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Conversations 1 Conversations 2 Conversations 3 Conversations 4

Integrate your favorite LLM with a Telegram bot.


  • Ollama
  • OpenAI
  • Gemini
  • Groq
  • Mistral
  • Anthropic


  • Text Input
  • Image Input
  • Basic Response
  • Stream Response
  • Predefine Prompts
  • Tools
  • Memory
  • Voice Input

Table of Contents



Before development process, ensure you have the following installed:


This project uses Ollama as the default provider. To install it, follow the instructions in the official repository Ollama GitHub. You will need to have at least one model installed.


It is recommended to use Docker to install Redis. If you haven’t installed Docker yet, you can follow the official Docker installation guide.

To install Redis using Docker, run the following command:

docker pull redis

Then, start Redis with:

docker run --name redis-server -d -p 6379:6379 redis

Ensure Redis is running by checking with:

docker ps


Similarly, use Docker to install MongoDB. Run the following command to pull the MongoDB image:

docker pull mongo

Start MongoDB with:

docker run --name mongodb-server -p 27017:27017 -v mongodb-data:/data/db -d mongo

Ensure MongoDB is running by checking with:

docker ps


Run the following command to pull the RabbitMQ image:

docker pull rabbitmq:4.0.2-management

Once the image is downloaded, start RabbitMQ with the following command:

docker run -d --name rabbitmq -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:4.0.2-management
  • Port 5672: Used for RabbitMQ communication (AMQP).
  • Port 15672: Used for accessing the RabbitMQ Management UI.

Ensure RabbitMQ is running by checking with:

docker ps

You can access the RabbitMQ Management UI in your browser at:


Username: guest
Password: guest

Running the Backend

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone
    cd teo
  2. Install Go Modules

    go mod tidy
  3. Create .env File

    Copy the .env.example file and create a new .env file.

    cp .env.example .env

    Open the .env file and fill in the necessary variables with your specific configuration.”

  4. Install Air for Live Reloading

    If you don't have air installed on your machine, install it first:

    go install
  5. Run the Development Server

    This command will start the API and run cmd/consumer/consumer-teo.go in the background.


    After starting the backend, follow these instructions.

Generate Swagger Documentation

  1. Install Swagger for API Documentation

    If you don't have swag installed on your machine, install it first:

    go install
  2. Generate or Update Documentation

    swag init -g ./cmd/server/main.go --parseDependency --parseInternal --output docs/swagger

    Or you can use the script:

    For the first time, before running the script, execute:

    chmod +x

    Then, run:

  3. Swagger Documentation



Before you begin, ensure you have Docker installed.

1. Clone the Repository

git clone
cd noto

2. Create .env File

Copy the .env.example file and create a new .env file.

cp .env.example .env

Open the .env file and fill in the necessary variables with your specific configuration.”

3. Build and Run the Docker Containers

docker compose up --build -d

Wait a few minutes for the setup to complete, it should look like this:

✔ Network teo_default       Created                                                                                                      0.0s 
✔ Container teo-rabbitmq-1  Healthy                                                                                                      6.4s 
✔ Container teo-mongodb-1   Healthy                                                                                                      6.4s 
✔ Container teo-redis-1     Healthy                                                                                                      5.9s 
✔ Container teo-consumer-1  Started                                                                                                      6.5s 
✔ Container teo-backend-1   Started                                                                                                      6.5s 

You can access the backend at http://localhost:8080 and the documentation at http://localhost:8080/docs.

Telegram Bot Setup

Setting the Webhook

After running the backend, either using Docker or manually, you need to set up the webhook with the Telegram API.

Bot Token

You can obtain a bot token from BotFather and add bot token to .env file.


If you are running the backend locally, you need to use a tool like ngrok to expose your local server to the internet.

Install ngrok

Visit the ngrok Getting Started Documentation for installation instructions.

Obtain Your ngrok Auth Token

Go to the ngrok Dashboard to find your auth token.

Open the .env file and edit it as follows:


Restart the backend using the air command, and the Telegram bot will activate automatically.

If you do not want to use ngrok, set NGROK_ACTIVE to false.


If your server has a public IP or domain, you can directly set the webhook to Telegram:


You can use the CLI app to manage the Telegram webhook.

go run cmd/telegram/telegram.go

This command will display a CLI menu like this.

Welcome to Telegram Webhook CLI
Choose an option:
1. Set Webhook
2. Get Webhook Info
3. Delete Webhook
4. Exit CLI

Enter choice: 

Or you can manually set it up by making a request to the Telegram API.

Manual Setup

Set Webhook

To set the webhook with Telegram, use the following API endpoint:{my_bot_token}/setWebhook?url={your_domain_or_your_ip_public_or_ngrok_url}/webhook/telegram

Get Webhook Info

You can retrieve the current webhook info using:{my_bot_token}/getWebhookInfo
Delete Webhook

To remove the webhook, make a call to the setWebhook method with an empty url parameter:{my_bot_token}/setWebhook?url=