use super::DocBuilder; use super::crates::crates_from_path; use super::metadata::Metadata; use utils::{get_package, source_path, copy_doc_dir, update_sources, parse_rustc_version, command_result}; use db::{connect_db, add_package_into_database, add_build_into_database, add_path_into_database}; use cargo::core::Package; use cargo::util::CargoResultExt; use std::process::Command; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::fs::remove_dir_all; use postgres::Connection; use rustc_serialize::json::{Json, ToJson}; use error::Result; /// List of targets supported by const TARGETS: [&'static str; 6] = [ "i686-apple-darwin", "i686-pc-windows-msvc", "i686-unknown-linux-gnu", "x86_64-apple-darwin", "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc", "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" ]; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ChrootBuilderResult { pub output: String, pub build_success: bool, pub have_doc: bool, pub have_examples: bool, pub rustc_version: String, pub cratesfyi_version: String, } impl DocBuilder { /// Builds every package documentation in chroot environment pub fn build_world(&mut self) -> Result<()> { try!(update_sources()); let mut count = 0; crates(self.options.crates_io_index_path.clone(), |name, version| { match self.build_package(name, version) { Ok(status) => { count += 1; if status && count % 10 == 0 { let _ = self.save_cache(); } } Err(err) => warn!("Failed to build package {}-{}: {}", name, version, err), } self.cache.insert(format!("{}-{}", name, version)); }) } /// Builds package documentation in chroot environment and adds into cratesfyi database pub fn build_package(&mut self, name: &str, version: &str) -> Result<bool> { // Skip crates according to options if (self.options.skip_if_log_exists && self.cache.contains(&format!("{}-{}", name, version)[..])) || (self.options.skip_if_exists && self.db_cache.contains(&format!("{}-{}", name, version)[..])) { return Ok(false); } info!("Building package {}-{}", name, version); // Start with clean documentation directory try!(self.remove_build_dir()); // Database connection let conn = try!(connect_db()); // get_package (and cargo) is using semver, add '=' in front of version. let pkg = try!(get_package(name, Some(&format!("={}", version)[..]))); let metadata = Metadata::from_package(&pkg)?; let res = self.build_package_in_chroot(&pkg, metadata.default_target.clone()); // copy sources and documentation let file_list = try!(self.add_sources_into_database(&conn, &pkg)); let successfully_targets = if res.have_doc { try!(self.copy_documentation(&pkg, &res.rustc_version, metadata.default_target.as_ref().map(String::as_str), true)); let successfully_targets = self.build_package_for_all_targets(&pkg); for target in &successfully_targets { try!(self.copy_documentation(&pkg, &res.rustc_version, Some(target), false)); } try!(self.add_documentation_into_database(&conn, &pkg)); successfully_targets } else { Vec::new() }; let release_id = try!(add_package_into_database(&conn, &pkg, &res, Some(file_list), successfully_targets)); try!(add_build_into_database(&conn, &release_id, &res)); // remove documentation, source and build directory after we are done try!(self.clean(&pkg)); // add package into build cache self.cache.insert(format!("{}-{}", name, version)); Ok(res.build_success) } /// Builds documentation of a package with cratesfyi in chroot environment fn build_package_in_chroot(&self, package: &Package, default_target: Option<String>) -> ChrootBuilderResult { debug!("Building package in chroot"); let (rustc_version, cratesfyi_version) = self.get_versions(); let cmd = format!("cratesfyi doc {} ={} {}", package.manifest().name(), package.manifest().version(), default_target.as_ref().unwrap_or(&"".to_string())); match self.chroot_command(cmd) { Ok(o) => { ChrootBuilderResult { output: o, build_success: true, have_doc: self.have_documentation(&package, default_target), have_examples: self.have_examples(&package), rustc_version: rustc_version, cratesfyi_version: cratesfyi_version, } } Err(e) => { ChrootBuilderResult { output: e.to_string(), build_success: false, have_doc: false, have_examples: self.have_examples(&package), rustc_version: rustc_version, cratesfyi_version: cratesfyi_version, } } } } /// Builds documentation of crate for every target and returns Vec of successfully targets fn build_package_for_all_targets(&self, package: &Package) -> Vec<String> { let mut successfuly_targets = Vec::new(); for target in TARGETS.iter() { debug!("Building {} for {}", canonical_name(&package), target); let cmd = format!("cratesfyi doc {} ={} {}", package.manifest().name(), package.manifest().version(), target); if let Ok(_) = self.chroot_command(cmd) { // Cargo is not giving any error and not generating documentation of some crates // when we use a target compile options. Check documentation exists before // adding target to successfully_targets. // FIXME: Need to figure out why some docs are not generated with target option let target_doc_path = PathBuf::from(&self.options.chroot_path) .join("home") .join(&self.options.chroot_user) .join("cratesfyi") .join(&target) .join("doc"); if target_doc_path.exists() { successfuly_targets.push(target.to_string()); } } } successfuly_targets } /// Copies documentation to destination directory fn copy_documentation(&self, package: &Package, rustc_version: &str, target: Option<&str>, is_default_target: bool) -> Result<()> { let mut crate_doc_path = PathBuf::from(&self.options.chroot_path) .join("home") .join(&self.options.chroot_user) .join("cratesfyi"); // docs are available in cratesfyi/$TARGET when target is being used if let Some(target) = target { crate_doc_path.push(target); } let mut destination = PathBuf::from(&self.options.destination) .join(format!("{}/{}", package.manifest().name(), package.manifest().version())); // only add target name to destination directory when we are copying a non-default target. // this is allowing us to host documents in the root of the crate documentation directory. // for example winapi will be available in$version/winapi/ for it's // default target: x86_64-pc-windows-msvc. But since it will be built under // cratesfyi/x86_64-pc-windows-msvc we still need target in this function. if !is_default_target { if let Some(target) = target { destination.push(target); } } copy_doc_dir(crate_doc_path, destination, parse_rustc_version(rustc_version)?.trim()) } /// Removes build directory of a package in chroot fn remove_build_dir(&self) -> Result<()> { let crate_doc_path = PathBuf::from(&self.options.chroot_path) .join("home") .join(&self.options.chroot_user) .join("cratesfyi") .join("doc"); let _ = remove_dir_all(crate_doc_path); for target in TARGETS.iter() { let crate_doc_path = PathBuf::from(&self.options.chroot_path) .join("home") .join(&self.options.chroot_user) .join("cratesfyi") .join(target) .join("doc"); let _ = remove_dir_all(crate_doc_path); } Ok(()) } /// Remove documentation, build directory and sources directory of a package fn clean(&self, package: &Package) -> Result<()> { debug!("Cleaning package"); use std::fs::remove_dir_all; let documentation_path = PathBuf::from(&self.options.destination) .join(package.manifest().name().as_str()); let source_path = source_path(&package).unwrap(); // Some crates don't have documentation, so we don't care if removing_dir_all fails let _ = self.remove_build_dir(); let _ = remove_dir_all(documentation_path); let _ = remove_dir_all(source_path); Ok(()) } /// Runs a command in a chroot environment fn chroot_command<T: AsRef<str>>(&self, cmd: T) -> Result<String> { command_result(Command::new("sudo") .arg("lxc-attach") .arg("-n") .arg(&self.options.container_name) .arg("--") .arg("su") .arg("-") .arg(&self.options.chroot_user) .arg("-c") .arg(cmd.as_ref()) .output() .unwrap()) } /// Checks a package build directory to determine if package have docs /// /// This function is checking first target in targets to see if documentation exists for a /// crate. Package must be successfully built in chroot environment first. fn have_documentation(&self, package: &Package, default_target: Option<String>) -> bool { let mut crate_doc_path = PathBuf::from(&self.options.chroot_path) .join("home") .join(&self.options.chroot_user) .join("cratesfyi"); if let Some(default_doc_path) = default_target { crate_doc_path.push(default_doc_path); } crate_doc_path.push("doc"); crate_doc_path.push(package.targets()[0].name().replace("-", "_").to_string()); crate_doc_path.exists() } /// Checks if package have examples fn have_examples(&self, package: &Package) -> bool { let path = source_path(&package).unwrap().join("examples"); path.exists() && path.is_dir() } /// Gets rustc and cratesfyi version from chroot environment pub fn get_versions(&self) -> (String, String) { // It is safe to use expect here // chroot environment must always have rustc and cratesfyi installed (String::from(self.chroot_command("rustc --version") .expect("Failed to get rustc version") .trim()), String::from(self.chroot_command("cratesfyi --version") .expect("Failed to get cratesfyi version") .trim())) } /// Adds sources into database fn add_sources_into_database(&self, conn: &Connection, package: &Package) -> Result<Json> { debug!("Adding sources into database"); let prefix = format!("sources/{}/{}", package.manifest().name(), package.manifest().version()); add_path_into_database(conn, &prefix, source_path(&package).unwrap()) } /// Adds documentations into database fn add_documentation_into_database(&self, conn: &Connection, package: &Package) -> Result<Json> { debug!("Adding documentation into database"); let prefix = format!("rustdoc/{}/{}", package.manifest().name(), package.manifest().version()); let crate_doc_path = PathBuf::from(&self.options.destination).join(format!("{}/{}", package.manifest().name(), package.manifest().version())); add_path_into_database(conn, &prefix, crate_doc_path) } /// This function will build an empty crate and will add essential documentation files. /// /// It is required to run after every rustc update. cratesfyi is not keeping this files /// for every crate to avoid duplications. /// /// List of the files: /// /// * rustdoc.css (with rustc version) /// * main.css (with rustc version) /// * main.js (with rustc version) /// * jquery.js (with rustc version) /// * playpen.js (with rustc version) /// * normalize.css /// * FiraSans-Medium.woff /// * FiraSans-Regular.woff /// * Heuristica-Italic.woff /// * SourceCodePro-Regular.woff /// * SourceCodePro-Semibold.woff /// * SourceSerifPro-Bold.woff /// * SourceSerifPro-Regular.woff pub fn add_essential_files(&self) -> Result<()> { use std::fs::{copy, create_dir_all}; // acme-client-0.0.0 is an empty library crate and it will always build let pkg = try!(get_package("acme-client", Some("=0.0.0"))); let res = self.build_package_in_chroot(&pkg, None); let rustc_version = parse_rustc_version(&res.rustc_version)?; if !res.build_success { return Err(format_err!("Failed to build empty crate for: {}", res.rustc_version)); } info!("Copying essential files for: {}", res.rustc_version); let files = (// files require rustc version subfix ["brush.svg", "wheel.svg", "down-arrow.svg", "dark.css", "light.css", "main.js", "normalize.css", "rustdoc.css", "settings.css", "storage.js", "theme.js", "source-script.js", "noscript.css"], // files doesn't require rustc version subfix ["FiraSans-Medium.woff", "FiraSans-Regular.woff", "Heuristica-Italic.woff", "SourceCodePro-Regular.woff", "SourceCodePro-Semibold.woff", "SourceSerifPro-Bold.woff", "SourceSerifPro-Regular.woff"]); let source = PathBuf::from(&self.options.chroot_path) .join("home") .join(&self.options.chroot_user) .join("cratesfyi") .join("doc"); // use copy_documentation destination directory so self.clean can remove it when // we are done let destination = PathBuf::from(&self.options.destination) .join(format!("{}/{}", pkg.manifest().name(), pkg.manifest().version())); try!(create_dir_all(&destination)); for file in files.0.iter() { let spl: Vec<&str> = file.split('.').collect(); let file_name = format!("{}-{}.{}", spl[0], rustc_version, spl[1]); let source_path = source.join(&file_name); let destination_path = destination.join(&file_name); try!(copy(&source_path, &destination_path) .chain_err(|| format!("couldn't copy '{}' to '{}'", source_path.display(), destination_path.display()))); } for file in files.1.iter() { let source_path = source.join(file); let destination_path = destination.join(file); try!(copy(&source_path, &destination_path) .chain_err(|| format!("couldn't copy '{}' to '{}'", source_path.display(), destination_path.display()))); } let conn = try!(connect_db()); try!(add_path_into_database(&conn, "", destination)); try!(self.clean(&pkg)); let (vers, _) = self.get_versions(); try!(conn.query("INSERT INTO config (name, value) VALUES ('rustc_version', $1)", &[&vers.to_json()]) .or_else(|_| { conn.query("UPDATE config SET value = $1 WHERE name = 'rustc_version'", &[&vers.to_json()]) })); Ok(()) } } /// Returns canonical name of a package. /// /// It's just package-version. All directory structure used in cratesfyi is /// following this naming scheme. fn canonical_name(package: &Package) -> String { format!("{}-{}", package.manifest().name(), package.manifest().version()) } /// Runs `func` with the all crates from crates-io.index repository path. /// /// First argument of func is the name of crate and /// second argument is the version of crate. Func will be run for every crate. fn crates<F>(path: PathBuf, mut func: F) -> Result<()> where F: FnMut(&str, &str) -> () { crates_from_path(&path, &mut func) } #[cfg(test)] mod test { extern crate env_logger; use std::path::PathBuf; use {DocBuilder, DocBuilderOptions}; #[test] #[ignore] fn test_build_world() { let _ = env_logger::try_init(); let options = DocBuilderOptions::from_prefix(PathBuf::from("../cratesfyi-prefix")); let mut docbuilder = DocBuilder::new(options); // This test is building WHOLE WORLD and may take forever assert!(docbuilder.build_world().is_ok()); } #[test] #[ignore] fn test_build_package() { let _ = env_logger::try_init(); let options = DocBuilderOptions::from_prefix(PathBuf::from("../cratesfyi-prefix")); let mut docbuilder = DocBuilder::new(options); let res = docbuilder.build_package("rand", "0.3.14"); assert!(res.is_ok()); } #[test] #[ignore] fn test_add_essential_files() { let _ = env_logger::try_init(); let options = DocBuilderOptions::from_prefix(PathBuf::from("../cratesfyi-prefix")); let docbuilder = DocBuilder::new(options); docbuilder.add_essential_files().unwrap(); } }