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This tool scans for BoEs in every auction house across each World of Warcraft region


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At the beginning of the Ny'alotha raid in BfA, having the right corruption on gear drops (also available on BoEs) meant massive DPS increases. The gap was so big that it was nearly impossible to compete against players with BiS. As a result, many competitive players transferred to other realms and back just to buy their BiS for millions of gold.

Thankfully it was eventually remedied through the corruption vendor and removed after one tier. Nowadays, this tool simply scans for BoEs in every auction house across each region.


This app consists of two parts:

  1. Website: (src/web)

    • This is a SPA built using Vue.js
  2. Cron script: (src/cron)

    • This is a Node script responsible for fetching auction house data from Blizzard's API

These two parts are completely independent from each other where their only communication channel is through the generated json data files.

Dev Setup

# Runs linter
yarn lint

# Note that the website requires game data from the API (localized item names and icon files) before it can be properly built
yarn buildCron
yarn fetchItems

# Starts webpack-dev-server on localhost:8080
yarn devWeb

Building for Production

# Define CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET in this file
touch .env

make build # Creates Docker images
make run   # Starts Docker images

Add New Tier

  1. Create new file in src/comon/tiers/ directory that default exports a TierConfig object. This config will be dynamically loaded via Webpack. The file should be of the form XX-YY-descriptive-name where XX is the expansion number (e.g. 07 for BfA) and YY is simply a number used to order the config (the last file in the filesystem will be considered the default/latest tier).

  2. Run yarn fetchSocketIds to update BonusIds.ts

Setting up GitHub Actions

Secret Description
SSH_USER Username of server
SSH_HOST IP address of server
SSH_PRIVATE_KEY ssh-keygen -N '' -f ~/.ssh/github-actions -C "github-actions"
Add to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Add github-actions to this secret
SSH_KEYSCAN ssh-keyscan -t ecdsa SSH_HOST


# From

# From Settings > Developer Settings (Auth Tokens)