }}") {
+ $wgTorqueDataConnectRenderToHTML = false;
+ $tdcinfo = $main->getRequest()->getText("tdcinfo", false);
+ list($wgTorqueDataConnectGroup, $wgTorqueDataConnectView) = explode("|", $tdcinfo);
+ }
+$wgHooks['BeforeInitialize'][] = function(&$title, &$article = null, &$output, &$user, $request, $mediaWiki) {
+ global $wgCollectionMWServeCredentials;
+ $group = TorqueDataConnectConfig::getValidGroup($user);
+ $view = TorqueDataConnectConfig::getCurrentView();
+ $wgCollectionMWServeCredentials = "{{ mediawiki_mwlib_username }}:${group}|${view}:{{ mediawiki_mwlib_password }}";
diff --git a/100Change2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/EmbedVideoIframeTitle.patch b/roles/embed_video/files/EmbedVideoIframeTitle.patch
similarity index 100%
rename from 100Change2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/EmbedVideoIframeTitle.patch
rename to roles/embed_video/files/EmbedVideoIframeTitle.patch
diff --git a/roles/embed_video/tasks/main.yml b/roles/embed_video/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b28f2e83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/embed_video/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+- name: Install EmbedVideo
+ unarchive:
+ src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../../thirdparty/extensions/EmbedVideo-v2.8.0.zip"
+ dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/"
+- name: Patch EmbedVideo
+ patch:
+ src: EmbedVideoIframeTitle.patch
+ basedir: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/EmbedVideo-v2.8.0/"
+- name: Enable EmbedVideo
+ lineinfile:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
+ line: "wfLoadExtension('EmbedVideo-v2.8.0');"
diff --git a/roles/finishmediawiki/tasks/main.yml b/roles/finishmediawiki/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e9e2d81c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/finishmediawiki/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# This should come near the end to make sure that all the database updates
+# for the extensions get run after the rest of the system is set up.
+- name: Run mediawiki updates
+ command: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/update.php"
+- name: Restart Apache
+ become_user: root
+ service:
+ name: apache2
+ state: restarted
diff --git a/LLIIA2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/.htaccess b/roles/mediawiki/files/.htaccess
similarity index 100%
rename from LLIIA2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/.htaccess
rename to roles/mediawiki/files/.htaccess
diff --git a/LoneStar2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Common.css b/roles/mediawiki/files/Common.css
similarity index 66%
rename from LoneStar2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Common.css
rename to roles/mediawiki/files/Common.css
index b3a90dc2..3c7d9ac8 100644
--- a/LoneStar2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Common.css
+++ b/roles/mediawiki/files/Common.css
@@ -25,37 +25,37 @@
margin:auto 0.25em;
@media print {
-.firstHeading {
- display:none;
-.torque-edit {
- display:none;
-table {
- font-size:8pt;
-div {
- font-size:8pt;
-p {
- font-size:8pt;
-ul {
- font-size:8pt;
-.footer-info {
- display:none;
-.printfooter {
- display:none;
-#footer {
- display:none;
-table {
+ .firstHeading {
+ display:none;
+ }
+ .torque-edit {
+ display:none;
+ }
+ table {
+ font-size:8pt;
+ }
+ div {
+ font-size:8pt;
+ }
+ p {
+ font-size:8pt;
+ }
+ ul {
+ font-size:8pt;
+ }
+ .footer-info {
+ display:none;
+ }
+ .printfooter {
+ display:none;
+ }
+ #footer {
+ display:none;
+ }
+ table {
-tr {
+ }
+ tr {
+ }
diff --git a/100Change2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet b/roles/mediawiki/files/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet
similarity index 100%
rename from 100Change2020/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet
rename to roles/mediawiki/files/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet
diff --git a/roles/mediawiki/files/lfc-analysis-rule.php b/roles/mediawiki/files/lfc-analysis-rule.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22987c77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/mediawiki/files/lfc-analysis-rule.php
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ # There's a codependency with the ETL pipelines that these pages actually
+ # need to exist on the wiki.
+ $lfc_prepend = "LFC Analysis of ";
+ $eval_prepend = "Evaluations of ";
+ $isAnalysisPage = (strlen($currentTitle) > strlen($lfc_prepend) && substr($currentTitle, 0, strlen($lfc_prepend)) === $lfc_prepend);
+ $isEvalPage = (strlen($currentTitle) > strlen($eval_prepend) && substr($currentTitle, 0, strlen($eval_prepend)) === $eval_prepend);
+ $originalPageTitle = $currentTitle;
+ # If we're on the analysis page, or the evaluation page, then the main page
+ # should be the original proposal. If we didn't have this, the main page would be
+ # the page we're looking at, even with we're on the Analysis Page/Evaluations Page.
+ if($isAnalysisPage) {
+ $originalPageTitle = substr($currentTitle, strlen($lfc_prepend));
+ $links['namespaces']['main']['class'] = '';
+ $links['namespaces']['main']['href'] = Title::newFromText($originalPageTitle)->getLocalUrl();
+ } else if($isEvalPage) {
+ $originalPageTitle = substr($currentTitle, strlen($eval_prepend));
+ $links['namespaces']['main']['class'] = '';
+ $links['namespaces']['main']['href'] = Title::newFromText($originalPageTitle)->getLocalUrl();
+ }
+ $lfcAnalysisTitle = Title::newFromText($lfc_prepend . $originalPageTitle);
+ $evalTitle = Title::newFromText($eval_prepend . $originalPageTitle);
+ # If we're on the Analysis page, then we shouldn't add another analysis page for the analysis
+ # page were on. Visually, we should be on the tab, with the left tab being the proposal
+ if($isAnalysisPage || $lfcAnalysisTitle->exists()) {
+ $links['namespaces']['main']['text'] = 'Proposal';
+ $links['namespaces']['lfcanalysis'] = [
+ 'class' => ($isAnalysisPage ? 'selected' : ''),
+ 'href' => ($isAnalysisPage ? $template->getTitle()->getLocalUrl() : $lfcAnalysisTitle->getLocalUrl()),
+ 'text' => 'LFC Analysis',
+ ];
+ }
+ # Same as above, but with Evaluations
+ if($isEvalPage || $evalTitle->exists()) {
+ $links['namespaces']['main']['text'] = 'Proposal';
+ $links['namespaces']['evaluations'] = [
+ 'class' => ($isEvalPage ? 'selected' : ''),
+ 'href' => ($isEvalPage ? $template->getTitle()->getLocalUrl() : $evalTitle->getLocalUrl()),
+ 'text' => 'Evaluations',
+ ];
+ }
+ # Remove the talk tab, even if the talk page exists
+ unset($links['namespaces']['talk']);
diff --git a/roles/mediawiki/files/special-log.php b/roles/mediawiki/files/special-log.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f20356ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/mediawiki/files/special-log.php
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ "Selection",
+ "activitylogpage" => "Misc. Activity (page views, login, logout, etc)",
+ "simplefavoriteslog" => "Favorites",
+ "log-name-create" => "Page Creation",
+ "movelogpage" => "Page Rename",
+ "uploadlogpage" => "File Upload",
+ "dellogpage" => "Page Deletion",
+ "newuserlogpage" => "User Creation",
+ "log-name-teamcomments" => "Comments",
+ "torquedataconnect-apiaccesslog" => "API Accesses",
+ "torquedataconnect-datachangeslog" => "Data Changes",
+ "rightslog" => "Changes to Access Control / Permissions"
+$wgHooks['MessagesPreLoad'][] = function($title, &$message, $code) {
+ global $logTitlesOverrideMessages;
+ if(array_key_exists(strtolower($title), $logTitlesOverrideMessages)) {
+ $message = $logTitlesOverrideMessages[strtolower($title)];
+ }
+# Remove log types that we don't want
+$logTypesBlacklist = ["block", "contentmodel", "import", "managetags", "merge", "patrol", "protect", "rights", "tag"];
+$wgHooks['SetupAfterCache'][] = function () {
+ global $wgLogTypes, $logTypesBlacklist;
+ foreach($logTypesBlacklist as $logType) {
+ unset($wgLogTypes[array_search($logType, $wgLogTypes)]);
+ }
+ return true;
+# Change the log format a little
+# This is a little brittle, based on how the lines are rendered by the skin currently used
+# but should work for the foreseeable future.
+$wgHooks['LogEventsListLineEnding'][] = function ($page, &$line, &$entry, &$classes, &$attribs){
+ $line = preg_replace('/(\d\d\d\d)/', '\1 —', $line, 1);
diff --git a/roles/mediawiki/files/upload-config.php b/roles/mediawiki/files/upload-config.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2eb611e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/mediawiki/files/upload-config.php
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
diff --git a/100Change2017Partners/ansible/roles/mediawiki/tasks/main.yml b/roles/mediawiki/tasks/main.yml
similarity index 50%
rename from 100Change2017Partners/ansible/roles/mediawiki/tasks/main.yml
rename to roles/mediawiki/tasks/main.yml
index 7bb5b47f..fc13fe55 100644
--- a/100Change2017Partners/ansible/roles/mediawiki/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/roles/mediawiki/tasks/main.yml
@@ -1,11 +1,4 @@
-- name: Add php repository - Ubuntu
- become_user: root
- apt_repository:
- repo: ppa:ondrej/php
- when: ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu'
- name: install prerequisites
become_user: root
# See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Installation_requirements
@@ -26,24 +19,6 @@
- php-xml
- unzip
-- name: Setup installation directory
- file:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}"
- state: directory
-- name: Download MediaWiki
- get_url:
- url: https://releases.wikimedia.org/mediawiki/1.33/mediawiki-1.33.0.tar.gz
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0.tar.gz"
- checksum: sha256:8335a2d8740c5dd5919a480b74c3d8e19f23a68b396df48c2d77646272fdcd67
-- name: Extract MediaWiki tarball
- unarchive:
- src: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0.tar.gz"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/"
- remote_src: yes
- creates: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/"
- name: Enable PHP modules
become_user: root
shell: phpenmod {{ item }}
@@ -56,7 +31,7 @@
url: https://getcomposer.org/installer
dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/composer-setup.php"
- checksum: "sha384:795f976fe0ebd8b75f26a6dd68f78fd3453ce79f32ecb33e7fd087d39bfeb978342fb73ac986cd4f54edd0dc902601dc"
+ checksum: "sha384:c31c1e292ad7be5f49291169c0ac8f683499edddcfd4e42232982d0fd193004208a58ff6f353fde0012d35fdd72bc394"
- name: Make wiki bin directory
@@ -64,7 +39,7 @@
state: directory
- name: Install Composer locally
- shell: php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/composer-setup.php --install-dir={{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/bin --filename=composer
+ shell: php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/composer-setup.php --version=1.10.16 --install-dir={{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/bin --filename=composer
- name: Remove Composer setup script
@@ -75,53 +50,81 @@
become_user: root
shell: mv {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/bin/composer /usr/local/bin/composer
+- name: Setup installation directory
+ file:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}"
+ state: directory
+- name: Download MediaWiki
+ get_url:
+ url: https://releases.wikimedia.org/mediawiki/1.33/mediawiki-1.33.0.tar.gz
+ dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0.tar.gz"
+ checksum: sha256:8335a2d8740c5dd5919a480b74c3d8e19f23a68b396df48c2d77646272fdcd67
+- name: Extract MediaWiki tarball
+ unarchive:
+ src: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0.tar.gz"
+ dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/"
+ remote_src: yes
+ creates: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/"
- name: Install MW with Composer
command: composer install --no-dev
chdir: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0"
-- name: Install EmbedVideo
- unarchive:
- src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../../thirdparty/extensions/EmbedVideo-v2.8.0.zip"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/"
-- name: Checkout Torque
- git:
- repo: https://github.com/OpenTechStrategies/torque
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/torque/"
- version: 16468ec
-- name: Link TorqueDataConnect
- file:
- src: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/torque/TorqueDataConnect/"
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/TorqueDataConnect"
- state: link
- name: Create Wiki
- command: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/install.php --dbtype=postgres --dbserver=localhost --dbuser=wikiuser --dbpass=\"{{ db_password }}\" --dbname=100Change2017Partners --scriptpath=\"/100Change2017Partners\" --lang=en --pass=\"{{ mediawiki_admin_password }}\" \"100Change2017Partners\" \"admin\""
+ command: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/install.php --dbtype=mysql --dbserver=localhost --dbuser=wikiuser --dbpass=\"{{ db_password }}\" --dbname={{ competition_name }} --scriptpath=\"/{{ competition_name }}\" --lang=en --pass=\"{{ mediawiki_admin_password }}\" \"{{ competition_name }}\" \"admin\""
creates: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
-- name: Enable EmbedVideo
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- line: "wfLoadExtension('EmbedVideo-v2.8.0');"
+- name: Create competition configuration directory
+ file:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/torque-sites-config/"
+ state: directory
+- name: Transfer Configs
+ copy:
+ src: "{{ item }}"
+ dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/torque-sites-config/"
+ loop:
+ - upload-config.php
+ - lfc-analysis-rule.php
+ - special-log.php
-- name: Enable TorqueDataConnect
+- name: Enable Configs
path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
+ marker: "## {mark} CONFIGS"
block: |
- define("TORQUE_CONFIG", 4000);
- define("TORQUE_CONFIG_TALK", 4001);
- $wgExtraNamespaces[TORQUE_CONFIG] = "TorqueConfig";
- $wgExtraNamespaces[TORQUE_CONFIG_TALK] = "TorqueConfig_talk";
- $wgNamespaceProtection[TORQUE_CONFIG] = array("edittorqueconfig");
- $wgTorqueDataConnectConfigPage = "TorqueConfig:MainConfig";
- $wgTorqueDataConnectNotFoundMessage = "This proposal has been disqualified in admin, peer, or expert review.";
- $wgTorqueDataConnectWikiKey = "100Change2017Partners";
- $wgTorqueDataConnectSheetName = "LFC100Change2017";
- wfLoadExtension('TorqueDataConnect');
+ include "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/torque-sites-config/upload-config.php";
+ include "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/torque-sites-config/lfc-analysis-rule.php";
+ include "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/torque-sites-config/special-log.php";
+- name: Remove Old Upload Config
+ blockinfile:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
+ marker: "## {mark} UPLOAD CONFIG"
+- name: Remove Old LFC Analysis page rule
+ blockinfile:
+ marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE LFC EVALUATOR CONFIG"
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
+- name: Remove Old Special:Log name overrides
+ blockinfile:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
+- name: Remove Old Special:Log types that aren't of interest
+ blockinfile:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
+- name: Remove Old Special:Log format slightly
+ blockinfile:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- name: Set TOC depth
@@ -136,55 +139,49 @@
path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
line: $wgMainCacheType = CACHE_NONE;
+- name: Create mwlib user
+ command: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/createAndPromote.php --force --dbuser=wikiuser --dbpass=\"{{ db_password }}\" \"{{ mediawiki_mwlib_username }}\" \"{{ mediawiki_mwlib_password }}\""
- name: Create csv2wiki user
command: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/createAndPromote.php --bot --force --dbuser=wikiuser --dbpass=\"{{ db_password }}\" \"{{ mediawiki_csv2wiki_username }}\" \"{{ mediawiki_csv2wiki_password }}\""
-- name: Set Group Permissions
+- name: Enable Common.css on Login Page
+ marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE ENABLE CSS ON LOGIN"
path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
block: |
- $wgGroupPermissions['*']['read'] = false;
- $wgGroupPermissions['Staff']['read'] = true;
- foreach($wgGroupPermissions['sysop'] as $key => $value) {
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCTorque'][$key] = $value;
- }
- $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['protect'] = true;
- $wgRestrictionLevels[] = 'generated';
- $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['generated'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['bot']['torquedataconnect-admin'] = true;
- # Permissions that we want sysops/admins to have that
- # but not for staff go here
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['generated'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['edittorqueconfig'] = true;
- $wgGroupPermissions['sysop']['torquedataconnect-admin'] = true;
- foreach($wgGroupPermissions['sysop'] as $key => $value) {
- $wgGroupPermissions['LFCTorqueAdmin'][$key] = $value;
- }
-- name: Transfer LFC Logo
+ $wgAllowSiteCSSOnRestrictedPages = true;
+- name: Transfer Common group css
- src: 100Change-logo150.png
- dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/resources/assets/100Change-logo150.png"
+ src: Common.css
+ dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Common.css"
-- name: Install LFC Logo
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
- regexp: ^\$wgLogo = .*
- line: $wgLogo = "$wgResourceBasePath/resources/assets/100Change-logo150.png";
+- name: Install Common group css
+ raw: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/edit.php -b MediaWiki:Common.css < {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Common.css"
+- name: Remove Common group css
+ file:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Common.css"
+ state: absent
- name: Transfer htaccess
src: .htaccess
dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/.htaccess"
-# This should come near the end to make sure that all the database updates
-# for the extensions get run after the rest of the system is set up.
-- name: Run mediawiki updates
- command: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/update.php"
+- name: Transfer wiki cheat sheet
+ copy:
+ src: Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet
+ dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet"
+- name: Install wiki cheat sheet
+ raw: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/edit.php -b Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet < {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet"
+- name: Transfer wiki cheat sheet
+ file:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet"
+ state: absent
# Handle Apache changes
- name: Symlink to webserver directory
@@ -192,17 +189,11 @@
state: link
src: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0"
- path: "{{ html_directory }}/100Change2017Partners"
+ path: "{{ html_directory }}/{{ competition_name }}"
- name: Set permissions on attachments directory
become_user: root
- path: "{{ html_directory }}/100Change2017Partners/images/"
+ path: "{{ html_directory }}/{{ competition_name }}/images"
owner: www-data
group: www-data
-- name: Restart Apache
- become_user: root
- service:
- name: apache2
- state: restarted
diff --git a/100Change2020/ansible/roles/mysql/tasks/main.yml b/roles/mysql/tasks/main.yml
similarity index 100%
rename from 100Change2020/ansible/roles/mysql/tasks/main.yml
rename to roles/mysql/tasks/main.yml
diff --git a/Climate2030/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Group-DecisionMakers.css b/roles/permissions/files/Group-DecisionMakers.css
similarity index 100%
rename from Climate2030/ansible/roles/mediawiki/files/Group-DecisionMakers.css
rename to roles/permissions/files/Group-DecisionMakers.css
diff --git a/roles/permissions/files/default-permissions.php b/roles/permissions/files/default-permissions.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a1ef828a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/permissions/files/default-permissions.php
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+isAllowed('view-special-log')) {
+ unset( $list['Log'] );
+ }
+ return true;
+# This is the SimpleSAMLphp group mapping. This is how incoming groups
+# from SSO map to mediawiki groups.
+$wgSimpleSAMLphp_SyncAllGroups_LocallyManaged = [
+ "sysop",
+ "bureaucrat",
+ "interface-admin",
+ "DecisionMakers",
+ "LFCConsultingPartners",
+ "LFCResearchPartners",
+ "LFCEvaluators",
+ "PseudoDecisionMakers",
+$wgSimpleSAMLphp_GroupMap = [
+ 'sysop' => ['groups' => ['LFC Torque Admin', 'LFC Staff']],
+ 'interface-admin' => ['groups' => ['LFC Torque Admin', 'LFC Staff']],
+ 'bureaucrat' => ['groups' => ['LFC Torque Admin', 'LFC Staff']],
+ 'DecisionMakers' => ['groups' => ['LFC Decision Makers', 'Board Members']],
+ 'PseudoDecisionMakers' => ['groups' => ['Pseudo Board Members']],
+ 'LFCEvaluators' => ['groups' => ['LFC Consultants', 'LFC Evaluators']],
+ 'LFCResearchPartners' => ['groups' => ['LFC Research Partners']]
diff --git a/roles/permissions/tasks/main.yml b/roles/permissions/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f5dbc547
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/permissions/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+- name: Transfer Config
+ copy:
+ src: default-permissions.php
+ dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/torque-sites-config/"
+- name: Enable Permissions
+ blockinfile:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
+ block: |
+ include "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/torque-sites-config/default-permissions.php";
+- name: Transfer DecisionMakers group css
+ copy:
+ src: Group-DecisionMakers.css
+ dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Group-DecisionMakers.css"
+- name: Install DecisionMakers group css
+ raw: "php {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/maintenance/edit.php -b MediaWiki:Group-{{ item }}.css < {{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Group-DecisionMakers.css"
+ loop:
+ - PseudoDecisionMakers
+ - DecisionMakers
+ - LFCEvaluators
+ - LFCResearchPartners
+ - LFCConsultingPartners
+- name: Remove DecisionMakers group css
+ file:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/Group-DecisionMakers.css"
+ state: absent
+- name: Remove Old Disable Special:Log for groups that don't have view-special-log config
+ blockinfile:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
diff --git a/roles/picksome/files/picksome.php b/roles/picksome/files/picksome.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..72e0901e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/picksome/files/picksome.php
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+exists()) {
+ $page = new WikiPage($eligibleWildCardsTitle);
+ $valid_pages = [];
+ preg_match_all("/\\[\\[([^\\]]*)\\]\\]/", $page->getContent()->getText(), $valid_pages);
+ foreach($valid_pages[1] as $valid_page) {
+ if($title->equals(Title::newFromText($valid_page))) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+$wgPickSomeSortFunction = function($t1, $t2) {
+ $text1 = $t1->getText();
+ $text2 = $t2->getText();
+ $text1 = preg_replace("/^\\W/", "", $text1);
+ $text2 = preg_replace("/^\\W/", "", $text2);
+ return $text1 > $text2;
+# These are defaults for competitions as specified by LFC, but will probably be overridden
+# on a competition by competition basis
+$picksomeOverrideMessage = [
+ "picksome-all" => "Everyone's Finalist Candidates",
+ "picksome-title" => "Finalist Candidates",
+ "picksome-choices" => "Finalist Candidate Choices",
+ "picksome-my-picks" => "My Finalist Candidates",
+ "picksome-unpick" => "Deselect",
+ "picksome-pick" => "Select this page",
+ "picksome-no-picks" => "No Finalist Candidates",
+ "picksome-current" => "Current Page",
+ "picksome-view-all" => "View Everyone's Finalist Candidates",
+ "picksome-global-list" => "Global Finalist Candidate List",
+ "picksome-remove-below" => "To select the current page, remove one below",
+ "picksome-stop" => "Stop Selecting",
+ "picksome-close-window" => "Close Window",
+ "picksome-start" => "Start Selecting",
+$wgHooks['MessagesPreLoad'][] = function($title, &$message, $code) {
+ global $picksomeOverrideMessage;
+ if(array_key_exists(strtolower($title), $picksomeOverrideMessage)) {
+ $message = $picksomeOverrideMessage[strtolower($title)];
+ }
diff --git a/roles/picksome/tasks/main.yml b/roles/picksome/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fea7b7e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/picksome/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+- name: Check out PickSome
+ git:
+ repo: https://github.com/OpenTechStrategies/PickSome
+ dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/PickSome/"
+ version: 59df890
+- name: Transfer Config
+ copy:
+ src: picksome.php
+ dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/torque-sites-config/"
+- name: Enable PickSome
+ blockinfile:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
+ marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE PICKSOME CONFIG"
+ block: |
+ include "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/torque-sites-config/picksome.php";
diff --git a/100Change2017/ansible/roles/postgres/tasks/main.yml b/roles/postgres/tasks/main.yml
similarity index 100%
rename from 100Change2017/ansible/roles/postgres/tasks/main.yml
rename to roles/postgres/tasks/main.yml
diff --git a/roles/rss/tasks/main.yml b/roles/rss/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a5fb4c59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/rss/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+- name: Install RSS
+ unarchive:
+ src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../../thirdparty/extensions/RSS-REL1_34-0e63926.tar.gz"
+ dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/"
+- name: Enable RSS
+ blockinfile:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
+ block: |
+ wfLoadExtension('RSS');
+ $wgRSSUrlWhitelist = ["*"];
diff --git a/roles/simplefavorites/tasks/main.yml b/roles/simplefavorites/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0d22940d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/simplefavorites/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+- name: Check out SimpleFavorites
+ git:
+ repo: https://github.com/OpenTechStrategies/SimpleFavorites
+ dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/SimpleFavorites/"
+ version: 59fed33
+- name: Enable SimpleFavorites
+ lineinfile:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
+ line: "wfLoadExtension('SimpleFavorites');"
diff --git a/roles/simplesaml/tasks/main.yml b/roles/simplesaml/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7b287a92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/simplesaml/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+- name: Add okta account to autoconfig
+ lineinfile:
+ path: "{{ simplesaml_install_directory }}/simplesamlphp-1.18.4/saml-autoconfig.php"
+ insertafter: '\$metadata_url_for = array\('
+ line: "'{{ simplesaml_okta_metadata_name }}' => '{{ simplesaml_okta_metadata_url }}',"
+- name: Install PluggableAuth
+ unarchive:
+ src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../../thirdparty/extensions/PluggableAuth-REL1_33-a69f626.tar.gz"
+ dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/"
+- name: Install SimpleSAML extension
+ unarchive:
+ src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/../../thirdparty/extensions/SimpleSAMLphp-REL1_33-7d91f27.tar.gz"
+ dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/"
+- name: Transfer Config
+ template:
+ src: simplesaml.php.j2
+ dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/torque-sites-config/simplesaml.php"
+- name: Enable PluggableAuth/SimpleSAML
+ blockinfile:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
+ block: |
+ include "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/torque-sites-config/simplesaml.php";
+- name: Remove Enable PluggableAuth Block
+ blockinfile:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
+ marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE PLUGABLE AUTH CONFIG"
+- name: Enable SimpleSAMLphp extension Block
+ blockinfile:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
+ marker: "## {mark} ANSIBLE SIMPLE SAML PHP CONFIG"
+- name: Rearrange Login Page Block
+ blockinfile:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
diff --git a/roles/simplesaml/templates/simplesaml.php.j2 b/roles/simplesaml/templates/simplesaml.php.j2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2688d239
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/simplesaml/templates/simplesaml.php.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+ 'info',
+ 'weight' => 150,
+ 'cssclass' => 'mw-htmlform-login-or',
+ 'default' => "or"
+ ];
+ unset($formDescriptor['linkcontainer']);
+ unset($formDescriptor['passwordReset']);
+ unset($formDescriptor['createOrLogin']);
+ if ( isset( $formDescriptor['pluggableauthlogin'] ) ) {
+ $formDescriptor['pluggableauthlogin']['weight'] = -1;
+ }
diff --git a/roles/teamcomments/tasks/main.yml b/roles/teamcomments/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..621017c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/teamcomments/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+- name: Check out TeamComments
+ git:
+ repo: https://github.com/OpenTechStrategies/TeamComments
+ dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/TeamComments/"
+ version: 450bff7
+- name: Enable TeamComments
+ blockinfile:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
+ block: |
+ wfLoadExtension('TeamComments');
+ $wgTeamCommentsCheatSheetLocation = "Wiki_Markup_Cheat_Sheet";
+ $wgTeamCommentsUserPseudonymizer = function($username) {
+ return "Pseudonymous User #" . TorqueDataConnectUserLookup::lookupByUsername($username)->{"id"};
+ };
diff --git a/roles/torquedataconnect/defaults/main.yml b/roles/torquedataconnect/defaults/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a15d72b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/torquedataconnect/defaults/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+torquedata_server_port: 5000
diff --git a/roles/torquedataconnect/tasks/main.yml b/roles/torquedataconnect/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c57edaec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/torquedataconnect/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+- name: Check out Torque
+ git:
+ repo: https://github.com/OpenTechStrategies/torque
+ dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/torque/"
+ version: 16468ec
+- name: Link TorqueDataConnect
+ file:
+ src: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/torque/TorqueDataConnect/"
+ dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/extensions/TorqueDataConnect"
+ state: link
+- name: Transfer Config
+ template:
+ src: torquedataconnect.php.j2
+ dest: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/torque-sites-config/torquedataconnect.php"
+- name: Enable TorqueDataConnect
+ blockinfile:
+ path: "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/LocalSettings.php"
+ block: |
+ include "{{ mediawiki_install_directory }}/mediawiki-1.33.0/torque-sites-config/torquedataconnect.php";
diff --git a/roles/torquedataconnect/templates/torquedataconnect.php.j2 b/roles/torquedataconnect/templates/torquedataconnect.php.j2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8b368984
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/torquedataconnect/templates/torquedataconnect.php.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
diff --git a/torquedata/ansible/roles/torquedata/tasks/main.yml b/torquedata/ansible/roles/torquedata/tasks/main.yml
index 680b6cb5..ea5285c5 100644
--- a/torquedata/ansible/roles/torquedata/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/torquedata/ansible/roles/torquedata/tasks/main.yml
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
path: "{{ torquedata_install_directory }}"
state: directory
-- name: Checkout Torque
+- name: Check out Torque
repo: https://github.com/OpenTechStrategies/torque
dest: "{{ torquedata_install_directory }}/torque/"