This project combines podpingd
(a program that monitors the Hive blockchain for podcast updates) with a Node.js watcher that forwards these updates to an API endpoint as a POST request.
- podpingd: Monitors the Hive blockchain and writes JSON files for each podping
- Node.js watcher: Monitors the JSON files and forwards them to a configured API endpoint
Copy the example environment file and modify it to your needs:
cp .env.example .env
Available environment variables:
# Directory where podpingd writes JSON files
# API endpoint for sending podping notifications
# Request configuration
MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS=5 # Maximum concurrent HTTP requests
REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS=30000 # HTTP request timeout in milliseconds
REQUEST_RETRY_COUNT=3 # Number of retries for failed requests
REQUEST_RETRY_DELAY_MS=3000 # Delay between retries in milliseconds
# File monitoring configuration
FILE_AGE_TIMEOUT_SEC=60 # Restart podpingd if no new files in this period
# Podpingd configuration
CONFIG_FILE=/app/conf/post-config.toml # podpingd config file location
RESTART_MINUTES=3 # How far back to set start_datetime when restarting
MAX_CONSECUTIVE_FAILURES=5 # Restart after this many consecutive HTTP failures
Build and run the container:
docker build -t podpingd-post .
docker run -d \
--name podpingd-post \
--env-file .env \
--cap-add SYS_RESOURCE \
The application logs can be monitored in several ways:
docker logs -f podpingd-post
View specific log files inside the container:
# Podpingd logs (Rust blockchain monitor)
docker exec podpingd-post cat /var/log/supervisor/podpingd.log
docker exec podpingd-post cat /var/log/supervisor/podpingd-err.log
# Node.js poster logs
docker exec podpingd-post cat /var/log/supervisor/poster.log
docker exec podpingd-post cat /var/log/supervisor/poster-err.log
# Supervisor logs
docker exec podpingd-post cat /var/log/supervisor/supervisord.log
To watch logs as they update:
# Follow podpingd logs
docker exec podpingd-post tail -f /var/log/supervisor/podpingd.log
# Follow poster logs
docker exec podpingd-post tail -f /var/log/supervisor/poster.log
The watcher automatically restarts podpingd when:
- No new files are detected for FILE_AGE_TIMEOUT_SEC seconds
- MAX_CONSECUTIVE_FAILURES HTTP requests fail in a row
When restarting, it sets podpingd's start_datetime to RESTART_MINUTES in the past to catch up on missed podpings.
The project uses:
- Node.js for the file watcher and HTTP requests
- Rust for podpingd (the blockchain monitor)
- Supervisor for process management
To modify the Node.js watcher, edit app.js
. For podpingd configuration, modify the TOML file specified in CONFIG_FILE.