/** * WordPress dependencies */ import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; import { BlockControls, MediaReplaceFlow, __experimentalBlockAlignmentMatrixControl as BlockAlignmentMatrixControl, __experimentalBlockFullHeightAligmentControl as FullHeightAlignmentControl, } from '@wordpress/block-editor'; import { __, isRTL } from '@wordpress/i18n'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { ALLOWED_MEDIA_TYPES } from '../shared'; export default function CoverBlockControls( { attributes, setAttributes, onSelectMedia, currentSettings, toggleUseFeaturedImage, } ) { const { contentPosition, id, useFeaturedImage, minHeight, minHeightUnit } = attributes; const { hasInnerBlocks, url } = currentSettings; const [ prevMinHeightValue, setPrevMinHeightValue ] = useState( minHeight ); const [ prevMinHeightUnit, setPrevMinHeightUnit ] = useState( minHeightUnit ); const isMinFullHeight = minHeightUnit === 'vh' && minHeight === 100; const toggleMinFullHeight = () => { if ( isMinFullHeight ) { // If there aren't previous values, take the default ones. if ( prevMinHeightUnit === 'vh' && prevMinHeightValue === 100 ) { return setAttributes( { minHeight: undefined, minHeightUnit: undefined, } ); } // Set the previous values of height. return setAttributes( { minHeight: prevMinHeightValue, minHeightUnit: prevMinHeightUnit, } ); } setPrevMinHeightValue( minHeight ); setPrevMinHeightUnit( minHeightUnit ); // Set full height. return setAttributes( { minHeight: 100, minHeightUnit: 'vh', } ); }; // Flip value horizontally to match the physical direction indicated by // AlignmentMatrixControl with the logical direction indicated by cover // block in RTL languages. const flipHorizontalPosition = ( ltrContentPosition ) => { return isRTL() ? ltrContentPosition.replace( /left|right/, ( match ) => match === 'left' ? 'right' : 'left' ) : ltrContentPosition; }; return ( <> <BlockControls group="block"> <BlockAlignmentMatrixControl label={ __( 'Change content position' ) } value={ flipHorizontalPosition( contentPosition ) } onChange={ ( nextPosition ) => setAttributes( { contentPosition: flipHorizontalPosition( nextPosition ), } ) } isDisabled={ ! hasInnerBlocks } /> <FullHeightAlignmentControl isActive={ isMinFullHeight } onToggle={ toggleMinFullHeight } isDisabled={ ! hasInnerBlocks } /> </BlockControls> <BlockControls group="other"> <MediaReplaceFlow mediaId={ id } mediaURL={ url } allowedTypes={ ALLOWED_MEDIA_TYPES } accept="image/*,video/*" onSelect={ onSelectMedia } onToggleFeaturedImage={ toggleUseFeaturedImage } useFeaturedImage={ useFeaturedImage } name={ ! url ? __( 'Add Media' ) : __( 'Replace' ) } /> </BlockControls> </> ); }