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RSE 2016 | Contacts |
If you have any questions about the conference, please contact the conference organisers
Latest updates about the conference will be available at @ResearchSoftEng. The hastag for the event is #RSE16.
If you have a specific question, feel free to get in touch with the appropriate person as listed below.
- Conference Chair - Robert Haines
- Conference Coordinator - Claire Wyatt
- Local (Manchester) Coordinator - Gillian Sinclair
- Talks Chairs - Simon Hettrick and Alys Brett
- Workshop Chairs - Mike Croucher and Christopher Woods
- Sponsorship Chair - Simon Hettrick
- Diversity Chair - Catherine Jones
- Social Chair - Gillian Sinclair
- Publicity Chair - Claire Wyatt
- JORS Guest Editor for the Special Issue - Robert Haines
- Website - Christopher Woods
- Treasurer - Oliver Henrich