Breaking changes:
Support strict
queries. Note this changes behaviour of with_role when running in strict mode to behave as previously documented. #543 describes the behaviour change. -
Dropped support for Ruby 2.3 and 2.4
Updated ActiveRecord adapters implementation of
to utilise a subquery instead of two queries
5.3.0 will be the last version to support Ruby < 2.5 and Rails < 5.2. Support for these will be dropped in the next major release.
Fix deprecation warning in Ruby 2.7
Add Rails 6 support to migration generator
Significant ActiveRecord performance improvements to
Mongoid fix and performance improvement and to
Make it safe to call
Thing.with_role(:admin, user)
with new record
Fix regression in generator around belongs_to options compatibility
Update version of database_cleaner
Update initializer.rb to include the remove_role_if_empty option and description
Allow inverse_of option on rolify method
Fix the code-climate-reporter issue that’s causing travis to fail
Remove a separate index for the name column
Fix migration generator for AR 5.x
Fixed ambiguous column error
Rails 5 Support (thanks @lorefnon)
Fix user handling in generator (thanks @lorefnon)
Fix quoting issues (thanks @lorefnon)
Improvements to dynamic module loading (thanks to @DmitryKK)
Fix migration warning showing when it shouldn’t
Add role lazy-loading
Add has_cached_role and has_cached_strict_role to project. See:
Update specs to pass with all Mongoid version.
Fix a regression in the dynamic method loader.
added ‘without_role` method for resources and classes
fix ‘has_role?` with :any and an unsaved user
rename the ‘with_role` method on a resource to `find_as`
add a strict parameter to check only roles that were set without supers.
Increasing version number to 4.0.0 for semantic versioning since ‘has_role` was removed in 3.5.0
Fix spec to pass.
Fix dynamic shortcuts being set before migration.
Fixed regression in RolifyGenerator
Updated dependencies
Removed ‘has_role` method alias for `add_role`
Fixed regression in caching system
Fix deprecation warning about timestamp on specs
Copy Kernel#capture helper from Rails
Add validation on Role.resource_type
Fixed issue with migrations being generated without a file extension.
Updated spec tests to work with Travis CI on Ruby up to 2.1.2 and Rails 4.1.x
Made it possible for inheritance of resources.
Fixed small bugs throughout project.
fixed an initializer bug preventing the rails app to boot
enhanced documentation regarding
method (thanks to @vicomte) -
in SQL subquery used byin
method in ActiveRecord adapter (thanks to @ryanaip and @badaboda) -
improved speed when removing roles using
instead ofCOUNT
(thanks to @yankovski) -
fixed travis builds for rubinius and mongoid
fixed sanity check running before
to ensure roles table exists -
to work with unsaved records (thanks to @mhw) -
fixed specs for Mongoid
DEPRECATION NOTICE:Rails 3.1 support dropped: if you use Rails 3.1, please stick to rolify 3.2
code cleanup in finders methods
generators rewritten entirely. now using ActiveRecord/Mongoid model generator to create Role model
added rspec matchers for detailed spec error messages (thanks to @delwyn)
clean up specs (thanks to @delwyn), removed subject and let declarations in before(:all) block
roles query needs 1 DB hit instead of 1 up to 3 (thanks to @terraplane)
remove nil entries from ResourceAdapter#resources_find when using Mongoid adapter (thanks to @daviscabral)
fixed a bug regarding redundant index for Mongoid Role model (thanks to @rschultheis)
added support for rolify and resourcify methods on the same model class (specs by @amer)
added support for namespaced models (thanks to @intrica)
fixed compatibility issue with squeel when using symbols as role parameters (hint by @f3ndot)
now raises a warning in the initializer if migration has not been run
add support for primary key different than ‘id’ for resource Model (thanks to @rafaeldl)
Rails 4 (thanks to @adammathys) and ruby 2.0 compliant
configured travis-ci to run the specs on Rails 3.2/4.0 and Rubies 1.9.3/2.0/rbx/jruby
added code climate to check for code smell
DEPRECATION NOTICE: Ruby 1.8 support dropped ! Mongoid 3.0 only supports MRI 1.9.3, and HEAD, and JRuby 1.6.0+ in 1.9 mode
arguments from the generator-
to use dynamic shortcuts feature when you’re using ActiveRecord, you have to enable it after running rake db:migrate as it relies on the roles table
support for Mongoid 3.x (thanks to @Leonas)
new class methods on the User class to find users depending on roles they have
added scopes to Role class to be able to fetch global, class scoped and instance scoped roles for a specific user
deletions of n-n relation are unreliable with Mongoid. Removing ids instead (thanks to @nfo)
method now supports new instance (i.e. record not saved in the database yet) (thanks to @demental) -
added association callbacks
method (thanks to @shekibobo) -
added ability to pass an array of roles to
, aliased byResource.with_roles()
(thanks to @lukes) -
added option to have roles be destroyed by default if parent resource is destroyed (thanks to @treydock)
added new method
to check if user has only a specific role (thanks to @jalcine) -
better edge cases covering in the specs
fixed a bug regarding the loading order of the railtie when using Mongoid ORM and other gems using initializer files (thanks to @stigi)
fixed double quote syntax when using MySQL
fixed a nasty bug regarding class level queries (thanks to @kamrulhassan)
fixed uninitialized constant error in scopify method
documentation improvement
Mongoid adapter optimization
adapter code refactoring
generator now adds the role class name to the rolify method injected in the user class
fixed a bug on the generator when using a 2 words Camel case for the Role class name
have been depecrated. They are replaced byadd_role
some internals cleanup (backward compatible)
stop requiring
to prevent other gems ORM detection issue -
fixed a bug when removing a role to the user using Mongoid adapter
added indexes to generator for mongoid (thanks to @stigi)
fixed a bug regarding with_role method on resource classes (thanks to @nfo)
support for Mongoid
roles search on resources on instance level (e.g.
) and class level (e.g.Forum.with_role("admin", user)
) -
heavy lifting and redesign of the library, code and specs refactoring
enhanced drastically specs coverage: 1001 examples !
fixed another bug occurring when dynamic shortcuts is enabled
display now a README file after running the generator to show the next setup steps
fixed a backward incompatible change introduced in Rails 3.2 release (
find_or_create_by_* generated methods
fixed a bug in the initializer file regarding dynamic shortcuts
added syntactic sugar:
are aliases forhas_role
check if RUBY_ENGINE is defined in the gemspec to be able to use jdbc with JRuby for SQLite
improved performance of
method using one single DB query instead of doing one DB lookup per argument-
significant speed-up when requesting with many arguments
database choice can mitigate the results
clean up the initializer code
using a DSL to configure the library
setting defaults for User and Role classes
dynamic shortcuts feature is now disabled by default. To turn it on:
set it to true in the initializer file
uncomment the
extend Rolify::Dynamic
line in the User class
detecting if it’s loaded by Rails::Server or Rails::Console
now also running on Rubinius, JRuby, REE and Ruby 1.8. all specs pass successfully, yeah !
fixed a strange bug, probably rails related (thanks to @scottkf)
when using rails in development mode, the
config.cache_classes = false
makes the role class to be loaded at every call and can lead to aAssociationTypeMismatch
use of
array instead of theroles
now running on JRuby (specs are still failing for JRuby though)
added a spec to test the rails generator using ammeter gem
Gemfile cleanup, moved all dependencies in gemspec instead
edited the dependency to Rails 3.1 and newer, now that Rails 3.1 has been released
new role scoping capabilities
instance level :
user.has_role "moderator", Forum.first
(already supported in previous release). user has the moderator role only on that Forum in particular -
class level :
user.has_role "moderator", Forum
. User has the moderator role on all instances of Forum -
global level :
user.has_role "moderator"
(already supported in previous release). User has the moderator role globally (e.q. on all resources)
new scoped query capabilities
user.has_role? "moderator", Forum.first
(already supported in previous release). asks if the user has the moderator role on Forum.first instance -
user.has_role? "moderator", Forum
. asks if the user has the moderator role on all Forum instances -
user.has_role? "moderator"
(already supported in previous release). asks if the user has the global moderator role -
user.has_role? "moderator", :any
. asks if the user has at least one moderator role no matter the scope is (instance, class or global).
added a new parameter to disable dynamic shortcut methods due to potential incompatibility with other gems using method_missing with the same pattern
Rolify.dynamic_shortcuts = false
in the initializer file or -
use the generator command with a third parameter:
rails g rolify:role Role User false
removed the railtie as it created more problems than it solved
code refactoring to do some speed improvements and code clean up
added a lot of specs to improve tests coverage
wrote a tutorial showing how to use rolify with CanCan and Devise
rolify is now on travis-ci to monitor build status
added a method_missing to catch newly created role outside the current ruby process (i.e. dynamic shortcut methods are not defined within this process)
dynamic shortcut is created on the fly in the method_missing to avoid extra method_missing for the same dynamic shortcut
check if the role actually exists in the database before defining the new method
first call is slower due to method_missing but next calls are fast
avoid strange bugs when spawning many ruby processes as the dynamic shortcut methods were only defined in the process that used the
custom User and Role class names support
can now use other class names for Role and User classes
fixed generators and templates
join table is explicitly set to avoid alphabetical order issue
created a new railtie to load the dynamic shortcuts at startup
fixed a nasty typo on a variable name and added a spec to make it never happen again
dynamic shortcuts support
creates automatically new methods upon new role creation (or at startup for a Rails app)
has_role "admin"
will create a method calledis_admin?
has_role "moderator", Forum.first
will create 2 methods:* <tt>is_moderator_of?(resource)</tt> * <tt>is_moderator?</tt>
removing role support
removes a global role or a role scoped to a resource -
Please note that trying to remove a global role whereas the user a role with the same name on a resource will remove that scoped role
Trying to remove a role scoped to a resource whereas the user has a global role won’t remove it
multiple roles check:
returns true if the user has ALL the roles in arguments -
returns true if the user has ANY the roles in arguments
fixed the generator to include the lib
fixed the migration file with missing polymorphic field
added some examples in documentation
first release