We welcome and appreciate contributions to the Project Discord repository. By contributing, you help improve the bots and make them more valuable for the community. Please take a moment to review these guidelines before making a contribution.
You can contribute to the Project Discord repository in the following ways:
- Bug Fixes: Help identify and fix bugs in the existing codebase.
- Feature Enhancements: Add new features or improve existing functionality.
- Documentation: Enhance the project's documentation to provide better guidance and clarity.
- Code Optimization: Optimize existing code for better performance or efficiency.
- Testing: Improve test coverage and ensure the stability of the bots.
- Translations: Provide translations for the project's documentation or user-facing messages.
- Community Support: Help address issues, answer questions, and provide support to other contributors and users.
If you have any other ideas or suggestions not listed above, feel free to propose them. We appreciate creativity and innovation!
To contribute to Project Discord, follow these steps:
- Fork the Project Discord repository to your GitHub account.
- Create a new branch for your contribution:
git checkout -b my-contribution
. - Make your desired changes or additions.
- Test your changes to ensure they work as intended.
- Commit your changes:
git commit -m "Add my contribution"
. - Push the changes to your forked repository:
git push origin my-contribution
. - Open a pull request in the main Project Discord repository, describing your changes and their purpose.
To maintain a cohesive and productive development environment, please adhere to the following guidelines:
- Code Style: Follow the existing code style and conventions used in the project.
- Documentation: Provide clear and concise documentation for any new features or changes.
- Testing: If applicable, include tests to ensure the stability and correctness of your contribution.
- Commit Messages: Write clear and descriptive commit messages that explain the purpose of your changes.
- Pull Request: Provide a comprehensive description of your contribution in the pull request, outlining its purpose and any relevant information.
We follow a Code of Conduct to ensure a respectful and inclusive community. Please read and adhere to it in all your interactions and contributions.
By contributing to the Project Discord repository, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the MIT License as specified in the LICENSE file.
Thank you for considering contributing to Project Discord! Your efforts are greatly appreciated, and we look forward to your contributions.