The translation of SORMAS relies on people from the community. If you would like to see SORMAS translated to your language, please read the points below and take part in the process.
The official SORMAS translation is done using the Crowdin platform:
All translations done on the platform are automatically fed into SORMAS and are part of the bi-weekly release schedule. This means that any text you translate will likely be part of the next SORMAS release. Once your server (or the server of your country) is updated you will be able to see the translations in the web app and mobile app.
You can join the translation project by creating a free account on Crowdin. You can also use your existing GitHub account. Before starting to translate, you need to request write access to the project. A member of the project will either accept your request or get in touch with you as soon as possible.
Afterwards open the SORMAS project and select the language you would like to translate.
You will see all files that contain translatable texts:
The most important one is It contains the captions for all the data entry fields of SORMAS. The captions are shared by the web app and mobile app.
Click on the file to open the Crowdin editor that allows you to go through all translation entries one by one as shown in the picture below:
If the language you would like to translate is not available yet, please get in contact with us at, through our community at, or by creating an issue on the main repository at: