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ROS2 For Unity - Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04

This readme contains information specific to Ubuntu 20.04/22.04. For general information, please see


We assume that working directory is ~/ros2-for-unity and we are using ROS2 galactic (replace with foxy or humble where applicable).


Start with installation of dependencies. Make sure to complete each step of ros2cs Prerequisites section.


  • Clone this project.
    git clone ~/ros2-for-unity
  • You need to source your ROS2 installation before you proceed, for each new open terminal. It is convenient to include this command in your ~/.profile file.
    # galactic
    . /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash
  • Enter Ros2ForUnity working directory.
    cd ~/ros2-for-unity
  • Set up you custom messages in ros2_for_unity_custom_messages.repos
  • Import necessary and custom messages repositories.

    NOTE script doesn't update already existing repositories, you have to remove src/ros2cs folder to re-import new versions.

  • Build Ros2ForUnty. You can build it in standalone or overlay mode.
    # standalone mode
    ./ --standalone
    # overlay mode
    • You can add --clean-install flag to make sure your installation directory is cleaned before deploying.
  • Unity Asset is ready to import into your Unity project. You can find it in install/asset/ directory.
  • (optionally) To create .unitypackage in install/unity_package -u <your-path-to-unity-editor-executable>

    NOTE Unity license is required.

OS-Specific usage remarks

You can run Unity Editor or App executable from GUI (clicking) or from terminal as long as ROS2 is sourced in your environment. The best way to ensure that system-wide is to add source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash to your ~/.profile file. Note that you need to re-log for changes in ~/.profile to take place. Running Unity Editor through Unity Hub is also supported.

Usage troubleshooting

No ROS environment sourced. You need to source your ROS2 (..)

  • If you see "No ROS environment sourced. You need to source your ROS2 (..)" message in Unity3D Editor, it means your environment was not sourced properly. This could happen if you run Unity but it redirects to Hub and ignores your console environment variables (this behavior can depend on Unity3D version). In such case, run project directly with -projectPath or add ros2 sourcing to your ~/.profile file (you need to re-log for it to take effect).

  • Keep in mind that UnityHub stays in the background after its first launch and Unity Editor launch without -projectPath will redirect to it and the Hub will start Unity Editor. Since environment variables for the process are set on launch and inherited by child processes, your sourced ros2 environment in the console launching the Editor this way won't be applied. To make sure it applies (and to change between different ros2 distributions), make sure to terminate existing UnityHub process and run it with the correct ros2 distribution sourced.

There are no errors but I can't see topics published by Ros2ForUnity

  • Make sure your dds config is correct.
  • Sometimes ROS2 daemon brakes up when changing network interfaces or ROS2 version. Try to stop it forcefully (pkill -9 _ros2_daemon) and restart (ros2 daemon start).