- Bump mocha from 10.8.2 to 11.0.1 (#116) (thanks @dependabot[bot])
- fix toHTML length check (thanks @extremeheat)
- Handle big and deep messages (#107) (thanks @extremeheat)
- 1.20.3 nbt chat handling (#103) (thanks @extremeheat)
- use Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call instead of Object.hasOwn (#101) (thanks @extremeheat)
- Fix unsafe object lookups (#99) (thanks @extremeheat)
- Add command gh workflow allowing to use release command in comments (#98) (thanks @rom1504)
- Update to node 18 (#96) (thanks @rom1504)
- Fix potential issue in toHTML (#95) (thanks @extremeheat)
- Add html generator (#94) (thanks @extremeheat)
- Better translation handling (@ChipmunkMC)
- Allow specifying which ANSI formatting codes to use (@GhqstMC)
- Added a missing type in the loader (@Jarco-dev)
- Fix broken type definitions (@IceTank) #81
- Fix release
- Support 1.19 client side message formatting (@extremeheat)
- Fix motd color codes bleeding through their with block (@U9g)
- Update mcdata
- Added number type to getText()'s idx argument
- Remove resets on empty strings
- allow ChatMessage constructor to accept strings with legacy color codes (§) be converted to new json
- Remake ChatMessage#clone (@u9g)
- Add a example (@u9g)
- Add hex color code support (@U5B)
- use rest arg to allow many withs or extras (@u9g)
- Add missing json attribute to typescript defintions (@Paulomart & @u9g)
- fix typings
- Properly export loader function and export ChatMessage & MessageBuilder as types
- export ChatMessage object in typings
- add typings (@Gjum)
- Added fromNotch() (@u9g)
- Add support for array chat messages (@mat-1)
- Added MessageBuilder (@u9g)
- Added clone() and append() (@builder-247)
- update mojangson to 2.0.0 (@u9g)
- Add trailing color reset to .toAnsi() (@DrMoraschi)
- by default hide warnings
- ignore mojangson parsing error
- make lang option in toAnsi optional
- initial implementation
- extracted from mineflayer