The history resource is used to retrieve history information for business objects that support an audit trail.
Retrieve the historical audit entries for the given entity.
GET /API/version/History/module/component/type?token=token &for=for &select=select &where=where &order=order &skip=skip &take=take
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
token | string | Yes | The user context token obtained using Authenticate. |
module | string | Yes | The token of the module to restrict the results to. This token can be obtained using Metadata. |
component | string | Yes | The token of the component to restrict the results to. This token can be obtained using Metadata. |
type | string | Yes | The token of the type to restrict the results to. This token can be obtained using Metadata. |
for | object identifier | Yes | The object identifier to retrieve the history records for. See Identifier syntax for more information. |
select | field selection | No | The comma separated list of field tokens to return. See Selection syntax for more information. |
where | filter criteria | No | The criteria used to filter the entities. See Filter syntax for more information. |
order | order by | No | The collection of fields used to sort or order the entities. See Order syntax for more information. |
skip | int | No | The number of records to skip from the beginning. Indexes are zero-based. |
take | int | No | The number of records to return. |
GET /API/2.0/History/History/EntityAudit/Default?token=/wEFKnpvbmRhfDY1YzJiNTFhLTFhYTMtNGYzZC05YjFhLWY0Njk0NmI2YWU5YQ==&for=EmployeeManagement/Employee/Default:20&select=AuditDate,Message&where=Message~'Name'&order=AuditDate&skip=0&take=10
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
<Object Token="History/EntityAudit/Default:423134">
<Field Token="Message">
<Value>Field: UserName was changed from "" to "guest"</Value>
<Field Token="AuditDate">