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Safari Converter

This is a library that provides a compatibility layer between AdGuard filtering rules and Safari content blocking rules.


The main purpose of this project is converting AdGuard rules into the format that Safari can understand.

Here's a simple example of how it works.

  • AdGuard rule:

  • Safari rule that does the same:

      "action": {
        "type": "block"
      "trigger": {
        "load-type": [
        "url-filter": "^[htpsw]+:\\\/\\\/([a-z0-9-]+\\.)?test\\.com([\\\/:&\\?].*)?$"

Note, that not every rule can be supported natively so there's also a concept of "advanced rules", the rules that have to be interpreted by a separate extension, either a WebExtension, or a Safari App Extension.

Using as a library

    let result: ConversionResult = ContentBlockerConverter().convertArray(
        rules: lines,
        safariVersion: SafariVersion(18.1),
        optimize: false,
        advancedBlocking: true,
        advancedBlockingFormat: .txt,
        maxJsonSizeBytes: nil,
        progress: nil

convertArray() parameters

  • rules: [String] - array of AdGuard rules to convert.

  • safariVersion: SafariVersion - for which the conversion should be done. The minimum supported version if 13. Depending on the version the result may be different, newer Safari versions add more capabilities.

    Depending on SafariVersion the converter also will limit the number of entries in JSON. Safari 15 supports up to 150k rules, older Safari versions support up to 50k rules.

  • optimize: Bool - Deprecated. Removes generic cosmetic rules from the output.

  • advancedBlocking: Bool - if true, convert rules that need to be interpreted by an additional extension (either a WebExtension, or a Safari App Extension).

  • advancedBlockingFormat: AdvancedBlockingFormat - format for advanced rules output. Can be .json or .txt format. .txt is basically unchanged AdGuard format that is supposed to be interpreted by tsurlfilter-based web extension. .json is a "Safari content blocker"-like JSON syntax that is better suited for native Safari App Extension.

  • maxJsonSizeBytes: Int? - provides a way to limit the size of the output JSON. This was required due to a nasty iOS bug in iOS 17.

  • progress: Progress? instance that can be used to report the amount of work that has been done, or cancel the process in the middle.

convertArray() return value

Returns an instance of ConversionResult with the following fields.

  • totalConvertedCount: Int - total entries count in the compilation result (before removing overlimit).
  • convertedCount: Int - Entries count in the result after reducing to the limit defined by SafariVersion.
  • errorsCount: Int - Count of conversion errors (i.e. count of rules that we could not convert).
  • overLimit: Bool - If true, the limit was exceeded.
  • converted: String - Resulting JSON with Safari content blocker rules.
  • advancedBlockingConvertedCount: Int - Count of advanced blocking rules.
  • advancedBlocking: String? - JSON with advanced content blocking rules. It is only set when advancedBlockingFormat is set to .json.
  • advancedBlockingText: String? - plain text list of advanced content blocking rules. It is only set when advancedBlockingFormat is set to .txt.
  • message: String - message with the overall conversion status.


In order to keep parsing fast, we heavily rely on UTF8View. Users need to avoid extra conversion to UTF-8. Please make sure that the filter's content is stored with this encoding. You can ensure this by calling makeContiguousUTF8 before splitting the filter content into rules to pass them to the converter. If the String is already contiguous, this call does not cost anything.

Command-line interface

Converter can be built as a command-line tool with the following interface:

ConverterTool [--safari-version <safari-version>] [--optimize <optimize>] [--advanced-blocking <advanced-blocking>] [--advanced-blocking-format <advanced-blocking-format>] [<rules>]

Here's an example of how it can be used:

cat rules.txt | ./ConverterTool --safari-version 13 --optimize false --advanced-blocking true --advanced-blocking-format txt

Using as a node module

Run yarn install to prepare the node module. This command will automatically trigger compilation of the ConverterTool command-line tool as node module relies on it.

Node module provides the following methods.

jsonFromRules(rules, advancedBlocking, safariVersion, converterToolPath)

Converts an array of AdGuard rules to JSON with Safari rules.

  • rules - array of rules to convert.
  • advancedBlocking - if true, advanced content blocking rules will also be provided in the result.
  • safariVersion - target Safari version.
  • converterToolPath - (optional) path to the ConverterTool binary. If not set, it will use the version packed with the node module.


Returns the Safari Converter version.

Supported rules and limitations

Safari Converter aims to support AdGuard filtering rules syntax as much as possible, but still there are limitations and shortcomings that are hard to overcome.

Basic (network) rules

Safari Converter supports a substantial subset of basic rules and certainly supports the most important types of those rules.

Supported with limitations

  • Regular expression rules are limited to the subset of regex that is supported by Safari.

  • $domain - domain modifier is supported with several limitations.

    • It's impossible to mix allowed and disallowed domains (like $| Please upvote the feature request to WebKit to lift this limitation.
    • "Any TLD" (i.e. domain.*) is not fully supported. In the current implementation the converter just replaces .* with top 100 popular TLDs. This implementation will be improved in the future.
    • Using regular expressions in $domain is not supported, but it also will be improved in the future.
  • $denyallow - this modifier is supported via converting $denyallow rule to a set of rules (one blocking rule + several unblocking rules).

    Due to that limitation $denyallow is only allowed when the rule also has $domain modifier.

    • Generic rule *$,image, will be converted to:

    • Rule /banner.png$image,|, will be converted to:

    • Rule without $domain is not supported: $|

  • $popup - popup rules are supported, but they're basically the same as $document-blocking rules and will not attempt to close the tab.

  • Exception rules (@@) disable cosmetic filtering on matching domains.

    Exception rules in Safari rely on the rule type ignore-previous-rules so to make it work we have to order the rules in a specific order. Exception rules without modifiers are placed at the end of the list and therefore they disable not just URL blocking, but cosmetic rules as well.

    This limitation may be lifted if #70 is implemented.

  • $urlblock, $genericblock is basically the same as $document, i.e. it disable all kinds of filtering on websites.

    These limitations may be lifted when #69 and #71 are implemented.

  • $content makes no sense in the case of Safari since HTML filtering rules are not supported so it's there for compatibility purposes only. Rules with $content modifier are limited to document resource type.

  • $specifichide is implemented by scanning existing element hiding rules and removing the target domain from their if-domain array.

    • $specifichide rules MUST target a domain, i.e. be like this: ||^$specifichide. Rules with more specific patterns will be discarded, i.e. ||$specifichide will not be supported.
    • $specifichide rules only cover rules that target the same domain as the rule itself, subdomains are ignored. I.e. the rule @@||^$specifichide will disable, but will ignore This limitation may be lifted if #72 is implemented.
  • urlblock, genericblock, generichide, elemhide, specifichide, and jsinject modifiers can be used only as a single modifier in a rule. This limitation may be lifted in the future: #73.

  • $websocket (fully supported starting with Safari 15).

  • $ping (fully supported starting with Safari 14).

Not supported

  • $app
  • $header
  • $method
  • $strict-first-party (to be supported in the future: #64)
  • $strict-third-party (to be supported in the future: #65)
  • $to (to be supported in the future: #60)
  • $extension
  • $stealth
  • $cookie (partial support in the future: #54)
  • $csp
  • $hls
  • $inline-script
  • $inline-font
  • $jsonprune
  • $xmlprune
  • $network
  • $permissions
  • $redirect
  • $redirect-rule
  • $referrerpolicy
  • $removeheader
  • $removeparam
  • $replace
  • $urltransform

Cosmetic rules

Safari Converter supports most of the cosmetic rules although only element hiding rules with basic CSS selectors are supported natively via Safari Content Blocking, everything else needs to be interpreted by an additional extension.

Limitations of cosmetic rules

  • Specifying domains is subject of the same limitations as the $domain modifier of basic rules.

  • Non-basic rules modifiers are supported with some limitations:

    • $domain - the same limitations as everywhere else.
    • $path - supported, but if you use regular expressions, they will be limited to the subset of regex that is supported by Safari.
    • $url - to be supported in the future: #68

Script/scriptlet rules

Safari Converter fully supports both script rules and scriptlet rules. However, these rules can only be interpreted by a separate extension.


For scriptlet rules it is very important to run them as soon as possible when the page is loaded. The reason for that is that it's important to run earlier than the page scripts do. Unfortunately, with Safari there will always be a slight delay that can decrease the quality of blocking.

HTML filtering rules

HTML filtering rules are not supported and will not be supported in the future. Unfortunately, Safari does not provide necessary technical capabilities to implement them.

For developers

Please note, that the library is published under GPLv3.

How to build, test, debug

  • If you're using Safari Converter as a library then you can simply use it as an SPM module.
  • Building the command-line argument: swift build.
  • Running unit-tests: swift test.

In addition to that, we advise using this demo project to debug the library itself, and even individual Safari content blocking rules.

Releasing new version

Push a new tag in v*.*.* format, then provided github action is intended to build and publish new release with an asset binary.

Third-party dependencies