The main development and design discussion happens on our mailing lists. We have a list specifically for development, and one for future user questions and feedback.
To join in the discussion on the design and roadmap, you can send an email to
You can subscribe to the list by sending an email to
You can also browse the archives online at
We also have:
You should be able to install Apache Kibble by simply doing:
pip install -e ."[devel]"
The easiest option to spin up a development environment is to use our development docker-compose. The development image has mounted all Kibble sources so all your local code changes will be automatically reflected in the running app.
First you need to configure the Elasticsearch node:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yaml up setup
Once you see the
setup_1 | All done, Kibble now :)
Now you can can launch Apache Kibble ui:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yaml up ui
The ui should be available under
or http://localhost:8000
. To log in you can use
the dummy admin account admin@kibble
and password kibbleAdmin
You can also start only the API server:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yaml up kibble
Apache Kibble project is using pre-commits to ensure the quality of the code. We encourage you to use pre-commits, but it's not required in order to contribute. Every change is checked on CI and if it does not pass the tests it cannot be accepted. If you want to check locally then you should install Python3.6 or newer together and run:
pip install pre-commit
# or
brew install pre-commit
For more installation options visit the pre-commits.
To turn on pre-commit checks for commit operations in git, run:
pre-commit install
To run all checks on your staged files, run:
pre-commit run
To run all checks on all files, run:
pre-commit run --all-files