# Stardew Valley Swedish <div align='center'> This repository is used to track the progress and hold the files of a little project of mine – to translate Stardew Valley into Swedish. ---- <sup>Text & sprite progress, respectively:</sup><br>  <br>  <br><br> <sup>Compatible versions:</sup><br>   <!-- ---- [](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/0) **:rotating_light: For any spelling errors or improvements, go [here](https://github.com/Regnander/stardew-valley-swedish/issues/new/choose)! :rotating_light:** --> </div> ## :building_construction: Workflow **Unmodified phrases** <details> <summary>View/hide table</summary> | Phrases | Reason/Comment | | ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | Character names | With the exception of 'Wizard' and 'Dwarf'. | | Monster names | E.g. 'Duggy' and 'Squid Kid' to prevent any confusion when browsing the wiki. | | Caught fish sizes | Please use the [Inches To Metric System](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/3760) mod. | </details> **Modified phrases** <details> <summary>View/hide table</summary> | Original Phrase | Modified Phrase | Reason | | ------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | 100g | 100 G | To avoid confusion with the [gram](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gram) unit abbreviation. | | Join us. Thrive. | Thrive with us. | To reduce the number of characters in its translated form. | | `HOUSE NO.` `STREET`<br><small>*e.g. '2 Willow Lane'*</small> | `STREET` `HOUSE NO.`<br><small>*e.g. 'Willow Lane 2'*</small> | To match the house numbering format used in Sweden. | | Stardew Valley Fair | Stardew Fair | To reduce the number of characters and prevent it from being a mouthful in its translated form, while keeping its context. | | Stardew Valley Rose | Stardew Rose | (_Same as above_) | | `VEGETABLE` Juice<br><small>*e.g. 'Pumpkin Juice'*</small> | Juice (`VEGETABLE`)<br><small>*e.g. 'Juice (pumpkin)'*</small> | To avoid incorrect grammar and/or use of uppercase in some special cases. | | `FISH` Roe<br><small>*e.g. 'Sturgeon Roe'*</small> | Roe (`FISH`)<br><small>*e.g. 'Roe (sturgeon)'*</small> | (_Same as above_) | | `FRUIT` Wine<br><small>*e.g. 'Melon Wine'*</small> | Wine (`FRUIT`)<br><small>*e.g. 'Wine (melon)'*</small> | (_Same as above_) | | `METAL` `TOOL`<br><small>*e.g. 'Iridium Hoe'*</small> | `TOOL` (`METAL`)<br><small>*e.g. 'Hoe (iridium)'*</small> | (_Same as above_)<br><br>Only present in 1.6.8 and below. | | Journey of the Prairie King | The Story of the Prairie King | To avoid awkward phrasing while keeping the `___ of the ___` format. | </details> ### :hammer_and_wrench: Tools **Hardware** * [Wacom Intuos Small](https://www.wacom.com/en-us/products/pen-tablets/wacom-intuos) was used for creating any hand-written text. **Software** * [paint.net](https://www.getpaint.net/) and [this font](https://fontstruct.com/fontstructions/show/1254619/stardew_valley) was used for editing sprites. * [Visual Studio Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/) was used for editing text files and version control management. **Mods** * [CJB Cheats Menu](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/4) was used for translating date-specific events and dialogue. * [CJB Item Spawner](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/93) was used for translating item names and descriptions.