This plugin publishes request and response logs to a Kafka topic or to file/stdout.
Kong >= 3.7.x
$ luarocks install kong-kafka-log
$ git clone /path/to/kong/plugins/kong-kafka-log
$ cd /path/to/kong/plugins/kong-kafka-log
$ luarocks make *.rockspec
$ curl -X POST http://kong:8001/plugins \
--data "name=kong-kafka-log" \
--data "config.bootstrap_servers=localhost:9092" \
--data "config.topic=kong-log" \
--data "config.ask_id=MYASKID-00000000" \
--data "config.app_name=GatewayStageEnvironment" \
--data "config.timeout=10000" \
--data "config.keepalive=60000" \
--data "config.ssl=false" \
--data "config.ssl_verify=false" \
--data "config.producer_request_acks=1" \
--data "config.producer_request_timeout=2000" \
--data "config.producer_request_limits_messages_per_request=200" \
--data "config.producer_request_limits_bytes_per_request=1048576" \
--data "config.producer_request_retries_max_attempts=10" \
--data "config.producer_request_retries_backoff_timeout=100" \
--data "config.producer_async=true" \
--data "config.producer_async_flush_timeout=1000" \
--data "config.producer_async_buffering_limits_messages_in_memory=50000"
$ curl -X POST http://kong:8001/plugins \
--data "name=kong-kafka-log" \
--data "config.log_to_file=true" \
--data "config.log_to_kafka=false" \
--data "config.ask_id=MYASKID-00000000" \
--data "config.app_name=GatewayStageEnvironment" \
Here's a list of all the parameters which can be used in this plugin's configuration:
Form Parameter | default | description |
name |
The name of the plugin to use, in this case kafka-log |
config.log_to_file |
Option to log messages to file specified in log_to_file_path |
config.log_to_file_path |
Location of file to output message to defaults to /dev/stdout |
config.log_to_kafka |
Option to disable kafka logging | |
config.bootstrap_servers |
List of bootstrap brokers in host:port format |
config.topic |
Topic to publish to | |
config.ask_id |
ASK Id | |
config.app_name |
Application name using logging utility | |
config.timeout Optional |
10000 | Socket timeout in millis |
config.keepalive Optional |
60000 | Keepalive timeout in millis |
config.ssl Optional |
false | Enable SSL Connection |
config.ssl_verify Optional |
false | Enable SSL Verification |
config.producer_request_acks Optional |
1 | The number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete. Allowed values: 0 for no acknowledgments, 1 for only the leader and -1 for the full ISR |
config.producer_request_timeout Optional |
2000 | Time to wait for a Produce response in millis |
config.producer_request_limits_messages_per_request Optional |
200 | Maximum number of messages to include into a single Produce request |
config.producer_request_limits_bytes_per_request Optional |
1048576 | Maximum size of a Produce request in bytes |
config.producer_request_retries_max_attempts Optional |
10 | Maximum number of retry attempts per single Produce request |
config.producer_request_retries_backoff_timeout Optional |
100 | Backoff interval between retry attempts in millis |
config.producer_async Optional |
true | Flag to enable asynchronous mode |
config.producer_async_flush_timeout Optional |
1000 | Maximum time interval in millis between buffer flushes in in asynchronous mode |
config.producer_async_buffering_limits_messages_in_memory Optional |
50000 | Maximum number of messages that can be buffered in memory in asynchronous mode |
"application": {
"askId": "ASKID000-000000",
"name": "GatewaySampleInstance"
"destHost": {
"port": 443,
"ipv4": 179347885,
"path": "/Backend/api/path",
"hostname": ""
"name": "",
"device": {
"vendor": "Optum",
"ip4": 176365362,
"hostname": "kong-507-g7rck",
"product": "kong-kafka-log"
"receivedTime": 1588059064647,
"sourceHost": {
"port": 443,
"ip4": 179301896
"request": {
"out": 675,
"method": "GET",
"request": "",
"Optum_CID_Ext": "27097e07-fa15-4bbb-9a9e-7cea46abc422#1",
"in": 339
"eventClass": "200",
"sourceUser": {
"tokenHash": "3502a5bc96d4468c6974e8b415eb8899b501b1ca6dc717ee4e07ff655dbaebb6", --> sha256(authentication token)
"name": ""
As the log format is custom for our requirements for Kafka logging, you can fork and replace the /src/basic.lua
with your desired logging format.
Known limitations:
- There is no support for Authentication (Would like to see MTLS Auth or SASL written into underlying dependency library)
- There is no support for message compression
:luarocks install kong-kafka-log
Load the
:KONG_PLUGINS=bundled,kong-kafka-log bin/kong start
plugin globally:curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/plugins \ --data "name=kong-kafka-log" \ --data "config.bootstrap_servers=localhost:9093" \ --data "config.ask_id=testaskid" \ --data "config.app_name=gatewayappname" \ --data "config.ssl=true" \ --data "config.topic=example-topic"
As requests are made, check your Kafka instance!
Original source rewritten from kong-plugin-kafka-log by yskopets, Big Thanks!
This plugin makes use of lua-resty-kafka as a dependency. Need version >= v0.09