a small flavorful and unapologetic library built for the modern web
Feel free to fork or raise issues. Constructive criticism is always welcome
- 🐫 Loadbearing Spirit - Expressive DOM generation and custom-element components sans polyfill
- 🐱 Lion - Simple and fearless element/component data-binding
- 👶 Child - Proxy enhanced DOM manipulation and Powerful all accepting async Rendering System
- elm-like ideas about architecture
- flexible declarative programming style
- node lifecycle hooks
- observe attributes
- generate all your dynamic/interactive/transient elements
- program without concern for page load state
- components aka. custom-elements. No polyfill needed!
- vue-like directives aka custom attributes
- great dom manipulation functions
- composition & currying
- powerful emitter system (pub/sub with proxy magic)
- no classes, no this, no extra fuzz, functional positive
- no old javascript, we use modern features like Proxy
- a gziped rilti.min.js weighs > 7kb
To use rilti just download /dist/rilti.min.js and pop it in a script tag. If you have any issues just tell me, I'm on it.
yarn add rilti
npm i rilti
<script src="https://unpkg.com/rilti"></script>
- Nominalism Good | Explicit Paradigms, Patterns & Universalism Bad
- More than one way of doing things, what is right/best is always contextual.
- No Explicit Object Orientation anything (no classes or this)
- simple functions and objects before imposing rigid structures
- Reserve identities only for things that would be otherwise obscure
- Don't hide things, let them be what they are
- Nothing for the sake of itself, no postmodern sollutions.
- Logic is just data (with potential) so pass it around too
- Factory-Functions always
- Mess With the DOM, it's alive
- Selectors & Templates? No, treat HTML as Mutable Object Holons
- Plain HTML is for simple websites, where state is not as complex
- DOM generation and components are for Apps and the modern interactive Web.
- MASA: Minimal API Surface Area.
- Polymorphic functions/functions-as-class-like-objects
- Infer Info with Good API Design before creating 12 parameter long functions.
- Use configurable Objects create dynamic APIs
- Some APIs can often be reduced to a fn e.g. Get: fn(key), Set: fn(key, val), Del: fn(key, nil)
- As Functional As Possible
- Perspectivism vs Pragmatism, people won't always use an API the same way.
- Leave some internals or lower level API features accessible for extendibility
Different strokes for different folks:
Also look at rilti.on
which can be used like this on['any-event'](node, func, =options)
as well as like this on('any-event', node)(func, =options)
and also on(node, { click: e => {} }, =options)
- Rilti News - Progressive Web App
- Todo-list
- Javascript calculator
- Emil Cioran - Simple Tribute Page
- rilti-todomvc
- grimstack.io blog site
- grimstack.io/portfolio WIP Portfolio don't look
- offer collection of useful optional plugins
- stabalize features and release
- expand with a UI library
const { component, componentReady, dom: { h1 }} = rilti
component('counter-button', {
bind: {
count: {
key: 'clicks:innerText',
val: 0,
views: {
clicks: count => `clicks: ${count}`
on: {
click: (e, el) => ++el.count
componentReady('body > counter-button', el => {
const tellEm = h1['tell-em'](`You just won't stop clicking huh?`)
el.$count.on.change(count => {
if (count > 20 && count < 40 && !tellEm.mounted) tellEm.render('body')
else if (count > 40 && count < 100) tellEm.txt += ' Seriously? '
else if (count > 100) tellEm.txt = 'What? You want a prize or something?'
const {databind, dom: {button, div, h1}} = rilti
render: 'body', // <- apend to <body> on load
bind: {
count: {
val: 0,
views: {
display: count => `current count is at: ${count}`
host => [ // <com-po-nents> bind natively, other elements bind to el.bind['$bind/bindValue']
button({onclick: e => ++host.bind.count}, '+'),
button({onclick: e => --host.bind.count}, '-')
$: 'body',
css: {width: '300px', height: '300px'},
bind: {
pointer: {
key: 'location:innerText',
val: {x: 0, y: 0},
views: {
location: ({x, y}) => `Pointer is at (${x}x, ${y}y)`
change: ({x, y}) => ({x: x.toFixed(2), y: y.toFixed(2)})
onpointermove ({x, y}, el) {
el.bind.pointer = {x, y}
the above produces this:
<div class="pointer-tracker" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;">
Pointer is at (0x, 0y)
Stop writing html (yes JSX too)! Just generate everything, it's so simple.
const {a, button, h1, header, nav, section} = rilti.dom
section.navbar({$: 'body'}, // <- $ is shorthand for render: 'Node/Selector'
header(h1('My Wicked Website')),
'Home Blog About Contact'.split(' ').map(name =>
a['nav-bn']({href: '#/' + name.toLowerCase()}, name)
css: {backgroundColor: 'white', color: 'dimgrey'},
href: 'https://github.com/SaulDoesCode',
target: '_blank'
The above produces this html
<section class="navbar">
<h1>My Wicked Website</h1>
<a class="nv-btn" href="#/home">
<a class="nv-btn" href="#/blog">
<a class="nv-btn" href="#/about">
<a class="nv-btn" href="#/contact">
<a class="nv-btn" href="https://github.com/SaulDoesCode/rilti.js" target="_blank" style="background-color: dimgrey; color: white;">
method | description |
.dom(tag, =options, ...children) |
where the magic happens, define behavior for elements and see them come to life |
.dom["any-tag"](=options, ...children) |
pre-bound tag version of .dom |
.query(string, Selector/Node) |
improved alternative to document.querySelector |
.queryAll(string, Selector/Node) |
improved alternative to document.querySelectorAll |
.queryAsync(string, func, Selector/Node) |
same as querySelector but async, good for pre-load logic |
.queryEach(string, Selector/Node, func) |
queries nodes returned by selector and iterates over them like .forEach would |
.dom.frag(=string) |
create a fragment or convert html text to nodes |
.on(target, type, listener, =options) |
generates event listener |
.once(target, type, listener, =options) |
generates event listener that triggers only once |
.curry(func, =argsLimit) |
curries a function |
.component(tag, {create, mount, unmount, attr, props, methods}) |
define custom elements, no polyfills needed |
.each(iterable, func) |
loop through objects, numbers, array(like)s, sets, maps... |
.extend(hostObj, obj, =safeMode) |
extends host object with all props of other object, won't overwrite if safe is true |
.flatten(arraylike) |
flattens multidimensional arraylike objects |
.render(AlmostAnything, Selector/Node, =connector = 'appendChild') |
renders things, independent of ready state |
.run(func) |
asynchronously executes a given function when the DOM is loaded |
.runAsync(func, ...args) |
run a function asynchronously |
.isMounted(node, =parentNode) |
determines whether or not the dom or other node contains a specific node |
usage : rilti.isX( {any} ) // -> boolean
isArr, isNil, isDef, isObj, isFunc, isBool, isStr, isNum, isArrlike, isNodeList, isNode, isPrimitive, isPromise, isRenderable, isRegExp, isInput, isEmpty, isEl
rilti contains a domfn
that contains several useful dom manipulation functions.
these fucntions will all return the node passed as the first argument unless specified
otherwise such as with has/get(this/that) type functions
const {
css, // (node, stylePropery, val) || (node, { styleProp:'4em' }) set element.style properties
class, // (node, class, =state) add/remove or toggle classes
hasClass, // (node, class) -> bool
attr, // (node, attrNameOrObj, =value): attr(el, 'href', '/') or attr(el, 'href') -> '/'
removeAttribute, // (node, ...attrNames) removes attributes
hasAttr, // hasAttr(node, attrName) -> bool
attrToggle, // (node, attrName, state = !hasAttr, =val = getAttr(name) || '')
emit, // (node, {type string/Event/CustomEvent}) dispatchEvents on node
append, prepend, appendTo, prependTo, // (node, selectorOrNode)
remove, // (node, =afterMS) // remove node or remove after timeout
} = rilti.domfn
everything found in rilti.domfn will be available as:
const contentCard = async (src, hidden = false) => {
const card = rilti.dom.div.card() // <- <div class="card"></div>
card.class({hidden}) // add class .hidden if hidden === true
card.class.hidden = hidden // <- this works too
card.attr['aria-hidden'] = hidden // set attribute
'--custom-theme': 'hsl(331, 70%, 48%)',
borderTop: '2px solid var(--custom-theme, --theme-color)'
try {
const res = await fetch(src)
card.append(await res.text())
card.on.click((e, card) => {
card.once.animationend(() => {
card.class('flip-animation', false)
card.class('flip-animation', true)
} catch (e) {
console.error('could not load content from: ' + src)
dom['any-arbitrary-tag'](=options, ...children) -> Node/Element
dom['random-tag'] // <- <random-tag class="with random chainable classes">
// render to dom using selectors or nodes
render: '.main > header',
// add attributes
attr: {contenteditable: true},
// set classes
class: 'card active',
// or
class: ['card', 'active']
// or conditionally
class: {
card: true,
active: false // active won't be added
// some styles?
css: {
boxShadow: '0 2px 6px rgba(0,0,0,.12)',
'--highlight-color': 'crimson',
// ^- oh yeah, css variables work too
// attach properties to the element
props: {
oldtxt: '',
// create property get/set traps
accesors: {
contents: {
get: el => el.txt,
set (el, val) { el.txt = val.trim() }
// or as one function
innerds (el, val) {
if (val == null) return el.txt
el.txt = val.trim()
// plain getter/setters work too
get ye_old_txt () { return this.innerText },
set ye_old_txt (val) { this.innerText = val.trim() }
methods: {
// el will be pre-bound upon execution
// think of it like self in python classes
// or rust struct methods
warn (el, ...args) {
el.oldtxt = el.txt
el.contents = 'Sure you want to remove random-tag?'
reset (el) { el.contents = el.oldtxt }
// listen for events
on: {
click (evt, {warn}) { warn() },
mouseout (evt, {reset}) { reset() }
// if there's just one listener then use:
// once/onxevent: fn instead of once: { evt: fn }
oncedblclick (evt, el) { el.remove() },
// manage the element's lifecycle
cycle: {
create (el) { /*...*/ },
mount (el) { /*...*/ },
unmount (el) { /*...*/ },
remount (el) { /*...*/ }
...children // [], "", =>, Node, NodeList : should all render
// observe attributes with vue-like directives
rilti.directive('custom-attr', {
init (element, value) { ... },
update (element, value, oldValue) { ... },
remove (element, value) { ... }
// revoke a directive
rilti.component('tick-box', {
props: {
accessors: {
ticked: {
get: el => el.attr.has('ticked'),
set: (el, state) => el.attrToggle('ticked', !!state)
create (el) {
el.on.click(e => el.attrToggle('ticked'))
display: 'block',
width: '20px',
height: '20px',
margin: '5px auto',
cursor: 'pointer',
border: `1px solid ${el.ticked ? 'white' : 'dimgrey'}`,
backgroundColor: el.ticked ? 'dimgrey' : 'white'
mount (el) {
console.log('tick-box mounted to ', el.parent)
unmount (el) {
console.log('unmounted: tick-box is no more :(')
attr: {
ticked: {
update (el) {
backgroundColor: 'dimgrey',
border: `1px solid #fff`
el.emit('ticked', true)
remove (el) {
backgroundColor: '#fff',
border: `1px solid dimgrey`
el.emit('ticked', false)
- unminified: 45.9kb
- minified: 18.9kb
- minified && compressed: 7.21kb