This is a Python script that allows federation of batch jobs across the following Cloud Providers:
- Azure
- Make a copy of the provider's config file location in conf/examples directory.
- Populate the requires fields and place in the conf directory.
- Python3
It is recommended to use a Python Virtualenv. See instructions here
python3 install
Here is an example of how to run it across GCP (Platform 1) and Azure (Platform 2)
python3 \
--platform1 gcp \
--image1 federatedswarm/batch:latest \
--input1 gs://logging-swarm/input \
--output1 gs://logging-swarm/output \
--logging1 gs://logging-swarm/logs/1 \
--platform2 azure \
--input2 swarm/input \
--output2 swarm/output \
--image2 federatedswarm/batch:latest \
Here is an example of how to run it across GCP (Platform 1) and AWS (Platform 2)
python3 \
--platform1 gcp \
--image1 federatedswarm/batch:latest \
--input1 gs://logging-swarm/input \
--output1 gs://logging-swarm/output \
--logging1 gs://logging-swarm/logs/1 \
--platform2 aws \
--input2 s3://swarm-federated/input \
--output2 s3://swarm-federated/output \
--image2 federatedswarm/batch:latest \
Here is an example of how to run it across GCP (Platform 1) and GCP (Platform 2)
python3 \
--platform1 gcp \
--image1 federatedswarm/batch:latest \
--input1 gs://logging-swarm/input \
--output1 gs://logging-swarm/output/Height.QC.Transformed \
--logging1 gs://logging-swarm/a7i/1 \
--platform2 gcp \
--input2 gs://logging-swarm/input/ \
--output2 gs://logging-swarm/output \
--image2 federatedswarm/batch:latest \
--logging2 gs://logging-swarm/a7i/2 \
Additional Guides:
There is a Docker image available for use federatedswarm/batch
but if you wish to build your custom image,
there is a Makefile in the .docker directory that allows for that.
cd .docker
DOCKER_ORG=my_dockerhub_account make build push
Platform1 -- Platform2 | Platform 1 Start | Platform 1 Finish | Platform 1 Duration | Platform 2 Start | Platform 2 Finish | Platform 2 Duration | Threshold R2 P BETA SE |
GCP -- GCP | 3/5/2021 15:53:06 | 3/5/2021 15:56:00 | 0:02:54 | 2021-03-05 15:56:12 | 2021-03-05 15:59:08 | 0:02:56 | 0.3 0.163846822223426 1.0258269251213e-25 47343.3224462967 4248.15235007587 |
GCP -- AWS | 3/5/2021 15:37:37 | 3/5/2021 15:40:24 | 0:02:47 | 2021-03-05 15:40:34 | 2021-03-05 15:46:41 | 0:06:07 | 0.3 0.163846822223426 1.0258269251213e-25 47343.3224462967 4248.15235007587 |
GCP -- Azure | 3/5/2021 16:27:55 | 2021-03-05 16:30:49 | 0:02:54 | 2021-03-05 16:33:03 | 2021-03-05 16:37:36 | 0:04:33 | 0.3 0.163846822223426 1.0258269251213e-25 47343.3224462967 4248.15235007587 |