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1800 lines (1420 loc) · 98.6 KB

File metadata and controls

1800 lines (1420 loc) · 98.6 KB



  • New faster ADC firmware with less noise
    • Upgraded ADC firmware improves signal processing speed and reduces measurement noise, leading to more reliable readings for all sensors.
  • led_intensity is now registered in our database
    • This means that running pio kill --all-jobs (and related pio kill commands) will now also turn off all LEDs, ensuring a complete shutdown of active processes.
  • New option in pio workers add to specify an IPv4 address
    • When adding a new worker, you can now explicitly provide an IPv4 address instead of relying on the default hostname.local. This is useful in networks where mDNS resolution is unreliable or unavailable. Ex: pio workers add <name> -a
  • New time option on the Overview page: "Now" for only real-time data
    • The UI now has a “Now” option that filters out historical data, displaying only real-time sensor readings and status updates.
  • Logs for experiment profiles now include an action step number
    • Each log entry related to an experiment profile now contains a step number, making it easier to track progress and diagnose issues in multi-step workflows.
  • Improved outlier detection in nOD and growth rates
    • Our outlier detection algorithms for normal optical density (nOD) and growth rates have been refined, reducing false positives and improving tracking accuracy during experiments.
  • Changing OD readings interval programmatically
    • OD Reading job now exposes interval as a editable published_setting. For example, you can PATCH to http://pioreactor.local/api/workers/<pioreactor_unit>/jobs/update/job_name/od_reading/experiments/<experiment> with body:
        "settings": {
          "interval": 10
      to change OD readings interval to 10s.

Breaking Changes

  • idjob_id in pio_metadata_settings table
    • Database schema update: The primary identifier column in pio_metadata_settings has been renamed to job_id.
  • Changed the scaling of smoothing_penalizer
    • The smoothing_penalizer parameter now operates on a scale that is ~100x lower than before.
  • Deprecation of /unit_api/jobs/stop/... endpoint
    • The /unit_api/jobs/stop/... API endpoint is being deprecated in favor of using query parameters:
      • Instead of /unit_api/jobs/stop/job_name, use /unit_api/jobs/stop/?job_name=....
      • The special case /unit_api/jobs/stop/all remains valid and unchanged.
  • Timestamp precision change: From xxxxx milliseconds → xxx milliseconds
    • All timestamps will now be stored with three-digit millisecond precision instead of five. This change optimizes storage efficiency and speeds up queries while maintaining sufficient accuracy for most use cases.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix for "More" button in the Logs UI page
    • Previously, clicking "More" in the Logs UI would default to "Standard" log level instead of retaining the selected filter. Now, it correctly uses the log level chosen by the user.
  • Multiple experiment profiles no longer overwrite each other in MQTT
    • Previously, running multiple experiment profiles could cause MQTT messages to overwrite each other. This is now fixed, but note that the new MQTT topic format introduces job_id, deviating from our usual topic structure.
  • Fix for API returning incorrect responses for Huey-related tasks
    • API responses related to background tasks (e.g., adding a new Pioreactor, syncing configs, updating firmware) were sometimes incorrect or missing details. This has been fixed.
  • Correction to od_reading.config's smoothing_penalizer scaling error
    • A miscalculated scaling factor in od_reading.config caused the smoothing factor to be larger than intended. This has been corrected, and your config.ini file has been automatically updated to reflect the new values.
  • Fix for missing log events in Event Logs after worker unassignment
    • Some log events (such as clean-up and assignment events) were missing when they occurred after a worker was unassigned. These now appear correctly. Additionally, some unrelated log entries that were mistakenly displayed have been removed.
  • Scaling bug fix in the extended Kalman filter affecting nOD detection
    • A bug in the extended Kalman filter was causing outlier detections too frequently. In extreme cases, these detections could compound, driving nOD values negative and corrupting the filter’s internal state. This issue has been fixed with a new, more stable filtering algorithm that significantly improves robustness.


Important, any OD calibrations made on software versions 25.1.21 and 25.2.10 have incorrect metadata, and it needs to be updated. Use this hot fix release to fix them. You'll still need to rerun:

pio calibrations analyze --device od --name <cal name>

to recreate the calibration curves.

  • Hot fix for OD Calibrations bug.



  • New OD Calibration: Introduced a new OD calibration using standards (requires multiple vials). Run:

    pio calibrations run --device od

    Inspired by the plugin by @odcambc.

  • UI Improvements:

    • Improved chart colors.
    • Added the ability to choose the level of detail on the new Event Logs page.
  • New OD Reading Option: The OD reading CLI now includes a --snapshot option to start the job, take a single reading, and exit. This is useful for scripting.

  • New Pump Control CLI: Introduced a new CLI for pumps:

    pio run pumps --media 1 --waste 2

    This command will add 1ml of media and remove 2ml of waste. The order matters, and pumps can be specified multiple times:

    pio run pumps --waste 2 --media 1 --waste 2

    This new CLI is really useful for experiment profiles. For example, a chemostat can be "programmed" as (but don't actually do this, using a dosing automation):

            - type: repeat
              hours_elapsed: 0 # start immediately
              repeat_every_hours: 0.5 # every 30m, run the following actions
                - type: start
                  hours_elapsed: 0
                    media: 1
                    waste: 2
  • Experiment & System Enhancements:

    • Initial support for 40ml model.
    • Ability to run multiple experiment profiles per experiment.
    • Users can now specify which Pioreactor to update on the Updates page (available only with release archives).
    • Stirring calibration is now included as part of the self-test.
    • Improved stirring job handling when OD readings have long pauses.
  • Previously, if a worker’s web server was down, an update would be blocked. Now, the leader will first attempt the web server, and if a 5xx error is observed, it will attempt SSH communication instead.

Web API Changes

  • Introduced:
    • GET /unit_api/jobs/running/<job>
    • GET /api/experiment_profiles/running/experiments/<experiment>

Breaking Changes

  • Calibration Structs:

    • predictx_to_y
    • ipredicty_to_x
    • This change makes naming clearer.
  • Plugin Migration (Upcoming):

    • Plugins should migrate from click_some_name to auto-discovered plugins by importing run.
    • Example migration:
      import click
      from import run
      def my_name(my_option):

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed UI not displaying third-party calibrations.
  • Experiment profiles now directly use unit_api/, potentially mitigating Huey worker stampedes when starting multiple jobs.
  • Fixed pio calibrations run ... -y not saving as active.
  • Fixed manual dosing issues in the UI.
  • Fixed manual log recording in the UI.
  • There was a race condition between monitor and a db creation job that was preventing the monitor job from starting. Awkwardly, this only seemed to happen on power cycles, and only sometimes. This escaped our testing. We've fixed it by improving how we initialize the dbs, and how we connect to them.



  • New UI updates:

    • An Event Logs page for seeing the logs generated by your Pioreactors
    • A detailed overview of your cluster's leader-specific duties on the new Leader's page.
      • See the Leader's filesystem, logs, update cluster clocks, and view important running jobs.
    • View different Pioreactors' plugins on the Plugins page, and install to specific Pioreactor vs entire cluster.
    • Manage your calibrations from the UI's new Calibrations page.
      • View existing calibrations, set active calibrations, and download calibration files.
  • New calibrations API. A calibration now creates a YAML file as an artifact, stored in ~/.pioreactor/calibrations. This makes editing, creating, sharing, and transferring calibrations much easier.

  • There's also a new CLI for calibrations:

    Usage: pio calibrations [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
      interface for all calibration types.
      --help  Show this message and exit.
      delete      Delete a calibration file from local storage.
      display     Display the contents of a calibration YAML file.
      list        List existing calibrations for the given device.
      run         Run an interactive calibration assistant for a specific device.
      set-active  Mark a specific calibration as 'active' for that device
      analyze     Analyze the data from a calibration.

    For example, to run a pump calibration, use pio calibrations run --device media_pump. View all your media pump calibrations with: pio calibrations list --device media_pump.

  • For now, the actual calibrations are the same protocol as before, but in the near future, we'll be updating them with new features. Adding this unified CLI and YAML format was the first step.

Web API changes

  • New API to retrieve and set clocks on Pioreactors
    • GET /api/units/<pioreactor_unit>/system/utc_clock
    • GET /unit_api/system/utc_clock
    • POST /api/system/utc_clock
    • POST /unit_api/system/utc_clock
  • New log APIs
    • GET /api/experiments/<experiment>/recent_logs
    • GET /api/experiments/<experiment>/logs
    • GET /api/logs
    • GET /api/workers/<pioreactor_unit>/experiments/<experiment>/recent_logs
    • GET /api/workers/<pioreactor_unit>/experiments/<experiment>/logs
    • GET /api/units/<pioreactor_unit>/logs
    • POST /workers/<pioreactor_unit>/experiments/<experiment>/logs
  • New calibrations APIs
    • GET /api/workers/<pioreactor_unit>/calibrations
    • GET /unit_api/calibrations
    • GET /unit_api/active_calibrations
    • GET /api/workers/<pioreactor_unit>/calibrations/<device>
    • GET /unit_api/calibrations/<device>
    • PATCH /api/workers/<pioreactor_unit>/active_calibrations/<device>/<cal_name>
    • PATCH /unit_api/active_calibrations/<device>/<cal_name>
    • DELETE /api/workers/<pioreactor_unit>/active_calibrations/<device>/<cal_name>
    • DELETE /api/workers/<pioreactor_unit>/calibrations/<device>/<cal_name>
    • DELETE /unit_api/active_calibrations/<device>/<cal_name>
    • DELETE /unit_api/calibrations/<device>/<cal_name>
    • POST /unit_api/calibrations/<device>
  • New API for plugins
    • GET /api/units/<pioreactor_unit>/plugins/installed
    • PATCH /api/units/<pioreactor_unit>/plugins/install
    • PATCH /api/units/<pioreactor_unit>/plugins/uninstall
  • Changed the settings API (see docs).
  • New /api/units that returns a list of units (this is workers & leader). If leader is also a worker, then it's identical to /api/workers
  • New /api/experiments/<experiment>/historical_worker_assignments that stores historical assignments to experiments
  • New Path API for getting the dir structure of ~/.pioreactor:
    • /unit_api/system/path/<path>


  • new SQL table for historical_experiment_assignments that stores historical assignments to experiments.
  • UI performance improvements
  • Better terminal plots
  • Customs charts in the UI are now downsampled like the other charts.
  • More logging in experiment profiles

Breaking changes

  • use_calibration under od_reading.config is deprecated. Use the calibrations "active" state instead.

  • Note: by default, all calibrations are not active, even if they were "current" before. You must set them to be active.

  • removed Python library diskcache.

  • any stirring calibrations needs to be redone. On the command line, run pio calibration run --device stirring to start the calibration assistant.

  • fixed typo utils.local_persistant_storage to utils.local_persistent_storage.

  • Kalman Filter database table is no longer populated. There is a way to re-add it, lmk.

  • moved intermittent cache location to /tmp/pioreactor_cache/local_intermittent_pioreactor_metadata.sqlite. This also determined by your configuration, see [storage].

  • removed pioreactor.utils.gpio_helpers

  • removed calibrations export dataset. Use the export option on the /Calibrations page instead.

  • persistent storage is now on single sqlite3 database in /home/pioreactor/.pioreactor/storage/local_persistent_pioreactor_metadata.sqlite. This is configurable in your configuration.

  • When checking for calibrations in custom Dosing automations, users may have added:

       with local_persistant_storage("current_pump_calibration") as cache:
           if "media" not in cache:

    This should be updated to (Note the spelling in local_persistant_storage changed, too!):

        with local_persistent_storage("active_calibrations") as cache:
            if "media_pump" not in cache:

Bug fixes

  • Fix PWM3 not cleaning up correctly
  • Fixed Stirring not updating to best DC % when using a calibration after changing target RPM
  • Fixed a bug that could cause OD calibrations to map a small voltage value to a max OD.
  • Fixed bug where dataset exports were not sorted correctly.
  • em-dashes are now replaced in config.ini on save.
  • Fixed a bug where errors on the Experiment Profiles page weren't properly displayed.


  • Hotfix for UI settings bug



  • New export datasets improvements!
    • new export dataset API. The datasets on the Export Data UI page are now provided via YAML files on the leader's disk. This makes it easy to add new datasets to that UI to be exported. These YAML files can be added to ~/.pioreactor/exportable_datasets.
    • new Export Data page in the UI. Preview datasets before you export them, and new partition options for the exported CSVs.
    • Plugins can now add datasets to the Export Data page. The plugin's datasets are automatically added to the Export Data page when installed.
  • Stirring can now pause itself during an OD reading. This is accomplished by "dodging OD readings". You can activate this feature by setting the enable_dodging_od to True in config.ini, under [stirring.config]. The replaces an older, less reliable plugin that was on our forums. Users have wanted this feature to have a very fast RPM between OD measurements (to get more aeration), and avoid noisy OD measurements. There's no reason to believe this will decrease the noise if using a "moderate" RPM though.


  • improvements to Dodging background job code, including the ability to initialize the class based on dodging or not.
  • better error handling for failed OD blank action.
  • better button state management in the UI.
  • a job YAMLs' published_settings can have a new field, editable (bool), which controls whether it shows up on the Settings dialog or not. (False means it won't show up since it's not editable!). Default is true. This should align with the published_setting in Python's job classes.
  • you can add IPv4 addresses to the (new) [cluster.addresses] section to specify IPs for pioreactors. Example:
    Note that the leader's address is automatically added in our software.
  • new installs only: updated RPiOS to version 2024-11-19
  • improvements to correlation self-tests

Bug fixes

  • Fixed "circulate X" actions in the Manage All dialog in the UI.

Breaking changes

  • moved all the temporary caches, which previously where their own sqlite3 dbs in /tmp/ to /tmp/local_intermittent_pioreactor_metadata.sqlite. This shouldn't break anything unless you update during an experiment - don't do that!



  • dosing_automation.vial_volume replaced with dosing_automation.liquid_volume. You can see the values by watching pio mqtt -t "pioreactor/+/+/dosing_automation/liquid_volume" after starting a dosing automation.
  • Adding a SQL table for tracking liquid_volume.
  • Because we are now storing liquid_volume in the database, you can add charts in the UI that track the volume over time:
    1. Add the following yaml contents to ~/.pioreactor/plugins/ui/contrib/charts/liquid_volume.yaml:
    2. In your config.ini, under ui.overview.charts, add the line liquid_volume=1.
  • New dataset exports from the Export data page in the UI: calibrations and liquid-volumes.
  • Added a "partition by unit" option to the Export data page that will create a csv per Pioreactor in the export, instead of grouping them all together.
  • od calibrations can use the --json-file to edit calibration polynomial coefficients. In the json file, specify curve_data_ fields with values of the curve's polynomial coefficients (leading term first), and set curve_type as "poly". The routine will begin with that calibration curve displayed.
  • faster UI response times when starting jobs.
  • faster syncing configs.
  • faster copying files across cluster via pio cp.
  • faster clean up of jobs using PWMs.
  • new installs only: updated base RPiOS to 2024-10-22.
  • new database table in /tmp/local_intermittent_pioreactor_metadata.sqlite called pio_job_published_settings that stores the published settings for each job. This powers the next API endpoints:
  • New API endpoints for getting the current settings of a running job:
    • Per pioreactor:
      • GET: /unit_api/jobs/settings/job_name/<job_name>
      • GET: /unit_api/jobs/settings/job_name/<job_name>/setting/<setting>
    • Across the cluster:
      • GET: /api/jobs/settings/job_name/<job_name>/setting/<setting>
      • GET: /api/jobs/settings/job_name/<job_name>/experiments/<experiment>
      • GET: /api/jobs/settings/job_name/<job_name>/experiments/<experiment>/setting/<setting>
      • GET: /api/jobs/settings/workers/<pioreactor_unit>/job_name/<job_name>
      • GET: /api/jobs/settings/workers/<pioreactor_unit>/job_name/<job_name>/setting/<setting> Ex: query the temperature of a Pioreactor: curl http://pio01.local/unit_api/jobs/settings/job_name/temperature_automation/setting/temperature

Breaking changes

  • pio kill --name x is now pio kill --job-name x
  • removed publishing published_settings metadata to mqtt. Ex $properties, $settable, $unit, $datatype are no longer being sent mqtt. This was never used, and just a bandwidth suck.

Bug fixes

  • fix for OD calibration graph showing "two lines" in the terminal display
  • fix for updating over the internet when a Pioreactor is on a A.devX or B.rcY release
  • pio kill --all-jobs will no longer kill long-running jobs from plugins (specifically, logs2x jobs.)
  • updating the UI software won't prematurely stop any currently running activities
  • correct ethernet mac address on RPi5s
  • We weren't passing all the OS environment variables when jobs were started from the UI. This is fixed now.
  • Fixed circulate media / alt. media in the UI.
  • Fixed manual dosing updates in the UI.



  • amount of data shown on charts is now a function of the OD sampling rate
  • allow for showing more than 16 workers in a chart.

Bug fixes

  • Bug fix for "Manage all" that would start activities in all Pioreactors, whether they were in the experiment or not.
  • Fix for bug when clicking a legend element it not hiding
  • led_intensity (i.e. changes to LEDs) now respect whether a worker is active or not.
  • Fix bug for UI crashing with "colors" error.
  • If a worker is referenced in a profile, but is not part of the current experiment, the actions will not be schedualed for it.



  • UI improvements to the experiment select box.
  • Better clean up of configs when a worker is removed from the cluster.
  • Improved UI loading time

Bug fixes

  • only show ipv4 in UI and in avahi aliases.
  • fixed experiment profile plugin checks.
  • fixed experiment profile display crashing the UI when editing plugins section.

Breaking changes

  • pio clear-cache renamed to pio cache clear
  • pio view-cache renamed to pio cache view
  • some more web API changes to endpoints that manage updates
  • We no longer use monitor to start jobs. This has a slowdown when changing LEDs or starting pumps, unfortunately, but generally better performance elsewhere.
  • watchdog job has been merged with monitor. watchdog no longer exists.



  • Workers now have a webserver on them. This is one of the largest architectural changes to Pioreactor, and lays the foundation for better plugin, version, and calibration cluster management, plus future features.
    • As an example, in your browser, you can enter the url: http://some-worker.local/unit_api/jobs/running to see a list of jobs running on a worker.
    • Note: there is no interactive user interface for workers, just a web API
    • Previous actions that would involve SSHing from leader to a worker are replaced by web requests.

Bug fixes

  • fixed an issue where a calibrated OD reading would be mapped to max OD signal if it was too low.
  • fixed an issue where the Pioreactor UI would lock up if trying to create a new experiment with an existing name.
  • fixed Hours Elapsed not updating in Overview

Breaking changes

  • Lots and lots of web API changes. You'll want to review them on our docs:
  • We no longer recommend the Raspberry Pi Zero (the original Zero, not the Zero 2.) since supporting a web server + pioreactor functions is too much for a single core.
  • watchdog is neutered. It used to try to "wake-up" a job, but this was flaky and causing more problems than it solved.
  • removed python library dependency sh
  • APIs that initiate a background task either return with the result, or return a task id that be be looked up at /unit_api/task_status/.
  • pios update now updates the UI too.


  • Better MQTT re-connection logic.
  • New Manage Inventory menu on the Inventory page that can be used for bulk actions.
  • pio update is a new command to update both the UI and app.
  • adding more network logs to network_info.txt
  • pios commands now return quicker since they post to the workers servers and don't wait around. You can view the status of the worker's by using the output from including --json.



  • pio logs now includes the UI logs (if run on leader).
  • introduce a new od_reading config,turn_off_leds_during_reading, which enables / disables turning off the other LEDS during an OD snapshot. By default, it is set to 1 (enables).
  • leader-only Pioreactors also have a config_<hostname>.local file now.
  • a new top-level section in experiment profiles, inputs, allows you to define parameters that can be used in expressions. This is useful if you are copy the same constant over an over again, and want a quick way to change it once. Example:
  growth_phase_temp: 37.0
  stationary_phase_temp: 30.0
  od_threshold: 1.6

        - type: update
          hours_elapsed: 12.0
          if: ${{ ::od_reading:od1.od < od_threshold }}
            target_temperature: ${{ stationary_phase_temp }}
        - type: update
          hours_elapsed: 12.0
          if: ${{ ::od_reading:od1.od >= od_threshold }}
            target_temperature: ${{ growth_phase_temp }}

Bug fixes

  • more resilience to "UI state" diverging from "bioreactor state". Often, this occurred when two jobs stared almost immediately (often a networking issue), and the last job would halt since it couldn't get the required resources, however any MQTT data would be overwritten by the last job. Now, multiple places in the request pipeline will reduce duplication and prevent two jobs from starting too close to each other.
  • improved stirring clean up when stopped in quick succession after starting.
  • if a network isn't found, the monitor job will not stall, but warn and continue.
  • fixed HAT warning for HAT-less leaders.

Breaking changes

  • the RP2040 firmware is now on i2c channel 0x2C (previously 0x30). This is to solve an annoying i2cdetect issue where the i2c channel would lock up.
  • the web server now writes its logs to the same location as the app: /var/log/pioreactor.log. Those wishing to keep the old location can use a new configuration parameter ui_log_file to [logging] section and set it to /var/log/pioreactorui.log.
  • removed psutil and zeroconf Python packages from new images. We replaced their functionality with built-in routines.
  • in config.ini, the section od_config renamed to od_reading.config, and stirring is stirring.config. When you update, a script will run to automatically update these names in your config.inis.



  • improvements to the UI's experiment profile preview.
  • hours_elapsed() is a function in profile expressions, which returns the hours since the profile started.
  • unit() can be used in mqtt fetch expressions. Example: unit():stirring:target_rpm is identical to ::stirring:target_rpm. The latter can be seen as a shortened version of the former.
  • experiment profiles can have a description in the job field (i.e. at the same level as actions).
  • Updated Raspberry Pi OS image to 2024-07-04.
  • Vendoring the TMP1075 library, which also fixes the RPi5 error.
  • In places where the ipv4 is displayed (Inventory page, System tab, pio workers status, etc), all ipv4 addresses are displayed.

Breaking changes

  • remove the temperature_control, dosing_control, and led_control abstractions. These were introduced early in the Pioreactor software as a way to quickly change automations, but they have been more of a wort than a win. While working on the internals of experiment profiles recently, it became more and more clear how poor this abstraction was. The removal of them has some consequences and some backward incompatibilities:

  • updating experiment profiles: experiment profiles that have a *_control job will need to be updated to use *_automation, eventually. For now, we are allowing *_control in profiles: in the backend, we are renaming *_control to *_automations, but a warning will be produced. Later, we'll remove this renaming and profiles will need to be completely updated. Example:

    experiment_profile_name: start_temp_control
      author: Cam DP
            - type: start
              hours_elapsed: 0
                automation_name: thermostat
                target_temperature: 30
            - type: stop
              hours_elapsed: 12
            - type: update
              hours_elapsed: 6
                target_temperature: 35


    experiment_profile_name: start_temp_control
      author: Cam DP
            - type: start
              hours_elapsed: 0
                automation_name: thermostat
                target_temperature: 30
            - type: stop
              hours_elapsed: 12
            - type: update
              hours_elapsed: 6
                target_temperature: 35
    • update plugins. For users using, specifically, the high-temp plugin, or temperature-expansion-kit plugin, new plugins will be released. Look on the forums, or documentation, for update instructions.

The benefits of removing this abstraction is much less code, less overhead, easier developer experience, and overall simplification. Later, we may create a new abstraction, but now we are moving abstractions back to level 0.

  • log in experiment profiles now uses expressions instead of Python string formatting. For example: The unit {unit} is running {job} in experiment {experiment} should be replaced by expressions in the string: The unit ${{unit()}} is running ${{job_name()}} in the experiment ${{experiment}}. Note: {job} is now ${{job_name()}}.
  • cycle_media and cycle_alt_media now publish dosing events, and will be recorded by dosing automations, and the db.

Bug fixes

  • When pausing temperature automations, the heater now turns off and stays off until unpaused. This is the intended behaviour.

24.7.5 & 24.7.6 & 24.7.7

Hotfix release for 24.7.3. This pins blinka to a specific version which does not install numpy.



  • A new live preview in the UI's experiment profile editor. This preview tool is useful for getting immediate feedback when writing a profile. We'll keep on adding to this to improve the edit-profile workflow - please send us feedback!
  • new when action type in experiment profiles that will execute an action (or list of actions) when some expression is true. For example, start a chemostat when a threshold OD is first achieved, log a message when event is triggered, or monitor a bioreactor parameter and execute an action if it goes out of bounds.
  • New config turbidostat.config that can be used to modify some internal turbidostat settings:
  • Better user interaction on the Pioreactors page when the assigned experiment and "viewing" experiment are different.
  • Select / Deselect all Pioreactors to assign to an experiment faster.
  • Added unit() function to experiment profiles expressions that returns the unit name the expression is evaluated for. Ex: if: ${{ unit() == worker01 }}.
  • Added job_name() function to experiment profiles expressions that returns the job_name the expression is evaluated for. Ex: if: ${{ job_name() == stirring }}.
  • Added experiment() function to experiment profiles expressions that returns the experiment the expression is evaluated for. Ex: if: ${{ experiment() == exp001 }}.

Breaking changes

  • significant web backend API changes! See list of rules in docs.

Bug fixes

  • Fix UI code editor from being unresponsive when all the text was removed.
  • Experiment profiles won't be overwritten if providing the same filename as an existing profile.



  • we changed the "auto" algorithm for picking a good ir_led_intensity. We now try to maximize the intensity, up to some constraints around saturating ADCs, LED longevity, and signal. In general, we expect a higher IR intensity, but this will help with noise and detecting lower signals.
  • More improvements on the Pioreactor-specific page: added charts and a logs table.
  • Added a "retry failed tests" to the UI's self-test dialog.
  • pio run self_test has a new flag --retry-failed to only retry tests that failed in the previous run (if any).
  • better clean up when a worker is removed from a cluster.
  • reduce the mosquitto logs to reduce writes to disk and speed up connections.
  • Use lexicographical ordering for all displays of workers in the UI
  • This only applies to new installed images, and not updates. Updated to the latest RPI image, 2024-03-15, -> linux kernel update to 6.6. Recent versions of linux have improved support for usb wifi devices.
  • This only applies to new installed images, and not updates. leader-only images will install worker Python libraries.
  • This only applies to new installed images, and not updates. all experiment data will be deleted when the experiment is deleted.
  • performance improvements

Breaking changes

  • Changed the web backend API endpoints for time-series, logs, shutdown, reboot, and plugins to be more RESTful. See docs for updated rules in the docs.

Bug fixes

  • fix performing an "undo" when editing the config.ini and experiment profiles.
  • fix Pioreactor v1.1 bug when change target temperature mid cycle causing the inferred temperature to change significantly.
  • if a worker disconnected from the network, messages are queued in memory until the network reconnects. This has two problems. The first is that there is a finite amount of memory, and we don't want to OOM. The second is that when the worker(s) reconnect, there is a flurry of messages. For some jobs that use messages as events, this can cause multiple triggers in quick succession. We've added some logic that helps avoid these situations:
    1. we max the queue of unsent messages to 100 (arbitrary)
    2. in important jobs, like temperature automations, it will only respond to "recent" messages and not old messages.



  • New /pioreactor/worker-name page in the UI for a detailed view of an individual Pioreactor, including a realtime visualization of the Pioreactor!


  • UI backend now supports external MQTT broker. This configuration lives in the same place as the existing MQTT settings: in the config.ini, under [mqtt].
  • Added groupings on the Experiment drop down to organize "Active" and "Inactive" experiments. An active experiment has >= 1 Pioreactor assigned to it.

Breaking changes

  • New log topic that partitions by the level. This should make subscribers to the log topic slimmer (like the UI, who previously would have to accept all messages and filter to what they needed). Should result in a performance increase.

Bug fixes

  • Fix for Pioreactors page when no workers are added to the cluster.
  • Fix for UI labels when trying to remove labels from Pioreactors.
  • Improvements to REF self-tests.



  • Significant performance increase by using force_turbo=1 in the Raspberry Pi. Expect a noticeable improvement in interacting with the Pioreactor. This pushes the Pi to always run "hot" (but we aren't overclocking). This does slightly increase the Pi's internal temperature, so be wary about putting the Pioreactor in very hot environment. This settings requires a reboot to take affect.
  • adding support for changing the port and protocol of the Pioreactor UI webserver in the software. Add the following to your config.ini:
    This doesn't set the port and proto, that involves changing settings in the lighttpd configuration.

Bug fixes

  • more sane defaults for OD reading for v1.1 when using auto.
  • fix pios plugins uninstall
  • fix leader not correctly being identified in pio workers status
  • For RPi Zero W (first gen), sometimes the load_rp2040 script was failing. A new script will retry a few times. This only applies to new images.
  • fix pio workers update-active using the wrong HTTP verb.
  • Fix using ethernet cable to connect Pioreactor to a router: a new simple ethernet nmconnection has been added, and has higher connection priority than the PioreactorLocalLink nmconnection.
  • Fix race conditions occurring between stirring and growth-rate when they were started too quickly.

Known issues

  • When the local access point would start on a fresh boot, the SSID would start as pioreactor, and then change to pioreactor-<leader-name> after the next reboot.



  • UI chart legend's will support more than 8 Pioreactors.
  • UI chart colors are consistent across charts in the Overview.
  • reduce the severity of some messages, so there will be less pop-ups in the UI.
  • UI performance improvements.
    • Upgraded to React 18.3.1
    • Removed unused dependencies
  • UI's code sections use syntax-highlighting and other nicer features for editing yaml and ini files.
  • App performance improvements
    • Upgrade paho-mqtt to 2.1
    • faster pio kill
    • faster job start from UI
  • more humane error messages.
  • updated temperature inference model.
  • added exponentiation ** to profile expressions. Ex: ${{ pio1:growth_rate_calculating:growth_rate.growth_rate ** 0.5 }}
  • added random() to profile expressions. This returns a number between 0 and 1. Ex: ${{ 25 + 25 * random() }}

Bug fixes

  • fix pio plugins not working on workers.
  • fix enable_dodging_od=0 for background jobs that can dodge OD.
  • fix PWM jobs not cleaning up correctly if too many jobs try to end at the same time.
  • fix pio kill not returning the correct count of jobs being killed.
  • fix older Pioreactor HATs, with the ADS1115 chip, not have the method from_voltage_to_raw_precise.
  • fix "Manage all" not sending the correct dosing command to workers.



  • initial support for Pioreactor 20ml v1.1! This is our latest iteration of Pioreactor. Even though it's a minor 0.x release, there's lots of positives about it. We encourage you to check out the upgrade kit here.
  • some further support for tracking the model and version of the Pioreactor you are using. Users can change the version in the config file. For example:
    If you have a mixed cluster (some 1.0, some 1.1), then you should put this configuration in the unit specific config files.
  • For v1.1: New temperature inference algorithm makes reaching the thermostat setpoint quicker, and the Pioreactor can reach higher temperatures (our internal testing could easily reach up to 45C in a cool room). This algorithm uses the magic of ✨statistics✨. We may update the themostat PID values in the future, but the default ones work okay for now. A Pioreactor v1.0 update for this algorithm should come out soon, too.


  • When using turbidostat, there is now a small moving average filter on the raw OD readings. This will prevent the turbidostat from firing when an OD outlier occurs.

  • MQTT data is no long persisted between leader power-cycles. This was the cause of a lot of bad UI state issues where users couldn't interact with the Pioreactor via the UI after a power-cycle (intentional or not). We originally persisted the data since we previously used MQTT as more like a database, but our engineering style has moved away from that idea, and we now only use MQTT for "ephemeral" data. Taking out the persistent MQTT data forces this style change. Users shouldn't notice anything different.

  • The leader is now the source-of-truth for the cluster's clocks. For example, when a worker boots up, it will ask the leader what the time is, and will periodically continue asking. If the leader has access to the internet, it will pull the correct time (and periodically continue asking). If the leader doesn't have access to the internet, it will use the default time on the Pi. This solves the problem of workers' clocks getting out of sync when powered down, especially in a local-access-point network.

  • Lots of small UI improvements, including accessibility, empty-state, and loading improvements.

  • Previously, we would "kick" stirring by forcing the DC% to 100% for a moment, and then increasing the running DC% slightly. Going forward, we'll actually try the following when the sensor fails to read a signal: DC% to 0%, then DC% to 100%, and then a slight increase in the DC%. Why?

    • If the mixing fan has stalled, setting the DC% to 0% does nothing, since the fan is already stopped.
    • If the mixing fan is running, but the stir bar isn't in sync, this step will align the stir bar and fan again.
    • If the mixing fan is running too fast, but the sensor isn't reading it, this allows for a small pause.
  • The recommend way to upgrade Pioreactors and clusters is now using release archives. We have more control over the upgrade process this way. However, users are still welcome use the command line, pio update, which is what we use in house.

  • A chart legend's in the UI now displays the entire name of the worker, if there is enough room.

Breaking changes

  • Temporary Pioreactor labels, set in the UI, are now unique across an experiment.
  • config max_volume_to_warn was removed, it's now hardcoded as 90% of max_volume_to_stop

Bug fixes

  • Fix pio ... commands that displayed the CLI options not working on workers.
  • Potential fix for heater continuing to be on after requested to be turned off.



  • Faster app start-up performance, which should translate to faster response times.
  • Log when workers change experiment assignments.
  • Log when workers change active status.
  • Adding [pioreactor] section to config.inis
  • improvements to calibration charts

Breaking changes

  • pio install-plugin is now pio plugins install. Likewise for uninstall.
  • pio list-plugins is now pio plugins list.
  • pios install-plugin is now pios plugins install. Likewise for uninstall.

Bug fixes

  • fixed Log table in the UI not showing all entries.
  • fixed HAT button response in the UI.



  • The Pioreactor leader can now support multiple experiments! If you have more than one Pioreactor, this change allows you to run multiple experiments simultaneously, assign Pioreactors to different experiments, and manage all experiments concurrently. No more multi-leader set ups - all you need is a single leader and multiple workers! See video here.
  • Ability to delete experiments from the UI.
  • Better control over your cluster, using the Inventory page in the UI.
  • Ship with network configuration of local-link connections: plug in an ethernet from your Pioreactor to your computer, and after invoking sudo nmcli c PioreactorLocalLink up, you should be able to visit http://pioreactor.local in your browser.


  • replace the ip file that is written to on startup with a new network_info.txt file that contains the hostname, IPv4 address, and MAC addresses.
  • Adding the ethernet (wired) mac address to the system tab.
  • new Python module for controlling workers: pioreactor.cluster_management
  • by default, for new installs, the local-access-point SSID is now pioreactor_<hostname>.
  • UI performance improvements
  • New database tables to handle workers (workers) and experiments assignments (experiment_assignments).
  • New pio workers CLI to mange your inventory. Try pio workers --help to see all the commands available.
  • Better error messages when a self-test fails.
  • pio kill has new options to kill specific actions. Ex: pio kill --experiment this-exp, pio kill --job-source experiment_profile

Breaking changes

  • When a experiment profile stops early (i.e. via "stop early" in the UI), it now will halt any jobs that it started. This is a change from how they worked previously, but this new behaviour is less of a surprise to users.
  • pio add-pioreactor <name> is now pio workers add <name>
  • pio cluster-status is now pio workers status
  • utils.publish_ready_to_disconnected_state changed names to utils.managed_lifecycle
  • config.inventory in the config.ini is no longer used. All that data is now handled in the database on the leader, and managed in the UI or CLI.
  • pio kill <job_name> is removed, use pio kill --name <job_name>.

Bug fixes

  • fix for not being able to access http://pioreactor.local reliably.
  • fix for multiple exporting datasets when selecting "All experiments"

Known bugs

  • removing a Pioreactor leader from an experiment will stop any experiment profiles running that are associated to that experiment.



  • For better consistency between Pioreactors, we've introduced a new configuration option that will automatically adjust the IR LED intensity to match a target value in the reference photodiode, at the start of OD reading. This means that if your IR LEDs are slightly different between Pioreactors, the IR LED output will be adjusted to match a hardcoded value. To enable this feature, change the [od_config] config parameter ir_led_intensity value to auto. For new installs, this is the default configuration. This shouldn't change your actual OD readings very much (since we normalize raw PD by REF, and increase or decrease in REF is balanced by increase or decrease in PD), but it will make analysis easier.
  • Significant UI performance improvements: we are use less MQTT clients, which should mean faster loading, less network overhead, and overall lower resource-usage.

Bug fixes

  • Fixes updating automations in experiment profiles



  • reusing more MQTT clients internally => faster job startup and less network overhead

Bug fixes

  • using the archive upload method to update Pioreactors had a bug when distributing the archive to workers on the cluster. That has been fixed. The first time, you archive update may fail. But it should succeed the second time.
  • fix UI bug that was preventing real-time data from showing up in some custom charts.
  • fix UI bug that was causing a stale datum to appear in charts.
  • To avoid downstream permission issues, pio can't be run as root. That is, sudo pio ... will fail.
  • a typo prevented od_config.smoothing_penalizer from being used internally. This is fixed.
  • some retry logic for fixing "lost" state in the UI.
  • fixed numerous MQTT connections from accumulating in the UI



  • Experimental introducing outlier filtering in growth rate calculations. This is tunable with the new ekf_outlier_std_threshold parameter under [growth_rate_calculating.config]. To turn off outlier filtering, set this parameter to some very large number (1000s). Don't put it less than 3.0 - that's silly.
  • With this new filtering, we can provide more reasonable values for the parameters of the growth rate Kalman filter. We previously had to artificially increase the measurement std. deviation (obs_std) to allow for some outliers. This had the knock-on effect of hiding growth-rate changes, so we had to also increase that parameter rate_std. With better outlier protection in the model, we can move these values back. New installs will have the following parameters, and we encourage existing users to try these values if you plan to use the outlier filtering.
  • added configuration for alternative mqtt brokers with the new configuration


  • clear the growth-rate cache with pio run growth_rate_cacluating clear_cache
  • added Pioreactor specific software version to the UI: Page Pioreactors -> Manage -> System -> Version. this requires a restart to display correctly
  • new UI MQTT library. Is it faster? Maybe!
  • increased the default max_subdose to 1.0.

Bug fixes

  • fixed a case where dosing automation IO execution would not run due to a floating point rounding error. Sorry!
  • fixed a memory leak in long running dosing automations that had thousands of dosing events. Sorry!
  • fixed a race condition that caused an error to occur when a software PWM channel was closed too quickly. Sorry!
  • fixed bug that was partially crashing the UI if some bad syntax was entered into a custom yaml file. Sorry!
  • fixed bug that was causing bad json from the server, causing empty / non-loading areas in the UI. Sorry!
  • fixed datum bug in the Overview that was crashing the UI. Sorry!


  • boot-up performance improvements
  • job start performance improvements
  • improved RPM calculation for lower RPMs.
  • Added buttons to the Overview UI to change common settings.



  • profiles in the UI are sorted by their last edit time.
  • Jobs can't run if self_test is running
  • exporting pioreactor_unit_activity_data no longer requires an experiment name to be included.
  • new config option: samples_for_od_statistics in [growth_rate_calculating.config] for specifying the number of OD samples to take for initial statistics.
  • $ can be used in expressions (this is used to specify the $state setting).
  • repeat directive in experiment profiles.
     experiment_profile_name: demo_stirring_repeat
             - type: start
               hours_elapsed: 0.0
                 target_rpm: 400.0
             - type: repeat
               hours_elapsed: 0.001
               while: ::stirring:target_rpm <= 1000
               repeat_every_hours: 12
               max_hours: 10
                 - type: update
                   hours_elapsed: 0.0
                     target_rpm: ${{::stirring:target_rpm + 100}}
  • use expressions in common block. Instead of the usual unit:job:setting syntax, use ::job:setting. For example:
             - type: update
               hours_elapsed: 0.002
               if: ::stirring:target_rpm > 600
                 target_rpm: ${{::stirring:target_rpm - 100}}

Bug fixes

  • fixed a bug in the chart of OD reading that was causing historical and realtime data to be different lines.
  • fixed bug where a PWM wouldn't clean up correctly if the job was canceled too early.
  • fix for self-test test_REF_is_in_correct_position
  • accidentally appended text to the end of an old experiment profile in the last update. We've fixed that in this update.


Conditionals and expressions in experiment profiles!

  • adding if directives to experiment_profiles, with dynamic expressions. See full docs here
       - type: update
         hours_elapsed: 12.0
         if: pio1:od_reading:od1.od > 2.0
           - target_rpm: 600
  • adding dynamic options via expressions, see full docs here
       - type: update
         hours_elapsed: 12.0
           - target_rpm: ${{ pio1:stirring:target_rpm * 1.1 }}

Breaking changes

Breaking changes to experiment profiles:

  1. the common block requires a jobs block. Previously:

    experiment_profile_name: demo_stirring_example
      author: Cam Davidson-Pilon
          - type: start
            hours_elapsed: 0.0
              target_rpm: 400.0


    experiment_profile_name: demo_stirring_example
      author: Cam Davidson-Pilon
     jobs:            # this text is required
           - type: start
             hours_elapsed: 0.0
               target_rpm: 400.0
  2. labels has moved into the pioreactors block. Previously,

    experiment_profile_name: simple_stirring_example
     worker1: PR-001
      author: John Doe
        jobs: {}


    experiment_profile_name: simple_stirring_example
      author: John Doe
        label: PR-001
        jobs: {}

    Related, you can't use the label as an alias in the pioreactor block.

    Need a hand updating your profiles? Let us know,!

  • removing ODReadings.latest_od_reading and it's replaced by ODReadings.ods.
  • removed the topic pioreactor/{unit}/.../od_readings/od/{channel}. Use pioreactor/{unit}/.../od_readings/od1 or pioreactor/{unit}/.../od_readings/od2. This change was made to fit more and more published data into the same format (and it makes od1 and od2 published settings on ODReader)


  • ods, od1, od2 now a published settings of ODReadings.
  • when a worker is first turned on, and pre-connected to a cluster, the LED is turned on to give some feedback to the user.
  • using the 2023-12-11 RPi base image

Bug fixes

  • fixed the UI crashing if trying to edit a blank experiment profile

Experimental builds

We've released new 64 bit builds, and a 64 bit "headful" build. These builds are experimental, and require a RPi4, RPi5, or RPi400 due to their larger memory requirements.

  • 64 bit leader-worker and worker builds will be marginally more performant, at the cost of some additional memory consumption.
  • The "headful" leader-worker build allows you to attach a monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc. to the Raspberry Pi and use it as an interface for your cluster.

These builds are available only on our nightly page.



  • optimized performance and memory consumption of experiment profiles.

Bug fixes

  • fix initial state of boolean switches in UI.
  • fix Raspberry Pi 5 not addressing PWMs correctly.



  • Initial support for RPi5! To use an RPi5, we recommend not upgrading the software, but using a fresh image install. Under the hood:
    • we are using a new route to load the firmware on the HATs RP2040 (using linuxgpio)
    • the hardware PWMs on the RPi5 use a different chip location. This required a new rpi_hardware_pwm release.
  • new ENV variable, HAT_PRESENT=1, can be set to skip is_HAT_present checks.
  • added the RPis unique MAC addresses to the Manage -> System tab on the Pioreactors page.
  • added table ir_led_intensities to be able to be exported on the Exports page.
  • added a new smoothing_penalizer config option to [od_config]. This parameter, which has default value 700, controls how much smoothing to apply to optical density measurements. This smoothing has always been applied, but now it's a config option.
  • Cleaned up some UI interactions

Breaking changes

  • PWM class is no longer initialized with a duty_cycle, instead:
  • PWM class must be started with start(initial_duty_cyle)
  • moved get_rpi_machine to pioreactor.version

Bug fixes



  • Improvements to OD calibration and pump calibrations. Both now have a -f option to provide a json file with calibration data, to skip rerunning data-gathering routines. For example: pio run pump_calibration -f pump_data.json.
  • Ability to update via our release_archives (available on the Github release page) via the UI. To turn this feature off (which is a recommended practice when you expose your UI publicly), add an empty file called DISALLOW_UI_UPLOADS to the ~/.pioreactor directory.
  • A new config option to change the max volume to dose when a larger dose volume is split. For example, if your chemostat asks to dose 1.6 ml, our internal algorithm will dose 0.75, 0.75 and 0.1 (this is to avoid overflow). The 0.75 was previously hardcoded, but is now a config max_subdose under section [dosing_automation.config] (default is still 0.75 ml).

Breaking changes

  • Changes to types.DosingProgram, now it requires an MQTT client. Usually this is automation.pub_client. This is to avoid a memory leak!

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an problem where an automation would not successfully end due to it being "blocked" by a while loop in the execute.
  • Fixed a memory leak in dosing control when the automation would pump many many times.


  • fix for exporting data from the UI


Breaking changes


  • Both "Target OD" and "Target nOD" displayed and editable in the UI.
  • Previously, if the LED channel was locked (most common when OD reading was running), then any changes to the LED intensity (via the UI) would be silently rejected. This is changed: we have added retry logic that will attempt to keep changing it a few more times (hopefully to avoid the lock)
  • Added some light form validation in the automations dialog in the UI.
  • New environment variable to skip loading plugins, SKIP_PLUGINS. Useful for debugging. Ex:
    SKIP_PLUGINS=1 pio run stirring
  • elements in the field array in automation yamls now can include a type option (numeric or string for now). Default is numeric if not specified.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix experiment profile validation error
  • The "Stop" button is always available now in the "Dosing" tab for "Manage all Pioreactors".
  • Fix for Ngrok remote access.
  • Fixed a race condition between starting an automation and not getting OD data in time.
  • The automation form in the UI for pid_morbidostat was missing volume, that's been added now.


  • No more waiting around for growth-rate-calculating to get to "Ready" state
  • The "Label" step in the New Experiment flow is skipped if there is only 1 active Pioreactor in the cluster.
  • Silenced the "LED is locked" warning - now it's a DEBUG level message.
  • Fixed bug that wasn't passing lists correctly in TopicToParserToTable
  • Faster boot times.
  • Faster UI load times by gzip-ing assets.
  • Fixed a bug where a plugin would not be loaded if it's name collided with a module in the stdlib. For example, putting in .pioreactor/plugins would not be loaded, since when we tried to import test, it would load the stdlib's test, not the local plugin. This has been fixed.
  • Simplify some UI elements.
  • Security improvements.
  • Reduce the default LED intensity in light_dark_cycle from 50% to 5%. This is more appropriate for sparse cultures.
  • Fixed a race condition when starting a hotspot with boot config.ini.
  • changed how is_HAT_present determine is the HAT is on the Pi. Previously, it used the i2c bus to check if the RP2040's firmware was active. This would fail if the HAT was present, but the firmware or i2c wasn't working. Now we check the EEPROM, which is a much more robust test.


  • fix bug in timeout in Stirrer.block_until_rpm_is_close_to_target that wasn't using time correctly.

  • Workers can now also be the local-access-point (aka the "router" in a network). Previously only leaders could.

  • Experiment profiles now support a log directive with some dynamic templating:

       - type: log
         hours_elapsed: 0.025
           message: "{job} increasing to 800 RPM" # alerts the message: "stirring increasing to 800 RPM"

    See full example here.

  • Experiment profiles now supports changing LEDs like any other job (i.e. they can use start, update and stop directives). See example here.

  • Experiment profile clean up. I think there are less bugs!

  • pio clear_cache now has an as_int option to look for ints - useful when clearing caches with ints as keys.

  • fix issue where if an extra config.ini was provided in the /boot dir before a worker startup, adding the worker to a cluster would fail due to a permission issue.

  • potential fix for RPi 3B and RPi Zeros not connecting to hotspots: change the proto to wpa in your config.ini on the Pioreactor with the local-access-point, and restart that Pioreactor. You config.ini should look like:


    Changing to WPA does weaken the security however! It's easier for unwanted users to get onto this wifi.

    A more robust solution is in the works for RPi 3B and Zeros.

  • Slight change to the API initialization of ADCReader. Take a look if you were using that class.


Bookworm release!

The Raspberry Pi Foundation provides new operating system every few years (built off of Debian's work). Earlier this month, they released RPi OS Bookworm. There are lots of nice changes, but the important details for us:

  • New Python version
  • New GPIO libraries
  • New local-access-point improvements

We strongly recommend you upgrade to this release. However, upgrading to this new operating system requires a full SD rewrite. See steps below on how to preserve and transfer your data.


With some other optimizations, we have significantly improved the performance and responsiveness of the Pioreactor software. You should notice things will feel snappier! For example, the command-line responsiveness is about 33% faster, which means actions from the the UI will start faster. Because of this new performance, we can even squeeze some more data into our algorithms and get improved accuracy.

Along with Python being faster, our database is also faster now => faster inserts, UI graphs, and data exports.

Export and import your existing data into a new image

Note: you don't need to do this. This is only if you want to move existing data to the new Pioreactor.

See instructions here.

Full Changelog

  • Replaced RPi.GPIO with lgpio
  • Python 3.9 is replaced by 3.11
  • Ability to choose the x-axis scale in the UI Overview: clock time, or elapsed time. Use (or add) time_display_mode under section [ui.overview.settings], with values clock_time or hours respectively.
  • Fixed bug that was not clearing OD blanks from the UI
  • dropped RaspAP for a native solution. The native solution is much simpler, and should show up faster than our RaspAP solution.
  • If your leader Raspberry Pi has an ethernet port, you can connect this into an internet-accessible router and give your cluster access to the internet!
  • Updated lots of our Python dependencies
  • Improved start up time by hiding dependencies
  • Added database table to track experiment profile starts.


Bug fixes

  • Web server was crashing on start! Solution was to upgrade flask.


Bug fixes

  • Fix bug that wasn't allowing for manual dosing / LED updates.
  • Fix bug that was disconnecting workers with using "stop all activity" in the UI when pumps were running.


  • pios update now has a --source parameter.


Bug fixes

  • Fix an OD calibration bug that would produce an extremely high value when the signal was below the minimum signal (the blank) during OD calibration.
  • IPv4 is really IPv4 now.


  • Adding ability to install plugins by name via the UI.
  • New tools to update Pioreactors on a local access point. More docs coming soon!
  • New turbidostat_targeting_od dosing automation. This is just like the existing turbidostat, but targets the raw OD instead of normalized OD. This is most useful post-OD calibration.
  • In the UI, the dosing automation "Turbidostat" has been renamed "Turbidostat Targeting nOD"


The previous change:

  • Base automations now subclass from pioreactor.automations.BaseAutomationJob. You may need to change custom automation imports from, for example, from pioreactor.automations import DosingAutomationJobContrib to from pioreactor.automations.dosing.base import DosingAutomationJobContrib

had an import error that we didn't see in testing. We changed this to:

  • Base automations now subclass from pioreactor.automations.base.AutomationJob.
  • Fix bug on /updates page.


  • When installing plugins, any leader-only commands would not be run. This is fixed.
  • Base automations now subclass from pioreactor.automations.BaseAutomationJob. You may need to change custom automation imports from, for example, from pioreactor.automations import DosingAutomationJobContrib to from pioreactor.automations.dosing.base import DosingAutomationJobContrib
  • Fixed bug that ignored .yml files in the UI.
  • Improvements to experiment profiles, both in the UI and in the backend. Executing now verifies common mistakes in experiment profiles before it runs.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause controllers to have a disconnected automation. #422
  • SPI is on by default on all new image installs
  • Plugin author information is presented on the /plugins page in the UI.


  • Pioreactor's IPv4 and hostname is now displayed under System in the UI.
  • In configuration, renamed section dosing_automation to dosing_automation.config (only applies to new installs). It's recommended for existing users to make this change, too.
  • new safety check that will stop automated dosing if vial liquid volume is above 18ml during dosing. This can be changed with max_volume_to_stop under [dosing_automation.config]
  • New configuration option waste_removal_multiplier to run the waste pump for a different multiplier (default 2), under [dosing_automation.config]
  • A warning will appear if the reference PD is measuring too much noise.
  • added another self-test test to confirm that an aturbid liquid in vial will produce a near 0 signal.
  • general improvements to self-test
  • New CLI command: pio clear-cache <cache> <key> to remove a key from a cache.
  • New CLI subcommand delete of pio run od_blank to remove the current experiment's blank values. This is also exposed in the UI.


  • Using builtin PID controller logic, instead of a 3rd party library. This shouldn't require any updates to PID code or parameters.
  • Better error handling when the PioreactorUI API can't be reached.
  • Some initial support for Basic Auth in the PioreactorUI
  • improved sensitivity of self-test test_REF_is_in_correct_position.
  • executing experiment profiles now checks for required plugins.
  • pio rm now asks for confirmation before executing.
  • Some minor noise reduction in OD reading job.
  • Plugins can be built with a flag file LEADER_ONLY to only be installed on the leader Pioreactor.
  • Stirring now pauses and restart during OD calibration. Thanks @odcambc!
  • Breaking: Light/Dark cycle LED automation uses minutes instead of hours now! Thanks @c-bun!



  • The UI now offers a way to upgrade to the bleeding-edge Pioreactor app and UI software, called "development". This software is unstable (and fun!).

Better thermostat

  • Improved temperature inference accuracy.
  • After some testing, we've found that the following set of PID parameters for temperature_automation.thermostat works better¹ than the previous set of parameters:

This set now ships with all new installations of Pioreactor software. Existing users can update their parameters in the config.ini

¹ Better == less thermal runaways, less sensitive to shocks, similar overshoot and settling time.

Everything else

  • On startup, the Raspberry Pi will write its IP address to a text file /boot/ip. This means that if you (carefully) remove the SD card, you should be able see the IP address (hopefully it hasn't changed).
  • Fixed source in BackgroundJobContrib - thanks @odcambc!
  • pio add-pioreactor will now accept an option that is the password of the RPi being added (default: raspberry). Ex: pio add-pioreactor worker1 -p mypass
  • Improved some warning and error messages.
  • Improved watchdog detecting and fixing "lost" Pioreactors.
  • Starting to test software against Python 3.11, in anticipation of a Python 3.11 coming to Raspberry Pi OS.
  • Improvements to bash scripts to make them more robust.
  • Adding pios rm <filepath> to remove a file across the cluster.
  • Adding -r option to pio update. Example: pio update <x> -r <repo> to install from a repo (default is Pioreactor's repos).
  • structs.ODCalibration has a new schema, inferred_od600s is now od600s. See pioreactor.structs.



  • Support for viewing, starting and stopping experiment profiles in the UI!
  • Adding manual dosing adjustment form under Dosing tab in the UI!

Everything else

  • New API for experiment profiles: pio run experiment_profile, with subcommands execute and verify. So what use to be pio run execute_experiment_profile <filename> is now: pio run experiment_profile execute <filename>. The verify subcommand is for checking the yaml file for errors.
  • new leader CLI command: pios cp <filepath> will move a file on your leader to the entire cluster. This is useful for distributing plugins and Python wheels across your workers.
  • plugins can now add and bash scripts.
  • added [stirring] option duration_between_updates_seconds to config, default is 23.0.
  • PIDMorbidostat has a configuration parameter [dosing_automation.pid_morbidostat].minimum_dosing_volume_ml (default 0.1). If a calculated volume to be dosed is less than this parameter, then it's set to 0.0 instead.
  • adding --manually flag to pump actions, ex: pio run add_media --ml 1 --manually. This doesn't run the pump, but still fires a dosing event, which downstream jobs listen to (ex: saves to database, will update metrics). See next change:


  • UX improvements to pio run pump_calibration
  • monitor is more robust, so as to give users better access to information instead of hard-failing.
  • monitor now checks for access to web service
  • monitor now checks the voltage on the PWM rail and will alert if falls to much. If not using the an AUX power supply, this is directly tied to the RPi's power supply.
  • monitor also publishes the read voltage as a published setting. This is available in the /pioreactor card under System in the UI.
  • sqlite3worker is now vendored in the core app. This means we can publish on PyPI.
  • improved systemctl start up.
  • added [dosing_automation] section to config.ini (existing users will have to add this manually), with an option pause_between_subdoses_seconds to control how long to wait between sub doses (these are the smaller doses that make up a larger dose, i.e. 0.5ml + 0.5ml = 1.0ml). Default is 5 seconds

Beta feature: Pioreactor experiment profiles

Also shipping this version is early support for experiment profiles. What are they? They are "scripts" that will start, stop, pause, resume, update jobs and actions without user interaction. They are defined with a yaml file, according to the following spec (subject to change):

For examples of yaml files, see the repo:

To use a profile, save the yaml file to your leader Pioreactor. Run it with pio run execute_experiment_profile <path_to_yaml>. Note that killing the execute_experiment_profile will only stop execution of upcoming actions, and won't stop any jobs that have already started from the profile.


  • improved detection of under-voltage, and power supply problems.
  • pumps will halt if a MQTT disconnect occurs. This is to prevent the edge case when pumps are running on a worker, but not controllable from the UI due to an MQTT disconnect.
  • improvements to backing up the SQLite3 database.
  • improvements to self-test "Reference photodiode is correct magnitude"

Bug fixes

  • fix bug in pio run od_calibration list


  • pio update app will default to installing the succeeding release of Pioreactor app, which may or may not be the latest. This is to ensure that no update script is skipped.
  • Added new "Past Experiments" page
  • Fix for "Reference photodiode is correct magnitude" self-test.


  • Job growth_rate_calculating will dynamically choose initial values for its internal statistics.
  • New entry in stirring section in config.ini: use_rpm (a boolean) can be used to engage or disengage the closed loop RPM system.
  • Calibration structs change timestamp -> created_at.
  • Backend work to complete calibrations utilities:
    • Edits to the calibrations table in the database require a full drop and recreation.
    • New API endpoints on the webserver to store calibrations, get calibrations, set as current, etc.
    • New CLI: pio run <x>_calibration publish will publish a calibration to the webserver


  • Python files in plugins/ folder on leader are viewable on the /plugins page in the UI.
  • Python files in plugins/ folder on leader are uninstallable (aka deleted) on the /plugins page in the UI.
  • pio uninstall-plugin will delete Python plugins in the .pioreactor/plugins/ dir if provided the python file name, sans .py.
  • pios reboot should now work for the leader.
  • Using the Pioreactor with an ethernet connection will provide the correct ip address.


  • files in ~/.pioreactor/plugins are now loaded lexographically. Previously it was up the the filesystem.
  • Performance improvements for PioreactorUI
  • Added new indexes to the SQLite database to improve read performance. This change will only impact new installs of Pioreactor.
  • Improvements in error handling when plugins can't load.

Bug fixes

  • fixed bug in adding new pioreactor not passing an avahi check.


  • Removed the scaling difference between hardware versions in OD Reading.
  • Moving some Python dependencies into this repo.
  • More error handling around hardware versions
  • fix self_test.test_ambient_light_interference test failing for HAT 1.1.


  • fix bug in ending experiments not cleaning up automations properly.


  • Performance improvements
  • Python dependencies for Pioreactor UI are now handled by this project.
  • Better initialization of jobs from UI
  • Version information now presented in UI
  • More support for HAT version 1.1
  • more Linux permission updates.
  • Refactor internal pumping code. There's more flexibility that allows for solving parts of #384. Including:
  • creating cleaning scripts
  • creating cycling scripts, that also respect the rates of specific pumps vs waste (so that you don't overflow if addition rate > removal rate)
  • Namely, new functions circulate_media and circulate_alt_media are introduced that will cycle both a pump and the waste pump simultaneously. The waste pump starts first and ends second.
  • removed the dosing automation continuous cycling. It was redundant, and a leftover from an old feature.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed pio kill <job> to actually kill a job
  • Fix for running PID morbidostat


Bug fixes

  • Fix "End experiment" killing all jobs.
  • Fix pio view-cache not working outside the home directory.
  • Fixes for hardware HAT version 1.1.
  • led_intensity cleans itself up better.


Bug fixes

  • Fix error in growth rate calculating job that prevented it from starting.


New features

  • Watchdog job now listens for new workers that join the network and are not part of the cluster. A NOTICE message is logged and sent to the UI.
  • Initial API support for adding more pumps to the Pioreactor. See docs here.
  • Time series charts are now able to be added the the UI via contrib folders. Put a yaml file under ~/.pioreactor/plugins/ui/contrib/charts. See examples here.
  • New roll-up table available to be exported from the UI: Pioreactor unit activity data roll-up. This is a rolled-up of Pioreactor unit activity data rolled up to every minute, so it should be about one order of magnitude less data versus the original table.

API changes

  • Pioreactor UI has a more RESTful API, so some internal urls have changed. See full new API here. UI version >= 23.2.0 required.
  • SummableList is replaced with SummableDict
  • execute_io_action returns a dictionary now (instead of a list).
  • Config: Removed daily_growth_rate from [ui.overview.settings]
  • Config: Added implied_daily_growth_rate under [ui.overview.charts]
  • Dropped pio run-always. Jobs just use pio run now.


  • Fix dosing_events table not be populated caused by an incorrect SQLite3 trigger.
  • Running a pump continuously will produce MQTT events with new timestamps (previously it was the same timestamp.)
  • Faster loading for some pages in Pioreactor UI
  • Fix for RaspAP not turning on when requested using local_access_point file
  • Caching in Pioreactor UI is improved.
  • systemd services should boot in an even better order
  • Bug fixes
  • New 64bit images are available on the CustoPiZer release page. Default is still 32bit until more testing can be done.


  • fix pio update bugs
  • new config for [logging] section, console_log_level which control which level of logging to show on the command line (does not effect logs in the database, or disk)
  • systemd services should boot in a better order
  • the latest experiment from the database is always the most recently inserted experiment, ignoring the created_at column (i.e. we use ROWID). This is to avoid cases where users change times (or use a local access point).
  • Fixes for fraction_of_volume_that_is_alternative_media chart in the UI


  • fix pio update bugs


  • early support for HATs with Pico hardware
  • new modules pioreactor.util.adcs and pioreactor.utils.dacs to abstract DACs and ADCs.
  • pio update has a new api: pio update app <options>, pio update ui <options>.
  • added version of UI & firmware to pio version -v
  • PioreactorUI has a different way to update, rather than using git. We now version the PioreactorUI, so it's easier to know if which version is being used.
  • pio update app now has a --version option to specify a version of the Pioreactor software.
  • pio update ui now has a --version option to specify a version of the Pioreactor UI.
  • power-saving improvements
  • image size optimizations
  • simplify logging, and avoid an eventual recursion error.
  • source in logging events is now correct.
  • experiment data is no longer published to MQTT. The source of truth is the db, via the web API.
  • correctly publish alt_media_fraction to MQTT in dosing jobs
  • dosing automations now keep track of vial volume, as attribute vial_volume. This is also published to MQTT.
  • corrections to how alt_media_fraction is calculated. It no longer assumes constant vial size, which was producing slightly incorrect results.
  • execute_io_action has been changed to add the same ratio of media and alt_media before removing liquid. This satisfies:
    1. If users asks to dose X, X will be dosed.
    2. Ratio between media and alt_media is constant between remove_waste actions.
    3. Not more than Y volume is added before liquid is removed. The catch is that if there is a lot of volume of one being added, and only a little of another, it's possible that accuracy of the latter one will be affected.
  • users can now provide the initial ratio of media to alt_media (not yet from the UI or config.ini).
  • users can specify, in their config.ini under section bioreactor, values max_volume_ml and initial_volume_ml. The former is used to provide the stable limit of volume (i.e. the position of the outflow tube determines this). The latter is how much volume is in the bioreactor initially. This is useful for users who wish to add medias manually.


  • fix for chemostat


  • Remove some errant debugging statements
  • Reduce MQTT's load on the leader by tuning the keepalive interval to something larger (for less sensitive connections).
  • pio reboot will now work on leader, but will happen last.
  • More strict msgspec Structs
  • fix od_blank error
  • Added a last will to actions that will fire if the action disconnects ungracefully.
  • Better handling of LED flashing from error codes.


  • Support latest HAT version 1.0
  • Serial number is available under pioreactor.version.serial_number
  • Serial number is also printed with pio version -v


  • Fixed config.ini not being update in the UI.
  • Fixed bug in adding worker to cluster
  • pio add-pioreactor now returns an error signal if the addition failed.
  • remove testing data from being added to database


  • Improvements to UI
  • Fix bug in leader's
  • Fix bug when temperature is changed too quickly in thermostat


  • PWM DC% changes are logged to MQTT under pioreactor/<unit>/<exp>/pwms/dc as a JSON value (similar to LED intensities).
  • The pioreactor cards in the UI display the PWM DC %.
  • user defined callbacks in ODReader have changed to be bound methods on the class (hence, you can use self in the callback.)
  • New SQL table pwm_dcs.
  • Performance improvements to the UI
  • Adding authentication on mosquitto, the MQTT broker running on leader.


  • Replace dbm with disk-cache in core. Benefits: makes storing types easier, comparable performance to dbm, promises of process-safety and thread-safety, align all datastores to sqlite3.
  • Some caching in the UI now for common API calls.
  • Improvements to UI


  • Fixes for UI
  • Smoother transitions in UI
  • new ENV variable LOCAL_ACCESS_POINT that represents if local access point is online


  • Fix bug in UI that wasn't letting users update software
  • during pio update --app, we now check for additional files in the github release that are to be executed. This provides a path of upgrading non-Python things.
  • Improvements to PioreactorUI


  • Removing parent from BackgroundSubJob
  • Make thermostat heuristic slightly better
  • fix bug in OD Calibration
  • If the ADC has an offset (due to hardware, or ambient light), it will now be removed from all inputs before being processed in OD Readings.


  • Fix bug where users are not able to start a job.
  • Revisit pump and od calibrations. Some changes to the CLI.
  • Some improvements to stirring calibration.
  • Fix stirring calibration not responding in the UI
  • Fix uninstall plugin bug
  • Fix booleans not showing correctly in the PioreactorUI


  • removed the dbm storage pio_jobs_running. Instead, each job will write metadata about its currently running state to the (tmp) file job_metadata_<job_name>. This fixes issue #350.
  • Fixed UI issue where specific configs weren't being saved.


  • no-op release


  • no-op release


  • BackgroundJobWithDodging now looks for the config.ini section [<job_name>.config].


  • New API for adding SQL tables via plugins, and for registering MQTT -> DB parsers.
  • New topic for experiment name in MQTT: pioreactor/latest_experiment/experiment.
  • New topic for experiment timestamp in MQTT: pioreactor/latest_experiment/created_at.
  • stable renamed to thermostat
  • new callback API for pushing the HAT button down, see Monitor class.


  • improve reliability of self-test test_REF_is_in_correct_position
  • improve the early OD reading signal behaviour.
  • new API on jobs for job_name (class level now)


  • The SQL triggers were not added to the images, so pioreactor_unit_activity_data was never populated. This is fixed.
  • New web server backend. Went from js/Node to python (Flask)/lighttp.
  • Export datasets now cleans up its csvs.


  • Bug fixes


  • temperature automation silent is now only_record_temperature.
  • using new official RPi image from 2022-09-06 as a source image.
  • Bug fixes


  • added subcommands display_current, change_current, list to pump calibration
  • Pump calibration follows the same format as LED calibrations. Current calibrations can be replaced with previous.
  • Adding calibration curves to calibrations' display_current
  • pio run export_experiment_data now has an flag argument to partition csvs by unit.
  • pump calibrations are now keyed by media, waste, alt_media in storage current_pump_calibrations
  • Dosing automation have access to latest_od now.
  • Bump plotext.


  • local_ac_hz is now optional
  • maybe fix bugs for local AP
  • add retries for button detection


  • Stirring now has the ability to restart itself if it detects it has stalled.
  • od_normalization has been removed. Instead, there is a small routine od_statistics that is called by both od_blank and growth_rate_calculating. The latter also now stores the required od statistics to storage (previous it was the od_normalization job).
  • The LEDs in the pioreactor have been moved up 0.5mm.
  • Error-handling and user improvements to pump_calibration.
  • pid_turbidostat was removed, replaced with the simpler turbidostat.
  • Adding new table pioreactor_unit_activity_data that makes analysis much easier.
  • Adding new table calibrations.
  • New action od_calibration that easily allows you to add an OD600 calibration to your pioreactor. See docs:
  • paramiko library is no longer a dependency
  • in growth_rate_calculating job, kalman_filter_outputs is now included in published_settings
  • Fix bug that wasn't saving automation events to the database.
  • new function voltage_in_aux that measures what voltage is in the AUX.
  • od_readings_raw db table renamed to od_readings
  • od_readings_raw.od_reading_v renamed to od_readings
  • Changes to structs.ODReadings and structs.ODReading
  • Changes to where job od_reading publishes data in MQTT: now .../od_reading/ods/ and .../od_reading/od/<channel>
  • Rename latest_od property in all automations to latest_normalized_od. Later we will introduce latest_od which refers to data directly from od_reading job.
  • turbidostat automation now accepts target_normalized_od instead of target_od. Likewise for pid_morbidostat.
  • new config option under od_config: use_calibration is a boolean to ask the od_reading job to use the current calibration or not.
  • PIDTurbidostat automation has been nuked completely.
  • New base background job, BackgroundJobWithDodging, that makes it easy to change an action during od reading


  • Subtle changes to how jobs disconnect and clean up. job.set_state("disconnected") won't clean up connections to loggers, MQTT, etc, but will signal to the app that it's no longer available to use.
  • In config.ini, ir_intensity -> ir_led_intensity
  • caches that keep state (like led_locks) now use absence and presence to determine state, instead of specific value in the cache.
  • network.inventory -> cluster.inventory
  • network.topology -> cluster.topology
  • sql table experiments.timestamp -> experiments.created_at
  • sql table pioreactor_unit_labels has new column created_at
  • Added TMPDIR the env variables, which points to /tmp/
  • Aided development on Windows machines
  • Added new LED automation: light_dark_cycle. This allows for LEDs to follow a day/night cycle, at a specific LED intensity.
  • Leader now accesses other machines always using the .local TLD.
  • New config option local_ac_hz
  • New self-test routine that checks if the REF is in the correct PD channel.
  • IR REF now uses a moving average of the first few values, instead of only the initial value. This produces much more accurate normalization values.


  • You can now edit the config.ini without having to boot a Pioreactor. By adding a file called config.ini to the boot folder when the SD card is interested in a computer, the /boot/config.ini will be merged with the Pioreactor's config.ini. This is useful for changing settings before ever starting up your Pioreactor for the first time. See below.
  • config.ini is now the place where the local-access-point's SSID and passphrase are stored.
  • new pio command on leader: pio discover-workers returns a list of workers on the network (may be a superset of inventory in the config.ini)
  • new pios command on leader: pios reboot. Reboots all active workers in the cluster.
  • self-test tests run in parallel
  • Adding NOTICE log level, which will appear in the UI.
  • New schemas for kalman_filter_outputs and od_blanks tables in the db.


  • table led_events is renamed to led_change_events
  • automation events returned from execute are published to MQTT under the published setting latest_event
  • new tables led_automation_events, dosing_automation_events, temperature_automation_events
  • renamed to The have a second kwarg that accepts a dict of data (must be json-serializable).
  • new leader command pios reboot: reboot RPis on the network, optionally specific ones with --unit flag.
  • new CLI tool: pio log -m <message> which will post a message to the pioreactors logs (everywhere). Example: this is used internally after systemd finish to log to our system.


  • Added ability to add callbacks to ODReader. See add_pre_read_callback and add_post_read_callback.
  • Fix bug associated with user changes.
  • pio logs no longer uses MQTT. Also, it now prints their entire log file.
  • BETA: testing shipping with access-point capabilities. See docs.


  • Fix bug associated with user changes.


  • store more experiment metadata, like strain and media, in the database.
  • adding temporary labels of Pioreactors into the database in pioreactor_unit_labels table
  • renaming some tables, alt_media_fraction -> alt_media_fractions, ir_led_intensity -> ir_led_intensities
  • pumps now throw a CalibrationError exception if their calibration is not defined.
  • default user is no longer pi. It is now pioreactor. Any coded paths like /home/pi/ should be updated to home/pioreactor/.
  • new image metadata file added to home/pioreactor/.pioreactor/.image_metadata


  • fixed memory leak in MQTT connections
  • better clean up after a job disconnects
  • If the temperature of the heating PCB gets too high, the automation switches to Silent (previously it did not switch at all.)
  • "datatype" field in published_settings is now used to cast before being given to set_* methods.
  • Internally, the repo uses the msgspec library for complex MQTT message validation. This also introduces the pioreactor.structs module which details the structure of the messages.
  • Name change: DosingAutomation -> DosingAutomationJob, TemperatureAutomation -> TemperatureAutomationJob, LEDAutomation -> LEDAutomationJob.
  • New json-encoded datatype for changing automations over MQTT: see pioreactor.struct.Automation
  • pio run led_intensity has new API: use the flags, ex: --A 10.0, to set the intensities on different channels.
  • pioreactor.actions.led_intensity has a new API that accepts the desired state as a dict.
  • pump actions are now under pioreactor.actions.pump instead of their own files.


  • Added more error codes for the ADC, network issues, and high temperature
  • Reduce chance of running multiple growth_rate_calculating jobs
  • Custom exceptions thrown in the Python software.
  • New checks for HAT being present, and Heating PCB being present, before a job is run (if required in the job).
  • QOL improvements to stirring calibration
  • Calibrations now store the data locally, alongside the calibration results, in the local storage.
  • New API in DosingController to add custom pumps
  • Some job_names are disallowed to avoid MQTT conflicts
  • ADCReader now will estimate the local AC hertz to get a better OD reading signal.
  • Custom Python exceptions were introduced.
  • pioreactor.hardware_mappings is renamed to pioreactor.hardware
  • New is_HAT_present and is_heating_pcb_present functions
  • ErrorCodes is gone - use global variables in error_codes
  • Adding logic for 180° sensor to growth_rate_calculating
  • Pumps now have a state broadcast to MQTT, and thus can be "disconnected" over MQTT.
  • Improved the response time of stopping pumps from the web UI.


  • improved temperature-recording frequency (10m to 4m)
  • removed the PWM's DC maximum on the heating output.
  • New pioreactor.version.hardware_verion which reads from the HAT's EEPROM which version of board is being used.
  • removed PD channels 3 & 4.
  • angle column in od_readings_raw table in database is now an integer.


  • pid_stable automation renamed to stable
  • jobs can now publish to pioreactor/<unit>/+/monitor/flicker_led_with_error_code/<error code> to have the LED flash a specific error code.
  • fixed errors raised when not able to connect to leader's MQTT
  • improvements to error handling in monitor job.
  • replaced turn_off_leds_temporarily with the more useful and more general change_leds_intensities_temporarily
  • UX improvements to the pump_calibration action
  • improving *-Controller jobs:
    • automation is now a dict attribute (json in MQTT)
    • automation_name is a new published_setting, with string. This is what is read from the UI.
    • CLI has a slightly changed API to pick the automation
  • pio_jobs_running renamed to pio_processes_running


  • a version cut to test building images


  • too much to list


  • New plugin architecture
  • New database tables: od_reading_statistics, stirring_rates
  • New pio commands: install-plugin, uninstall-plugins
  • improvements to continous_cycle dosing automation.
  • hardware based PWM available on pins 1 & 3.


  • IR LED now turns off between OD readings. This allows other LEDs to trigger and take readings.
  • Removed leader jobs time_series_aggregating and log_aggregating
  • logs table in database has more metadata
  • New Kalman filter algorithm that includes an acceleration term
  • New database table, kalman_filter_outputs, stores the output of the internal Kalman Filter.
  • workers report back to leader additional system information including available memory and CPU usage.
  • Added new temperature control and temperature automations for this app and to the UI.
  • Added undervoltage alerts to logging
  • Added initial version of a plugin system
  • pio run-always for jobs not tied to an experiment (monitor, watchdog, etc.)
  • faster database backup sync between Pioreactors
  • Ability to measure your blank vials is available using the pio run od_blank, and in the UI under "Calibrate"
  • Smarter algorithm for displaying time series in the UI
  • Log table only shows the past 24 hours of events.


  • new dosing automation: continous_cycle. Designed for using the Pioreactor as an inline sensor.
  • stirring can now be dynamically adjusted between OD readings, for improved mixing (and hence more oxygen transfer). See settings in UI.
  • custom timezone support is added in config.ini
  • download_experiment_data is now called export_experiment_data - this has been updated on the UI as well.
  • unpausing stirring will return the rate to the previous value, not necessarily the default value.


  • fix GPIO mappings
  • fix keyboard interrupts in pump actions
  • fix race conditions in MQTT disconnects
  • fixed a bug where a job's state would change to lost when another job (of the same type) would try to start.
  • in ADCReader, changed from windowed moving average to exp. moving average to be more sensitive to recent changes in signal.
  • Growth rate calculating is a bit more robust to i) users pausing the job to inspect the vial, and ii) to changing the stirring speed.
  • mDNS alias is now configurable via the config.ini, so users could have multiple clusters without domain aliases colliding in the DNS.
  • fixed GPIO mappings for PWM Amplifiers
  • inventory in config.ini is now called cluster.inventory
  • ui.overview.rename in config.ini is now called ui.rename


  • fixed reconnect issues when leader went offline and then online
  • pausing dosing_control now pauses sub jobs dosing_automation
  • renamed _algorithm to _automation everywhere.
  • ADC measurements are now run at exact time intervals (previously there was some drift). The adc job now publishes metadata about it's recording times.
  • Improved error handling in od_reading


  • The logs table in the database now contains, by default, all the DEBUG and up logs from all Pioreactors. It also has a new column to denote the software source of the log. A separate topic is now set up for the logging in the UI.
  • pioreactor.local is now the default URL of the PioreactorUI.
  • on Pioreactor install, a seed experiment is created so users aren't dropped into a "blank" UI.
  • pubsub.subscribe_and_callback can now filter retained messages.
  • "algorithms" is now called "automations" throughout
  • reduced the number of threads per job
  • new topic for raw ADC measurements: pioreactor/<unit>/<experiment>/adc/<channel>
  • improved MQTT QOS for important jobs


  • pios sync is now pios upgrade.
  • pio upgrade requires flags: --app and / or --ui to upgrade the PioreactorApp and PioreactorUI respectively.


  • new SQL tables: led_events, led_algorithm_settings
  • dosing_algorithm_settings has a new schema: a json blob to represent any editable settings.
  • new pio command: pio run led_intensity, ex: pio run led_intensity --channel B intensity 50
  • new pio command: pio update will update the software to the latest code on Github (later will be latest released version), and if possible, update the UI code as well.
  • new library dependency DAC43608 that supports our LED driver.
  • config.ini now has abstracted any RaspberryPi pins: we only refer to the PCB labels now in config.ini
  • pio kill can accept multiple jobs, ex: pio kill stirring od_reading