diff --git a/adoc/admin-software-installation.adoc b/adoc/admin-software-installation.adoc index f7e6816e4..63fbd25e1 100644 --- a/adoc/admin-software-installation.adoc +++ b/adoc/admin-software-installation.adoc @@ -126,7 +126,9 @@ Please see <> for upgrade instructions and upgrade as soon === Installing Tiller [NOTE] +==== Tiller is only a requirement for Helm 2 and has been removed from Helm 3. If using Helm 3, please skip this section. +==== As of {productname} {productversion}, Tiller is not part of the {productname} package repository but it is available as a helm chart from the chart repository. To install the Tiller server, choose either way to deploy the Tiller server: