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File metadata and controls

123 lines (96 loc) · 6.38 KB


Everything is so confusing in here. I have all the legacy stuff inside of a legacy branch. For now I'm going to clean up everything and then maybe I'll have more motivation to actually achieve some things.


Current work is /Products/adcast

then run the then navigate to



  • Before Instagram - Done before the first tracer-bullet instagram way to buy ads
  • Before Product - Done before a hard-launch of a product that is intended to be advertised
  • Before Expansion - Done before any X-fold growth of screen deploys

The third is not strictly after the first two although it probably is.

Some terms:

  • Contract - What someone has paid us for displaying in a specific region at a specific time range. There's assets and an account associated with it. It's either satisfying, completed, failed, or pending.
  • Screen - The thing that sits on top of the car
  • Server - Machine(s) living off in the cloud with Peter Pan, may be distributed with a load balancer

The directory layout:

  • MadisonAve - Named after the advertising metonym Madison Avenue, this is the ad-buyer-facing website for
    • Selling ads
    • Campaign progress dashboard (in planning as of 2019/04/04)
  • Linux - The tools, processes, and distribution techniques for maintaining the screens. This contains
    • Arduino code
    • Power management
    • Cronjobs and etc scripts
  • Admin - The web-based front-end administration, interfaces the AdDaemon
  • ScreenDaemon - see below
  • ScreenDisplay - see below
  • AdDaemon - see below

The SCREEN parts:

  • Screen display
    • Displays advertisements on the screen.
    • Records when and how long a display was shown to report back to the screen daemon.
  • Sensor Daemon
    • Records the DoF, temperature, accelerometer, GPS, and video data from the screen and stores it in appropriate ways so that arbitrary timeslices can be reconstituted.
    • Responsible for making sure it doesn't store too much historical data that it eats up the disk space and is responsible for knowing what historical records it has.
    • Shares a schema with the Sceen Daemon
    • Power daemon
      • Makes sure that the screen and various power systems are either off or on depending on a variety of factors.
      • Knows whether the car is plugged in, the ignition is on, and what strategies to execute based on the power draw, which it talks to the screen sensor to get.
      • It's also responsible for recording these states in a timestamped way so that they can be retrieved later.
  • Screen daemon
    • In charge of making sure it has the assets to display cached and has the content on the screen that it's been told to display.
    • Works with the Screen Sensor to pass readings over the network.
    • Works with the Ad Daemon:
      • Sends over location readings from the Screen sensor and retrieves assets to display
      • Talks to the Screen display to display specific assets
      • Gets the duration of time an asset was displayed on the screen and reports back to the Ad daemon
  • Location daemon
    • Started by systemd on boot and restarted if it happens to die.
    • On first startup after boot, waits 60 seconds for modem and network to become available.
      • Downloads GPS Xtra data and injects it into the GPS module.
    • Polls the GPS every 10 seconds for location data
    • On GPS failure, initiates a wifi scan
      • Stops hostapd and isc-dhcp-server (freeing up the wifi interface)
      • Scans for APs and submits the results to the MLS geolocation service
    • Saves current location information to the kv db. ( Lat, Lng, location_accuracy, location_source, location_time, gps_gpgga )
  • Camera daemon
    • Started by after everything else.
    • Prunes the old videos in capture directory (/var/capture) to keep disk usage under 20 GB.
    • Records on all cameras to a 2x2 grid while adjusting the exposure/brightness to give the best image.
    • Videos are stored in the capture directory
      • The file timestamp indicates the start time of the recording.
      • They are 10 minutes in length.

The SERVER parts:

  • Ad daemon
    • Has contracts which states when and where ads should be displayed.
    • Gets location requests from the Screen Daemon and then responds with ad descriptions and terms to be displayed.
    • Keeps track of who satisfied what part of the contract. This is a message passing model in distributed computing terms.
  • Report system
    • Talks with the Ad daemon and can generate real time "reports" of the current state of a contract.
    • FUTURE: Permits a user to change the terms of a contract, talking to the Ad daemon.
    • Sends out reports at the end of a contract on whether it's completed or failed.

There's furthermore 4 systems:

  • @ & - The user-facing portal to buy ads and see a dashboard of current/past campaigns
  • - The administrative end to see things like screens/campaigns etc
  • - The way that the screens themselves communicate with the backend through some kind of REST protocol (described in the tickets)
  • - A way to ssh into the screens if they are up and running using the port assigned by their registration. The XX part allows for many hosts to exist to extend beyond the 2^16 port limitation by TCP.

The DASHBOARD part (not done/not started):

  • Shows what ads had played where
  • Upgrade paths
  • Billing cycles
  • History


  • ScreenDisplay follows a schedule and asks ScreenDaemon for assets
  • ScreenDaemon asks AdDaemon for jobs

Things currently not covered:

  • Upgrade strategies - covered in various tickets
  • Installation management - covered in the Linux directory
  • Failure detection - still incomplete

Some notes:

  • These are mostly ontological distinctions which may or may not manifest themselves in code or distinctly separate projects. For instance, there may not be "" that does a bunch of stuff. It may just be a cronjob to a few shell scripts. The satisfiability of need is the requirement, not the existence of a siloed project.
  • The overall goal is to keep each component
    • Good only at one thing
    • Stupid at everything else
    • Not required to make judgements or have a dscriminatory power
    • A "vessel of intention" that chaperones contracts and physical records between end-points