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How to submit your model to SpeechIO leaderboard

Step 1. Preparing a model-image

A model-image is just an ordinary directory with a self-contained ASR system inside. e.g.:

jiayu@ubuntu: tree ./a_sample_model_image

├── docker
│   └── Dockerfile
├── assets
│   └── <runtime resources: models, configs, API credentials etc>
├── model.yaml
└── SBI

You should follow above file names and structures strictly. Now let's explain these item by item.

1.1 docker/Dockerfile

docker/Dockerfile should define all dependencies of your ASR system.

cloud-API ASR Dockerfile example

model_id Dockerfile
aispeech_api_zh example
aliyun_api_zh example
baidu_pro_api_zh example
microsoft_api_zh example
sogou_api_zh example
tencent_api_zh example
yitu_api_zh example

local ASR Dockerfile example

model_id Dockerfile
sample_kaldi_model example

important note:

You need to add python3 into Dockerfile, it is required by leaderboard pipeline

# Ubuntu
RUN apt-get install python3

For English model, please also include regex and pynini:

# Ubuntu
RUN apt-get install python3 python3-pip
RUN pip3 install pynini regex

1.2 model.yaml

date: 2021-04-05    # date of model-image creation
task: ASR           # have to be `ASR` for now
language: zh        # lowercase language code, e.g `en`, `zh`
sample_rate: 16000  # 8000 for telephone, 16000 for other
author: Jiayu       # your name
entity: SpeechIO    # your entity
email:  # your email
  • You can find standard language codes in ISO 639-1

1.3 Runtime Resources

Runtime resources(model files, vocabulary/lexicon, configs etc) should be placed inside assets dir, e.g.:

jiayu@ubuntu: tree ./a_sample_model_image

├── assets
    ├── asr.mdl
    ├── asr.cfg
└── SBI

1.4 SBI

  • SBI is an executable implemented by submitter for ASR inference.

  • SBI can be in any language: C/C++, Java, bash, python etc.

  • SBI will always be invoked under model-image, so it can refer to runtime resources via relative paths, e.g. ./assets/asr.{mdl,cfg}

  • SBI should implement following Command Line Interface(CLI):

    ./SBI <input_audio_list> <result_dir>

    <input_audio_list> provides a list of <audio_id> & <audio_absolute_path> to be decoded, seperated by white space:

    SPEECHIO_ASR_ZH00001__U001 /home/dataset/SPEECHIO_ASR_ZH00001/U001.wav
    SPEECHIO_ASR_ZH00001__U002 /home/dataset/SPEECHIO_ASR_ZH00001/U002.wav

    all audio files are 16k16bit mono wave, less than 30 secs each.

    <result_dir> provides a directory for SBI to create/read/write temporary files during decoding, and final results must be written to <result_dir>/raw_rec.txt:

    SPEECHIO_ASR_ZH00001__U001 I just watched the movie "The Pursuit of Happiness"
    SPEECHIO_ASR_ZH00001__U002 rock and roll like a rolling stone

    <result_dir>/raw_rec.txt should be ASCII/UTF-8 encoded.

  • If recognition fails for an utterence, you can write a line with <audio_id> and empty result like this:

  • You don't need to worry about text normalization(cases, punctuations, numbers, interjections ...), WER/CER calculation etc. Just make sure your SBI implementation follows above specifications.

  • You can debug your SBI implementation inside your model-image dir on your local machine, by feeding <input_audio_list> and <result_dir> yourself.

1.5 (optional)

We strongly recommand that you provide a markdown summary about your model, covering:

  • number of parameters
  • training data
  • feature type
  • neural net structure & topology
  • objective function
  • optimizer
  • ...

Step 2: Validate your model-image locally

2.1 Make sure you already have a tiny test set datasets/MINI_ZH

2.2 Move prepared model-image to your local model-zoo

mv <prepared_model_image>  <leaderboard_repo>/models/<your_model_id>

You should pick a unique & meaningful model_id for your model, e.g.:


2.3 Run a minimal validation benchmark:

ops/benchmark  -m <your_model_id>  -d MINI_ZH

2.4 Check results/...<your_model_id>.../{RESULTS,DETAILS}.txt for benchmark results.

Step 3: Submit your model-image

A. For cloud API models: Just create a PR, add the model-image to models/

B. For local models:

  • Install aliyun object-storage-service binary (one-time-only installation)

    # run this in leaderboard repo
  • Make sure your model-image is ready inside your local model zoo:

    mv <prepared_model_image> <leaderboard_repo>/models/<your_model_id>
  • Register your model-image to models/zoo.yaml:

      url: oss://speechio-leaderboard/models/speechio_kaldi_multicn/
      url: oss://speechio-leaderboard/models/<your_model_id>/
  • Upload your model-image to cloud model-zoo:

    ops/push -m <your_model_id>

Congrats, now everyone should be able to reproduce your ASR system via leaderboard. You can always re-run above ops/push command to update your model-image.

