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DIDEGGO, DAO - Digital Intelligence Decentralized Global Governance, Decentralized Autonomous Organization - 🚧 Work In Progress 🏗

dideggo Stars

I am 💯% for individual freedom and autonomy

  • Disclaimer

This project is a voluntary technology demonstrator. This project is intended to solve problems and provide guidance to established governing entities, in order to update current outdated governance models, to meet the new emerging AI global governance, geo-political economic model.

The problem:
  • Beyond personal autonomy, humans are incapable of governing other humans impartially, full-stop no debate.

  • Humans are far too easily corruptable, one only needs to take an honest look at history to see this truth.

    • That is not to say that all persons in positions of power will ultimately become corrupted, but...
  • Do we really want to continue to risk the chance of people in positions of power to ultimately become corrupted?

  • It's like we are rolling the dice and praying to RNGesus to keep us safe from corrupt people that seek positions of power, or from those that become corrupted after being seated in that position of power.
  • Only bat-shit crazy people continue to do the same thing over, and over, and over, and over, expecting different results.
  • We no longer need representatives to travel to the seat of power to represent all of us (we the people), only to become corrupted by wealthy elites, we have technologies that transmit data over thousands of miles, near instantly.
The solution:

We the people no longer need representives to represent us we can represent ourselves, we can create proposals ourselves, and we all can vote on these proposals ourselves autonomously, we have the technologies to do this right now!

  • The decentralized AI global governance model, will receive votes (one vote, to one citizen, this removes centralized power and influence).

  • Proposals will be created directly from the citizens (all on the ethereum blockchain for transparency), completely removing the points of failure of current outdated governing models used today: the people in positions of power.

    • By removing the source of corruption, (the few people in positions of power), that can and will most likey become corrupted from unsavory rich people.
    • This allows a society to self-govern with a incorruptible AI overseeing the process.
    • Keeping the autonomous governance model aligned with the country's consitutional framework.
  • Ethereum smart contracts will control all governance treasuries to ensure the proper allocation of resources and funds, this will also provide further guard-rails against corruption.

Technical Details

The structure of the progressive web app, will be in the form of a graph.

reference: Jaseci Bible

Jaseci Graph described as a 7-tuple (N, E, C, s, t, cN , cE ), where:
title: 7-tuple (N, E, C, s, t, cN , cE) Jaseci Graph
  N --> E : s = maps the source node to an edge
  N --> E : t = maps the target node to an edge
  C <-- N : cN = maps the nodes to context
  C <-- E : cE = maps the edges to context
  class N{
    +the set of nodes in graph
  class E{
    +the set of edges in graph
  class C{
    +the set of all contexts
  • Nodes, edges, and walkers can all have abilities.
    • Abilities cannot interact outside of the context or local variables of the attached node, edge, or walker, and does not have a return.

An example of this would be a maintainer walker saving a user's id and last conversation state for continuing the conversation at a later time.

Saving state with a maintainer walker:
can cleanup with talker entry{
    if (!vistor:hoping) {
       spawn *(global.node_conv_root_state) walker::maintainer(
            user_id = visitor.user_id,
            user_context = vistor.user_context,
            dialogue_context = vistor.dialogue_context,
            last_conv_state = vistor.state_for_continuing
            /// @dev Add ERC-4337 account abstractions or any other saved states, etc here.
  • Creating mermaid diagrams as pseudocode:
title: The DIDEGGO Jaseci Graph
graph TD;

Building main.jac file

  • Converting the pseudocode into Jac programming language:
// import the graph, kb file, and walkers.
import {*} with "./server/models/faq-state/faq_graph.jac";
import {*} with "./server/models/faq-state/ask.jac";
import {*} with "./server/models/faq-state/kb.jac";

/// @notice this walker is reponsible for starting the program.
walker init {
    root {
        server = spawn here ++> graph::faq;
        spawn here walker::ingest_faq(kb_file="main_faq.json");
        while (true){
            spawn here walker::ask;
  • In jaseci 1.4 or later, creating an edge uses the syntax ++> and referencing an edge uses -->.

  • Starting the Redis server

sudo service redis-server restart
  • Activating .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
  • Training the bi-encoder model with the faq training data.

  • Starting the Redis server

sudo service redis-server restart
actions load module jac_nlp.bi_enc
jac run bi_enc.jac -walk train -ctx '{"train_file": "vote_training_data.json"}'
jac run bi_enc.jac -walk infer -ctx "{\"labels\": [\"DIDEGGO Landing Page\", \"DIDEGGO Voting Page\", \"DIDEGGO Proposals Page\", \"DIDEGGO Citizens Dashboard\"]}"
  • Save the model
jac run bi_enc.jac -walk save_model -ctx '{"model_path": "dialogue_intent_model"}'
  • Load the model
jac run bi_enc.jac -walk load_model -ctx '{"model_path": "dialogue_intent_model"}'
  • Running the Chatbot Example
jac run main.jac

This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.